Little Worlds Meet Big Worlds

Dear Friend and Reader:

We have an unusual set of circumstances in the sky now — personal planets (the small ones, near the Earth) are all about to align with much larger planets. Venus, newly in Leo, is about to make a conjunction to Jupiter in Leo. Mercury, about to ingress Virgo, will soon make an opposition to Neptune in Pisces. And Mars, finally in Scorpio after eight months in Libra, is about to make a conjunction to Saturn in Scorpio.

Image of Jupiter produced by Chris Go using adaptive optics data and imaging released by the Gemini Observatory in Hilo, Hawaii, in July 2006. Photo by Chris Go/Gemini Observatory.

These meetings are likely to be turning points, and they are likely to be part of the same process, since they happen in such a short time span, and because there is such interesting symmetry to the setup.

The pairings of planets all have affinities to one another. Venus and Jupiter are the ‘benefic’ planets of classical astrology. Mars and Saturn are known in classical astrology as the ‘malefics’. (Fortunately, most astrologers take a less prejudiced view in current times.)

Mercury, the planet of cognitive thought, is the closest official planet to the Sun, and Neptune, the planet of fantasy and the imagination, is the most distant.

That is impressive. It’s as if each of the individually focused planets, usually associated with the personality, meets something greater than itself, something from the transpersonal realm, sending the message that we really do need to think a little past the tips of our thumbs.

One question we might ask is how would all three events work together as part of a whole system? Taking them individually first, with Venus-Jupiter, there is the image of something worthwhile and small joining something worthwhile and very large to create something of even greater benefit. It’s like two essential pieces of true value coming together. There is the image of the small and the great helping one another. There is emotional intelligence applied to broad, worldly knowledge.

Mercury in Virgo meeting Neptune in Pisces is saying that neither rational logic nor unbridled fantasy is enough — there must be an integration of these two essential layers of perception. Usually we get one or the other — micromanaging the details, or total irrationality; constant rationalizing versus delusional flights of fancy. There is no better way that I can think of to activate the Virgo-Pisces axis than this particular alignment.

False-color image of Neptune, planet of illusions, taken by NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft in January 1996. Viewing Neptune tangentially as sunlight is scattered back into space before it can be absorbed by the methane atmosphere creates the red areas. Photo by NASA/JPL.

The opposition says, know the difference between the polarities. Then stretch across them, borrow from one and give to the other, then make some authentic attempt to integrate them. One clue that comes to mind is that it does not take much imagination to make rational thinking much more meaningful. It does not take much clarity to make what is wildly artistic into something practical or useful.

Mars conjunct Saturn in Scorpio is a study in how desire and self-assertion meet limits, boundaries and authority. This is one of those constant areas of struggle, drama, quest or life lesson. In this pairing, Mars is in its sign of rulership, which makes it the dominant planet in the equation. This says to very gently focus your willpower, and to be persistent without being pushy. Hold your position and carefully advance, though without provoking anyone.

Do not let any matter that might be a confrontation come to blows. The best martial artist knows how to avoid a fight, or only take it as far as nobody getting hurt. A martial artist knows how to work with the flow of energy and not against it.

Be flexible, because if there is a winner and a loser in this equation, the winner will be the flexible party. But take that a step further and go beyond the zero-sum-game of one person coming out on top. Focus on the mutually beneficial solution. Stay in the moment. Saturn will have a tendency to dwell within the past. Mars will have a tendency to reach into the future. Maintain a balance between the two, and consider the interests of everyone involved.

A rare storm massive enough to be seen from Earth erupted on Saturn in December 2010, emitting an unprecedented belch of ethylene gas; the Cassini space probe captured this image. Photo by NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.

Saturn in Scorpio feels like something lurking just below the surface. The party who wants to take leadership in this equation will do well to keep everything aboveboard — to get everyone’s opinion out on the table.

I just tapped into The Oracle, that mysterious, intelligent archive of my horoscopes that does a fine job speaking to the situation, through a totally random selection. It returned the Gemini weekly horoscope from April 26, 2004, which sums up this whole scenario rather succinctly:

“This week offers you a few choice opportunities to test out your political skills, but don’t be too cocky about it. Politics is a game of give and take, and those who always insist on winning often wind up paying dearly in the end. Keep in contact with the human side of the equation: what you and the people around you need the most. To find out, you may need to initiate the discussion. In the end, your role is to protect certain key people, but to do it efficiently you need to be working with all the facts. Get them straight, and await your opportunity.”


12 thoughts on “Little Worlds Meet Big Worlds”

  1. If I were to liken this to Meteorology…it would (and does) feel a bit like massive Thunderstorms…shaking things up and breaking them loose–so that they can rise to the surface and be seen in the light of day. The recent events in Ferguson, MO–serve as a prime example.

    IMHO…catalysts (while volatile) are a necessary part of the process and (although it may be difficult to see–while we are in the midst of occurring events) everything (ultimately) happens for a reason and serves a purpose that is larger than ourselves and our own interests.

    Sometimes we just have to ride-out the Storm and trust that clear Skies are waiting on the other side.

  2. ishmael — I’m not sure where you are (are you in Australia?) but this post was the lead essay from our premium membership issue, which was mailed out Thursday evening, Aug. 14. Eric decided to share it here with the blog community on Monday Aug. 18, but if you want the subscriber content when the subscribers get it, you’ll have to sign up!


    here’s a link for a free one-month trial membership:

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  3. I need to try my hand at martial arts, my fixed nature makes it very difficult to be flexible. But with this Saturn, Mars in my 10th house conjunct natal Neptune combination, it sound like the best time to practice.

  4. I felt a charge of energy descend upon me this morning. It was a nice change, thank you Venus/Jupiter for opposing natal Moon, Sun & tomorrow Mercury.

    Pluto has been running the main show here by planting it’s ass between natal Mars and Saturn in the third house and has been S-L-O-W-L-Y pulverizing what I used to refer to as my sanity into something I don’t quite recognize — yet.

    Neptune and Pluto have been in a loose opposition for some time now, can ‘t wait to see what Mercury has to say to that in the next few days.

    Mars conjunct Saturn in Scorpio, haven’t I been doing a different version of that dance all year?

    I am grateful for this forum, it helps me to trust my process and brings a sense of solace in these turbulent times both inside of me and as reflected in the world

  5. big thanks! too much astrology? maybe, but i need all i can get to pivot into a major transition and it’s all looking good: jupiter on the 1st with natal pluto; mars/uranus on the 4th; Isis/Transpluto entering 2nd; psyche conjunct natal venus in 7th; chiron conjunct natal moon in 8th; serendipitious encounters with a number of less known astrological areas/methods with most of the bits and pieces leading to a good embarkation.


  6. Thankful that the astrology is agreeing with some of us that we need to reach a turning point in our individual and collective existences at this time. ~ MaryT

  7. Thank you for opening the source of my enthusiasm for the immediately previous Friday’s edition. In the midst of what might be considered too much astrology (correlating with what might be considered too much going on in the world and in our individual lives), you have found a unique way to coalesce and consolidate the rush of events both above and below into an easily understood and clearly comprehensible understanding. There’s nobody else doing what you are doing!

  8. Interesting, the Saturn/Mars duo will be conjuncting my natal Pluto. Also to add on that particular day, August 25, is the Virgo new moon. The Sun will be in Virgo as well. Scorpio and Virgo sextile each others, so it appears that day is great for business deals. Hmm, nothing else to write. Well, it’s lunch time anyways so have a good one.

  9. Amanda, that Virgo Mercury is exactly conjunct my Mars, and I’m reminded of something I’ve been working towards for awhile which is finding the ways that Virgo can express besides worrying or trying to be perfect. It’s been difficult but it calms my Virgo down if she feels truly useful.

    But yeah, I have also felt inert.

  10. Are the personal planets being tutored perhaps? I really like your view of what these aspects mean, and found the part about the Mars-Saturn conjunction especially helpful. The situation in Ferguson comes to mind. Thinking beyond the tips of our thumbs; that’s definitively a keeper!

  11. “…it does not take much imagination to make rational thinking much more meaningful. It does not take much clarity to make what is wildly artistic into something practical or useful.”

    Oofda. I might have to use that as somewhat of a mantra in the coming days. So much of this energy is exactly conjunct points in my natal chart (or one degree off). As someone who works with a lot of internal “squaring” energy, I’m used to tension and conflict between the various parts of myself, but right now it feels like such overwhelm that I fear getting stuck in some bubble of inertia. Finding balance…integrating…and continuing to move forward despite that those Virgo parts of me, questioning whether I’m “doing it right,” are trying to dominate the process. As always – thank you for putting words to the feelings.

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