9 thoughts on “Journey Through Space”

  1. I hope this is an amazing party for you Eric! I am looking forward to turning 50! I see myself being really fit, active, doing the things I love doing, and having really awesome people around me to create and co-create with. As always, thank you for your help along the way.

  2. Happy impending 50th b’day, Eric! My 50th b’day was the occasion of community fundraiser in which I was the object of a Roast. Great fun. May yours be as enjoyable. I’m half-tempted to drive from Michigan. . .;)

    Thank you for everything you do and congratulations on an incredible website.


  3. ’50 is cool’ – I agree with Hazel, turned 50 a couple of years ago – was a marvellous turning point for me (and waas the same for a couple of close friends too).

  4. I’m glad you’re having a party! It really is something to celebrate. 50 is cool, I just turned in November. Enjoy yourself!

  5. Welcome to the Half-Century club, Eric. How is that Chiron Return feeling about now?

    After 50 things get really crazy. Have a good birthday and don’t party too hard; being 50 means you will pay for it later! :::::laughing:::::

  6. Dear Eric,

    So wish I could come to this one! But want to thank you for all you have done for us humans who read Planet Waves. You have enlightened and uplifted us beyond measure and hope that you have the Happiest Birthday Party ever!!! May every one of your dreams come true!!!

    With much love and light,
    Sina xxxooo

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