Friday Edition of Planet Waves Astrology News

Dear Friend and Reader,

The Planet Waves editorial team is putting the final touches on the Friday edition of Planet Waves Astrology News, our twice-weekly subscriber edition: on Tuesdays we send out four, uniquely styled monthly horoscopes, all written by Eric Francis.

On Fridays, Eric writes a feature article, examining the astrology behind the week’s top headlines, with his unparalleled voice and journalistic talent. This week, he focuses on the Cheney indictment:

The prosecutor in the case, Juan Angel Guerra, was missing as of Thursday night. He didn’t appear for a hearing Wednesday morning, and the presiding judge sent the Texas rangers (the state police) to his house to check on his wellbeing.

It turned out that he was out of the country on a previously scheduled trip, as he did not expect the hearing to be scheduled so soon after filing the indictment.

Earlier this evening, I cast what is called a horary chart on the question of his apparent disappearance. The chart is timed for when I reached David Roell, one of my early astrology teachers, on the phone and we agreed that the question was appropriate for this method. Horary basically uses astrology as a divination tool based on a chart for the time of the question. Here is the basic version of the chart that I’m using.

Unlike natal astrology, which in our era is client-centered and practiced freeform, horary is all about astrology and adheres to fairly rigid guidelines. Our chart passes two tests that would bar judgment: Saturn is clear of the 7th house, and the horoscope gives a reasonable picture of what is happening. There are indicators that something strange is afoot, in the government and in general: Uranus at the top of the chart (in the 10th house, the government) and the Sun is void of course, about to change signs. That is to say, the Sun is in the last degree of Scorpio, the same degree it occupied when John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

There is also the weekly horoscope. Here’s what Eric wrote to Gemini:

GEMINI (May 20-June 21) — Anger, passion, faith, ecstasy: we call these different things, but often they have a common root emotion. I suggest that you consider the qualities they share, especially in the context of a relationship that seems to be blessed, at the moment, with colors and shades of them all. Feel for what is going on right beneath these different expressions, and tune into how it filters or transposes into something else. What exactly is making the changes, and why? You can do this by examining the psychology of someone whose life is profoundly influencing yours at the moment; or you can explore how feeling and sensation transform within you. While you’re doing this, be aware of the aspect of yourself that does not change, that is the steady self-observer.

An annual subscription to Planet Waves Astrology News costs $7.33 per month. Click here for this and other subscription options.

Yours & truly,
Rachel Asher

1 thought on “Friday Edition of Planet Waves Astrology News”

  1. So many death and decay pictures today. How easy it must be for some to just make obstacles disappear. I see the mirror and wonder whatever are the killers killing.

    I liken it to lying as a child and getting caught. I learned not to lie (intentionally anyway). I didn’t kill the person who caught me or kill myself when I found myself naturally leaking truth that contradicted the lie. It is so much work to lie.

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