Election quote of the year

“The silver lining in yesterday’s results for Democrats is that for four national elections in a row, young voters continue to be the most progressive segment of the population — and the most progressive generation on record since exit polling began in 1972. If this trend continues, the opportunity for progressive values and leadership to shape America’s future is enormous. But progressive investment in youth organizing and youth leadership has been spotty at best. The question now is whether progressive leaders and funders will draw the right lessons from 2010, seize the opportunity, and finally get serious about investing in the rising progressive electorate.”

Billy Wimsatt
Huffington Post

4 thoughts on “Election quote of the year”

  1. ah! glad i sent jennie’s email along to you — i had a feeling you might appreciate it. it’s really good to know this trend exists, in the midst of the chaos and fear and anger.

  2. May 14, 1999 SAGITTARIUS – Weekly

    For your horoscope this week, I offer this quote by Lora Perls, the cofounder of Gestalt therapy: “Real creativeness, in my experience, is inextricably linked with the awareness of mortality. The sharper this awareness, the greater the urge to bring forth something new, to participate in the infinitely continuing creativeness in nature. This is what makes out of sex, love; out of the herd, society; out of wheat and fruit, bread and wine; and out of sound, music. This is what makes life livable and incidentally makes therapy possible.” And if you’re looking for a therapist? I highly recommend a Gestalt therapist.

    ef – Planet Waves

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