Up Close and Personal with the Cardinal Grand Cross: Member Edition of Planet Waves Will be on its Way Soon

New edition of Planet Waves will soon be on its way.
New edition of Planet Waves will soon be on its way.

Today’s edition takes one last look at the grand cross, in the Friday members’ article series. I offer extended readings for all 12 signs and rising signs that parse the huge amount of data into a clear and useful interpretation. The lead article looks closely at our moment, which is significant on a scale of decades or much longer. In a second article, I look at the Sun’s ingress into Taurus, conjunct what is perhaps the least-ever-used minor planet, 1992 QB1. We should be mailing this out by about 10:15 am — we are almost done.

You can access today’s full issue through a single-issue purchase. Or, sign up for a free one-month trial membership, and get our twice-weekly premium astrology service sent directly to your inbox for the Sun’s entire journey through Taurus.

8 thoughts on “Up Close and Personal with the Cardinal Grand Cross: Member Edition of Planet Waves Will be on its Way Soon”

  1. Stunning. Accessible and comprehensible yet revealing of the depth and complexity of the planetary aspects. Much gratitude to you, Eric, for the insights and the hope of the Sun at 3 Taurus.


  2. I’m with Len on this one — this edition is a keeper ! The power of the times resonated throughout. I am still humming with creative energy from the connections I gained in understanding — especially via informations on Chiron in the main body, and in my Pisces weekly…. I feel much like I have been “tuned” versus educated– truth has a way of opening new vistas in our souls.

  3. Interestingly, I have Sedna on the Chiron discovery degree — within a few arc minutes. And other than Orius & Thereus, Sedna is the body nearest my MC. This delineation of the Sun on that degree gives me some perspective on how to view my Sedna. That planet has been largely a mystery to me. For something so near my Midheaven, I haven’t found resonance with many of its themes. Melanie Reinhart says it’s about keeping your heart open in hell, and sadly, that has had more resonance in me than any other interpretation.

    I’ll pay attention to the Sun’s themes this week, & see if it can shed a little illumination on its Sedna conjunction in terms of Chiron.

  4. Excellent work in this issue. The entire introductory section describing the grand cross was outstanding. I read it to a friend who has no exposure to astrology and she understood it perfectly.

  5. Many thanks to Eric and the other PW writers who crafted this exquisite guideline of the current astrology and its application to your life. It’s amazing how you honored the complexity of what’s going on in the sky while retaining an accessible and easy to understand presentation. This particular issue of the subscribers edition deserves recognition as the timeless reference it will become.

  6. Palmer got a result that day in 1895. Also, “Asclepian manipulation” long predates osteopathy. They come from a common origin.

    The good part of chiropractic adapting something from early osteopathy that is that most modern osteopathy is so watered down, especially as it’s done in the U.S., that it’s lost most of its meaning. The osteopaths have, for the most part, allowed allopathy to take over what they do. Obviously there are some who remain true to the core idea; and you will almost always get better service from an osteopathic physician than from an allopathic one. Most of them end up doing family medicine.

    It’s different in Europe. For a while I worked with an osteopath in Brussels, to deal with a shoulder injury. It was nothing like (most) osteopathy in the U.S. — much more intensive focus on physical structure, similar to chiropractic but more intensive.

    Yet it always seems to be about the individual practitioner, not what they label themselves. That said, the doctors who have helped the the most here in the states have been osteopaths.

  7. I really appreciate the astrology in this edition. It sure is time to get serious about the global crisis. I think people, in general, try to deny this or numb it out of their awareness. The more I read about Monsanto and industries like nuclear power, I’m disheartened by society’s dumbed down lack of reaction. I don’t know why more people aren’t inspired to action, at least to be more informed. But the astrology of this month reminds me there is still an opportunity for revolution here– and Chiron is a strong key in that. Even if we are overwhelmed, there is a chance for healing.

  8. A quick historical note: D.D. Palmer studied Osteopathy (manipulative medicine) under Dr. Andrew Taylor Still in Kirksville, MO. Three years later he announced his “discovery” of a manipulative healing art and opened his school in Davenport, IA.

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