Be Real With Others, and With Yourself

The emphasis on boundaries, truth telling and assertiveness continues this week, as retrograde Mars in Libra opposes the Sun in Aries (exact 5:03 pm EDT Tuesday). If you’ve often noticed a general reluctance to have an honest statement of opinions — whether in certain personal relationships or in society at large — the beginning of the week will likely bring the nature of confrontation and direct engagement into clearer focus.

Simplified chart section showing planets in Aries for the Sun-Mars opposition, from top: Mercury, Uranus, the Sun, Juno and the lunar South Node. Mars, ruler of Aries is directly across the wheel (not shown).
Simplified chart section showing planets in Aries for the Sun-Mars opposition, from top: Mercury, Uranus, the Sun, Juno and the lunar South Node. Mars, ruler of Aries is directly across the wheel (not shown).

In astrology the Sun represents our so-called ego-consciousness, which is basically our awareness of self.

Mars is the planet of volition and desire; it’s the energy in astrology that gives us an internally based, self-directed push forward (as opposed to feeling as though something is acting upon you from the outside).

In the signs Aries and Libra, we get an encounter between a very strong need to be independent and an equally strong investment in a relationship (or even the concept of ‘relationship’).

Oppositional tension often manifests as feeling like you’re pulled between two opposite desires or values. Planets in opposition also tend to express themselves in our interactions with other people, rather than simply being felt internally.

Are you in a situation where what ‘the relationship’ asks for does not match up with the direction toward which you feel individually drawn? Notice when you’re not being real and then experiment with being real. It will take some courage, but that is different from perfect confidence.

You don’t have to know that things will be ‘easy’; you only need to feel sincerely that you’re being honest with yourself. Once you establish that, you offer that honesty to the person you’re relating to. What transpires next might bring you into contact with discomfort or the type of emotions many people work hard to avoid. But at least you’ll know that what you’re dealing with is real; that is where confidence follows from: knowing that you’re standing on solid ground, in integrity.

Adding to the fire today, Mercury leaves Pisces and enters Aries at 11:35 am EDT. Mercury in Aries supports being real, because it’s about an impulse to say what you mean rather than everything you do not mean.

Fire cleanses. Yes, it can also destroy if wielded irresponsibly, but this Aries fire has the potential to burn away some of the layers of mask we tend to hide behind. You can avoid that if you want. But really, why would you? As one friend declared on Facebook today: “Not speaking our truths cheats everyone out of their growth!”

3 thoughts on “Be Real With Others, and With Yourself”

  1. Regarding boundaries, ego dominance, Mars Retro opposite the Sun, Fire, and the potential Mercury holds in Aries, here is an another angle comparing our external world temperature to Chakras 1-3 (moving towards 4), to the inner landscape of the month.

    Check out this video on YouTube:

  2. Ah, if I had a dollar for every time I bit my tongue “for the sake of the relationship” (& shouldn’t have..) It’s kind of nuts that we so often let that relationship become an entity of sorts unto itself, & often both parties are sacrificing their own truth to “preserve” it!

    The older I get, the less willing I am to withold what is true for me, nor do I wish to be comforted by something other than what is true from another.

    And yes, we have a responsibility to speak our truth as kindly as possible, & after consideration. Thank-you for the reminder, Amanda.

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