5 thoughts on “”

  1. I know everyone’s mo0000ved on,

    but I forgot to mention the other day when I saw this sweet photo
    how much I identify with that little hummer -she seems to be in warrior pose, doesn’t she?
    heart & throat chakras definitely open
    even if she just flies by in a second or two,
    she’s imprinted–

    can you feel her now?



    it’s really cool how some of the most enchanting magical things in our natural world seem fleeting, but in all reality, they are there, all around us, all of the time. depending upon how you view your time/space reality,
    a moment may be just a thousand years…if we choose to expand into it.

    the hummer is all about enjoying the nectar of Life- (hint: it’s heart-shaped)
    personally, I’ll choose to expand into that-
    it’s all around you, available!
    the hummer is just a 20 second reminder to open up to it, yes?

    (although at my house, they visit about 60 times a day, and tap at the window or buzzzz my face when the feeder is low….I thought the hummingbird bush I got would solve some of this….sigh, but they like to watch me cooking it on the stove. really. they come to the sill and watch me….)

    anyway, long reply to your v. appreciated, bird within a bird photo..
    someone’s watching you

    peace Everyone!


  2. A few days ago I was admiring these beautiful flowers and enjoying their earthy, sweetish fragrance when taking my father to the courtyard of the nursing home where he resides. Bee balm must be in the air! Lovely photo as usual.

  3. Thank you, Amanda. Seems that it’s just another case where the birds and bees know more than me.

  4. Thank you. Is that some kind of honeysuckle? Did they have a nice smell? Sure looks like they do.

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