The Global Crisis Of Confidence

By Judith Gayle | Political Waves

I keep thinking about how much we’ve all changed in the last dozen or so years. We aren’t the same people who worried about the sanctity of our bank accounts as Y2K approached in 2000, or pondered the political power of the flag pin in 2004. We’re no longer the frantic parents of soldiers who find it necessary to raise money in order to equip our kids with adequate protective gear, no longer the shocked citizens who fought desperately to keep our jobs and homes as Wall Street tucked its tail and pretended it had nothing to do with fiscal meltdown. We’re citizens of the world who have finally understood that hope and change are an inside job, defining every choice we make.

Political Blog, News, Information, Astrological Perspective.I will remember this decade as the one in which we all faced visceral issues of classism, exacerbated by our unresolved — often unclaimed and unrecognized — racism. Thank the election of 2008 and the mean-spirited years since. When the truth about the economy came home to roost, Republicans exhaled a huge sigh of relief that the ramifications of Dubby’s eight years at the helm fell on the shoulders of a Democrat, branded culpable within the first days of his tenure for two wars and a nation teetering on bankruptcy. That Obama’s race made him “illegitimate” as a Commander in Chief provided the minority party a unifying flag to rally under, given the inescapable fact that American decline had roots in the GOP’s overreaching ideology. And now, five years out of the recession, we are still in a slump, largely due to those denying even so moderate a president as the black guy on the Hill a win of any kind.

At some point during the last few years — no doubt exhausted by the antics of Palin and Beck, and the posturing of Limbaugh and Baggers, et al — many of us figured out that life spent as a drama queen and victim is just too much unnecessary bullshit to bear, and gave it up for a more pragmatic personal and political outlook. And yet the old way of doing things on planet Terra simply won’t go down quietly. What no longer serves the public good, what is no longer able to hide behind the smoke of media propaganda, what has brought us to unproductive division and encouraged global instability, is easily visible if we care to look. This kind of lower-level consciousness is not, of course, by chance. It has a discernible global heart-beat — ka-thump, ka-thump, ka-thump — that sounds suspiciously like the ka-ching of a cash register.

We live in a materialistic world, with the machinery of commerce and industry top-heavy in its influence of political reality. This is not new in America, a nation whose founders allowed only men with property to vote. Progressivism has a way of lurching forward in our nation, its advocates showing up every so often to carry the ball. Bypassing Lincoln — who solidified the union and emancipated its slaves in what our Southern neighbors still consider a war to capture the financial power center of the nation — we have to fast-forward to the turn of the 20th century to find President Teddy Roosevelt establishing populist reforms despite his Republican credentials. At the time, very few people paid attention to politics; they would rightly argue that they had matters of survival to attend. Standing up to moneyed interests, Roosevelt established the Progressive movement, urged conservation, and expanded the national park system. He broke up corporate monopolies and oversaw issues he felt provided the public a “square deal,” like the quality of food and drugs, safety for women and children who worked in sweat shops, and reasonable railroad fares.

Roosevelt ran for vice president on the political ticket with William McKinley, gaining the presidency after McKinley’s assassination by an anarchist. Part of that early political platform was imperialism and an expansion of American holdings. Teddy seems to have been compassionate on many levels, but he was a nation-builder at heart. We’ve been at that a long old time, haven’t we? Still, despite his militarism, Teddy was a populist powerhouse, genuinely caring about the little guy, which did not endear him to the moneyed elite. He was eventually squeezed out by his own party, who considered him a turncoat. Not a surprise, then, that his cousin Franklin did something similar, decades later.

We were looking for another FDR when we got Obama, and yet this new century ups the game with challenges of technology, diplomacy and a seemingly borderless globe. If ever we needed to rethink our society and its responsibility, to find new ways to approach our communal problems and our ability to survive together, it’s now, but we find ourselves stuck in the mire of old domestic skirmishes, of an age-old class war that leaves so many of us behind in terms of education and opportunity. The clock is ticking while progress remains in limbo. Until we put this ridiculous fear of multiculturalism and modernity to bed, we can’t even contemplate the ethical epiphany required to fully enter a new era with any degree of harmlessness.

Aware that they’re dragging their feet and refusing to embrace change, we can’t be surprised to find the Pubs still stumping for war today. With flag pins glistening on their lapels, they’re anxious to get into it with Iran and Syria and seemingly eager for a new cold war, calling Obama as whiny as a little girl in attempting diplomacy with Putin. I never would have dreamed that almost fifteen years into the 21st century, we’d still be fighting against the conservative need to punish the impoverished for getting in the way of what Texas Governor Rick Perry, rumored to be running again in 2016, loudly proclaimed as the answer to all of our current domestic emergencies: “the sleeping giant of American enterprise.”

“Get out of the health care businesses, get out of the education business. … Create prosperity again. My fellow conservatives, the future of this nation is upon you, it belongs to you! You have the power to change America. … You are the path to the future, a light on a distant shore. And you represent the renewed [hope] that America can be great again!”

Receiving a standing ovation — and speaking with a level of enthusiasm that CNN’s Jake Tapper called “channeling his inner Tony Robbins” — Rick Perry gave the faithful their sound bite for this coming election at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference today. America will be great again, don’cha know, just as soon as we get rid of the black guy, privatize, militarize and — well — Reaganize into a future that reminds us all of bygone splendor (and ensures white entitlement). That’s a sure winner in many little backwater, gerrymandered polling spots.

In the conservative world view, government has little place in the affairs of men, neither to help the helpless, nor to hinder the fiscal and social orders defined by business dealings and bank holdings. I suspect the Titans of the Gilded Age would heartily agree. They are universally similar in their intent, these elite citizens, the very ones FDR and even tough-minded general and Republican President “Ike” Eisenhower warned us against. Yet everything was easier to get away with, back in the day. That’s part of this feeling of crisis, I think. We really were happier not knowing all the details, but maybe this period of history isn’t so much about being happy as being aware. And we don’t miss much, these days, unless we make a very real effort to avoid it.

The Internet has changed everything, bringing information to our attention as it happens, 24/7. There’s little time to rethink, to respond intelligently instead of reacting emotionally. To raise the bridge against daily slings and arrows, then, our government has learned how to play an immediate game of defense, assured that it will be attacked, and guarding against the zeitgeist being controlled by something other than itself. In all political camps now, news of the day seems to require a defensive posture when it should instead promote a healthy discussion of right action.

For example, the House voted to undermine or otherwise mess with the Affordable Care Act for the 50th time this week. Imagine the kind of tizzy fit they’d have thrown if Obama had actually reformed healthcare instead of attempting to modestly regulate the insurance industry. Fifty times since Obamacare became law, the Republicans have attempted to strip it of its efficacy and turn the public against it, while stonewalling any progressive bills that would assist the poor and middle class and ignoring other legislation vital to the nation. For this they earn a six-figure salary and collect lifetime benefits.

So how much hypocrisy might we lay at the feet of the party as Chris Christie called Obama out at CPAC yesterday, thundering from the podium, “Mr. President, what the hell are we paying you for?” Christie, snubbed by CPAC last year due to accusations of coziness with Obama following super-storm Sandy, continued to point fingers. “Leadership,” said Christie, “is not about standing on the sidelines and spit-balling.” No surprise the Governor of New Jersey advocates for strong-arming those who get in the way. His style of leadership includes bullying and revenge, and his attack on the Prez is an obvious ploy to rebuild his cred with a wary party. It’s a good strategy. The CPAC attendees warmed to the message, and to Christie as well.

Now, isn’t it true that what they say and what we hear are two different things? That what’s “off” rings loud as a bell, these days? When we hear a politico speak of American interests, we know some country is about to get the worst of the deal, if we can arrange it. When we hear the words “security threat” we can usually acknowledge that the threat is most often to a government-sponsored status quo, rather than a threat to the democratic body. Sadly, we’ve become captive to a level of cynicism that HuffPost Hill captured when it wrote, “Congress designated a new wilderness area for the first time in five years, which presumably means there’s no shale gas under it.”

We are not cynical without good reason, of course. Remember back in the day when your daddy (or maybe his daddy) told you, “Do what I say, not what I do!” Did it work back then? Think it’s going to work any better now? We’re finally in that position of knowing what we’re hearing, seeing what we’re looking at. This is a level of empowerment we’ve awaited for a very long time, a level of awareness that is right on the cusp of producing real change, and we can’t waste time sinking into cynicism.

I find it disturbing that so many of us, left and right, childishly demonize government itself for all that’s gone wrong at the close of the Piscean era. Let’s remember that political parties — of which we have too few — are simply emblematic of a way of thinking. And let’s not forget that government isn’t populated by some special breed of troll, trained in the dark arts, identified by its callous ruthlessness. If anything, our mundanity defines us. Government is us. Its collective history is occasionally led by those who take thought for its inevitable outcomes, but it is most often swayed by the emotional bias of those who do not. Karma always seeks its own level, especially national karma.

We find ourselves in a time when government no longer appears trustworthy, and although we short-sheet the many programs that are still highly functional like Medicare and other of our attacked safety-nets, that’s good news. It means we’re getting somewhere, rethinking what we need government to provide us in order to stabilize our society and re-establish the public good. This crisis of confidence in government is our opportunity to acknowledge that obsolete attitudes of predatory nationalism are no longer acceptable, while policies that victimize our global neighbors in order to enrich corporate America can no longer be tolerated. It’s clear that the way we were cannot remain the way we are. And it would be productive to remember that the [r]evolution is gathering itself, the changes inevitable and necessary, the events of the day just tire tracks in the mud of this messy time in history.

We’ve spent years calculating all that’s gone wrong with the present system, assured that bandaids wouldn’t fix the rips in the fabric of representative democracy. We’ve decried the weakening of protections and programs that, as pointed out by Robert Reich, lifted three decades of Americans into security and stability. We’ve cleared away enough mythology and nationalism to catch sight of what a progressive future might hold. As karma goes, of course, we must do more than just recognize previous errors and attitudes. We will have to earn redemption by attending to all the responsibilities of citizenship, by supporting a positive vision of tomorrow and offering only good will and compassion to those we want to join us in a healed future.

Let the drama queens fly in the face of retribution and judgment, wringing their hands and beating their drums. Let’s consider our time on the planet something of a rescue mission: to teach only love, to model kindness and forgiveness, to help open hearts to the possibility of peace and cooperation. Let’s build a future where liberty and justice for all means exactly that.

12 thoughts on “The Global Crisis Of Confidence”

  1. Two more thoughts to include:

    What was done to the Indians and Negro slaves continues globally as we take advantage internationally of countless more dark skinned people. Now we bomb them and hit them with drones so our technology has made things worse in many ways. We are able to affect the DNA of their children for generations to come, plus leaving them dead, maimed, and living in squalor. American slavery exists all over the world. And the Walton family gets richer.

    Secondly, John Lash points out that the experience of the light is universal for everyone. Living with a yogi, we have had many discussions on this subject and compared our experiences. We agree with him. The light and wisdom come one by one as people accept that part of themselves. If our meme for the masses is zombies, it will not happen soon.

    When Katrina hit, my first response was to say that the karma America created in Iraq was at work in New Orleans. Instant karma. We don’t need to go back centuries to find corrections needed to be made. We need to participate in stopping the creation of new karma added to the old each and every day.

  2. Yesterday I listened to one of the excellent interviews given by John Lamb Lash on You Tube. John’s work on the Sophia material is unparalleled and I learn something each time I here him speak. His talk prompted me send an email, to ask about why society is fixated on zombies and other ugly, dark subjects. Since beauty is one doorway to the Divine, I wanted to hear his response to why we are constantly bombarded with dank, dark imagery. I asked why The Walking Dead is the most popular show on TV.

    Here is his response:

    “The human subconscious read the behavior of the species and signals what it sees back into the channel of fascination, fantasy. The show on the channel refer back to the “feed” in the subconscious. Morally and esthetically, humans are zombies, creatures in total degeneration. They just don’t understand it literally, due to denial.”

    We are all challenged to connect to our own light. That will come when we look at ourselves and our world without the lens of denial or magical thinking. I cannot support a president who ushered in the NDAA, drone attacks and countless other things that take away the human rights of all concerned. Don’t look too much? Don’t say too much? Isn’t that why we are in this mess to begin with. Our country was founded by wealthy white men and they are still running the show.

    The system is broken and it will take a new system to fix it. Perhaps when we hit bottom a new form will rise from the ashes. In the meantime, I will continue to make whatever contribution I can to improve the lives of others including animals, and encourage the spread of beauty through art and nature.

    Chris Hedges and William Rivers Pitt have plenty to say about Obama. None of it good.


  3. Everything is cause and effect. I consider racism a flagship issue in this country because it’s emblematic of the spiritual disconnect we have with one another. It’s more recognizable than classism, exploitation of those without social/political power, which is also about separation. It’s easy for those interested in controlling us to drive a wedge when we are fearful that some other strata of person is, for instance, getting something we should have. Think Reagan’s “welfare queen” fantasy that still plays today, despite having been disproven. That meme drives the conservative vote, without exception.

    Obama’s race — whatever the mix — is the touchstone for the easily lead and gullible to point to as being “one of them.” It means little or nothing to people of the progressive mindset, it means plenty to those who still feel threatened by this kind of changing of the guard. From a spiritual standpoint — in this interesting Petrie dish experiment of human doings evolving into human beings — Obama was THE best choice to bring all the sludge up to deal with.

    Karmically, until we actually begin to deal with the issues of our early Native American genocide, slaveholding and mistreatment of those we feel “superior” toward, we won’t be able to heal our differences today or create the unity of spirit that will allow us to take care of ourselves and one another in the future. Racism is symbolic of the “us/them” mindset that exists as long as someone feels s/he must stand on the necks of others in order to be taller, hence more acceptable and, perhaps even unconsciously, “deserving.” Chris Hedges did a nice piece on worthiness and institutional thinking for TruthDig that’s a must-read, here.

    When I hear Republicans say incredibly stupid things — like the Rep in Maine who said, “If a woman has (the right to an abortion), why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman?” or that retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin was caught on live mic telling panel members that “the Jews are the problem,” and that Obama is sending subliminal messages to al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood — I consider it a separation issue. If we do not come to grips with the understanding that we are connected to one another, that what effects one of us cannot help but effect all of us, we feel free to project our fears and ego-threat out on someone else. That other person is always the problem, never us.

    I will admit to hammering aspects of this separation issue in my pieces, because I believe it’s “cause” of our low level behaviors. That’s the “human nature” issue you spoke of, Paul, and while I agree that it appears as though not enough of us have made the spiritual progress necessary to lift us out of this old paradigm vibration, historians tell us that we are a much more peaceful, less violent global population than we used to be, i.e., fewer wars and atrocities on the books.

    The channelers tell us that all we require to tip the Monkey is 51% of humanity being decent human beings … and we’re already there, so I consider us tipped. What we’re facing now is the sludge that continues to try to overtake us, making even the sleepiest of us look down at our shoes to notice we’re still standing in shit. We have to take considerably more determined, ethical steps in order to get out of it.

    I’d love to see Sanders in charge, Mia, but I’m not going to hold my breath, even if he decides to run. He IS a strong voice that champions the people but I fear he’s like our friend Dennis Kucinich, not well-connected enough to get the attention, or capture the imagination, of the masses. As well, he’s six years older than Hillary, who will be 69 in 2016 and I’m already hearing that her age is a weakness (easily overcome, I think, by her gender — the nation seems to think “it’s time” for a woman. Second that!) Where I AM encouraged is that he would bring a real populist flavor to presidential debates. They couldn’t duck the appropriate questions with Bernie participating.

    I think you’ve nailed it, GaryB, the Millennial generation will vote their dissatisfaction with the job market and, wings crossed, take exception to the Pub obstruction as they are pro-government, so there should be a lot of independent thought going on. I just hope it’s “nuanced” thought — I’m really REALLY tired of One Trick Pony thinking.

    Be, darling, you always rise to the occasion. Thanks for detailing the energy mix for us. I figured Karma would show up somewhere. And Len, no worries — getting the Cosmic A’Ha! requires us to recognize and embrace our linkage to one another and that’s where we’re headed. As Salamander sez, there are people all around with visions of effective community and the energy to push them forward, it’s up to us to find and support them. Another of my essential true-ism’s is that old ideas quickly fade away when replaced by better ones, once they find a place to root. I think they used to call this “Build a Better Mousetrap.”

    I too have faith in government, Salamander, although obviously not those who haven’t lived up to their Constitutional oath, nor those who think of it as a stepping stone to power and wealth. Government keeps the trains running and sorts our particulars; we need it. I have great faith in the original template of this nation, and, although we’ve yet to live up to it, its potential remains. There was a reason Franklin said we’d created ” … a Republic, if we can keep it.” When I think of this issue, I always think of Ken Carey’s The Return of the Bird Tribes; just recalling it lifts me higher!

    Paul, when talking about “burning karmic ribbons,” which so many of the channel’s feel we’re doing during this period … buttoning up old stuff, dropping off old baggage … Africa is always mentioned as a place where SO MUCH has happened over the ages and so much has needed clearing, that it remains a boiling point for (perceived) tragedy. (I know you know that) we can’t know someone else’s karma, or the contract they wrote with the Universe when they took incarnation. As I tell my friends who complain that their grown kids don’t meet their expectations, or won’t let go of anger issues with others, “You don’t know why they came.”

    We can’t know what soul agreements have been made for learning, who agreed to be the heavy this lifetime, who has volunteered to be the fuck-up and who appears to be the innocent. We can’t tell what has been a successful lifetime, even if it looks tragic or brutal. I equate that to Ted Bundy, whose karmic lessons will surely be stunningly painful to … it would seem, when they occur … a complete innocent for whom we will feel great pity.

    A Course in Miracles advises us NOT to make these or any other kinds of judgments against one another as we have no talent for it; we do not have the whole picture. That is also a powerful reason why developing compassion is a much more Divine process than simply relating in kind with someone; it must be developed regardless of apparent issues of worthiness, which is why it’s so difficult and so necessary. As you say, “It is not easy to meet arrogant violence with prayer! But it can be done.” Amen to that!

    And be, as you put so beautifully, “Love is redemption and redemption is love.” I grok that in fullness. And here’s an Amen for you too!

    Salamander, don’t worry about yin/yang stuff. Make your own way on your own terms. The Goddess energy has arrived on this plane now, bringing the necessary leveling that will eventually bring us all into balance. You don’t know why you came either, kiddo. Trust the Is!

    Happy International Women’s Day,
    Happy Birthday, Eric …
    and right now, before you forget,

  4. Today is International Women’s Day, and it carries quite some significance for me these days.

    It’s interesting how Pluto transits point out where I am insecure. Maybe the Mars Rx in Libra transit is involved too, evaluating my yang energies.

    With Pluto in Capricorn (and maybe Saturn in Scorpio), I am struggling to figure out how to come to terms with my gender and be who I am. On the one hand, I see more men and women accepting the existence of women with yang interests, which makes it easier for me to deal with the world. At the same time however, I am frightened when I hear news stories about people such as Phil Robertson who believe in narrowly defined gender roles. It actually brings up some old issues…

    Ever since the age of 5 or 6, I knew I did not fit the traditional role of a girl. The lack of examples of depictions of girls who weren’t interested in dolls or princess stories during the end of Pluto in Scorpio was difficult. Therapy did help during my first Saturn square at the age of 7 (and back then therapists did address deep-seated issues instead of pushing for meds), and I was so relieved at the start of Pluto in Sagittarius in 1995, an era where there was an increase in depictions of women as adventurers, soldiers, lawyers, leaders etc.

    I realize that thankfully, in the United States, there are more opportunities for women compared to the past, especially in the sciences. However, more efforts need to be made so that people can acknowledge that both men and women have a mix of yin and yang energies (proportions can vary individually though), that one is not necessarily better than the other, that tasks are not limited to gender, and that there is a spectrum of behaviors that can exist in both genders.

  5. I well understand your doubts about American motives regarding anything, but specifically those regarding Ukraine paul. I marvel at how you have endured the tragedies you have witnessed in Africa. It is beyond my comprehension. Still, I can tell you love that country and I can see why. Even with all its (as Jude calls it) lower-level consciousness, we love this country too. It is tempting at times to head for the hills or even Canada or wherever in order to escape the insanity, and although we haven’t taken to the streets the way they have in other more besieged countries, I think it could get to that. I’m so glad you led me to find the Bill and Boris agreement chart from 1994, and not for any of the aspects I mentioned earlier. It is for its Saturn at 6 Pisces trine its Venus at 5 Scorpio which trines the U.S. Jupiter at 5 Cancer; yes the same Jupiter being trined by transiting Neptune at 5 Pisces right now.

    I’m counting the days to when transiting Jupiter and Saturn return to the degrees where they made their last trine in December and repeat that elegant aspect, this time with the aid of transiting Chiron in Pisces to make it something grand. That will happen in May when transiting Uranus and Pluto will be putting the screws to the U.S. and other countries. It will be after transiting Neptune has passed over the Bill-Boris chart’s Saturn (trine Venus) and will be on its way to a station retrograde, only to return to that 1994 Saturn in late July and all of August, and after stationing direct, will return to 6 Pisces in late January 2015.

    Also in May the transiting (moon’s) nodes will square the U.S. Sibly Pluto at 27+ Capricorn in the north bending (receptive) as that grand water trine is taking place. At the same time the transiting Sun at 28+ Taurus will be opposite the Bill and Boris chart’s Jupiter-Pluto conjunction (28+ Scorpio) and will trine the U.S. Pluto in Capricorn as a bonus. It makes me think that the Universe is clearing a path or creating a portal to guide us through the wilderness/chaos to a new and better place.

    There is something about this unity stuff that is addictive you know. One understands one can’t do it alone, but with enough support from like-minded/hearted souls, one gets inspired and that’s why I believe that it is Neptune, more so than Pluto and Uranus even, that is driving humanity to higher consciousness. It is Pluto and Uranus who knock down the resistance and expose the truth, but it is Neptune that provides the spirit to believe in something better.

    Can I have an Amen?

  6. This article is a great guide through the Pluto in Capricorn process. Indeed, the old ways of doing things are being called into question, and people are shaken by this historical phase.

    As for me, I do have faith in some parts of government, especially the ones that provide essential services that improve my quality of life, and other people’s lives. I personally want to work for government, I’ve found an agency I believe in very strongly, and that I love very much.

    Historically, America has been founded as an oligarchy with a Libran political structure that allows different voices to be heard, but where it is hard to accomplish much. This leads to stagnation and too much unfinished business. Every time the nation reaches a critical point, an incredible president is elected who can solve a problem, but the president often has to face very challenging entrenched interests in order to improve the nation’s well-being. Now if only people could admit that progressive leaders were actually part of the solution every time. And every time, a progressive leader such as Teddy Roosevelt had to have considerable emotional strength, meekness with a strong vision wasn’t going to be enough.

    America needs to be redefined as a democracy, and I think the political structures could afford to have a Virgoan touch (it’s great to have as many voices heard as possible and to protect freedom of expression and conviction, but people’s ideas need to be evaluated on small scales before they can be on a bigger scale, in order to reduce the risk of disastrous ideologies wreaking havoc on people’s lives). I am glad that nations are moving away from the Scorpionic power structures (where either a person had all the power to implement policies, or was deemed the worst of the worst in a society) such as absolute monarchies, but I think the problems associated with Libran political structures such as parliamentary systems (where as many voices are heard, where more than one faction is taken into account when making a decision, but then proposals can be watered down to the point of meaninglessness) can be improved by having a methodical way of evaluating proposals before they become large scale (especially if they turn out to be problematic and hard to undo).

    Some people are emerging with great visions to improve the nation, but I think people will have to go through Pluto in Capricorn and especially Saturn in Sagittarius (which I think will push people to have ideologies that make more sense, compared to now.) first before such visions can be taken seriously. In DC, for instance, mayoral candidate Andy Shallal has a substantial vision to improve life in DC (I think it’s great to see a businessman encourage entrepreneurship while promoting art, and a living wage at the same time), and his record as a businessman (owner of the Busboys and Poets franchise, providing high quality retail jobs, food, art exhibits and gathering places for political discussions) is much better than that of Mitt Romney (who made a living outsourcing businesses), but polls are indicating that Shallal won’t get much of the vote…

    I live in Maryland, so I can’t vote in DC, but I thought I’d let you know that some people are providing great visions of how community life can be, but it doesn’t look like people are receptive enough to those ideas yet…

    I would like to see Bernie Sanders become president in 2016. It seems that he has a progressive vision while being able to deal with different political factions such as Democrats.

    I did listen to Rush Limbaugh once (one sentence was enough for me to see what his manipulation was), the way he tweaks his tone in order to make a headline sound scarier than it is is incredible. There is a context surrounding the repeated abuses of power involving Darrell Issa (even before becoming a congressman), and it’s understandable that the Congressional Black Caucus wants to strip Issa’s committee powers since he uses his powers for petty political squabbles. Moreover, Issa cut off Elijah Cummings’s microphone when he wanted to speak…

    Thank you for this article, Judith!

  7. Thank you, Jude, for this sane, sound and in-depth perspective. So long as the crisis in confidence is as regards to a corrupt and neglectful socio-economic system, we are heading in the right direction. What we want to avoid is lack of confidence in ourselves individually. We also want to maintain confidence in and with our friends and neighbors – so long as we can do that, we will find our way.

  8. Thanks be….and yes I agree too that the evolutionary stakes have been upped…..

    If I have done the maths right…that puts treaty Chiron in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces soon to be lit up by tr Neptune….and already being tickled by tr Chiron itself! These are in a cross with treaty Sun, Sibley Asc and Sibley Mars/Uranus in Geminii, which act as the focal point of a yod to Scorpio and Capricorn planets in the treaty chart.

    March will see Neptune light up this lot indeed. Will it heal with Promethean fire …?

    Nothing I see contradicts the notion that the U.S.A will march blissfully forward, oblivious to world pressures, convinced of it’s omnipotence, until tr Pluto conjuncts Sibley Pluto. If Putin is the man to re-establish hard line communism, it’s a countdown. Those of you who are enlightened in your thinking and emotional intelligence need to make alternative arrangements. It is not easy to meet arrogant violence with prayer! But it can be done. Those of you who need a bed for the night are welcome in Africa!

    As you put it so succinctly, something’s gotta give. I do believe I wrote in a discussion with Eric some years ago about Ukraine..”Do not underestimate these people..” since they have known the brutal end of communism, fascism, genocide and desecration, yet they are as gentle and profound as people from the world of sunshine and flowers!

    Jude, you touch the core of dis-ease with a stroke of your pen!

    “This crisis of confidence in government is our opportunity to acknowledge that obsolete attitudes of predatory nationalism are no longer acceptable, while policies that victimize our global neighbors in order to enrich corporate America can no longer be tolerated.”

    It is as if the schoolyard governors have siphoned off all of the cash. The red and blue teams are at each others throats. There is no food, no education and no future. Is that a snake oil salesman offering us a way out?; usually …it is.

    So we…the people have to begin offering up new ways to trade and educate. The red and blue teams are no better or worse than each other. But as long as the cash rich governors have got you all blaming each other, “us and them” style, they keep you from seeing the light and the way forward!

    I currently trade music lessons for anything from food, (a box of fresh vegetable is welcome) to recycled furniture that we can paint and sell forward. Cheese; do you know how easy it is to make cheese..? Is it really an advantage to be living in the wealthy Eastern or Western seaboards. Head for the mid-west and start a homestead! When the Island of Palma, off of the coast of Spain goes up, a wall of water 30 meters high will ingress about 20 kilometers into Eastern USA. 8 hours warning and 30 mile queues on the freeways! I personally would be making some alternative arrangements with regard to my environment and lifestyle!

    And after the flood, Redemption? I have just watched a remarkable programme about the sons of Julius Nyere and Idi Amin. These two despots were at each others throats when heading up Tanzania and Uganda! Their sons, Madarara Nyere and Jafa Nemo Amin walked up Mount Uhuru together at night. Each took his time to gain the trust of the other, and eventually shared a love as if brothers.

    We have a duty to mankind to take ownership of the sisterhood/brotherhood that has been hijacked by nationalism. The times that I was left in tears, horrified by what I saw of nationalist inspired ethnic cleansing in Africa, leaves no emotional stone unturned.

    Do you really need to sit and watch such a young vibrant country as yours allow its money-driven thugs and hooligans to take you down that far?


  9. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we don’t miss much Jude, you are so right. Here’s the “why” as seen from astrology’s perspective. When transiting Neptune moved to 5 degrees of Pisces last month it exacted a trine (facilitates) to the U.S. Sibly Jupiter (total coverage) at 5 degrees of Cancer. There’s no where to hide anymore. We all must become aware, not just political junkies and their fans. 🙂

    Since trans. Neptune sits in the U.S. Sibly 3rd house of communication we should also be aware that Neptune’s (and Pisces) ability to blur reality combined with Jupiter’s ability to blow everything out of proportion will be telegraphed via every mode available. Even the purveyors of “information” will take on exaggerated styles of delivery in order to sell us their snake oil. Today asteroid Alice takes on both roles (1) look here, and (2) follow the rabbit as we try in vain to avoid watching the new Repubs take on their carpetbagger personas. At 14 Pisces Alice squares the Great Attractor (simply irresistible) at 14 Sagittarius, just as transiting Chiron will do on the Ides of March.

    And, since you mentioned national karma I am reminding all that the U.S. Sibly Karma is conjunct the U.S. Sibly Venus at 3+ Cancer. Love is redemption and redemption is love.

    Paul, that agreement signed by Slick Willy and Boris (12/5/94) had a tight conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto in Scorpio and another tight conjunction between Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn. They were sextile each other and the Moon (The People) was conjunct the Neptune/Uranus in Capricorn. Hmmm….

    Also of note was the Sun at 13 Sagittarius conjunct the U.S. ascendant (Sibly chart) and Russia’s Saturn (24 Capricorn) was exactly conjunct the agreement’s Uranus. Warrior Mars in Leo squared Pluto and Jupiter and was quincunx (something’s gotta give) Uranus conjunct Neptune conjunct Moon. Chiron (healer, wounder, wounded) on the other hand, sextiled Jupiter and Pluto and trined Uranus, Neptune, Moon. Cri-me-a-river indeed.

    Not to be overlooked, Saturn at the time of the agreement signing was at 6 Pisces 16, where transiting Neptune will be on March 29th, just as transiting Venus trines Mars and squares Saturn. Like Jude says, “the (r)evolution is gathering itself and these are just the “tire-tracks in the mud”.

  10. Thanks Judith

    Left -right “political parties of which we have too few” The upcoming political party changes reflecting the Independent middle 70% in 2016-2020 is where we bury the old muddy tire tracks. This will be our significant milestone marker unearthed by a future generation.


  11. Well ….. Good morning …..Judith….”where are we now?” is a question that always fascinates me. I agree wholeheartedly that we are part of an ever increasingly fast growth cycle, and in particular your last paragraph about need for a clear emotionally intelligent way forward.

    Is it not also true though that fundamentally human nature remains the same? Perhaps the 7 deadly sins have become a truly self-fulfilling prophecy! Volodimir introduced Christianity into the Ukraine in 900 AD. The world population was around 250 million. The ensuing fight for supremacy, bragging rights and territory expanded around Europe and into the Middle East and Africa. The Crusades, Muslim-Christian exchanges of “my god is more omnipotent than your god” followed swiftly on, and here we jolly well are. Len mentioned the seeding of a sign or era the other day. Well When Pisces began, the Romans loved a good crucifixion before breakfast; Decimation! That will motivate them! And now, 7 billion of us are all chasing an ever decreasing set of resources, using the same basic methods. But as I have said before, “my wooden club will club you to death quicker than your granite head banger”, is further complicated by advances in Aquarian technology!

    And that really is the point! New method is required to grow and nurture the humanity of our planet! What is it? I don’t actually have an answer to that, at this point, but at least we can see that astrologically it is time to bring in a more Uranian based form of Social Government!

    Reverting back to Ukraine for a moment, approximately 1.6 million were slaughtered by the Russians, the Nazis, and anybody else who took a fancy to a bit of the 20th century front line! On achieving independence in 1991 Slick Willy and Boris signed off on an agreement to give Ukraine complete, unreserved autonomy. The only condition was that they willingly gave up a Nuclear Arsenal that was bigger than UK, France and China combined. Now think about that. Once Ukraine started playing politic with it’s new found freedom, the vultures began to circle.

    There is a saying in Ukraine….
    “Put 4 Ukrainians in a cellar for 6 months and what do you get? 5 churches and 6 political parties”

    So while the ordinary people struggled to form their own way forward, with their understandable reticence, nervousness, lack of confidence and memories of the holocaust, the slice and dice began! My money is on Hilary getting the Presidency as a thankyou to Bill. What Boris and the Russians get is their beloved Crimea, and in their terms the world is a much safer place!

    Now, in order to get the schoolyard double dealing out of the poltical arena, you have to somehow engender into the human race a sense of honour, integrity, moral worth and then stick to the plan, when the going gets tough, and just do what is most often simple and right!

    Neptune in Aries and Pluto in Aquarius may bring us closer to that.

    (Be…would you look at the chart for the time that Slick Willy and Boris signed off on Ukraine and the weapons. It is out there in the public domain and it might just tell you a whole lot more!)

    Appropos Pluto in Aquarius and Neptune in Aries, the full understanding of Aquarian approaches to Resource Management, initiating new ideas of Creative Agrinomics, and Social Care and Education are already appearing in Africa, because they have been so badly devastated that, by default, have had a need to embrace change.

    My ultimate concern is that in the global regions where wealth and control are deeply embedded, and weapons of mass destruction are in the hands of the hawks, serious devastation will become a pre-requisite of change! To stop that needs an intervention of mystical proportions. Education, education, education.

    The Media, its enlightened usage and advanced strategy for global networking is a start. But it is rather like asking a caveman who has just discovered his back legs to explain the age of Capricorn!

    Now that really is going to be crunch time!


  12. There are racists in government for sure. Racism may be the simple answer, Judith, but I don’t think it comes close to being the critical factor.

    I was thrilled when Obama was elected and understood that it was partially because he was of mixed race that a black man was able to obtain the White House. America was not raedy for a dark skinned president. Obama was acceptable. He was raised by his white mother and predominantly by his white grandparents. Culturally he is more white than black. When he was elected he had all the currency he needed to accomplish great things and he squandered it. Obama’s upcoming decision on the XL Pipeline will speak volumes on his position.

    Bernie Sanders is planning to run in 2016. It will be interesting to see how a Progressive handles his campaign.

    Looking at the reality of how things really are AND doing our own spiritual and emotional work is the only chance we have. If we continue to be prefer slumber the picture we wake to will be far less pretty than it is now.

    Here is the link to a current article on Veterans Today by Senior Editor, Gordon Duff:

    Several years ago I asked Bernie Sanders when he would talk about the things that are going on behind the scenes. He was miffed that I put him on the spot, even though the conversation was between just the two of us. Veterans Today is the 8th largest publication in the country and has writers from around the world who write there for free. What we don’t know will hurt us.


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