Rethinking The Possible

By Judith Gayle | Political Waves

Time flies when you’re having fun, and evidently, even if you’re not. (I’ve wrestled a bit of flu this holiday season. Bah humbug!) Lately time is behaving like a shooting star, any given moment gone in an eye blink. I put my trash cans out yesterday but they’re still there this morning, which means I’ve already forgotten we’re on “holiday schedule.” Good grief, was it only the beginning of this week that 2013 started, with its countdown ball in Times Square, fireworks and bell-ringing in the Pea Patch? Feels a lot longer than a few days, but you know what? 2013 feels pretty good, for some reason. Feels like a big log-jam has been eased, like something pressing has been uncorked. Feels a little more breathable, slightly more workable. Feels ‘new.’

Political Blog, News, Information, Astrological Perspective. Oh, the hijinks in DC are still evident. Just watch the news, listen to the tantrums, enjoy the squirming. Note the grim faces of those who think they’ve “lost” ground over the fiscal negotiations, or witness a teary-eyed John Boehner who squeaked through Thursday’s re-election as House Speaker by the skin of his big white veneers. Smirk a bit upon learning that John, after suffering Harry Reid’s assessment that he was running the House like a dictatorship, met Harry in the hall outside the Oval Office and told him to go fuck himself. As a clever pundit mentioned in Huffy this week, Congress is America’s most dysfunctional reality show EVER!

Indeed, the tantrums have been worth watching. Enjoy this breakthrough moment of sanity as New York’s infamously-Islamophobic Representative, Peter King, rails against Boehner’s dismissal of the 60-billion-dollar aid bill for victims of Hurricane Sandy. Sigh as, a day later, he backtracked on his pledge to act independently of party line. To his credit, Jersey’s Governor Chris Christy, who also has a stake in the needed funds, did not soften his disapproval. Good news is that a scaled-down version of the relief bill passed today, giving Sandy victims and little towns strewn up and down the East Coast a reason to be hopeful they’ll survive the winter. More will be considered later in the month.

(Oh, and take a moment’s pleasure in the end of Joe Lieberman’s congressional influence, waving an Independent’s flag with no one left to cheer him. If anyone shot himself in his own foot, it was Joe. And while I will not miss him in any way, I will definitely miss Jon Stewart’s Droopy Dog impressions!)

There are other reasons to be hopeful, as well. For a long time now — much of a decade, I think — this nation has found itself in an ideological straight-jacket of its own making, and although we still can’t quite wiggle our arms free, the threads are coming loose quickly now. Me, I’d say the logic with which the conservatives are facing a new sense of reality seems suspect, laced with defensiveness and miles-deep with self-pity, but — amazingly — it’s everywhere I look these days, no doubt the logical consequence of election results the right is still attempting to justify.

While the faithful continue to beat their chests and talk about unswerving conservative “reality,” their numbers are thinner now, their voices not nearly so strong. Ask any FOX viewer how they felt watching Grover Nordquist try to explain how the biggest raise in taxes in 20 years wasn’t actually an increase. The larger political body is having to adjust to the new lay of the land. In an article entitled “The Culture War Is Over, And Conservatives Lost,” by The Daily Caller’s Matt Lewis, the party is advised to suck it up and take stock of the true state of the American family, the sad decline of American consciousness, perpetrated by the influence of liberal minions upon the otherwise godly (hint: evil, evil, evil!). What they are yet unable to understand, they must attack.

Oddly, reality has found an unlikely champion in Newt Gingrich, who tracks not as an ideologue, but a genuine opportunist ever determined to influence the game. Newt is warning the party that they have to stop marginalizing themselves with obstructionist strategy. He came out strongly against the Pub plan to pounce with their newly-imagined ‘leverage’ (having given in on taxes) determined to hold the nation hostage in debt-ceiling negotiations by threatening to shut down government unless they’re given the spending cuts and entitlement reforms they demand. Ultimately, said Gingrich, they will have to cave, and will then be forced to take the blame for making the market wobble and the capitalists choke. Newt says that the party needs to reinvent itself before it disappears off the map, and in my estimation, that’s clearly a 1 a.m. “last round” call at the old Pub watering hole.

Oh sure, Teh Crazy are still out there, having found their niche in old paradigm fear tactics, their points of power in institutionalized racism, religion and social class. For instance, Newt was recently castigated for his willingness to shape-shift his party platform by an ex-Navy chaplain (asked to leave the service, obviously for good reason). Newt had suggested that same-sex marriage might be something the Pubs would have to learn to live with. The chaplain declared such a stance worthy of a (Biblically-inspired) death sentence as, clearly, the Speaker has been corrupted by “demonic voices.” Teh Crazy, here to stay.

No, the religious won’t be going away anytime soon, nor their version of the culture war; nor will the (even more dangerous) secular version, i.e., the plutocracy that has put our republic on the road to feudalism. Unfortunately, these people have been salted into our city halls, our county seats and our state capitals. And while it’s easier to take note of a Michele Bachmann attacking the president’s credentials (yet again) than to buck a religious zealot making calls at the local board of education, it’s time for us to begin to work smarter — not harder — to route them out. It’s time to come together and change the trajectory of a culture that’s outgrown a tired old sociopolitical system that no longer works.

The drunken glut of power the radical right enjoyed at the behest of their Little Bush is all but finished off now, their social experiment on the ropes, their desperate maneuvers to turn back science and education a “last hurrah.” But only if we know that’s possible. Only if we decide it is so. If we insist that we must fight, tooth and nail, for every win in the coming weeks and months, we will have committed ourselves to a continuance of political jousting that could go on forever. If instead we know we have already won — the polls, the demographics, the generational shifts all say so — we can let those white knuckles relax and shift the signature of everything that’s to come.

Let’s try to make this easier on ourselves, shall we? Let’s just change our mind about how hard this is, and in so doing, change the game itself. Those who insist that we are locked into a broken political system are correct; those who believe there’s nothing to be done about it aren’t. Those who declare the corporations too big to tumble, the institutions too large to shatter, have not been paying attention to the flagging infrastructure and the wobbling ideologies.

The wags who tell us that it’s all too complicated for us little folks to understand, all too incestuous with money and ambition and insider-connections for us to think we can change it, now have carved their tablet in stone; we don’t have to let it be ours. Our tablet can fit in our hip pocket, explode with music and color and possibility, limited only by our imagination and political will. We are no longer talking the same language as those who tell us human destiny is defined by our limitations.

Since I began to write for Planet Waves, almost ten years ago, I’ve often spoken about making choices. We make hundreds if not thousands every day, semi-conscious for the most part. As A Course In Miracles tells us, we can always — no matter the consequences of any decision — choose again. That is the basis of our power, allowing the old to drop behind as we choose anew.

We have choices ahead of us now, with one foot on the old platform that defined the era just behind us — fully in dissolution, disarray, hopelessness — and the other on newly solid ground of growing awareness. Even as we find our balance, we must prepare ourselves to move forward, assuring that a future defined by collaboration and creativity takes on heft and stability with every new decision.

It is always so, after all, that a great idea superimposed over an outworn one will quickly replace the old. That is our hope and our intent, is it not? The imperative now is to understand that it IS our decision to make, we DO have growing power and influence in the collective and we must embrace a sense of responsibility in co-creating the future.

I’m passing a couple of links along in this post because they’re heart-felt, and to this conversation, I think they’re vital. You’ll be glad you read them. The first is Marianne Williamson’s blog post about Sister Giant, her fledgling movement to encourage and explore woman-power in assistance to government. With a record number of women newly sworn in to Congress this Thursday — 20 to the Senate and 79 to the House — the topic is timely. It’s also inspiring, if we take it straight to heart and wrap it in love for an ethical explosion of justice and compassion on the planet. (You’ll find it on Political Waves, first article down — and I trust you’ll forgive my overt blog-whoredom.)

The next link is to an article written by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroscientist who suffered a stroke and discovered the potential of human evolution in her ensuing journey of recovery. Her article, “Does Our Planet Need a Stroke of Insight?,” has the impact of a Phoenix rising from the ashes, a voice echoing the Chironic energy of our current evolutionary phase. It’s a joy to read.

These two articles seem perfect accompaniments to our contemplation of the arrival of a Mars/Saturn square in fixed signs, sure to show us our inflexibility, allow us a glimpse of our ‘shadow self,’ and perhaps inspire us to reconsider our choices. The reads will encourage us to hear our higher angels, rising above the conceit of ego to the true humility of our connection with All That Is. And when Venus conjuncts with the Galactic Core tomorrow, I’m keeping my antenna up to receive whatever wisdom this most mysterious and powerful placement wishes to grant me. How loving is our universe, always giving us direction!

Entering these first few days of a new month, a new congress, a new era, remember that the choices are, as always, ours to make. To see clearly, we must simply allow these next few days to be a reflective surface, sparking back the Light we shine, the compassion and concern that we share with one another.

Our first choice? To begin again requires our confidence that all things are possible when we choose love.

5 thoughts on “Rethinking The Possible”

  1. “… done with feeling.” Yep’per! It’s impressive, all that water, be — all that emotion! That’s alchemical, and it’s already begun to undercut all the hot air that’s been driving the country for so long.

    For instance, even with all the sweet faces of the little ones lost in Newtown paraded across the screen for days on end, the iconic picture from this tragedy will end up being Obama wiping tears while speaking of it. No matter what the far-left feels about him, on some kind of subliminal level, this guy stands surrogate for the humanization of governance. The #1 photo shared last year on twitter was O and Michelle in a body hug. We want some kind of assurance that leadership still FEELS.

    Our disconnect from heart has cost us so much. I think we’re finally beginning to develop and ear/eye for what’s genuine and what’s BS … and THINK how valuable that would have been right about 2003 or so! Yikes!!

    Love how you follow the cookie crumbs, my friend — thanks again!

  2. Here’s a thought. For months I’ve wondered about a slow-moving trio of water-related objects – TNO’s Ceto and Deucalion, and the Uranian Point Poseidon transiting in Scorpio – and what it could mean for the U.S. since they trine the Sibly Sun. I’ve come to believe that one thing they represent is the flood of money used to buy politicians and therefore the laws of the land and how they are enforced. The god Poseidon brings on floods, Deucalion, like Noah, survived the great flood, and Ceto is the evil sea monster; in this case corporate money.

    In the months before the Presidential Election, Mars, Mercury and the Sun passed over this trio and now even transiting Saturn has at last reached the degree of Poseidon. However, Saturn will station retrograde next month before connecting with Deucalion and Ceto and not return until the end of the year. At that time there will be a solar eclipse at 11+ Scorpio, right in the midst of the three slow moving water symbols, and Saturn will be conjunct the eclipsed Sun too. I have great expectations because of the fact that the Moon’s North Node (opportunity) also will have been passing over Poseidon, Deucalion and Ceto since late in July this year. Transiting Chiron will have been trine them and the U.S. Sibly Sun is trine them. If there is to be flooding then let it be of a healing nature. My great expectation is that the evil of overwhelming influence bought and paid for by the 1% will be challenged with authority and contained.

    In The Nine Stories That Will Change Your World in 2013 by Sarah van Gelder, there was not only encouragement but a real good feeling about what is possible. Under Love Won she writes “An archetypically feminine approach (to respond to a crisis with “tend and befriend” responses that look out for the best interests of all) could balance out the “fight or flight” responses that frequently dominate political discourse.” We have names for those archetypes and they are Venus, Juno, Ceres, Athena, Vesta, Isis and more.

    Right now as I’m writing, the Moon is in Scorpio passing over Poseidon, Deucalion and Ceto and will, shortly after dawn, conjunct Psyche at 15 Scorpio. Before the year’s up, between now and then, shape-shifting, wheeler-dealer Mercury will retrograde through Pisces, and Cancer, and as the Sun is eclipsed in Scorpio while it conjuncts Saturn and the three water story symbols, Mercury will also connect with them in his last water sign retrograde for the year, Scorpio. Transformation awaits and, goddess willing, wrongs will be righted within our government laws and their enforcement and it will be done with feeling.

    And that Miss Judith is what I call rethinking the possible. Thank you once again for keeping hope alive for us all.

  3. There are very reassuring voices around today, and even as the Sunday pundits play the old ‘stuck’ games, these days we can count on one to break the old paradigm chain and get to the bigger platform: this morning it was E.J. Dionne on Meet the Press and Bob Reich on Stephanopoulos, lifting the conversation out of the mire and asking that the larger issues be attended.

    CNN is doing a new weekend feature from Sanjay Gupta about positivity and change, providing a glimpse of people who think outside the box, who create a new POSSIBLE out of the shadows of our limited view. People rush to help, it’s a message our hearts hear! Sooo refreshing.

    And the voices that choose a less flexible path forward today … Mitch McConnell, Syria’s Assad … reveal themselves as the problem, not the solution.

    Here’s a last read, from Yes magazine [name gives it away, eh??] — a link to the stories that will emerge from 2013 and change our lives, with Goddess prominently featured.

    Expand what’s possible this week, dearhearts — make great expectations! And thanks for reading.

  4. It’s Goddess Rising, all around the web this weekend, with stories about the Freshman congresswomen, countered by disturbing details about the Steubenville rape, exposed by Anonymous. As well, the gang-rape (and subsequent murder of a young woman on a date with her boyfriend) in India has set the country into a long overdue tizzy over the plight of women, and young Malala Yousafzai was released from the hospital, walking and talking despite the Taliban bullet to her forehead that resulted in brain surgery. In solidarity with those whose lives have changed in an instant, Gabrielle Giffords met with Newtown families, and when Justice Sotomayor swears in Joe Biden later this month, she will be the first Hispanic to issue an oath of office. We’re everywhere you look!

    Pulitzer winner Ann Telnaes is one of my favorite cartoonists, she does little clips for the Washington Post — here, she takes a last dig at the 112th Congress for letting the Violence Against Women Act expire. AMAZING that this was allowed to happen and that it didn’t get more press! I trust the 113th will correct that.

    THANK you for fleshing out the ‘overlay,’ be — I LOVE that. What an incredible ‘picture’ that is: to dare to dream that our Plutonic energy could transmute its dark intensity into the Lighter touch of fully-felt Luna, or that our eccentric, brilliant but often-destructive Uranus could transform, to calmly rise from the sea like Aphrodite just makes me wiggle all over! Change, change, change! Balance balance balance! What a concept!

    And by the way, over at the link to the Doctor’s article, the TED folks followed up with a little blurb — here’s part of it: “Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form.”

    Having a conversation about what’s important, what works, what needs to be done, what’s been left behind … all of these things engage us, mind and heart. Politics seems too often about being “talked AT” rather than to, spun rather than engaged. We’re going to have to get better at talking … and LISTENING … to one another; and the thing is, that’s really really SATISFYING. I get more pleasure at listening to Charlie Rose engage (even a) boring guest than I do watching pundits spare. I CAN’T be the only one!

    Thank you, be, for always engaging in excellent conversation, and sharing your wisdom! As usual, you made my day.

  5. First, thanks for once again inspiring us to get up off the mat and start again Jude. Second, I’m so sorry you were down with the flu over the holidays and hope you are feeling stronger now.

    You have also provided a key to opening the door to my understanding why the US solar return chart (set in Washington DC at our last birthday) matches the cardinal points (asc., MH, etc.) of the Sibly birthchart. When you said “It is always so, after all, that a great idea superimposed over an outworn one will quickly replace the old” it became clear that the 2nd chance I’ve been seeing for the last 6 months is to be superimposed over the “old Idea” of what the USA was and has been since 1776.

    Superimposed over the Sibly Pluto is the Moon from the Solar Return chart. Superimposed over the Sibly Uranus is Venus. These are the two primary feminine roll models we recognize in the Pantheon and they are conscious, well-established, well understood archetypes. They eclipse the US natal Pluto and Uranus, both unconscious masculine archetypes which have been expressed in decidedly negative ways throughout our history; ruthless and driven by fear and greed. They are amoral in nature. This is the year we get a second chance and it appears that the new Congress will take up the flag of the new USA feminine (consciously and morally) influence. Much more to consider but not now. I’m off to read your linked offerings; blog whoredome already forgiven!

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