Plain Speech and Tribal Drums

By Judith Gayle | Political Waves

It’s interesting how many times I’ve read the word “big” this week, how many times the most serious buzzwords have taken center stage, attempting to redefine the old, recognize and respond to the new, their linkage still muddy but coming into focus. The fixity of our big energies in Leo and Scorpio, aided by the coming Aquarian Full Moon, give a sense of finality to the moment. The cardinal signs originate, the mutables communicate the process, and the fixed signs complete. There’s nothing new under the sun, of course, just wash, rinse, repeat, but these repeating cycles can plow new territory if we allow, inching us along. Will we simply repeat what is old this time around, or can we initiate something new?

Political Blog, News, Information, Astrological Perspective. It was ‘big’ when The New York Times editorial board wrote a recent op/ed endorsing the legalization of marijuana. NYT, known to many as the Grey Lady, is the most authoritative of America’s newspapers, even during a period when all news is suspect for being profit-driven and aligned with establishment politics. But it’s worth taking a look at the words we use in even the most renowned publications, because they define our ability to be truthful with ourselves.

What’s in a word, you ask? Well, in advance of the release of CIA records requested by Diane Feinstein* — up in arms over spying on legislators, if not Americans in general — Obama admitted, a BIG admission, it turns out, that the U.S. had “tortured some folks.” That prompted the Grey Lady to announce that from now on it would use the word “torture” when describing interrogation techniques used to purposefully inflict pain on a prisoner in order to get information. Up to this point it had refused to use the word. The words preferred — like “brutal interrogation” — didn’t have quite the same oomph that deliberately putting an adversary in torturous agony provides. Perhaps now AP and Reuters will follow. What’s in a word? Truth.

And truth is painful, these days. As I’ve scanned the news this week, followed wars and rumors of war, these two Course in Miracles affirmations kept popping into my head: “If I defend myself I am attacked,” and “In my defenselessness my safety lies.” It requires a thorough personal housecleaning to accept that possibility, of course, which includes the baggage stored in our mental basement and the horrors stuffed under the eves in our emotional attic, hiding from the Light. It takes a bit of courage to sweep clean, but that’s what’s required to put our house in order, provide it unshakable stability in a world riding a chaotic roller-coaster. And, with old paradigm dynamics roaring and spitting, desperate to pull us all back into the fold of the easily manipulated, it requires a solid foundation of self-esteem and dedication to core values to rise above the din.

In order to think outside the box, to respond with foresight and innovation, to gather as St. Paul — NOT my favorite Biblical old timer — urged his followers when he said, “Come, let us reason together,” we are required to allay our fears and withdraw from the ancient tribal absolutes that have kept us looping in attack and defense since Eve bit the apple (or not!). Yet, standing in the confidence of our own defenselessness we find that in a world that has seemingly gone mad with magnified fears and dark cynicism, there are times when we must surely respond to defend the innocent if we can.

Citing religious oppression (convert or die) and children expiring from dehydration in the heat, Obama ordered a humanitarian drop of food and water to thousands of Kurdish refugees fleeing soldiers of the Islamic State as they sweep across the semi-autonomous Kurdistan territory in Iraq. The U.N. reports that as many as 200,000 people representing minority religions (including Christians and Shiite Muslims) have evacuated their homes ahead of I.S. presence, who make the stringent Taliban look reasonable and are considered brutal fanatics by al Qaeda. (And a big fat raspberry to CNN for reporting the Christian refugees with little mention of other religions, which include thousands of Zoroastrians, considered ‘devil worshipers’ and targeted for death.)

The ‘big’ word used by the President, the U.N. and Secretary of State John Kerry regarding this event? Genocide. The Kurds are no strangers to genocide, and if you aren’t aware of Saddam Hussein’s savaging of these non-Arab Iraqis, here’s a link to information about the Al-Anfal Campaign that destroyed over 4,000 Kurdish villages in the mid-1980s, an attempt to ‘purify’ Iraq from unbelievers and seize oil-rich lands for the Sunnis. The peshmerga, fierce Kurdish fighters, find themselves outgunned now, since the Iraq army has all but collapsed, leaving behind its U.S.-provided weaponry for the taking.

Responding to the emergency, the President also authorized limited airstrikes on I.S. convoys moving toward the city of Irbil, where the U.S. maintains a consulate. ISIS, which stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, was a group of Sunni insurgent groups that joined together during the Syrian civil war, disenfranchised by Maliki’s predominantly Shiia government. These are violent insurgents, vanguard of the religious extremism that has (hubristically) established itself as a caliphate, or religious authority, over all of the Muslim world. They’ve continued to change their name as their power grows, dropping ISIS for ISIL — Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant — but now simply referring to themselves as the Islamic State.

If you want a peek at these characters, open this YouTube [reposition the black box with your cursor]. I don’t want to minimize their threat, but I’d surely like to point out their limitations. Modernity and education could patch this wound; little else is capable. (I won’t be referencing them as IS, by the way, which offends my metaphysical understanding. I consider these bad actors a manifestation of simple-minded, theocratic and authoritarian brutality that has no place in 21st century civilization.)

The White House had very recently come out for the repeal of the Iraq War Authorization, even as the Islamic State had revealed itself a thorn in the side of the Middle East. This attempt to downgrade the War on Terror to a less combustible, not to mention legal, military-option put the Republicans on high alert and created a shriek of horror from national security hawks everywhere. Security advisor Susan Rice sent a letter to John Boehner prior to the vote on a resolution opposing military intervention in Iraq, which included this paragraph:

“With American combat troops having completed their withdrawal from Iraq on December 18, 2011, the Iraq AUMF is no longer used for any U.S. government activities and the administration fully supports its repeal. Such a repeal would go much further in giving the American people confidence that ground forces will not be sent into combat in Iraq.”

Obama continues to assure the public that no American troops will put boots on the ground as intervention in what can only be called an expected and predictable religious war, but he has also made it plain that he will not hesitate to use drones to protect the remaining Americans in Iraq. Given the arrogance of the Islamic State, they had better hope that’s all he has in mind. Goaded by the use of air strikes on Friday, the Islamic State responded by telephone to Reuters that the air strikes would not have any impact. “The planes attack positions they think are strategic, but this is not how we operate. We are trained for guerrilla street war. God is with us and our promise is heaven. When we are promised heaven, do you think death will stop us?”

This kind of nihilistic extremism is hardly new and very worrisome, but we’ve seen this kind of hubris before. The Islamic State had previously issued a message that began “I say to America that the Islamic-state has been established …,” bragged that it had previously humiliated U.S. soldiers that, if they were men would meet them now, face-to-face, on the battlefield, and ended, “We will humiliate them everywhere, and God willing, we will raise our flag in the White House.” I can only assume that Republicans everywhere fainted in joy that their worst projections had been realized, that the War on Terror that assured the eventual return of Jesus to Jerusalem was still hot, and that war authorization was unlikely to change anytime soon.

Bush the Younger’s ‘preventative war’ prevented very little, it seems. Besides striking a match to the already volatile Mid-Eastern oil fields, ten years out and war over, we’re left six trillion dollars in debt and dogged by a well-earned echo of Colin Powell’s Pottery Barn theory. It would seem that we are, as we learned in the old classic, The Little Prince, “responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” And so, to prevent genocide, Obama ordered air attacks, successfully slowing the advance of the Islamic State, at least for the moment. Yet it rankles, this occurrence of preventing genocide — extremists targeting a population including women and children trapped on a mountain side with no recourse for escape — when Palestinians receive the same treatment. Why didn’t their survival have the same punch with the American public, the same moral imperative for this American president?

Almost 2,000 people have died in Gaza, caught between the sea and borders they can’t cross. Hamas, which is extreme and belligerent, is also the elected government in this region and refuses to honor the current cease fire agreement, although it can just as easily be said that Israel not only provokes but welcomes further hostility. American attempts to bring these long-lost cousins together for a family reunion have failed miserably, and — OMG! — wouldn’t it be helpful if the U.S. kicked Israel off its welfare roles, including the $225 million Obama signed over last week to beef up the Iron Dome missile defense system and the millions of dollars worth of weapons and airplane parts we send regularly? We can’t have it both ways. And while nobody can cozy up with Hamas, coldly surrendering its own people to slaughter, you get the feeling that Netanyahu would gladly push Obama over into the Strip and lock the border behind him if he could, as well as all others who thwart him. Another important matter: surely, looking at the best-armed insurgency in the world rolling across Iraq in American Hummer’s, passing weapons around seems to often mean finding them aimed, eventually, at us.

No, there’s no military solution to this problem, nor is it inherently religious at this point. It is tribal, deeply nationalistic, and reminds me of the old Star Trek episode* that featured two people from a warring planet, one half-black on the right side, white on the other. His nemesis was, naturally, half-black on the left, white on the other. Polarity personified, their differences were clear only to each other. As I recall, that episode didn’t end well, nor does it appear that there will be an easy truce established in the Holy Land. Meanwhile, here on planet Terra, the world is looking on at powerful, unyielding Israel and zealous, bitter Hamas, wondering what can possibly bring them to a permanent peace table, while even Israel’s most faithful supporters have begun to question its motives on the world stage.

Looking on at all this, I — like you, I suppose — find myself sorrowing for the loss of life and searching for some option that would change what we see around us, yet I spoke of it earlier: the realization that attack is twin to defense, that the tribal imperative cares only for the win, the triumph, the revenge, and not for the peace process or the welfare of all involved. I am heartened, however, that we are now hearing from other quarters, willing to listen to voices other than the ones we’ve seldom questioned. I hear Palestinian points of view on television now, and as we wrangle with this new Iraqi threat, we’re getting a tutorial on the Kurds, who were outliers in BushWar II (and a critical element in Joe Biden’s assessment that Iraq should be divided into three parts, giving Sunnis, Shiias and Kurds each an autonomous territory under a larger governmental umbrella — who’s an embarrassing buffoon now, huh?).

If we go back to the concept of putting aside our differences and coming to the peace table without a fiery attack or a hasty defense, how might that look? What if Dubya hadn’t decided to push democracy on a region that had no cultural experience, political background or desire for it? What if we’d learned a bit about the Iraqi culture before we stomped all over their country, disbanded the Baathist who had the expertise to assist in reformation, and pretended we knew what we were doing as we waived cash around?

And close enough to have the same concerns, what if the United States hadn’t had a national hemorrhage over Hamas winning the election in Gaza and the West Bank in 2006, refusing to deal with them as an honest broker. We will never know if they could have risen to the occasion, finding the challenge to govern a steep but evolutionary climb from being a jihadist militia to a provider for a secure Palestinian territory, perhaps even autonomous country.

What might the world at large — and even our own little spot in the pond — look like, if we came to detente open-handed, willing to forgive in order to start over, having banished the baggage in the basement and the dark memories from the attic? We know where to go, don’t we? We even know how to get there. We just have to keep knocking down those fearful tribal walls that keep us from taking hands over the table. These are important questions to ask ourselves as the full moon in Aquarius brightens our intellect and whispers of a new era of brother/sisterhood and  — God/dess willing — peace.

* Feinstein, by the way, has joined John McCain and his pal, Lindsey Graham, in pushing for boots on the ground. Confront now or later is their mantra. This kicks up all the dust that had finally begun to settle from Dubya’s War on Terror.

**As a devoted Trekker with every episode on tape (not DVDs, more’s the pity) I find that most every moral/ethical question we face was addressed by Roddenberry during Trek’s brief tenure on the tube in the 1960s. This does NOT help my impatience with the world in general, given that we already know what has to be done in order for humanity to overcome what is narrow, small-minded and self-defeating. From offering us the first inter-racial kiss to introducing the Prime Directive of non-interference (which is probably why the Space Brothers are dragging their feet on introducing themselves) and which I see as a techy version of “Do No Harm,” Star Trek gave us the template for a peaceful, productive future.

To conclude, may we ALL live long and prosper!

10 thoughts on “Plain Speech and Tribal Drums”

  1. Oh yay! She’s doin’ the Aquarius Full Moon thing! Thanks som’more Jude, a billion (7.5 exactly) more for this extra edition. “Political will” being bs for “Wanting to” from the Dem’s and Pub’s is more proof that the majority (but not all) of elected officials are not REPRESENTING their constituents – THE PUBLIC, but just vying for a good paying job, like the rest of the commoners. In theory, we are their bosses. We are the Board (bored with BS) and we can delete if we choose to. (Jude, I’m going to check out my neighbor’s extensive library for a copy of H. Zinn’s History of U.S., you’ve sold me so well. If not there I will buy one!)

    So sleepy, I was headed for a nap after doing something I NEVER do; a chart for next year’s solar return chart for the U.S.! Then I came back here and now I’m revved up and – just b/c we are talking ‘future talk’, will drop in a teeny sample of the good news for the U.S.

    Of course THIS year’s solar return has just kicked in and this year the U.S. is under the thumb of Pluto still, notwithstanding the U.S. Sun trine Saturn and Chiron, and square Uranus. We still have a lot of pushing, kicking, screaming to do (this year solar return Mercury is at 24 Gemini and so is next year’s solar return Mercury!) but I had a reason for wanting to see what awaited the U.S. for 2015.

    You see, it’s the Jupiter-Saturn cycle we’re in, the one that started in May, 2000 at 22+ Taurus; it continues to haunt me. Transiting Saturn will again reach an opposition to that point (22+ Scorpio) in October, in between the two eclipses and right at the quarter Moon at 22+ Cancer. It could reveal something that has developed. You see, around 2008-9, transiting Sedna moved into that territory (22 Taurus) about the same time that transiting Neptune and Chiron were square that territory (approx. 22 Aquarius), and transiting Ceres was just moving into that position in Scorpio. It screamed DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT!

    When the 2000 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (a bellwether/trending marker for society) took place, it was square Uranus at 20+ Aquarius, not far from today’s full moon. In the U.S. solar return chart for 2015, Uranus will be at 20+ Aries (a sextile [accessible energy] with its position in 2000) and trine (easy access) Jupiter at 22+ Leo (square [call to action] it’s position in 2000), which looked like a possible breakthrough regarding the cycle of Jupiter-Saturn (that began in 2000 and ends in 2020), which could include mass movement toward environmental concerns.

    I say this because at that time (U.S. birthday in 2015) transiting Sedna (protectress of water and dolphins, etc.) and Psyche (the mind) will be conjunct (25 Taurus) and conjunct the U.S. PROGRESSED Hephaistos (build something), and square U.S. PROGRESSED Karma in Leo and trine U.S. PROGRESSED Neptune conjunct Chaos in Virgo and Deucalion (starting over after the flood) in Capricorn.

    There are other indicators that time is of the essence in the 2015 birthday chart for the U.S. (such as Chiron opposite Requiem [conjunct U.S. Neptune] and Ceres conjunct Hermes [conjunct U.S. south node]), and did I mention that Venus (cares about) and Isis (restore) were conjunct each other and Jupiter? But we can explore that more next year. Just thought you might like something to focus on amid the chaos, and remember, these symbols can mean other things (like women’s rights, etc.) . . . . . .

  2. Pretty profound yerself, Miss be! Amazing Lunar astrology ahead, heart healing at a subconscious level! To reset all three modalities to 0 degrees, and then, hopefully, begin again at the beginning? (Who sez the Universe is random!! HA!) I take that as an affirmation and, like you, throw all my chips into the pot.

    Much as Patty suggests that soldiers join the people to make the necessary change, those of us who have envisioned a clearer reality must join together to bring that into manifestation. We’ve been ‘told’ that what we focus on multiplies, what we’re grateful for magnifies and what we hold in consciousness outpictures — which sez a lot about how clueless many of us remain, these days; not just about WHAT we’re seeing, but … in many cases more importantly … HOW we choose to see. We still don’t seem to realize that WE’RE IN CHARGE OF OUR TOMORROW!

    So let’s go (to what my people call) ‘spooky’ for a moment — a channel I appreciate reminds us this month that there are 7.5 billion people on the planet and the vast majority of them are good, decent, hopeful folk while only a handful are brigands and nutcakes; the ones we hear about most.

    The Illuminati … dark power-hungry souls … have supposedly lost their influence in many ways and are now only able to stir up fear [therefore, control] on a minor level, here and there, in hot spots. The American CIA ‘Shadow Government’ is a part of that. They’ve lost many of their foot soldiers due to the obvious chaos of the moment, and the realization that the ‘smoke ‘n mirrors’ agenda is no longer viable to control the masses. So many of us have simply gone past the point of adrenal exhaustion and found that we can … and therefore will … survive hard times by finding strength locally, with one another and at the grassroots, breaking the hold the [current] Matrix has over us.

    IF that’s true, and let’s assume it is, given how chaotic everything has become, then what we’re looking at is not the unbreakable, dominant [and familiar] system of strings being pulled we can’t resist nor control, but instead, our own various and … again, ‘tribal’ … sensibilities, which urge us to go back to the safety of ‘what we know’ — or, as they say around here, “That’s how my daddy did it, that’s how I do it.” We face our own human resistance to push out into anything new because our comfort zone remains tribal, essentially familial.

    If we’re ‘on our own,’ then, in terms of what to do next, not being propelled forward any more by those who want us at their advantage, then we’re doing a fine job of fracturing along cultural and political fault lines, and in the usual manner: conservatives seeing and producing a frightening, dangerous world that maintains death and dread at the center of its working parts, and progressives keeping sights on the vision of a workable culture of inclusivity, compassion and egalitarian principal that is not defense-driven.

    The political parties do not represent the essential energy of either, of course, locked into a patently unworkable system, as Obama himself pointed out recently. And, no matter how we feel about this president’s failings, we can’t deny that almost the entirety of his presidency will go into the history books as having been gelded by the obstruction of a handful of radicals, unwilling to govern and passing on that mugging to the mans legacy.

    While each of us is a mixture of conservative/progressive impulses and values, the basic schism that divides us widens by the day, hastened by the illustration of what SO DRAMATICALLY no longer works! And that’s instructive, if painfully so! Coming back to balance evidently includes swinging wildly in the wind to scare the bejesus out of ourselves!

    Evil [livE spelled backwards!] is mindlessly mundane; self-centered, frightened and ego-driven, seeking power at any cost. That pretty much sums up the worst of the human condition … but that represents only a WEE PORTION of those 7.5 billion. So — back to throwing in our chips — it is required by those of us that believe that the world has the capacity to BE DIFFERENT than all we see around us, to MAKE IT DIFFERENT with our every thought, word, deed. All the chips, because if it’s true that this is exactly what is needed to make that difference, then how dare we NOT do all we can in that regard? A fine and loving experiment, me’ thinks! Thanks for all you add, here, Miss be. You’re the best!

    As you suggest, P. Sophia, the powerful are the most fearful and insecure, and the rest of us have finally noticed that they’re no longer throwing us hunks of red meat to chew on but mere bread crumbs, with promise of even less. That is instructing us that we can do better without them.

    Essentially, I think it’s the Mighty One Percent that should be worried, and if the Koch brothers represent their True North, then they are! (This link is the disclaimer to a recent Koch op/ed — follow the links for more misinformation from our corporate masters!)

    And thanks for the wonderful Sabian, P. Sophia — a little breeze of fresh air, especially given how much of my dear home state has gone up in smoke! Breaks my heart, but … perhaps like all we’re seeing around us … I remain aware that this is natures way, to clear out the old, making way for the new.

    As well, to get to the other side of attack/defend, it requires us to 1] observe ourselves and 2] decide we WANT TO. I hear politico’s talk about not having the ‘political will’ to accomplish things — that’s bs wording for WANTING TO. When we decide to stop allowing our feelings to be hurt (giving us advantage as tragic victims and drama queens,) we stop the game. THAT takes a true desire to stop hurting ourselves … which brings us back to basic self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-love. I just wish more of us would be willing to drop the baggage and TRY. Know what I mean? I know you do. Thanks for your comments, kiddo.

    “Crazy idea in my head here, that Roman spirit reincarnated here in America.”

    Not so crazy, Holly. The notion that America represents a new version of the Holy Roman Empire has been around since we decided to become “exceptional,” I remember hearing that as a kid in the 50s. Google that and you’ll find over 6 million links. WWII exploded us into a policy of expansion, neck-deep in the unworkable practice of colonization that, ultimately, exhausted Rome’s financial capacity [echo echo echo!] The deeper analogy, I think, is our similarity to Atlantis, enamored with and dependent upon powerful technology that we have not balanced with an equally strong ethical sense. Noam Chomsky keeps us aware of these larger issues from his position, fringe-left … and sadly so.

    If any of you have some time, this vid from [brilliant] John Oliver on our inept nuclear arms policy is well worth watching! Jon Stewart is justifiably proud of his protege.

    My grandson, a consummate reader in a family of same, is starting his Sophomore year in HS and told me he’ll be taking American History. I’m going to hunt up a copy of Howard Zinn’s History of the United States for his birthday — he’s already a history buff, Zinn won’t surprise him but EVERYBODY needs to read this one, for the Very Basics. I’m sure Noam would approve!

    Appreciate your mentioning the Feminine issues today, Patty — I was going to link to the info about the Islamic State gathering up women to use as temporary ‘wives’ … LOTS of mixed message there, huh? Cover ’em up during the day so as not to offend, rape ’em at night! OUTRAGEOUS bullshit! And the stoning, so mean and malevolent.

    Women surely pay the price for this current imbalance, but God/dess is rising now. These latest examples are, channelers will assure us, important for the collective consciousness to attend and disapprove in order to hasten change; with the victims burning karmic ribbons and getting a helping hand from the Unseen. I surely hope so! I pray so! Glad to have your comments today, my dear.

    So, thanks for a rewarding conversation, dearhearts. Yesterday I cut up thirty pounds of tomatoes, and this morning added the onions, cilantro, lime, spices, yadda — now there’s fifty pounds of canned pico de gallo in my future … for when Winter begs for a bite of Summer to makes it palatable. Now I’m off to “put up,” as they say. I’ll check back later, have a relaxing Sunday!

  3. P. Sophia, thank you for your “take a different perspective” words regarding the Aquarian Age. My sentiments exactly.

    Holly, I LOVE your idea; that the Roman spirit reincarnated over here (probably as rats on the ship!)

    Patty, we’re getting there aren’t we? We are waking up. It’s an Aquarian thing that’s happening; these shocking, attention-getting aberrations. Seems to be working.

  4. I hope you are right Be. A soldier we know said it wasn’t unusual to find beheaded children outside their compound in Afghanistan, and now IS plans to mutilate a million women? Their evangelical plan must be a holdover from the crusades, to say the least. Seeing as how so many people have access to modern forms of communication, isn’t it time for the soldiers to join the people and overthrow the jerks. I read that he people in Syria were very unhappy that “outsiders” carried out such extreme punishment (stoning) of the two women found guilty of adultery, so it’s just a matter of time. All it takes is for the army to side with the people.

  5. When was the middle east NOT engaged in any type of fighting. All that changed is weapons and worship. Sometimes I pray for that random UFO spotted by CNN so humanity could have something to look forward to. I am currently trying to finish a National Geographic magazine (have LOTS of issues) and came upon an article about Romans in France. I felt so jealous how you can just pick up a shovel and dig up a 2,000 year old hairbrush like it was nothing. I was saying to myself: Why can’t we find such treasures in the US? Then, like a nice Aquarian jolt, it hit me. The Romans never really left, they simply moved in spirit. Crazy idea in my head here, that Roman spirit reincarnated here in America. The lust of war and glory runs deep in both cultures.

  6. Jude thanks so much for such an eye opening article. I agree people helping each other and community working together towards wholeness is the dimension shifting and of transformative value right now. I experienced the opposite of this during our Moon’s Gibbons Phase, (my natal Moon Phase) as a reminder to me just earlier this week.

    Gibbons Moon Phase Keywords – Over-reaction, excitement, anticipation, perseverance, urgency. ** “The plant has grown strong and buds appear. Alternatively, the plant bolts necessitating nipping things in the bud to protect future growth.”

    I can see this phase if over projected, is manipulated and becomes out of balance personally, in our world, our environment and socio-ecocnomically. Against all appearances, the people projecting ‘the power’ over our resources, and each other are the ones in the greatest fear and in-security. They always are, I’ve personally experienced and outwardly seen. And in the face of separation, is a loss of energy.

    As you point out Jude, and ACIM reminds, it is not possible to attack/defend if you know the truth. And when u do, you do not get pulled in, are inpatient, carry judgement, or perceive any lack of security. There is no separation. But that takes constant awareness, and faith from real heart strength.

    Our Full Moon in Aquarius oppose Sun in Leo tomorrow speaks directly to this quest for wholeness. This may be a time when we realise our dream or when we realise it is just a dream. If it is met with failure, this phase encourages re-orientation where you let go of what isn’t possible and look to the possible. And for the doers, creatives, givers, (maybe we are in the traditional appeasers role) I believe at this moment it may also require a relinquishing, a stepping back and letting go. Learning to accept and stay open in a place of unstable, in order for the other side to finally come round to meet in unity.

    The Full moon is conjunct Astroid Psyche ( my natal psyche and Phulos are conjunct to the degrees as well) in the myth that also speaks to recognizing the consciousness of separation from self, trusting ones self, and points to where we need healing with the soul coming to light. Astroid Psyche shows where we have the ability to transform and blossom, just as with our Full Moon.

    Full Moon Keywords – Fruition, fulfilment, clarity, inspiration, materialisation, success or failure, revelations. ** “The plant blossoms. The flowers contain the seeds of potential which will be set at the next New Moon.”


    As ‘be’speaks to the Aquarian Age, I believe to enter, it will take a different perspective of objective, and allowing from both sides. A greater trust of self and in others builds towards a uniting of ourselves together. In mutual reception, finally no longer living from an atmosphere of control.

    Of those steeped in the trenches tho, in the lineage of control conditioning and separation you can see they clutch the deepest to the past, opposing the dawning of this new dimension and age. Consequently outwardly, as is inwardly, we can see the very battle of what’s required in letting go. Whereas not engaging in the drama, in the perspective of calm accepting, staying fluid in this change, will ascendancy finally come with ease.

    The Full Moon Sabian Symbol and Degree:

    Aquarius 19°

    Exaggeration of life-problems, which reveals to man his real stature and which expands him. Impatient challenge. Ascendancy.

  7. . . clarification: The solar eclipse at 0 Scorpio starts a series of 4 new moons, EACH AT 0 DEGREES OF ITS SIGN that will end in January at 0 Aquarius. (the degree of the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction) I believe that pattern (0 degree new moons) supports the concept of a “clean sweep” as well as starting and ending in fixed signs./be

  8. You’re on to something here Jude. The Moon has just entered Aquarius on her way to full, Ceres has just entered Scorpio. . . their square perfecting as I type. The solar eclipse in October at 0 Scorpio starts a series of 4 New Moons that will end in January at 0 Aquarius. Saturn won’t leave Scorpio until December by which time Mars will be in Aquarius. When Mars leaves Aquarius in January, Venus and Mercury will be in Aquarius, and the day after the New Moon in Aquarius, Mercury will station retrograde, prolonging his stay in the fixed sign through to mid March. Jupiter is in Leo for the long haul. It is a time to stop, take stock and regroup.

    Americans, like all humans it seems, have tunnel vision regarding the suffering where disaster strikes, and apparently American politicians even more so. At least in how it is expressed in public in this politically correct age. Likely, if and/or when push comes to shove, it will also be tribal vision. We are in snake-brain territory now; it looks to be impossible to negotiate with cornered animals without a stun gun. But your observation of how the fixed energy “completes” and, if I may say so, how it stops and holds steady in one position is profound. Like during times when the wild furious winds of hurricanes and tornadoes blow, that which is battened down is most likely to survive when it’s all over.

    What if we are being given this stretch of Time, between now and February (and beyond), to clean out our attics and basements, figuratively and literally, as best we can, and through it gain a sense of health as well as safety? What if this Moon in Aquarius can raise our consciousness (especially “us” as a whole) to a new level where CONCERN for the planet and its inhabitants becomes stronger than our FEAR of survival? We have allowed the negative energies to yank us around to the point that we are surrounded by insanity.

    I for one am going for it. I’ve been preachin’ about a new Aquarius coming; a new version of the sign’s expression through the planets which inhabit it by birth or transit. Dane Rudhyar says “The interaction of many individuals keeps the workshop of civilization running” when speaking of the 11th house in his book The Astrological Houses. The 11th house is linked to the sign Aquarius, and the fixity of both sign and house provides the richest kind of atmosphere where interaction can occur. Whether civilization keeps running, or whether it runs out, or whether it moves forward and upward rests on the health and the ability of humanity’s minds and hearts to work in sync. We can’t do it by ourselves. I appreciate your time and effort and intelligence, and for allowing me to speak my mind Jude.

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