Creation: Minding The Ripples

By Judith Gayle | Political Waves

It’s interesting how the tides of time and experience roll in and out, keeping the astrologically literate on alert no matter what’s going on in the world. Others, not so attuned to cycles, don’t pay nearly enough attention to how events on the ground are shaped, not just by circumstance but by the attitudes that make them possible. Then when our challenges come home to roost, we often feel that they have appeared out of nowhere, and — especially if they are political — beyond our ability to influence.

Political Blog, News, Information, Astrological Perspective. Motivational speaker Nido Qubein offers us a more realistic outlook when he tells us, “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” And while that is helpful advice to change the energy around our perception of being stuck or helpless, I think perhaps Qubein doesn’t go far enough. In the study of metaphysics, we learn that we live in a world of cause and effect, with cause most often first appearing in our mind as an idea, eventually becoming an act of creation that — joined with others of like mind — creates a ripple in the material world.

A Course In Miracles points out that we have no neutral thoughts, a reminder that our thought system is cause for the creation of all we see around us, with predictable result. I appreciate this explanation, from the Workbook For Students: “Everything you see is the result of your thoughts. There is no exception to this fact. Thoughts are not big or little; powerful or weak. They are merely true or false. Those that are true create their own likeness. Those that are false make theirs.”

In a polarized world, entrenched in a thought system that does not encourage us to acknowledge our own bias or agenda, the search for truth is so little appreciated that it’s predictable that we seldom recognize it when we see it. Gratefully, we continue to get opportunities.

For instance, this is the week that found a tennis champ retiring because she could no longer take the physical stressors of professional competition, pointing out the incredible personal sacrifice required in our sports culture. I was particularly pleased at her candor, given the hypocritical response to Alex Rodriguez’ use of performance enhancing drugs.

Every decision, every action taken by a sports figure has consequences, both professionally and personally, but here on the sidelines, the public is more likely to be rooting for a favorite — a romanticized figure, part movie star, part super hero — rather than caring about the risks athletes take to compete for, and win, adulation and outlandish pay. Dangerous drugging? Who cares so long as everyone does it? Wrong message to our children? Who cares, so long as the performance is awesome?

Case in point? As football season nears, how many of us are concerned about making changes to NFL rules due to the high probability of eventual brain damage in players? If this is true — and the statistics on this issue speak for themselves — do we dog sportscasters to speak out against abuse and advocate for safety? Do we demand similar activism from the boosters of Pop Warner kids’ teams or from local newsies who cover hometown high school games? Do we expect Rachel Ray to take a stand for reforms while giving us the latest tips on tasty halftime recipes? Do we expect those we know to at least look at the facts? If not, why not?

Events that spark off recognition of an earlier cause, just about everything by the way, need our attention. We cannot get hold of our decision-making until we plainly see the resulting effect of our thought system. This will tell us a lot about ourselves and, frankly, that’s important because it isn’t THEM — whomever we believe we’re pitted against — that needs changing, it’s US: the collective US. That requires a shifting of consciousness, and while those changes will happen in the heart, they begin in the mind.

Granted, few of us can be blamed for feeling overwhelmed by too much information, too much confusion, not just about how to manage our own thoughts but how to get a sense of what’s true in a culture that has accepted ‘truthiness’ as an equivalent to factual truth for a decade and more. And I know you’ll find it hard to believe, but thanks to the resistance of those who refuse to step away from their absolutes, that whole process has gotten worse.

Examples? Paul Krugman writes this week on “the madness of the GOP,” which he calls “the central issue of our time.” He cites an attempt by Marco Rubio to redefine the refusal of the House to pass through a budget if Obamacare remains funded by shifting responsibility to a stubborn president. It is not, said Rubio, about Pubs threatening a general shutdown unless health care reform is defunded, it’s about Obama threatening to shut down the government by insisting that the law be implemented.

Krugman likens this rationale to a similar argument that Abraham Lincoln responded to in his Cooper Union address of 1860, in which he said, “A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth, ‘Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a murderer!’ ”

Want another? Because the American Legislative Exchange Counsel was largely responsible for the passage of stand-your-ground laws around the nation, Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin — poised on convening a subcommittee hearing to study these laws now that the Zimmerman verdict is in — sent a letter of inquiry to about 300 current and former ALEC members, asking if they were still ALEC supporters and/or if they continued to back these laws in light of the Florida verdict.

While that might sound like a reasonable enough request to you and me, it was NOT, according to ALEC representatives. No, it was sheer political intimidation from the majority party. Their refusal to respond was delivered in a statement to Durbin and to the public at large, then followed with a letter defending the group’s right to assemble (never at question,) signed by some 300 highly miffed lawmakers, including several from Missouri. Evidently, sampling the opinion of hundreds of corporate ALEC members is a form of personal intrusion and political threat, and that’s because while the group touts itself a nonprofit group, it functions as a corporate lobbyist in secret and in the shadows.

I mention Missouri because my fellow citizens seem unable to avoid embarrassing themselves nationally, more’s the pity. First, let me say that this state never could get its ducks in a row regarding which side of the Civil War it wanted to fight for, so it fought for both and it would seem evident that we’re still making up our mind.

This week, just prior to the bull riding on rodeo night at the Missouri State Fair, a clown wearing a campy Obama mask came into the ring of the publicly-funded, “family friendly” event, prompting the announcer to ask if anyone would like to see Obama run down by a bull. According to observers, “The crowd went wild. He asked it again and again, louder each time, whipping the audience into a lather. One of the clowns ran up and started bobbling the lips on the mask and the people went crazy.”

Fallout began almost immediately among those who find this kind of ‘entertainment’ both polarizing and disrespectful, if not overtly racist. It should be noted that some of the commentary blasted through the loudspeaker was impolitic and derisive, predictably right-wing. This resulted in a bipartisan outcry from Missouri politicians, with even some conservatives plainly horrified to find their homegrown bias subject to national scrutiny.

There was a good bit of knee-jerk in the response of those who found themselves in the cross hairs of public opinion, distancing as best they could. The announcer — also president of the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association and superintendent of a local school district — resigned from the group, insisting the clown, who he said was responsible for the more egregious commentary, be fired.

The clown later apologized and was banned from his profession (in this state) for life, but no worries; he and his fellow clowns have been invited to perform at the Texas State Fair. The Texas Representative issuing the invitation had this to say: “Liberals have targeted this man for personal destruction to create a climate of fear.”

Quick to try for a civilized response, the Missouri State Fair Commission has now required all rodeo workers to attend sensitivity training which caused our own native-born Rush Limbaugh to call them “gutless, cover-your-ass wonders” that are requiring rodeo workers to attend liberal “re-education camps.” Like I said, our embarrassments seem endless.

Meanwhile, our Dem Senator, Claire McCaskill, released a statement calling the event “shameful” and “unacceptable,” and added, “The young Missourians who witnessed this stunt learned exactly the wrong lesson about political discourse – that somehow it’s ever acceptable to, in a public event, disrespect, taunt, and joke about harming the President of our great nation. Missouri is better than this and I expect someone to be held accountable.”

Now, why did I regale you with this silly story? Because the rodeo happened on a Saturday night and I spent the day at the fair on Tuesday, handing out Dem information and talking to passers-by. The topic of the rodeo clown was on everyone’s mind. The handful of volunteers who manned the booth had instruction to refer questions and comments about the issue to the Dem’s state organization, but that was hardly a workable suggestion given the insistence of those stopping by to chat.

While the majority felt sure that this event had been prompted by racism and never should have happened, a small minority agreed but thought all was fair in love and rodeo politics. Still, the extremism of the right-wing — virtually the majority here in MO — along with our national black eye, had everyone glum. I spent my afternoon encouraging lefties to keep heart while stumping for local activism against an onslaught of disturbing right-wing legislation we progressives are attempting to slow. And then something happened that brought McCaskill’s words home, as well as a clear call for responsible creation.

A young man, sixteen or so, broke off from a group of loitering teens and came up to the booth. He had a hint of swagger about him — several girls were watching — but that and a dollar might get a cup of typical teen spirit, doncha know. He began a conversation with one of our more vocal volunteers, almost immediately goading him about Obama and the rodeo clown. The youngster’s argument, which I didn’t follow very carefully, was pointless, but he quickly got under the skin of the volunteer and glanced back at his waiting friends with obvious satisfaction. He looked positively triumphant when the volunteer used an expletive in response to his silly talking points.

“Are you cursing me?” he accused, pleased as punch. “Are you threatening me?” He was loud enough to cause heads to turn, dramatic enough to make people wonder what was happening and cause my friend an even more defensive response. Looking back at the boy’s pack of friends, I could see one girl in particular who was enthralled by his performance, no doubt the one it was calculated to impress. That was checkmate, the kid won the skirmish. He left quickly after that.

What was true was that the kid had an agenda that wasn’t political, but politics was what worked for him to achieve his goal. The volunteer was defensive from a day of ain’t-it-awfuls and why-can’t-we-stop-thems, and his weariness showed. Those who stopped to watch might have seen a real teaching moment if the volunteer had kept his wits about him, but he didn’t. The stilted virtues of the young man’s argument might have surfaced clearly if the volunteer had, rather than challenging him, asked if he thought it was all right to disrespect the POTUS — ANY POTUS, not just this one.

He might have asked if the boy knew who represented him locally, what he felt was important to the nation and what he felt his own role in that might be. He might have turned the event from one that rippled out anger and defensiveness, that put a teen’s ego-self in charge of the moment, that created a spirit of war rather than peace, but he didn’t. Instead, he lowered his own common denominator to meet the kid at his lowest level, rather than raising him to a higher one. And here, in my opinion, is where passion comes in a distant second to compassion.

That’s how creation works: by magnetizing to us energies similar to our own, and yet, each of us has a “menu” of responses within that range of emotion and understanding. Choosing a higher path, rather than defaulting to a lower, will always change the ripples we send out to create our tomorrows.

Each of us is doing just that, hundreds of times a day. Each of us is making a choice in terms of what we create by those things we think, by our response, by our intent and — again — those thoughts that are true create their own likeness; those that are false make theirs, as well. Over time it becomes easier, in fact effortless, to tell the difference.

I know there are bigger political fish to fry this week — Syria, Egypt, the NSA — but in light of the larger transits that mark this period, magnifying our restlessness and sense of rebellion against all that seems so unworkable in the world, I wanted to remind us all of the concepts that give us dominion over our own choices.

Few of us are in a straightjacket, unable to do anything about the challenges we face but even if we were, we would still have clear choice about our thought process, about the dynamics of our response and therefore the ability to influence the magnet that will bring opportunity and assistance into our situation. Deliberately and mindfully, we can establish a higher cause in order to experience a more productive effect. That’s how we will create the ripples that will lift the world into the new era of activity and understanding, of loving and nurturing and teaching. Bit by bit, everything will change as WE do.

9 thoughts on “Creation: Minding The Ripples”

  1. I’d like to see tai ji combined with activist training, especially the internal martial practices like pushing hands. We train in a way that develops our sense of control so we can meet violence with calm fortitude. The root that develops from standing and slow motion practices gets tested in fast motion. This is something yoga doesn’t have so the yoga root can be more easily pulled when faced with violence and cruelty.

  2. You know, we used to say — back in the day — that you could find the footprint of all your natal planets in your own life, but to witness the influence of your natal Pluto, you needed to count on others to reflect him back to you. He’s got his arms around our shadow-self, and we’re blinded to those behaviors that others can more clearly see.

    Your Cappy reference, GaryB, fits that description, with corporate America and our organizational systems blithely whistling past their own graveyards, unaware that Pluto is not just transformation but TRANSMUTATION, requiring a real live dose of snakebite medicine. So I think that getting a snoot-full of our human misperception IS the agenda and our ability to bring some balance to that project requires all our mind-full-ness! Meanwhile, I’m putting my money on the lovers and the dreamers, Gary. The race is on!

    What a great story, Green-Star-gazer, and what a cosmic gift! Reminds me of when my young granddaughter was here last month. I regularly send her pic’s of the turtles that occasionally wander through the yard and, although she was only here 4 days, she’d wanted to see one so badly; couldn’t quit talking about it. On the last day, in the final hours of her visit, a box turtle stopped at the front door, like he dropped by to ask her to come out and play. Her desire just “called him in.” We got some great pictures!

    Quantum shift miracle messengers, indeed! Channelers are saying we have the capacity to manifest more quickly now; that we simply need to acknowledge and use the power with confidence. I say … let’s practice and see what we can whomp up! Perhaps even take a leap in developing our sensitivities, wandering_yeti, to discern our various roles and responsibilities to one another more clearly and with more compassion.

    Gosh, I envy your Starhawk connect, DivaCarla, she’s terrific, and I’d think the activist training very valuable. Understanding the non-confrontive qualities of that takes a bit of thought and practice and releasing our fear must always come first. Here in the Show Me state, it’s going to take some real mojo to “show them,” I suspect. I’ll keep at it.

    And thanks for the Luna warning, Miss be. Transformation’s ahead!

  3. Jude, your reports are getting more like horror stories and Twilight Zone every week. The story of the confrontation at the Dem booth reminds me of Earth Activist Training. I went to learn permaculture, but we had exercises on how to meet the confrontation peacefully, and effectively. Taught by Starhawk, a woman who’d stood up to opposition in Gaza and other hotspots of the world, like the streets of Seattle.
    Sounds like activist training needs to be part of volunteer orientation for local grassroots politics now.

  4. If the volunteer had kept his wits about him…yes! How can healers teach if we can’t hold our root and not take the bait for more shit flinging?

    The clown’s behavior was childish and cruel in my view. But I also think the president is downright scary when he jokes about sending predator drones to kill some pop stars his kids adore. He’s as bad as his critics when he does things like that, he only appears more grown up about it because of his poker face.

  5. Judith you are so right to keep the reminders going that “Thoughts become things”. I had my own (non-political) teaching moment just today but I must backtrack to tell it.

    A few days ago I had been reflecting that I’ve not seen a Praying Mantis in years. They used to be a favourite bug of mine and as a kid I made popsicle cages for them and kept them as pets for a few weeks at a time…poor crickets that were used as a food source! So, here I am realizing I have not seen one in years and years, maybe even a decade….wondering if we even have them anymore. In that moment I also wondered if thinking about one might allow me to find one soon.

    About an hour ago I got in my car to run an important errand and as I was driving I suddenly spotted a Praying Mantis…. INSIDE my car on the visor right over my head!!!!! How this is even possible I do not know, but there it was…swaying wildly trying to get out to the sky and coming up against the windshield.

    You can’t make this stuff up!! I felt that it was a quantum-shift miracle messenger… it felt very personal and profound. I turned the car around and went straight home, got a branch of something green so the Mantis would feel comfortable in the transfer and took it out to my garden where it could hopefully get fat and procreate. Talk about teaching moments! Thank you for bringing this same lesson out in a different form… and for the NDW link…really appreciating the synchronicity.

  6. Thanks Judith for linking the wonderful Colbert piece, and thanks to you GaryB for your witty comment. Speaking of Pluto, today was the last time the Moon occulted him; a total of 19 times, once a month, starting April 12, 2012. I’m not sure we ever determined exactly what that was all about, but maybe it means the Moon will no longer be picking up the trash at Plutoland.

    And speaking of the Moon, tomorrow evening, she will be perigee (closest to Earth) after the Sun conjuncts Ceres, and Moon quincunxes Sun. She will be at 28+ Capricorn, just a smidge past the U.S. Sibly Pluto at 27+ Capricorn. Dropping her last load of trash maybe? Whatever, expect emotions to come to the surface more than usual when Moon transits Cappy.

  7. Thanks Judith

    The “Show-Me” state. I am sure we can expect MO of it. You are a saint. But this is a crowded field of crazies and in the back stretch it’s _ _ _ by a length and coming up on the outside is _ _ _. I really believe Pluto is taking us to the rock bottom to awaken the teaming masses. Big shoulders required Pluto!

    Thanks again Judith for keeping us in the race. There is always a long shot story to be told and to capture the eyes and minds of the milling masses. Come on change..come on change– and away they go…

  8. Jupiter does love to show off, be — his was more likely the mask worn than was Obama’s. And while the right has been braying that ALL presidents get this kind of ribbing from the rude, crude rodeo crowd, there was undeniable glee in making of Obama the buffoon (and uppity, failed president) they all insist he will become. It’s just so obvious it reeks.

    And sadly, yes, it could have happened anywhere, but … just for you … OTHER things can happen, as well! Go here for a Colbert story out of Kentucky that truly warms the heart:

    As for the volunteer learning a lesson, I’m not sure; surprisingly, he’s a retired teacher and should really have known better. Still, we’re in that Aries point nose-to-nose energy that sometimes pushes us past good sense and causes hurt feelings all around. As for the kid, his brain won’t be fully developed ’til his mid-20s and he won’t meet all his Karma til after his first Saturn return so I don’t fault him overly for behaving badly. As me Mum used to say — kids are kids, and pigs and pigs: a perfect benediction for a dicey confrontation at the MO state fair!

    Further, dear reader, because life is just one coincidence after another — ha! — and it’s productive to delve deeply into these matters, Neale Donald Walsch sent a bit on cause/effect, collective reality, to my inbox today, pointedly political in terms of what is critical in this challenging period, and if you’re interested, you’ll find it here:

  9. Dear goddess! That clown incident happened in Mo? I’m so sorry Jude, your state wins the Which-State-Can-Sink-The-Lowest award for last week, but my state, Ky. will surely win it back soon, or maybe Tx. if they can get that (particular) clown to do a repeat performance. It is such a very competitive race to the bottom isn’t it?

    So, I was aware of this clown incident but, having only caught the story mid-way through the telling of it, hadn’t pinpointed the place. After all, it could have been anywhere in this country, you know? Yet, it WAS a teaching moment; this story you shared with us of the weary volunteer being goaded into overriding his control (Saturn) and acting in a very predictable human way (even – or especially – by teens who know who to poke and how hard). By re-telling that interaction, your readers can identify with (likely, the weary volunteer, but possibly the hormonally driven teen) the event and participants, and recognize their own frailties. I know I did. Sigh, it is such an uphill battle to awaken the masses, especially when they each have their own burdensome agendas (teen love?) to work through.

    I suspect that Jupiter, having been in that sweet-spot where he straddled both the Cardinal T-square AND the Water grand trine last week, felt a bit like a rodeo star himself. Looking back at where the Moon was on the night of the rodeo tells us she was (in Libra) activating the cardinal aggressive energy (to push some buttons), but by Tuesday she was in Scorpio and motivating the darkest waters of the grand trine to show some repressed feeling. In both cases Mercury in show-time Leo would subtly make minor aspects to Neptune on Saturday night and Jupiter on Tuesday, but mostly he was working his square with Saturn (exact on Sunday). In between those times he would conjunct the North Node of the U.S. Sibly chart and oppose the South Node in Aquarius, and by Tuesday morning quincunx (agitate) Pluto. The Moon and Mercury are good at getting in and getting out quickly, sometimes leaving us human beings stunned in the aftermath.

    Your friend the volunteer surely learned from his experience just what not to do when provoked, and others who watched the scene from the sidelines might gain from that experience too, although I hold little hope for those mean and silly teenagers until their karma kicks in later. But for the U.S., a little of it’s unconsciousness (Moon-Pluto-Neptune) was brought to the surface via the group-thought system (Mercury) of it’s citizens during that period. Even today, as Mars prepares (and is already within orb of) for a conjunction tomorrow night with the U.S. Sibly Mercury (24+ Cancer), more provocative thought(less) energy embedded in the “US” psyche will surface. If it is true, that these circumstances determine where we start, then any step forward is progress. Thanking you once again for moving us forward on the path Jude.

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