Where You Live — First Quarter Moon

The Moon reaches its first quarter stage in Leo this weekend. That means speedy Luna will already have moved on ahead from its New Moon conjunction with the Taurus Sun last week, opening a separation of 90 degrees, otherwise known as a square. Weather providing, you will be able to see for yourself what a square aspect looks like on Sunday evening with the half-lit moon overhead while the Sun is going down. Awareness permitting, the celestial tableau will likely coincide with some tension felt, and resolved, where you live.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Some form of tension is foreseeable whenever any two objects are in square aspect. When the Moon is involved, it’s bound to be personal. A concurrent lunar conjunction with the asteroid named House further implies personal space as the subject and/or location of tension.

House is one of 872 asteroids discovered by the greatest astronomer you’ve never heard of, Eleanor Helin. First observed from the Mount Palomar observatory on December 7, 1988, House is one of many examples of how serendipity plays a role when asteroids are named. House’s discovery chart found it in Cancer, where the Moon rules and where issues of home, and the conditions within it, are highlighted. Sunday’s lunar conjunction with House is in Leo, ruled by the Sun. Given that the Sun has nearly three weeks remaining in Taurus, where the Moon is exalted, the tension implied by Sunday’s opening quarter lunar phase goes beyond the geometric aspect to take on a feeling of discomfort at home, a feeling which is reinforced by another aspect called a yod.

A yod is an aspect combined of three points on the zodiac relating to each other in the shape of a letter ‘Y’. In astrology, yods are usually interpreted as the two planets occupying the upper ‘fork’ of the y-shape, combining to put some uncomfortable pressure on the third object at the end of the fork’s handle. On Sunday, the object at the bottom will be the Moon-House conjunction. To make it even more interesting, the two planets applying the pressure will be in a friendly relationship with the Sun.

The Sun will have a busy weekend. On Saturday, the Taurus Sun will exact a supportive sextile to Chiron in Pisces. Just hours before the first lunar quarter, Sol will reach back to Capricorn’s long-term tenant, Pluto, through a flowing trine. Both sextiles and trines are considered to be affirmations of sorts, with the constituent energies reinforcing and investing in each other.

In this particular case, the involvement of the Sun implies a conscious coalition, which is all well and good for the parties involved. When one considers, however, that Chiron and Pluto are the two objects in a yod to the Leo conjunction of the Moon and asteroid House, the coalition begins to look like more of a self-interested cartel than an altruistic collaboration. That gives us some idea of what just may be behind any nagging lack of comfort that my be present where you live this weekend.

All over our planet, the concept of home is under siege. The ongoing criminal enterprise of asserting shock and awe for its own sake has left no home on Earth safe from the United States military establishment. For less than the price of a laptop, you can purchase a drone of your own and spy on your neighbors. Any illusion of personal privacy and security provided and protected by rule of law has long since been lost to legalized forfeiture of property and person upon the flimsiest demand of arbitrary authority. Such are the times we live in. Yet somehow, many who are so besieged persist in taking the tension out on those share their circumstances. Ask yourself, would it not be better to assuage your own circumstances by actually acting to provide aid and comfort to the friends and family you live with? It can be as simple as a greeting of acknowledgement.

The symbolic tension being applied to the Leo conjunction of Moon and House this weekend can be both exacerbated and relieved from within your own home. It need not require a lot of dialog or processing, although that can be a very good thing. It can start with the light of simple courtesy illuminating your home. This weekend it would not be a lot of trouble and it would do a lot of good to make some simple agreements with those who share your besieged residence. Agree to say good morning when you awake and good night before you sleep. Welcome other people home and wish them a good day when they leave. If you have joy, share it. If another has pain, offer compassion, and always ask what you can do to help anyone engaged in a task. There is power in such protocols and it will turn the astrology to your advantage.

Working with this weekend’s astrology is harnessing the supportive relationship between the Sun, Chiron and Pluto to empower yourself through Pluto, heal through Chiron and consciously direct empathetic focus on your home, instead of pressure, through the Sun. As the Moon conjoins with House to receive that focus, you can regain some yourself. While there are a host of complex circumstances in the world that function to take away your power, there are also many simple opportunities for you to take that power back where you live.

Offered In Service   

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

17 thoughts on “Where You Live — First Quarter Moon”

  1. Amanda,

    The links get set up in the profile pages of this WordPress. I just put the web address to my blog in the field that called for it and my name became the link to it. I am very grateful for that because it directs a lot of traffic to what is, from the people in my town anyway, a private blog. Most people here (in Flag) don’t know about it.

    Anyone who logs in to post here can do the same (link their name to their blog) if they choose to.

  2. @Len

    A click on my nickname, but it is not the same wordPress of Planet Waves which my obliged to register it to WordPress.com going to WordPress.org. You have a translator on your right which is valid for the items on the first page, our other to stay in English click on the tags at the bottom page

  3. len — if you click lunasoleil’s name here in this thread, it will take you to her blog. (usernames in blue indicate they link to a person’s website, but i’m not sure how it gets set up, or if the pther blog has to be WordPress or what.)

  4. Huffy: You are most welcome.

    Lunesoleil: Please, what is the link to your blog?

    Morgana Silverseale: i feel your tension as regards to your work situation. It give me comfort to know that you do have safety and refuge at home. Thank you for an example of how the solar house can often interact with (what i take to be, in your case) the natal houses.

  5. Strangely, my literal home and partnership are a true place of refuge for me right now (so often in the past, that hasn’t been so) … Where I’m feeling this is in my 10th *solar* house… Cancer… profession and career stuff.

    With a 6th house natal Venus, work has always felt like a homey place for me – but between the “low vibration” of my current office situation and being desperately under-utilized, I’m a fish outta water. Still desperately seeking that place of “right livelihood.” [sigh]

  6. Maeve: That’s the ticket. You are most welcome.

    CaraSusanetta: Thank you. It gives me great joy to know that my service was both accessible and informative to you.

    Sarah: You are also appreciated. Thank you.

    be: Thank you for sharing your experience. After all the times you have shared so generously with me and other Planet Waves peeps, it is an occasion for joy that my words could be in service to you.

    Carrie: Thank you once again for your learned perspective that always helps us to see the bigger picture.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you once again for your cogent understanding of astrology. It is amazing how often those asteroids work so precisely. Thank you also for the house music.

    Jann: Thank you for your insightful comments and sly humor. One thing about a first quarter Moon conjunct your natal Moon is that it is quite literally a growth transit, that’s a real good thing.

  7. Oh, fun – Tr Leo Moon conjunct (within an arc minute) my natal Leo Moon. Means House is right there as well. Tr Uranus opposite my natal Saturn, Tr Pluto square natal Saturn. Just livin’ the dream…with restrictions. Hmm…could there be an implosion in my structured world?

    Well, the synchronicity of Len’s observations about discomfort at home and the home being under seige were my words almost verbatim about “smart meters” installed by utillity companies (DTE here in metro Detroit) – meters that emit electro-magnetic and radio frequency radiation continuously and are deemed carcinogenic. Sorry, I’m repeating myself from an earlier comment, but…but…we are under seige, everywhere. Harrrummmppphhh.

    Thanks, Len, for explaining the “Y” of what I have been sensing, and allaying the niggling notion that I’m paranoid. Instead, I’m merely aware that I’m just livin’ the dream… Right.


  8. Thank you for this asteroid House news, I have see in my card, it is a return and do you know or House is? in my house 4, too funny. In my March current solar revolution and the moon are in 4
    After a search I just see that House has been retrograde phase in Lion in my house 4, or this asteroid is a birth. This position of cover makes me understand many things in my personal life. It’s amazing what an Astéroîde can bring as clarification to astrological interpretation, thank you House

    French House has a different meaning: musical current in the United States at the beginning of the 1980s, influenced by American black music culture, disco, and pop, and the air, used to dance, are created using a sampler from pre-existing sound elements and sounds and electronic rhythms.
    It grows the tables and chairs and dance…. 🙂

  9. Thanks Len for the heads up this weekend.

    That transiting moon will be making an opposition to my Mars and Venus in the fifth house. It will also be the end point of a yod between my Jupiter in the 4th house and my sun and Chiron in the 6th house (if I have my angles and degrees right). Transiting sun (in the 8th house) will be in opposition (to the exact degree) with my natal Neptune in the second house. Transiting Pluto is conjunct my natal moon and almost there with my natal Saturn in the 4th house. Transiting Neptune is right on my natal sun and conjunct my natal Chiron in the 6th house and oppposing my natal Pluto in the 12th house. These transits look like a pachinko machine pinging all those planets in my chart. Ding, ding, ding!


  10. Hey, I was just thinking of all those natal Pluto’s that will be highlighted by this quarter Moon. It could spell fireworks if they didn’t read your column today Len. As a matter of fact I’ve already had a taste of it myself. Hard at work this week preparing for family visiting tomorrow, I’ve not even turned on the computer. But my bro just called to tell me that all the plans have changed due to his car trouble. Not cancelled, just changed and none of it to my advantage. Well you see, Pluto and Chiron have been torking my own Pluto/Mercury all year now and I guess it was just waiting for a reason to blast off. So I did.

    Then I decided I needed a change of perspective and to see what was happening in the rest of the world. And there you were, ready to bring my consciousness back into harmony and peace. So I guess I should call him and apologize huh?

    Thanks for being here and for such perfect timing Len. I will chill out and put on a happy face for my loved ones. After all, they have to pay for car repairs, not me! Peace,

  11. Yay Len,!I didn’t get lost in the forest on this one. Good advice and clear explanation of the technical as well. 🙂

  12. Thank you for such an accessible post, Len.

    My husband is out of the house this Saturday for a day with the boys at an all-day concert. I had been thinking of going out of town (hello Bay Area), but with my neck and back acting up, I decided that a day at home alone sounds better. Plus, I’ve got some big ol’ soul work scheduled for Tuesday and figured that it would be much better to be well rested.

    At home, there is only my husband and myself. Okay, and our cats. I always say hello or good morning to him when I wake up, I do my best to say thank you when he helps me, and I always say good night when we go to bed. Every once and a while, he asks why I say thank you so much, because it’s not like he wouldn’t do those things if I didn’t thank him. I told him that I say it because I do appreciate what he does for me, and even if he feels like he has to do it anyway, that doesn’t mean I can’t express my appreciation. I work from the POV that if I were helping him, I’d like frequent thank yous. As it is, he helps me (physically) more than I do him, due to the car accident last year. But I try to do what I can.
    I’m going to try to tackle the kitchen a bit tonight and tomorrow so I don’t have to spend all day cleaning on Saturday. I don’t know what I’ll be doing on Saturday, other than relaxing in my lovely La-z-boy chair, but keeping this post in mind, maybe I’ll open up the house and dance a little. 🙂

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