Universal You — Sun Enters Gemini

A human being is part of the whole called by us ‘Universe’, a part limited in time and space.
— Albert Einstein 

The Sun enters Gemini at 5:10 pm EDT Monday. Just as with Mercury’s entrance to Gemini yesterday, the Sun’s first aspect after ingress will be a conjunction with the centaur Asbolus. That particular combination means solar Gemini this year will symbolically begin with an emphasis on the fundamentals of what you are, and how the rest of us know you are here with us.

Astrology by Len Wallick

We know the Sun is in the sky by its light. We know you are with us by the light of your consciousness. That is how the Sun is correlated with consciousness in astrology.

So long as you are conscious, your consciousness is apparent to you. In order for your consciousness to be apparent to the rest of us, however, it must be communicated.

Communication is the core of Gemini’s nature. Hence, communication of consciousness is the most distinguishing feature of solar Gemini. The means by which you are conscious, and through which your consciousness is communicated to the rest of us, is through your physical, biological being. So far as we know, carbon is essential to the physical structure of all biological beings.

Thus the name Asbolus, which means “carbon dust,” unavoidably corresponds to your physical being. The category of solar system objects to which Asbolus belongs are centaurs, which correspond to something uniquely human.

As a group, the role of centaur objects in astrology is to represent various manifestations of the construct psychologists call shadow. In his book Psychology and Religion, Carl Jung noted that “Everyone carries a shadow,” which is interesting because it puts the notion on the same footing as carbon and consciousness among the things universal to all human beings. Additionally, in his autobiography, Jung referred to shadow as both “sinister” and “the true spirit of life,” which connects the concept with Gemini’s dualistic character.

The Sun enters Gemini’s field of duality once a year like clockwork. Asbolus, on the other hand, takes a bit less than 77 years complete a circuit of the zodiac. That means Asbolus has seldom, if ever, been waiting in the first degree of Gemini to merge first with Mercury’s emblem of mind and then, days later, with the Sun’s symbol of consciousness. To have it be so this year clearly indicates something special is going on.

It implies that something is reaching deep into the structure of your physical being, and your psychology at the same time. It represents nothing less than carbon communicating with consciousness, and not just within you. Rather, within all human beings simultaneously, and not just within. Rather, connecting each and all of us together in concurrent experience, and outwardly as well. To the Sun. To the sooty centaur. To the whole that we call Universe, and for a moment to all time and space.

How that should happen now, while you are alive, means that there is something special about you. What that might be is something that no astrologer can tell you. It is something for your consciousness to discover and communicate to the rest of us. In order to make the most of Monday, therefore, please do yourself and the rest of us a favor. However you let us know you are here, please do it as if it is how you will always be known. That just may be the case.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

30 thoughts on “Universal You — Sun Enters Gemini”

  1. “can healing come in the creation of our transforming to new energy patterns”. Yes, this is very much what I’m experiencing right now, dear P Sophia. I have my North node in Taurus, so South in Scorpio – hence such a bumpy eclipse ride I imagine. But my knowledge of astrology is very superficial. It seems to me that you have the makings of a fine astrologer! xxx

  2. Lizzy: your comments about your opposition to Saturn in Cap drove me to have a look at my positions there. And realize one of the most influential of Points to consider in finding and assessing themes and patterns and the timing of events is in looking at the natal and transitioning nodes. I have my North Node on MC in Cancer and South Node (which I have read can feel akin to Saturn) in Cap. And NN also been in opposition to the Pluto transit, which may explain why before 2013 and over the preceding 3 years, was a very difficult, heavy influence and time of transition for me. Yet through these necessary clearing processes through our Moons Nodes position and transits to planets, in embracing the exploration of the Cross and movement of this energy, can healing come in the creation of our transforming to new energy patterns.

    I have Jupiter transit approaching and spiritually, creativity I am learning to receive and open up soul through the North Node house/position in the process of personal evolutionary awareness (and collectively is my responsibility I believe) I will be planting seeds in the South Node position/house. Of course there are many great writers and explores in this work, but Dane Ryder’s work in this area is fundamental regarding the spiritual influence and creative potential of the Moon Nodes in our personal charts and working towards evolution as a whole. If you do t have the notes or book and are interested let me know and will send on the links.


  3. Thanks for the great advice P. Sophia! (keep meaning to tell you how much I love your avatar).

  4. Hi Lizzy: thank you for your kind thoughts. I believe you mentioned your Sun is in Cancer (same as mine) and is opposite your Saturn in Cap. But what are the two houses? Have you tried exploring maybe finding you may have some clues on how to break the pattern of slog?! My natal Saturn is in opposition to Pluto and working opposie this angle seems to be helping me unlock.

  5. Dear starrynight3:

    I have no doubt Clyde is still with you, visiting on a regular basis. I am an animal communicator and my guys are around me periodically. Bailey and Rusty were here for a couple of hours on January 8th. They kept hanging their heads over a split rail fence, trying to reach me.

    At one time I lived with my two horses, three cats and a pack of six dogs, all rescues. Everyone is getting up there in age and I have been loosing them one and two at a time. Two dogs, Sammy and Jasper, last year. We will all be together again.

    Their gift is unconditional love in its purest form.

    Have a wonderful speaking engagement tonight!!!


  6. En-lightening and interesting Len. I am a Gemini sun in the 6th. I have a speaking engagement tonight where I will share my experience, strength and hope. It is a “first” in this recent cycle of new life which really began in 1984.
    Miaferoleto, my friend and dog Clyde also passed on January 8th. He was/is a great spirit. I miss him dearly. Perhaps he roams with your friends now.
    Be, always enjoy your input. Great poem Susy. I wrote one about Medusa years ago – called Dance of Death “her eyes never left his face/and she danced/at last/as though he saw her…

  7. Yes, thank you, dear Len!
    And thank you Chief, for the wonderful Jung quote, and Mia for this, “The key to the wetiko is to find the light within our own darkness. It is our challenge and ultimate goal”. I really look forward to checking out Paul Levy. Your description of your horses is so moving.

    P Sophia, I’m so happy about your news, – sounds wonderful! Am still wading through treacle myself, but a lot of movement and light in the ‘darkness’. With my natal Saturn in Capricorn opposite my sun, it’s always been slog blody slog!

  8. Len: thanks for sharing the info on 1992QB1 emergence into new territory. Be, and all, your addition/ comments such an insightful aware community!

    I am not sure if it is 1992QB1, Sun preparing for fertilization in Gemini, or the current personal Jupiter conjunctions simultaneous in play in my chart (Jupiter tranist to natal Mars/Venus, and also Mars transit my natal Jupiter).

    Not sure if others feeling same…but something is building here, tons of calls, invitations, love flowing in, sure feels a hell of a lot lighter than earlier this week. I feel lucky, blessed, open and incredibly positive. Heading out to enjoy and play …

    Blessings and Good weekend to all!

  9. The key to the wetiko is to find the light within our own darkness. It is our challenge and ultimate goal. We are all headed in that direction. I enjoyed hearing your describe 1992QB1 yesterday, Len, and am excited to think that perhaps the Lone Ranger really is on his or her way. The sound of hoof beats in the distance, getting louder as my horses would run at top speed from the lower pasture, is one of my favorite sounds. It always brings a smile to my face to think of their excitement over the prospect of a carrot. As you know, they both transitioned together on January 8th. There are LOTS of carrots in Heaven so I know they are happy guys.

    Here’s to QB1 and Bailey and Rusty!

  10. Thank you, Len and all commenters! Each insight built on the next for me.
    And then my looking up the suggested Wetiko You Tube program brought up the phrase “blind spot” which problem (with my own blind spots) I have been working with lately.
    And then another commenter reminded us that last year there was a solar eclipse (which brought to my mind the metaphor of blind spot) as the Sun entered Gemini.
    Len then pointed out that we have this year Asbolus waiting to embrace that Sun
    virtually merging mental understanding (Mercury) and personal consciousnesses (Sun) in the arms of the Great Intuiter and Teacher.
    I do expect personally and collectively
    in this very near future
    for we who want it
    the chance to start leaving Denial behind.

    “In a sense the mountain stream is conditioned by the nature of the soil and by all the forces which in the past have formed the mountain’s rock strata: that is to say, by past history. Yet out of this past a new, pure (i.e. unadulterated) release of potentiality has emerged.”

    Yet another water symbol!

  12. Wowie wow Len! This fits snuggly into the Venus sextile Uranus aspect at 12:40 PM Saturday, which is a prelude to the Uranus square Pluto on Monday (7:03 PM), and of course Mercury’s triple aspects – ooops make that four aspects of (1) square Neptune on Saturday at 3:20 AM, (2) quincunx Saturn on Saturday at 7:34 PM, (3) quincunx Pluto on Monday at 11:37 PM, and (4) at 11: 47 PM on Monday, a sextile to Uranus.

    Could this be the BIG ONE? It IS the Aries Point 🙂

    We might not understand it all until the following weekend when Mercury conjuncts Venus at the (eclipsed) Full Moon on Friday and then conjuncts Jupiter the following Monday. Oh dear, I think I’m getting queasy from it all! Thank you, thank you, thank you. . . .

  13. “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

    – C.G. Jung

    Sun conjunct Asbolus, following swiftly on Mercury’s winged heels. And Monday also features the 3rd of the Uranus – Pluto squares, making the day especially potent. And in the wake of the QB1 portent, the portentious potency of the coming days is powerfully palpable.

    Thanks Len!

  14. All: Please indulge one other note. There is another, absolutely momentous change of sign this weekend. The as-yet-unnamed object which, in retrospect, became the threshold of both modern astronomy and modern astrology upon its discovery – 1992 QB1 – is changing signs for the first time since its discovery this weekend, at about 1 am EDT Saturday. This, if history is any indication, is bound to be huge. Just what event or events will correlate with 1992 QB1 leaving over 20 years of Aries behind and entering Taurus for another couple decades or so, your faithful servant cannot predict. However there is a metaphor of a download having been completed and unzipped at an opportune moment to yield a wealth of information that would feel like a whole new world had been revealed. Or alternatively, a revelation of understanding following a significant manifestation. We shall see.

  15. Thank you, Jude. You are very kind.

    aword: It is a joy to cheer you on, and to thank you as well.

    Lizzy: You are very welcome.

    wandering_yeti: Thank you so very much for devoting so much of your limited time on the Internet to us. We are grateful for your time, your astute observation of signature energies and for fleshing out a wider interpretation of the planets as experiened in the flesh. You are deeply appreciated here.

    be: A sincere and heartfelt thanks to you for once again making the effort to broaden our perspective and deepen our understanding of the blog theme. When you do us the favor of citing such giants as Phil Sedgwick, you also make us realize that (for us, at least) your stature as a teacher of astrology is every bit as great as any of the giants. You are a great treasure for all of us here at Planet Waves.

    Mia: Speaking of treasure, thank you once again for a scholarly and inspiring lesson that will serve to help us understand how the gifted people you have cited (among whom you also stand stall) are gifting us with the means of raising our consciousness to the level our planet needs it to be.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you for your generous affirmation, thank you for the link, and thank you for directing our attention to the stars as well as the planets.

    P. Sophia: Thank you for your generous and beautiful words, and for sharing your journey’s aspirations with us.

    susyc: My thanks goes out to you for your courageous poetry. My heart goes out to you and your spouse for your courageous battle to affirm your lives. It is sure that i speak for many when expressing love from the heart in return for your loving words and ways.

  16. I am definitely
    or defiantly in a
    Black Moon
    kind of mood
    angry at the
    woman from church
    who had the nerve
    to call in her
    official capacity
    expressing her detached
    and highly professional
    ‘concern’ for
    my husband’s
    illness, our feelings
    abruptly bringing the phone
    call to a halt
    when I begin to express
    my fears, my fears
    about our future
    his life, our sex lives
    would have been
    kinder not
    to call at all
    I would have
    continued to be able
    to think better of her
    even though she
    has never returned
    the favor. Women
    like her are victims
    of a kind of self-
    castration you can’t
    help them
    they are hopeless
    I know Algol and Black Moon
    would have looked
    at me with
    compassion been
    willing to see my pain
    and let me see theirs
    Medusa had snakes
    on her head
    for a reason.

    Thanks for the dark and light in your reading of the stars today Len.

  17. “Can you tie the Pleiades together, or loosen the bonds that hold Orion?”

    Before the Sun enters Gemini I wanted bring some valuable attention to Maia too, she’s at 29 Taurus 51” and is speaking up exact conjunct Natal Maia today.

    Maia – `grandmother’, `mother’, `nurse’; `the great one’ of the Earth, is eldest of the seven Pleiades, was mother of Hermes (Mercury) by Zeus. Mercury goes before her now, as the messenger.

    Agriculturally, farmers were cautioned not to sow grain before the time of her setting, or conjunction with the sun. The month of May is named after her.

    Len thank you for your thoughtful words that help to set the wondering. I am personally taking this as a reminder to start digging, to be properly prepared, creating a place for seed in me. To set in earth and out among our heavenly stars…

  18. Wetiko

    “the idea of a psycho-spiritual disease of the soul that has been wreaking havoc throughout human history that Native Americans call wetiko. The wetiko virus is like a parasite that literally feeds off, takes over and aberrates the curren(t)cy of the infected system. The wetiko pathogen originally manifests as a disturbance in the field of the collective unconscious of humanity itself, creating the psychic ley lines upon which world events are erected and energized. The origin of this virulent disease is to be discovered within the psyche. Because of the psychic nature of wetiko, it serves us to understand the psychological underpinnings of the virus, which is to say, how it affects our day to day relationships and lives. We begin to ‘see’ the bug when we are able to get in focus and recognize ‘its’ psychological signature in both ourselves and others. The fact that the source of the wetiko germ is within the psyche means that the cure for this disease lies hidden within the psyche as well.

    Wetiko psychosis is at the very root of humanity’s inhumanity to itself in all its various forms. As a species, we need to step into and participate with our own spiritual and psychological evolution, which means that we must focus our attention on and contemplate this ‘topic of topics’ before this virulent madness destroys us. Up until this point in our history we have been too easily distracted by the ruses of the wetiko bug itself. The disease itself is now demanding that we pay attention to it, or it will kill us. Its cure is the most pressing and fundamental issue facing us today.”

  19. Great article Len.

    I just listened to an interview James Gilliland did with Paul Levy on our shadow self and the collective psychosis we are currently experiencing. The interview is available on Youtube. They discuss Carl Jung and the whole thing dovetails nicely with your blog today. It’s worth a listen.

    They cover:

    An Exploration of Wetiko

    • Exploration of the Shadow Side
    • Breaking the curse of Evil?
    • How do we perpetuate the spell of wetiko within ourselves?
    • and how do we deal with it?

    Paul is a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, as well as an innovator in the field of dreaming (both night dreams as well as waking dreams). A Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for over 30 years, he has intimately studied with some of the greatest spiritual masters of Tibet and Burma. He is the author of The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis, as well as Wetiko: The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity

  20. About the sunshine Len, I got info on Linkedin on four eruptions powerful of the X type Sun within 24 h
    I pass the info section in English

    I would add that the Sun arrives on a fixed Star reported as adverse es – what it should have a link with the nearby Sun? just before there was Venus and mercury and later March with

    Good evening to all 🙂

  21. It IS something special Len; this centaur, this degree of the zodiac, these symbols of consciousness (Sun) and communicating (Mercury), coming all together in one short span of time. Thank you so much for focusing our thoughts toward the meaning of it all.

    Our learned friend Philip Sedgwick tells us that in myth, Asbolus was “an intuitive Auger”, a prophet. If we recall the 0+ Gemini Sabian Symbol of the glass bottomed boat as a point where the conscious (Sun) mind (Mercury) has the ability to see and become aware of “the psychic depths below the normal level of consciousness” (via the window-glass boat bottom), a remarkable image begins to emerge.

    As one part of the Whole, each of us will get the opportunity (just as we did when Mercury entered the 1st degree of Gemini yesterday) to see the workings of the unconscious, from our own vantage point. If indeed the Whole is greater than the sum of its parts, then we – together – can begin to understand and communicate with others what we perceive from our own glass bottom boats. Or, if we don’t understand, we can share our vision and get input from others in order to clarify its meaning.

    Gemini, in the scheme of things, is the elementary level of education; the young mind is flexible and creative at this stage and now, thanks to Asbolus, also intuitive. Asbolus provides the centaurian gift of making the unconscious aspects of ourselves known, so it is like having binoculars as we peer through the glass bottom of our boat.

    If we look back one year when, like clockwork, the Sun was entering Gemini, what made it special was that it was eclipsed. Some of us were lucky enough to witness this event directly and were in awe. Perhaps this year’s Sun at 0+ Gemini will add (thanks to Asbolus) some personal revelation that will connect back to that special moment last year as it intuitively reveals what was obscured (eclipsed). In turn and in time, we as individuals can be prophetically inspired to understand how our small part fits into the greater Whole. That WOULD be special wouldn’t it?

  22. “You might just miss your life whizzing by in the multitasking phantasmagoria of unfettered consumption.”

    believe me, yeti, i see it happening in my own life too frequently! it’s unsettling, at best.

  23. Carbon? 400 parts per million and rising. The first degree of Gemini is my natal Moon, ruler of my midheaven and ruled by a Capricorn Mercury-Sun. Luna gathers information through the ‘glass bottomed boat’ which appeared as a TV in my youth, morphed into the internet.

    Asbolus opposes my Aquarian Venus- I’ve often heard of Aquarius as the sign of technology but I’ve found in my experience as a musician that technology is one way to alienate Aquarius. Consumerism trashes the Aquarian as an active citizen by distracting us with an endless array of gadgets we have to buy, throw away, buy some more, throw away…jeez, how’d we get to 400 parts per million so fast? Aquarius becomes the lonely rebel only when alienated by the culture in which it finds itself. Consumerism is an acid poured on our social webs. Electric gadgetry has more than once pulled me into an alienated trance of whacking off with machines instead of engaging in musical activity with living humans. Aquarius social intelligence withers in the acidic gaze of ubiquitous shopping.

    I’ve also heard of Asbolus as pointing to survivors of abuse. Sometime in the last 10 years I began to remember how I felt an internally generated desire to deepen my relationship to musical practice on clarinet. My experiences in the school band were socially gratifying in a way I could never access through sports. Then I got distracted by all the glitter of MTV and electric instruments, the teacher in the school band changed, and I quit the live band to stay at home playing along with records, then CD’s. One of those diamonds that survived the acid of consumer alienation, now I’m back to an acoustic guitar mostly because I’ve dropped off the web of the middle class. I can carry a guitar with me easily unlike a pile of electric gadgets and I don’t have to plug it in to make music.

    I don’t spend much time in the web these days. I have no smart phone or working laptop. My iPod sucks at accessing the internet. When I do get inside the internet I tend to write about embodied experience, to be a voice in the net reminding people to put down the electronic device they’re giving themselves to periodically. You might just miss your life whizzing by in the multitasking phantasmagoria of unfettered consumption. 400 parts per million won’t decrease while we’re running around burning so much shit.

  24. Len, you are my poignant guide and I might say; cheerleader! Thank you for the enlightening boost. And what Jude said, indeed you have found your spot your place your who you are here, your where you fit – and your ability to voice it, share it fills a large place in this universe that would otherwise be like the jigsaw puzzle piece that got lost from the box.
    Thank you.

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