Thinking Big — Mercury Conjunct Jupiter

Mercury catches up with Jupiter for a Taurus conjunction that will take place overnight for most of us. For Mercury to conjoin Jupiter in the auspices of fixed earth so soon after we have entered an eclipse cycle (with yesterday’s annular solar eclipse) indicates a fortunate opportunity. Mercury rules Gemini, where yesterday’s solar eclipse took place. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, where the June 4 lunar eclipse will take place, closing the cycle. Merging their energies through a common raiment, Mercury and Jupiter encourage you to think big and make the most of this time.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Like most symbolically promising aspects, tonight’s conjunction of the smallest and largest of planets requires your awareness to be fully realized. You can begin by simply contemplating the contrasting length of Mercury and Jupiter’s current Taurus tenures.

Jupiter entered Taurus on June 4 of last year, but a retrograde took it back to the first degree before direct motion resumed on Christmas. That retrograde essentially reset Jupiter’s tour of Taurus, giving you a symbolic chance to start over, after having re-examined the nature and miracle of practical joviality — that giving is receiving. On the other hand, Mercury’s entrance to Taurus less than two weeks ago gave us the opportunity to appreciate something entirely different, a fresh start.

Mercury spent nearly three months confined between Pisces and Aries as result of its own, most recent retrograde period. That’s a long time for an object that can change its energy signature twice a month. With its entry into Taurus less than two weeks ago, the innermost planet made a very discernible fresh start. As the archetype of mind and its means, Mercury moved beyond a stale oscillation between its intuitive and emotional expressions and into a space of practical wisdom with its ingress to Taurus. Tonight, that mythical messenger of wisdom gained by refreshment and perspective will merge with Jupiter’s practical joviality just before Mercury moves on to Gemini this coming Thursday. That conjunction comes at an opportune time.

The period between eclipses is often characterized by an apparent distortion of space-time. The Sagittarius Full Moon and lunar eclipse early next month will almost certainly find us emerging further afield and longer away from yesterday than two weeks would normally permit. Both Mercury and Jupiter, as expressed in your life, are familiar with that sensation from recent experience. On the eve of their own respective emergence into a new realm of expression, Mercury and Jupiter will be collaborating briefly tonight, while many of us are sleeping, providing you with something to wake up to, something useful.

It is useful to be aware. It is even more advantageous if that awareness is infused with an expectation for gain during a period often associated with loss, and gain there is to be had if we can work consciously to release that which we are better off losing. That’s the message of Mercury’s conjunction with Jupiter, to make the most of this nascent eclipse cycle by releasing burdens and conserving practical wisdom and joviality earned by long experience and patient reflection, proven to be the means of lasting gain. So think big tomorrow; it’s the necessary requisite to manifesting the opportunities for growth that will soon be available for you. 

Offered In Service 

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

11 thoughts on “Thinking Big — Mercury Conjunct Jupiter”

  1. I had a funny experience the night of 20 to 21 May which I will remember all my life. Certainly that the encounter of mercury to Jupiter at a been the trigger of a background acquired along the way.

    ES – this an opportunity or the faculty or the strategic intelligence of daring and why not a web tool to challenge dams of the linguistics of foreign languages symbolized by Jupiter and learning by mercury.
    Knowing that my own language the French and by a simple translator I can make not less than 38 different languages and not knowing a base an only that of my country of origin.

    This evening there for one hour I have juggled on the Panasonic Chat with 5 different languages between the French, the English, Italian, Spanish and Japanese. It is an incredible prodigy Len you do not believe? While admiration live the Eclipse to the Fujiyama, which ma won a feat of visit on my blog. High on moments the plan of the emotional with an increase of adrenaline you cut breathtaking and yet I have a square in natal between mercury and Jupiter…. go understand… is not isolated and is part of a global design and main engine of my card…

    Good day to all 🙂

  2. Hugging Scorpio: Thank you for your question. Please forgive the delay in reply. Our carpool of eclipse pilgrims is on its way back home to Seattle after having viewed the eclipse from California. Yes, of course, there is always more than one way to interpret an aspect. Conjunctions are generally considered a new beginning. Also a merger of energies. Finally a blind spot – like the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in the 60’s – everybody was so involved in living it. Certainly an enhancement of some sort in communication, but please remember, it’s a quick aspect. Mercury is moving over two degrees a day. Thanks for the link too.

    Huffy: You are most welcome.

    be: Thank you for expanding and educating us with a look into the future of today’s Mercury-Jupiter conjunction. Yes, the synchronicity is both exciting and a reminder to live mindfully. What you said pertains well to both alternatives for Venus and Jupiter (which is very interesting), hence you are without error.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you. In agreement with your perspective.

    Kelly: Thank you for the heads up. Did not know that. That is a humbling complement given how Mary Plumb’s a far superior astrologer than anything myself has ever been able to pull together. She must also be very kind and generous,

    aword: Brilliant, thank you. Indeed, it is far more difficult (and more importantly, takes a far great toll) not to have trust.

  3. Len, thank you so much for keeping my awareness keen. Or, assisting my awareness to be continually bolstered. I, for one, continue to work on Trust..and considering all that the skies are offering, I think perhaps we’ve tipped the scales and that it’s more difficult to not have it than to have. Now how good is that?!
    Be, as always, thanks for the extras!

  4. Seems Mountain Astrologer likes your posts too, Len.

    “Len Wallick, writing at Planet Waves, has a very clear description of the astronomy of eclipses and a lovely take on its meaning. “Sunday’s solar eclipse will be of the annular variety, where the darkest part of the sky will be ringed by a circle of brilliant light — and what will ultimately prevail, once that which is out of place has passed, is the light.”
    MOUNTAIN ASTROLOGER Mary Plumb 21.05.2012

  5. This meeting was held in conjunction with my Taurus ascendant to the trine of my MC, Saturn and Jupiter, for the rest the future will tell.
    This news cycle of mercury/Jupiter makes me think of the same cycle in my revolution of Jupiter as there is also a revolution for each planet. Certainly that this appointment will serve as a bridge between two eclipses and will depend on its proximity to the planets in our skies of birth…

    Thanks Len for this article

  6. One must not be in such a hurry as I just was. It is Jupiter that forms the yod with Pluto sextile Saturn, not Venus. It is Venus (not Jupiter) that is the target for the yod energy. So sorry for my error.

  7. I do hope so Len! I know hope is not always valued for it’s bridging capability between what is and what could be, but if anyone can punch up it’s value it would be Mercury and Jupiter. So I do hope for some practical wisdom and practical joviality, and most of all something soon.

    Your words today prompted me (or Mercury?) to look and see when these two mental stimulators would next meet again and found that next year, about this same time they will conjunct again right where Venus is stalled out now. And Venus will be there again too! I’m half surprised, half not at all surprised. The heavenly sky just never stops providing riddles, clues and hope does it?

    This “information” also tells us that when Mercury (goddess bless him) opposes Jupiter just before the Winter Solstice this December he will, as usual be doing more than one thing. He can provide us a clear view of where our practical, useful wisdom has taken us so far, and he will also serve as a scout for Venus as she prepares to enter her point position in the yod with sextiled Pluto and Saturn. So wonderful is the synchronicity of the planets that Venus has a perfectly centered opposition to Jupiter as target for her accumulated energies. I ask you Len, is this big enuf? I’m beginning to think so.

  8. “So think big tomorrow; it’s the necessary requisite to manifesting the opportunities for growth that will soon be available for you.”
    Muchos Gracias Len!

    I have a small follow up question: with Merc also being about communication and messages, is there another aspect to this conjunction in that regard? Perhaps you’ve already answered this. Thanks!


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