Something Bigger — Venus Sextile Uranus

When Venus opens a sextile (60 degrees of separation) from Uranus early Monday EDT, both will be a part of something bigger — a cue for you to become part of something bigger yourself. The “something bigger” for Venus (in Gemini) and Uranus (in Aries) will be a Y-shaped “yod” aspect with Saturn in Scorpio, exact to the degree.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The symbolic implications of Venus, Uranus and Saturn participating to form a yod at this particular time are clear. It is time for you to participate in redefining the established order.

Saturn represents (among other things) the established order in which you live, which is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, as part of the established order you are defined and sustained.

A human being by him- or herself is a hurtin’ unit alone in the wilderness. It is through forming communities that we have survived to prosper on Earth. It is also through community that we have taken on the obligation to return the favors our planet has so generously and tolerantly bestowed on humanity.

The Earth is an undeniably feminine entity from which life and nourishment emerges. Yet, relatively recently in the history of our species, something has gone awry with how the established order in which you exist relates to all forms of the feminine upon which your existence ultimately depends.

Over the most recent handful of millennium (which is only a small part of the time our kind has demonstrably persevered under the sky), human communities have increasingly been organized around principles hostile to and exploitative of the Earth and feminine.

Then, during the previous time Pluto was traversing Capricorn (in the latter part of the 18th Century), there was a glimmer of hope, both on Earth and in the sky.

On Earth, there initiated an age of revolution, when people acted in community in the Americas and Europe, undertaking to shape the established order as well as being shaped by it — a process that spread around the world and continues to this day.

During this revolutionary age (in 1781), Uranus was discovered, demonstrating that there was, literally and figuratively, more to the order of our existence than previously thought. 

The re-shaping of the established order was, alas, imperfect. For the most part, slavery was re-enfranchised, and women were dis-enfranchised as the resources of the world were increasingly exploited by a concurrent age of industrialization. Appropriately, Uranus also symbolizes unfinished business as well as revolution.

With the discovery of Neptune (what some astrologers refer to as a higher octave of the ideals and values Venus represents) in the 19th Century, and its subsequent prompt ingress to Pisces, people acted in community to resolve the unfinished business left by the age of revolution. In the USA, slaves were emancipated, and a long struggle to win voting rights for women in the community of their nation was initiated. Once again, the struggle spread throughout the world, and continues to this day.

Then, with the discovery of Pluto in the 20th Century, an insidious effort began to foment industrialization and undermine revolution as the basis of what fascists called a new order. It was a huge deception, employing Neptune’s negative side, unfortunately also continuing to this day.

Now, Pluto is back in Capricorn for the first time since the revolutionary era, and Neptune is back in Pisces, as if to review where we are now and reveal the interpretation of next Monday’s yod. 

At this very moment of the 21st Century, we are compelled to examine what form of existence people in community have wrought in the present as emblematic of Saturn as it is now. We are also required to look back into the pre-historic past when communities were first formed around the values Venus represents. Finally we must simultaneously ask ourselves whether future human communities will reflect either the unfinished business or unlimited possibilities contained in Uranus’ interpretation.     

We are compelled to examine retrograde Saturn as symbolically representing the established order, which literally moved backwards with last Monday’s Supreme Court decision disenfranchising women from control over their own bodies, and implicitly granting industry the right to exploit the feminine (which includes the Earth itself) with impunity.

We are required to look back at the vast expanse of human history before the recent era characterized by open exploitation of women and the Earth. A history conveniently erased by the current established order, but nonetheless when people undeniably lived in communities, and when Venus represented the simple equivalency of beauty and truth as the prime directive of existence on Earth.

We need to ask ourselves if we are willing to have the skies above our planet close like a vault rather than continue to open into infinite potential. 

And you, like or not, are part of it. There are no sidelines to stand on. In this moment of your existence you are involved in a titanic struggle that covers the Earth and extends into the sky. At this time it is for you to choose what side of the yod you are on.

Will you embody the equivalence of truth and beauty in support of unlimited possibilities for all of humanity, which the sextile from Venus to Uranus represents?

Will you elect, while election is still yours to have, to put pressure on the established order (as symbolized by the quincunx aspects included in Monday’s yod: simultaneous separations of 150 degrees from both Venus and Uranus to Saturn) to define itself by the will of all of its communities? Or will just one highly exclusive community defined by the concentration of industrial wealth prevail?

If you do nothing, or otherwise support the established order’s current inertia, you will almost certainly not be a voting partner in their exclusive community.

If you don’t act in community, just as Venus and Uranus are moving to act in sextile, those who follow you will very probably live alone in, and have their very existence defined by, confinement in an industrial wilderness.

If you you permit the progress of recent centuries to be rolled back while humanity’s true nature and obligations to Earth are simultaneously concealed, the result will almost certainly contribute to the legacy of your life.

Tomorrow and this weekend, the USA remembers the beginning of its unfinished business. No matter where you are, however, it will be your business too. 

Next Monday, when Venus, Saturn and Uranus form a “Y” in the sky, billions in the industrialized world will go back to work. As you do, or even if you don’t go back to work yourself, please contemplate how your life’s work also entails something bigger. Indeed, there may be nothing bigger than working to assure the “Y” in the sky does not ultimately presage a desolate and despairing “Why?” in the throats of people who will follow and remember you.

Offered In Service

Dedicated to Amanda, Fe, Carol, Jude, Elizabeth, Chelsea and all of the truly great women participating in the Planet Waves community.      

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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11 thoughts on “Something Bigger — Venus Sextile Uranus”

  1. be, Fe, Lea, aword, P. Sophia, Mia, Jude, and marymack: Thank you all so very much for your kind, generous comments and your valuable contributions to expand and deepen the theme. Please accept my sincere apologies for not acknowledging you earlier – my life has been interrupted (so to speak) as of late. Please know you are all deeply appreciated for your participation through comment.

  2. Dear Len,

    Such a wonderful piece you’ve written here … I feel called to rise up and be engaged in my community, esp as a card-carrying, freak-flag-waving Aquarian. As Be wrote below, Aquarius is about daytime dreaming and in my mind I associate this with inventing and in community in particular. Redefining my own community to enable all of us to be whole and whole-some (I’ve got Ceres / Venus on NN in Cap) feels very perfect right now. One of our recent guests is returning tomorrow with boxes of produce from his organic farm in VT … and my own Aquarian heart sings with joy. How I become a member of that party remains to be seen — but I am open and willing and I thank you, Len, for helping me find this awareness. Such a native Washingtonian, I’ve been searching out ways to return to the land of the law-makers to feel right again … loving the notion that forward motion is not about drudgery but delight in something truly sustainable.


  3. Splendid and prescient and encouraging, dearheart, and as always, a pleasure to read and ponder. And so, please allow me to honor the compassionate blending of yin/yang that echoes and amplifies the best attributes of the human heart: yours is magnificent. No kidding. Hug, hug.

  4. After looking at the chart (set in Washington DC) for the lunar eclipse in October, I get the feeling it is about gender equality and Law. Perhaps regarding marriage, perhaps pay scale. Transiting Saturn will be in the U.S. Sibly 12th house (behind closed doors) and as the focal point of the yod he participates in with the U.S. Sibly chart’s sextile with Chiron and Mars it could be about the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision. That’s because this lunar eclipse resonates with the ACA chart’s square between Pallas and Vesta as well as it’s Moon-Pluto opposition.

    This might have already been noted somewhere, but just in case it hasn’t, the New Moon last Friday at 5+ Cancer was conjunct the ACA (Obamacare) chart’s Moon at 5+ Cancer near the ascendant (and therefore the ruler of the chart) opposite Pluto at 5+ Capricorn. The upcoming October eclipse has Neptune at 5+ Pisces trine the Obamacare chart Moon and sextile it’s Pluto. 5+ Cancer is also the degree of the U.S Sibly Jupiter and Jupiter is all about lawyers and judges.

  5. “infinite organizing potential…”

    Wonderful line P. Sophia.

    This is a powerful article, Len, truly inspiring. And so appropriate in regards to current events in my own life. I have taken a passenger side position the past week or so and by giving up my desire to drive things I need or have wanted for a very long time are being organized and presented to me all on their very own. Truly fantastic. We have been moving into a place of instant manifestation for a long time with abundance as a choice.

    Unfortunately as a country we still have a number of hard knocks to go through. Luckily we are beginning to see what is going on behind the scenes and has been for a very long time. Since the death of JFK an agenda has been rolling along to change America. It is up to each of us to do our part to ensure it does not happen.

    Thank you Len, for all your advice and guidance. Some key things you have said over time have been golden. As my second Saturn Return rolls along I am seeing that my dreams have the energy to come true.

    And can for all of us.


  6. Len,

    You have condensed so much eye-popping information into a comprehensive picture of where we are in the process of evolving, that I expect some who read this will be startled into realizing just how meaningful their being here on the planet right now is, an intended outcome I presume.

    The fact that these two slow moving planets, Saturn and Uranus are both considered rulers of Aquarius (the Age we are on the cusp of), and that one of them, Saturn, is associated with the strength of the past while the other, Uranus, is associated with the promise of the future, can only helps us to further clarify the Big Picture you have drawn for us.

    Aquarius is associated with dreaming; the daytime kind of dreaming. Not the nebulous Piscean dream but the kind that inventors dream; useful and with a goal of making life better for man (and woman) kind. By adding the personal touch of Venus, we can form a tool. . . .like a pair of pliers or a dowser. If we think of Venus as the value side of the tool working harmoniously with Uranus – the dreamer side of the tool – to put pressure on the working end of the tool, Saturn, much can be accomplished via the energies of this astrological pattern.

    In October there will be a total lunar eclipse at 15 Aries 05 that will be conjunct Uranus at 14+ Aries retrograde. This eclipsed Moon will also trine Mars at 16+ Sagittarius and Jupiter at 17+ Leo. Adding complexity to the pattern is the Sun at 15 Libra 05 and Chiron at 14+ Pisces. However communities will have utilized this coming Monday’s yod tool will result in how October’s grand trine in fire will manifest, and I’m thinking very likely we will see much of it in the U.S. via November’s election results.

    October’s lunar eclipse with the Sun at 15 Libra 05, will conjunct the U.S. Sibly Saturn (established order) at 14+ Libra. At the time of the lunar eclipse trans. Saturn will have advanced to 21+ Scorpio. As it turns out, the U.S. will be able to once again utilize transiting Saturn (established order) from his Scorpio position as the business end of a yod he will form with the U.S. Sibly chart’s sextile between Chiron (teaching) in Aries and Mars (action) in Gemini. Getting citizens registered to vote might be one example.

    As for any unfinished business specifically related to the U.S., I’ve got it in my head that “events” are conspiring to teach us about karma, or what goes ’round comes ’round. When the white man came to this country it was his intention to claim it as his own and either remove or relocate the native people. Now when the reverse is happening, when mostly non-white people come to seek refuge here, it is perceived by some – if not many – as an aggressive move, not unlike how our ancestors made the native Americans feel.

    This feeling or perception can be traced astrologically through the Sibly chart’s Venus conjunct Karma (an asteroid) at 3+ Cancer. Presently, transiting Hades (a Uranian Point), associated with unpleasantness that must be dealt with, is conjunct the U.S Venus and Karma and it is also the point where transiting Mercury’s recent retrograde began.

    Transiting and direct, Mercury will reach the degree of the U.S. Venus and Karma on Tuesday July 15th at the end of a week where trans. Mars (action) will have made a conjunction with trans. Ceres (find the missing child), trans. north node (opportunities) and trans. Vesta (persevering), and he will also trine trans. Venus (love) who will have trined trans. Ceres, north node and Vesta. We’ve recently seen the newest version of the Ugly American, perhaps that week will be able to reveal our better nature. What goes round comes round.

  7. “Indeed, there may be nothing bigger than working to assure the “Y” in the sky does not ultimately presage a desolate and despairing “Why?”

    Yeah Len, must be in the atmosphere, the shared mind belt at work.. I just mentioned to a friend of mine this morning that these last couple days I have had by a strong feeling of a powerful emergence of the energy of “infinite organizing potential” exact words swirling about, while on the other side, is the great separation of the “established order” at this time brings the practice of releasing the fear and pain of the past as it washes through me.

    Also your interpretation of the Venus sextile Uranus coupled with the creative potential of the Sun Pluto Opposition Eric wrote about, holds the opportunity to consciously harness and transform some of these energy patterns to evolve. If personally we do our part to positively tap into and uplift this consciousness, great discoveries and inventions, hell– incredible metaphysical explorations can occur! I once read of some researcher, Hawkins I believe, who studied the frequency of human consciousness. Apparently his work validated a spiritually minded person thinking from heart centered the frequency of consciousness was higher than a materialistic, or depressive thought of self-involved. I certainly have seen the power of this in my life.

    Which presents, healing. As even in our current dis-connection, thinking and societies, as an individual presence who is working on spiritual growth, creates an exponential power(full), influence of positive that spreads and makes this world a better place. Paradoxically, there IS community in this.

  8. Bravo!
    Your best poetry yet, Len. And in content above cadence.

    Unfinished Business. So it is then.

  9. “There are no sidelines to stand on. In this moment of your existence you are involved in a titanic struggle that covers the Earth and extends into the sky. At this time it is for you to choose what side of the yod you are on.”
    Yes. Brilliant expounding of Pluto’s effects on recent (in hundreds of years) history and how we all standing now at a crossroads. And what does crossroads mean to each of us
    Choice. And start walking.
    Thanks, Len. It is indeed a Plutonium, Saturnine, Venusian Crossroad. Meet you there.

  10. You are my hero Len, bravo for this offering so well timed to the U.S. solar return (this year on July 5th). I confess I could write a lot more if time allowed but for now I just have time to say thank you and God bless!

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