Perception and Response — Jupiter Station Direct

When Jupiter’s Gemini journey resumes direct motion tomorrow at 6:37 am EST, you will have a role in what it means. Most plainly, it will mean all the major, sign-ruling planets will be moving forward until Saturn stations retrograde on Feb. 18. Such a cosmic consensus does not happen every day.

Astrology by Len Wallick

How you perceive and respond to that consensus will contribute to how its implied themes of advancement and growth express in your life. When the major planets are all direct, some advancement is almost a matter of course. When Jupiter completes the pattern, however, what grows from it will not be a given. Your participation, or lack of it, will be definitive.

Jupiter, in the words of Robert Hand “is a planet of growth and enlargement.” Direct motion usually corresponds to a stronger expression of Jupiter’s nature in your world, but Jupiter’s placement in mutable, dualistic Gemini indicates that the outcome is an open question.

The question is, what will be advancing more strongly, and to what extent? Only you can answer that question. That’s because the trends indicated by astrology do not just happen to you. You have a part in determining the outcome. You help define how the patterns manifest. Your perceptions and responses contribute to the direction and consequences of the trends.

First comes your perception. It helps if it is not entirely from inside of you. That’s where astrology comes in, offering a perspective from outside your personal story. The awareness that astrology provides is from the trends and patterns symbolized by the planets and their cycles in relation to where you live — Earth.

There is no doubt that you are a part of Earth. You are therefore intimately involved with Earth’s cycles, the seasons. The effect of the seasonal cycle you are now experiencing, however, is not a given. Rather, your perception determines what you think and how you feel about a given time of year. Your thoughts and feelings, in turn, contribute to whether you respond to in a manner appropriate to your best interest, and the best interest of others.

It is in your best interest, and that of others, to make the most of any given time of year and what it offers. That way, you stand a better chance of thriving rather than suffering, and helping others to do the same, no matter what the season. Since you are so intimately involved with the cycles of our planet as to be inseparable from them, it would stand to reason that you are just as involved with the cycles of the solar system in relation to Earth.

Making the most of Jupiter’s direct station, therefore, begins with being conscious of what makes you thrive and what makes you suffer. The next step is perceiving what form of advancement and growth would be in your best interest, and that of others. Finally, the objective is to respond so as to contribute support for what would best serve those interests.

For example, Jupiter’s expansive nature can just as well support growth of your waistline or of your erudition. The outcome depends on what you feed and how much. By the same token, all the major planets in direct motion are just as likely to advance habits or patterns that contribute to your misery as they are to promote initiatives that sustain your well being. The result will be defined by your choices. Fortunately, you will have time to take a hand in the course of events. The key will be whether you make the most of that time.

Jupiter’s apparent motion is relatively slow, especially when it is changing direction. That will give you some time expand your perception of the role you play in the order of things. Jupiter is also the largest planet; when it throws its weight in same direction as the rest of the solar system, it will make a difference.

Likewise, your perceptions and responses will carry weight and make a difference to the extent that you are in consensus with Jupiter and the rest of the major planets. You don’t have to do it all at once, but it will help if you start tomorrow. Like Jupiter, you can start slowly. You can begin with perceiving yourself as capable of advancing in unison with the sky and responding as if that perception were true. If you can do that, then it will only be a matter of time before you grow into the role of contributing to the definition of what astrology means.

Offered In Service    

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

13 thoughts on “Perception and Response — Jupiter Station Direct”

  1. Notice of my error and its correction: In the next-to-last sentence of the first paragraph of this blog it originally read “until Mercury stations retrograde on Feb 23”. That was a mistake. It has now been corrected to read “until Saturn stations retrograde on Feb 18”. i beg all members of the Planet Waves community to forgive me this lapse of professional integrity.

  2. 7, 8 and 9 February Venus Aquarius transit will form a beautiful area with Aries Venus and Jupiter Gemini triangle that should I think bring a reward gift price a happy event… thanks Jupiter and Len for your article 🙂

  3. As Jupiter turns direct in Air, the Sun is crossing over natal Pholus, Damocles and 1992QB1 in quick succession. That trio is on my DC and opposing natal Uranus and Echeclus – another interesting centaur.

    Venus is rounding the bend onto natal Chariklo and natal Venus @ 0AQ. (transiting Damocles has just conj natal Chiron and will conj natal Merc will in a moment following close behind Mars).

    I got interested and ran my natal chart with as many Centaurs as I could. Veeeery interesting to see where “shadow material” lives in my natal. The cancer/capricorn axis (12th/6th houses) particularly full of them.

    I’m not clear on what is or is not “expanding” in my life right now; An intense “push-me-pull-you” feeling is pervasive today with lots of deja vu thrown in for the mix — Thank you Len and PW for “bringing all this stuff up” so to speak — Interesting, helpful concepts to work through.

  4. “Making the most of Jupiter’s direct station, therefore, begins with being conscious of what makes you thrive and what makes you suffer. The next step is perceiving what form of advancement and growth would be in your best interest, and that of others. Finally, the objective is to respond so as to contribute support for what would best serve those interests.”

    Making a list, checking it twice of “soaring” (thrive) and “sinking” (suffer) feelings. Prioritize the list, and identify the appropriate action. Got it. I think. I hope. Thanks, Len, for the astrowork assignment for the week.


  5. Chief Niwots Son: Thanks again. In case there are any question marks over heads out there:

    (1) For six months, up until the most recent (Capricorn) solstice, the Sun rose and set a little further South on the horizon every morning and night. Since the solstice, the Sun has been rising and setting further North. That is an apparent change of direction. When a planet stations retrograde or direct it appears to rise sooner or later every night. Not the same as the Sun at solstice, but still an apparent change of direction, and in that way in emulation of the Sun.

    (2) David Crosby must be quite a fellow. Some years back, when he had a health crisis and nearly died, Joni Mitchell went on record as having actually prayed for him.

  6. Jupiter has been bouncing across my natal sun at 8.21 of Gemini, and was right on it during the 12.21.12 Yod. The idea of the Jupiter Station being like the Sun at Solstice is illuminating, and a very helpful bit of news, thank you!

    PS- In that video I posted, the fellow in the front left with the dark cape is a very young David Crosby.

  7. Lizzy: You are welcome. While the “wise” part of me is probably in contact with my chair, your kind words are accepted and appreciated. It is very fulfilling to know that my words serve you well.

    Pam: Thank you. May you see nothing but open field ahead of you.

    be: You are priceless national treasure. Thank you so very much for connect us with the recent history of the 6+ Gemini-Sadge axis. Thank you also for mentioning the Sabian, which is in many ways, as deep as a well – Jung would love you for it (as do i). Finally, thank you for tying in the concurrent aspects to the Jupiter station and the emerging ancient element of water, bursting forth like a spring at the base of a mountain.

    Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for a very pertinent quote. When a planet stations, it emulates the Sun at a solstice.

    Neptuner: A thank you does not seem to be enough to express my gratitude to you. Words cannot express the joy felt when reading yours. To know that my words today have served to assist you on your new enterprise of health and growth – wow, such joy you have given me today.

  8. Thanks Len! This comes at an interesting time as Jupiter retrogrades and tomorrow goes direct and crosses my IC in Gemini. I started therapy today. I’m beginning to assimilate an understanding of why the response-ability we cultivate in ourselves is truly a gift of freedom. Thank you for helping me cross the threshold with the awareness that my choices are powerful.

  9. Hi Len,

    It might help our perception to know that 6+ Gemini is also the degree of the recently eclipsed Moon on 11/28/12. That was a few weeks before our emotions were assualted by the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. The Sun was at 6+ Sagittarius opposite the eclipsed Moon of course, and later in December, when we were all abuzz about the meaning of the 12/21/12 Solstice, Venus would also be occupying 6+ Sagittarius. There is something about this axis (6 Gemini – 6 Sagittarius) right now that is speaking to us as a whole (humanity) and as individuals. With Jupiter pressing hard at 6+ Gemini we are meant to understand it.

    “A Well With Bucket And Rope Under The Shade Of Majestic Trees.” This is the symbol for the degree that the eclipsed Moon was, and now Jupiter is in. A keynote for this symbol is “Man’s primordial faith in the hidden sustaining power of life.” That of course, would be water. Water symbolizes emotions and feelings, and in this symbol it would be shared feelings. The eclipsed Moon, also a water symbol, was hidden late in November; now Jupiter is potent in his station. Could it mean that hidden but shared feelings are potent now?

    “Cupid knocks at the door of a human heart” This is the symbol that Venus occupied at the solstice and the symbol the Sun occupied when opposite the eclipsed Moon. It implies an opening up to individual longings as opposed to group feelings. Dane Rudhyar suggests this cupid kind of love “knows no rules and ignores collective purpose or dictates of reason”. He calls it Emotional Rebirth.

    Maybe Jupiter is noting with vehemence a divide; what we feel personally against what feelings we share with others. Chiron in Pisces squaring Jupiter will urge us to feel those feelings as opposed to just mentally observing them. Pallas-Athene and Uranus in Aries sextile Jupiter and support a new kind of break-through experience. The same-day Sun square Saturn will be making us conscious (Sun) of some kind of reticense (Saturn) that involves deeply held feeling (Scorpio) brought forward by the group (Aquarius).

    As you say Len, it appears we do have a part in determining the outcome and as well, finding our own balance between personal and society’s needs and feelings. It’s time, don’t you think?

  10. Thanks so much Len! I’ve got a bit lost lately, was so good to be brought back to earth by your infinitely wise words.

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