Now and Then — Solar Leo

You have survived yesterday’s Aquarius Full Moon and the busy astrology leading up to it. Now, it’s a good time to catch up to where you are and how you got here. When it comes to a conscious self-examination, or an awareness of your position and progress, there is no time better than when the Sun is traversing its Leo rulership.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The ascertainment availed by solar Leo is symbolically potent this year. That’s because the Sun is nearly halfway through its journey between conjoining the Taurus lunar south node and the Scorpio lunar north node. That’s another way of saying we are about halfway between eclipse cycles. If you think about your life over the last two or three months, understanding that single fact will go a long way towards achieving perspective.

There is a formidable correspondence of events in the public sphere to parallel your own experience since the immediately previous cycle of three eclipses. It started on April 25, when the newly Taurus Sun, on its way to conjoining with the lunar south node, opposed a Scorpio Full Moon, precipitating a lunar eclipse.

Saturn, in direct motion through Scorpio since July 7, is now precisely conjunct the degree of the April 25 lunar eclipse for the second time since it happened. That means you should now be able to discern with significant depth what has taken shape since then.

To use just one example from the public sphere, Edward Snowden was still residing and employed in the United States at the end of April. By the time Luna came around to conjoin the Taurus Sun for a New Moon and solar eclipse on May 9 (or 10, depending on your time zone), his story was still a month from breaking. When the eclipse cycle ended with a Sagittarius lunar eclipse during the Full Moon of May 24 (or 25), Mr. Snowden, though an expatriate in Hong Kong, still had a valid passport and was free to travel most anywhere in the world.

If you look at other public events, your own life, or where the two intersect, there have been similar developments in the same period of time. It could be that a barrier to formalizing your partnership has been removed, placing you among the married. Perhaps there are now additional barriers between you and your right to vote. It may just be that walking the street will never feel the same again.

Whatever form it has taken for you, something has come out of nowhere since April and recently, even rapidly, changed the shape of your world. At least some of it has almost certainly made you conscious that you are not in the proverbial state of Kansas anymore. The crucial question is how conscious.

Now, with the Sun about as far away from the last eclipse cycle as it is close to the next one (a more common cycle of two eclipses, lunar on October 18, and solar on November 3), you have nearly a month to evaluate and orient yourself to your new state, both internal and external.

The first requisite is to consciously recognize how your “now” has taken a different shape from a “then” only months past. For some of you, the answer will be obvious. For others it may be as subliminal as it is undeniable. If everything looks the same, go a little deeper and give yourself permission to be aware of what does not feel the same.

Either way, the Sun is affording you time to sort things out. You would know yourself, your life, and your world better were you not to squander the opportunity. Whether your part is to explore dark places or itemize that which is plainly illuminated, the objective is the same.

Your objective during solar Leo is to catch yourself after days of one thing after another and be here now. From the perspective of what “now” means as opposed to your “then” just past, you will be able to either discover coherency in what, by previous standards, appears incoherent or begin making decisions based on the new parameters of your life.

Ultimately either path will allow you enter the wormhole of the next eclipse cycle as a more whole and present being than you would otherwise be. That will make all the difference in the world when, not too long from now, you wake up to find that the meaning of the word “then” has suddenly changed to take on a future tense.

Offered In Service          

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

13 thoughts on “Now and Then — Solar Leo”

  1. Len- as always your articles are so lyrical and thoughtfully calming
    be- always wonderful to hear your further insight
    together you two are just the medicine one needs…

  2. michele, Mia, Amanda, Diva Carla, Chief Niwots Son, and be (again): Thank you for taking us to where no blog has gone before. Amazing (and much appreciated) contributions from all.

  3. Amanda, yes and yes! When Orpheus looked back he had some doubt that Eurydike would be there. Even though you would think that a threat from the devil would be enough to keep him “moving forward”, he didn’t have the confidence that it “would work”. That look back (for us) could come in the form of doubting our own decision or ability to see it through to the end.

    Eurydike was a “follower” in myth and Elatus had an inspiring way with words. It is Uranus and Juno who are prodding (quincunx) Elatus and Eurydike to express the total sum of their energies. If Uranus is “freedom” and Juno is “being equal” and they both aspect the nodes, then so do Eurydike and Elatus. E and E are in Virgo so the easy choice would be the south node in Taurus, but they also sextile – a quite doable aspect – the north node, the one which holds the greater promise.

    But because Juno is at the crossroad point between the nodes where a decision must be made, the burden of choice seems to be on her. (Remember she was conjunct the Sun [consciousness] in the December solstice chart.) Therefore, feeling “equal” to the challenge seems to be a strong message from the pattern. She’s been studying these options for a while now – staying at that midway point, the north bending – and will be there for a while longer. Uranus too is retrograde so this is not a decision made lightly. Len says we have some time to sort things out.

    As I noted in your own article, Psyche is conjunct the north node so that could influence one’s decision too. As she is in a grand trine (or was at the full moon) with Chiron and Mercury it would appear to benefit our mental health to choose the path less trodden. So we sort it all out, then follow through, without second guessing ourselves, down (or up) an unfamiliar path that leads to freedom and equality and mental health. All you need now are some yellow bricks to follow, heh heh.

    It is up to you, Eric and Len and all the PlanetWave writers to do the Elatus thing and we the readers will do the Eurydike thing and follow.

  4. What a fabulous theme. Let me sing and remember!
    Thanks Be for the look back and express yourself themes.
    Amanda, you got me thinking and that’s dangerous. The order “don’t look back” is a mythical meme. Lot’s wife, lots of damsels, maidens, princesses, lovers, and young knights and witches on magical quests were told Don’t Look Back. I feel like it refers to faith, and trust.

    We carry the past forward with us, and heal it by continuing forward. What we give attention to (look at), we attract/create. The word (writing, expressing) manifests. The time for looking back at the path we’ve trod, and the distance we’ve come, is in ceremony of celebration.

    Reviewing a journal, an intention, or a last eclipse, transit, or return is done with new eyes. We can’t even see how far we’ve come unless we are firmly planted in the now, and the new. It’s treacherous. The emotional resonance of the past–that drama, that pain–that desire is so seductive.

    I’ve spent way too many years of my life in this trap. Thank for the chance to take a look at it.

    PS. I did not get seeds planted at eclipse time, though I did plant a garden a month later, and I also became ill. My garden is now producing food, my health is restoring, and I have the frequent company of twin fawns who so clearly enjoy being alive. They remind me of my young grandsons.

  5. be — thank you for the notes on elatus and euridike. fascinating thoughts…

    i’m assuming the “not looking back” is more along the lines of “don’t look back wistfully, wishing for what was,” or don’t look back out of fear? since certainly marking what has changed since late april/early may requires a certain amount of consideration of what was in order to gauge just how much things have changed, yes?

  6. michele — congratulations! 🙂 i was thinking as i edited Len’s piece yesterday, that it’s probably a good time for me to sit down with my sprouting and flowering notes from my eclipse seeds to see what insight i can glean.

  7. Is it just me or has something just shifted? Even my computer is docile and no longer out of control. We both have been exocised! Was it the Full Moon? Mercury direct?

    Example of grand trine between Mercury in Cancer, North Node in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces. Anthony Wiener and wife news conference yesterday.

    Congrats on the grapefruit seed Michele!

  8. My emergency last-minute grapefruit seed has sprouted!!! (That’s jubilance.)

    (Oh and so much more. But it certainly is a different world. Like this: “The first requisite is to consciously recognize how your “now” has taken a different shape from a “then” only months past. For some of you, the answer will be obvious.” It’s been aaahhhh… not so easy. But good.)


  9. be and aword: Thank you both so very much for taking us deeper and helping us to see things more broadly.

  10. This eclipse-cycle itinerary does very much ring true, Len. It only took a resurgence of a longtime desire (April) coupled with a sudden casual mention from someone else (June) and suddenly pieces of pie started flinging themselves together into one whole possibility that might leave the crap-pie I was formerly dished behind me once and for all.

    Be, it sounds like not looking back is key to making sure it’s not a pie in the face.

    :)Thank you!

  11. You know Len, I get the feeling that the Universe was expecting you to write about the eclipses past and future because the transiting Moon just exacted a sextile to Uranus and is about to exact a conjunction to Juno. Transiting Juno is about the only thing that hasn’t changed between “then” and “now” and she’s been pretty much midway between the north and south nodes the whole time. So if the Moon was “awakened” by her sextile to Uranus in Aries, she now is prepared to contact Juno without any illusions.

    In that April 25 lunar eclipse, the Moon was under 3 degrees from conjunct Saturn, and now he has returned to her degree of partial eclipse to give it substance; make it real. Juno will continue her backward movement as Saturn moves forward and they will be exactly square by late next month. In the meantime, Juno has been at the crossroad of the nodes as she has been for 3 months, and just now the Moon is making contact with her. Here’s the thing.

    Uranus and Juno (and at the moment, Moon) are sextile and they have this relationship with Eurydike at 13+ Virgo and Elatus at 13+ Virgo called a yod. Elatus is the centaur who expresses himself through his writing, often poetically. 🙂 Eurydike, the wife of Orpheus, could only escape Hades if her husband didn’t look back to see if she was following him to freedom. It appears that Uranus and Juno (armed with the emotionally driven Moon while holding down the north bending of the nodes for these many months) seek to awaken our unconscious feelings to the chance for freedom from the past. On two conditions, (1) don’t look back and (2) express yourself. A Leo Sun shouldn’t have any trouble doing that. Neither will you.

    By the time the Sun moves into critical thinking Virgo next month, Juno and Saturn will be ready to perfect their square. Saturn will then continue to move forward and by mid September will sextile Ceres as he conjuncts the north node and makes it all real. It will be NOW and Juno will station direct just in time to trine the Libra Sun. Don’t look back.

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