Inclusion — Last Quarter Moon

The Moon enters Taurus at 12:43 am EDT Monday, to do a little more than just reach its last quarter phase 13 hours (to the minute) later. In addition to the aspect that defines a last quarter Moon (an applying square to the Leo Sun), half-lit Luna will complete a complex and intertwining set of major aspects that connect every sign-ruling object, symbolizing unprecedented inclusion.

Astrology by Len Wallick

For a while, it appeared that Mercury would be left out, but not so. Thanks to a Cancer conjunction with Rhiphonos, a centaur object named only two days ago, Mercury will be included in the role of including newcomers.

Astrologers have applied more than one name to next week’s historic, even unique, interconnection of every sign ruler.

Some have called it a “double trine,” some a “grand sextile,” even “diamond tetrahedron,” but no one word or phrase takes it all in. Nevertheless, you can say that the Taurus Moon will be the key.

Appropriately, Taurus is where the Moon is exalted. Exaltations are one of astrology’s ‘essential dignities’, and perhaps the most ancient. An object in exaltation is like a monarch on vacation, fully expressed and uninhibited.

Since Taurus is an earth sign, the Moon will be part of a grand earth trine to two other sign rulers in the other two earth signs: Pluto’s enduring Capricorn position, and Venus, which made ingress to Virgo only last week. The fixed quality of Taurus makes it all the more fitting that the Moon would be the object to ‘fix’ the grand combination of aspects in place just as next week begins.

The earth trine of which the Moon is a part overlays the grand water trine in which the Moon also has a role. That’s because Jupiter entered its watery Cancer exaltation (as a symbolic guest of the lunar ruler) only a month ago to complete the fluid flow to Neptune’s Pisces port and Saturn’s Scorpio slurry. Together the grand earth and water trines form the grand sextile. The big picture does not stop there, however. The Moon’s pervasive involvement with Monday’s astrology does not stop there either.

In addition to hosting Mercury’s conjunction with newly-named centaur Rhiphonos, the lunar rulership of Cancer is also hosting Mars while that planet “crosses the T” on what Eric called the “defining aspect of our era,” the Uranus-Pluto cardinal square. Mars will oppose Pluto and square Uranus in Aries in an astonishing demonstration of timing.

Add in the Leo Sun square to Saturn to the degree, and there you have it — all the major players of the zodiac in simultaneous aspect to each other with the Moon in its last quarter phase as both the primary facilitator and precipitating influence.

Not only is Monday’s amalgam of sign rulers and major aspects extraordinarily timed, it is practically unique. Grand sextiles do not happen every year. Uranus-Pluto squares are nearly a century apart, and a year-long grand water trine anchored by Neptune from Pisces is without a reliably demonstrable precedent. It’s a good thing that we have the familiar yet mysterious Moon to unlock some meaning.

The Moon itself corresponds to the part of your consciousness that most other people never see. Indeed it’s the part of you most likely to be a stranger to yourself. It’s the well of dreams, the root of emotion, the repository of childhood and the defining nest of need. It is of the body, more than the mind, hence the Sanskrit word for Moon: Soma.

Lunar consciousness is also the place where the complements of unaccountable, yet indispensable, inspiration and the unfathomable mystery of insanity maintain a precarious balance. If you look at the Moon during the pre-dawn hours of Monday, you will see that balance rendered free of human judgment on a Moon half lit and half dark during a crucial phase of its cyclical continuum.

Indeed, Dane Rudyhar referred to the lunar last quarter as a “crisis” — not to frighten anybody, but as an admonition to strike a balance between ever-present danger and perpetual opportunity. To have the Moon at its last quarter be the key to an arguably unprecedented alignment of the solar system in relation to Earth is for you to know, through your body as much as through your mind, that our crisis at this time in history is also unprecedented its danger, its opportunity, and in its resolution.

The means to resolution is as symbolically clear as it is unprecedented: inclusion. For the first time ever, it is necessary to exclude no being anywhere on Earth in what you think, say or do. There can no longer be an “us” or “them” lest we all sink into insanity together, and without exception. There can only be “us” and you can only be one with us because we all, without exception, need you to include yourself.

You don’t have to change the world, or even your life. You just have to stop thinking of yourself as separate — from other people, from the Earth, from the universe. All you have to do is count yourself in and make that counting the arbiter of all you think, say, and do for as long as you inhabit your body. Somebody has to go first. Somebody said the water’s fine.  

Offered In Service     

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

12 thoughts on “Inclusion — Last Quarter Moon”

  1. Chief Niwots Son: Well put, thank you.

    DanielF: Thank you for the earth trine correlation. Excellent observation, and very thought provoking. Good point about the likelihood of corresponding events. What a contrast to the unprecedented water trine! And, yes, Pluto does progress rather slowly – to think that it entered Capricorn in 2008 and has made only 9 degrees headway – thank you for bringing us present to that as well.

    Diva Carla: Good strategy for all of us, thank you for sharing it.

  2. Len, I can barely take this in, but I feel it. It’s big, and I am happy to be here. I am just gonna expand into it. The water is always fine.

  3. One very interesting thing I noted:

    The Trine in Earth which will be interlocking next week the one in Water occurs at 9 degrees Earth, the same as the Grand Trine in Earth in March 2012, when Venus-Jupiter-BM Lilith (all conjunct at 9 Taurus) trined Mars at 9 Virgo and Pluto at 9 Capricorn. I find it most interesting that Pluto has exactly the same position as back then and that the same planets involved then are involved now in the Grand Sextile(Jupiter conjunct BM Lilith, Pluto, Mars, Venus).

    I think it will relate somehow to the events that happened then

  4. Cynthia: You are very welcome. Thank you for your kind characterization of my service.

    Lizzy: It is for me to thank you for your own innate, native sense of the Moon (given your recent birthday), which makes your generous affirmation all the more gratifying.

    P. Sophia: Your heart is thankfully received and returned to you with care. Thank you also for the link and lyrics, and for helping me to perceive them in a whole different way than ever before.

    Mia: Thank you for accepting the piece of pie offered in service. Assuming you are correct perhaps it is better that there is no one else like me – the world can take only so much flaky crust.

    Bette Loreen: Thank you for finding me service worth the effort. Hopefully, another reading will not disappoint. Thank you also for bringing up a very pertinent dilemma. You have my empathy in your perception that there are those who perpetuate, the “them” who are anathema to “us”. It seems very real. It seems vary sane to think so. My higher self says that is only my perception, however, that a different perception would yield a different response. My work with astrology tells me that it is my perception that needs to be reformed, not other people, and that such reformation is the key to my own being one with. That being said, there is room in my perception, and in my heart, for other points of view.

    nllou: It is perhaps not for me to speak for others, but it would appear that all of us owe you a debt of gratitude for your poetry – a source of awe, an admonition to humility.

    be: Speak of debts owed, how will we in the Planet Waves community ever repay you for giving us a perfectly timed perspective on the remaining Uranus-Pluto squares? Time and again, you selflessly take us to the high ground and show us your panoramic view. Today was extra special. Thank you so very much for the extraordinary effort and the effortless elucidation.

  5. Your commenters are so right Len, you amaze us with your ability to see patterns in the sky which the Universe provides to those capable of seeing them. It is an “astonishing demonstration of timing”, and choreography and beauty, isn’t it? The word moon once meant Measure also, and Daniel Boorstin in his book The Discoverers, reminds us that the Moon was “the first universal measurer of time” and everybody knows timing is everything.

    Surely, the timing of these events could in no way be thought of as spontaneous and without plan. They are too perfect for that. The Universal mind and soul doesn’t just punish us with the likes of cardinal squares between Uranus and Pluto. It does provide the necessary pressure to grow in consciousness while it also gives us the likes of a grand trine in water (or two) to ease us through the process of that growth. This particular process we are going through is reminiscent of the labor pains one endures in order to give birth to some new wonder.

    Looking forward to the timing of the remaining squares between Uranus and Pluto shows emotional support surrounding those dates. For the 4th square on Nov. 1, 2013, there is the trine between Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio, exact in December. In January 2014, the Cancer Full Moon will trine Saturn in Scorpio.

    As the nodes move out of the Scorpio-Taurus axis and enter Libra and Aries, the 5th square takes place in April 2014. Just before that square Chiron returns to 13+ Pisces (to trine the Sibly U.S. Sun) and Jupiter returns to 13+ Cancer (to conjunct the U.S. Sun). As Uranus and Pluto square each other, Saturn will retrograde back to sextile the U.S. Neptune and oppose the U.S. Vesta (what we invest in). The Aries-Libra nodes will square the U.S. Pluto and provide the way to push forward in transformation. The element of water through Jupiter and Saturn and Chiron in Pisces provide our bodies an emotional cushion (or release) from the cardinal pressure. I’m certain it’s part of the plan.

    The 6th and 7th cardinal squares will impact the U.S. natal square between Sun and Saturn but the December 2014 square is preceded by an eclipsed Sun at 0+ Scorpio in late October, squaring the recent Full Moon at 0+ Aquarius and the future Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in 2020. What we learn now will be strengthened by that Scorpio solar eclipse which is conjunct Venus and trine Neptune. Then, in January 2015, there will be a New Moon at 0+ Aquarius which has Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces (and it trines the U.S. Jupiter) that will clear the way for the 2020 new cycle start for Jupiter and Saturn.

    The last square between Uranus and Pluto will be followed by a total solar eclipse in Pisces, in the last degree of the sign (that sextiles the U.S. Pluto also) just before the Sun enters the 0 Aries Equinox; both events will have long-lasting effects. It all seems designed to ease us through an extraordinary period of growth and transformation which is dependent on our removing the obstacles between us and seeing ourselves as One.

    We depend on you Len to continue to guide us through these challenges and instill courage in our hearts when our spirits grow weary. Thank you so much for being here.

  6. my heart burned with an authentic anger
    where passion released
    summoned my desires –
    a call to the ambiguous dialogism
    of a long conversation with my self
    on a road which many have walked
    and reached only madness.
    yet, on that road,
    in cherishing life with devotion
    to the real unseen
    which rises within each,
    in meeting one another again with new eyes
    we are renewed to lend our care.
    then acts of resistance become acts of love
    and everything flows…

    with gratitude

  7. Thank-you Len, for this beautiful, insight-full post. I’ll be re-reading it several times, as the layers of meaning (& connections with my own chart & life) become clearer.

    One early response: When one begins to include all life in one’s consciousness, & hence in one’s choices large & small, one’s life changes, & changes more as time passes. No longer can one ignore the plight of unwanted animals, the barbarism of “sport” hunting & industrial livestock operations, the killing of the soil (& hence the hope for healthy food) of monoculture agriculture, among other rampant abuses of life. Gathering food one has grown or foraged for, preserving the surplus, sitting down to eat, all become accompanied by thankfulness.

    One of the hardest parts (for me) of practicing inclusiveness is to try to look at those who perpetuate the above-mentioned practices with compassionate eyes. I know that often it is ignorance or fear which underlies that which harms life – but willful ignorance? It’s hard not to feel just plain anger. The energy industry, including what I consider Canada’s greatest shame, the Alberta tar sands operations, seems too monstrous to contemplate.

    I see the current astrology, with the wonderful trines & sextiles, & the get-moving energy of the powerful squares, as an opportunity to take a good, hard look at ourselves, personally & collectively, be willing to look, & then to act. The human species’ dominant belief that “it’s all about us” (& hence license to trash all that is not to our profit & convenience) is fast becoming our undoing.

    As I see it, wake-up time!


  8. There can no longer be an “us” or “them” lest we all sink into insanity together, and without exception. There can only be “us” and you can only be one with us because we all, without exception, need you to include yourself.

    Len, How does one send ones heart out? Well mine is to you….

    Song that came to me on the radio today at noon, says more to my current feelings, the astrological aspects and masters lyrics echo your sentiments I believe:

    People say I’m crazy doing what I’m doing
    Well they give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin
    When I say that I’m o.k. well they look at me kind of strange
    Surely you’re not happy now you no longer play the game

    People say I’m lazy dreaming my life away
    Well they give me all kinds of advice designed to enlighten me
    When I tell them that I’m doing fine watching shadows on the wall
    Don’t you miss the big time boy you’re no longer on the ball

    I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round
    I really love to watch them roll
    No longer riding on the merry-go-round
    I just had to let it go

    Ah, people asking questions lost in confusion
    Well I tell them there’s no problem, only solutions
    Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I’ve lost my mind
    I tell them there’s no hurry
    I’m just sitting here doing time

    I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round
    I really love to watch them roll
    No longer riding on the merry-go-round
    I just had to let it go
    I just had to let it go
    I just had to let it go

  9. Yes, thank you for this beautiful piece, Len, and your wonderful homage to the moon, struck such a deep chord in me.

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