How You Think — Mercury Enters Taurus

Mercury enters tropical Taurus at 5:16 am EDT tomorrow indicating good news for you. It’s good news because versatile Mercury, among other things, represents how you think. Assuming you agree that how you think is subject to your control, a change of sign by Mercury implies that now is an auspicious time to change how you think in order to make a difference in the context of everything else.

Astrology by Len Wallick

If there’s anything to astrology, the context of everything else right now is huge. Because of Mercury’s timing tomorrow, it’s not so huge as to exclude you.

In fact, because planets changing signs are, along with eclipses and lunar cycles, among what J. Lee Lehman (in the February/March issue of The Mountain Astrologer) referred to as “the big three events of mundane astrology,” you’re not only not excluded. You and how you think are downright important at this juncture of history. Hence, what you think about how you think is important.

If you don’t do anything else this week, change what you think about how you think and you will have made a shift so big it will take years to fully appreciate what it means. Yet you can go even further by leveraging your awareness of the astrology now.   

You can proceed unimaginably further by simply examining how you think about what Eric calls “the defining aspect of our era”: Uranus moving through Aries to square Pluto’s crawl through Capricorn as a functionally continuous event for most of this decade.

If, for example, you have been living in fear of what Uranus having separated from Pluto by 90 zodiac degrees portends, now might be a good time to change how you think about just that. After all, you are still here at roughly the halfway point of the era Uranus and Pluto are defining, so any fear that the Uranus-Pluto square would do you in has obviously been unfounded.

Therefore, please consider what a difference it would make in the quality of your life if you looked forward to the next year or two bereft of the burden of dreading what Uranus and Pluto are up to. Imagine the benefits of taking a different approach to the Uranus-Pluto square for the next couple years, and you will have have a key example of how changing how you think really does make a difference — for you, and everybody else at the same time.

Furthermore, because Uranus is currently (and for the next several days) being opposed by Mars in cardinal Libra, and because Pluto is likewise receiving opposition from Jupiter in cardinal Cancer, changing how you think about the Uranus-Pluto cardinal square means you can’t help but also change how you think about the grand cardinal cross that Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto currently constitute.

Further meditation on how the current grand cardinal cross as a functional aspect is bookended in time by a pair of eclipses clearly indicates that a change in how you think about eclipses would be timely and appropriate as well.

All this is implied by Mercury changing signs in the midst of some of the biggest astrology of the century. All of it is implying that you and how you think are just as big, and just as important, as the astrology. Indeed, it indicates that how you think is not only a difference, but possibly the difference — which should be no surprise

After all, astrology is a human invention. Like every other being on Earth, we are aware of the Sun. Also, as with nearly all terrestrials, we know of the Moon. Then, through the auspices of our individual vision and collective culture, the visible planets are almost certainly integrated into our very bodies.

Finally, through the aegis of science, the planets discovered by telescope are integrated into our mind. Right now a lot of what we are are aware of, what we know, what we feel and what we grasp intellectually is, as portrayed by astrology, lining up with one focus, and one variable: how you and everybody else alive right now are thinking about it.

All of which makes Mercury, the smallest planet, something you should not judge by its size. All of which should make what you think about how you think as big a deal as Mercury itself. All of which is good news, assuming you are up to having your fate be subject to your control.

We all have our work cut out for us, but hopefully you will now consider some of your work to be cut out more clearly. Begin by working on how you think, and think of the opportunity to do so as good news.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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10 thoughts on “How You Think — Mercury Enters Taurus”

  1. Yesterday I found 3 affirmations that I had scribbled and stuck in a stack of loose notes to myself. I decided to start my day with them today:


    I felt so happy verbalizing those statements that I plan to incorporate them permanently into my morning routine, and cannot agree more with your advocacy of changing my thinking. And Mercury is giving the big push and seal of approval to just that as it ingresses Taurus (I had found the notes yesterday just at the sign change) Oh I love astrology.!

  2. be: Thank you, i concur (and somewhat hopefully) with your thinking about Mercury moving on. Thanks also for the heads up about Neptune’s crawl to a new degree. Finally, thank you for asking – not quite back to my old self yet, but better than last weekend.

    Aqueryass: It’s a gift to have you here as well, thank you.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you for your gifts of knowledge and judgement in both languages. We are honored by your every comment.

    Chief Niwots Son: Thank you in turn for your kind appraisal.

    Strawberry: Your thoughts find emphatic empathy with my own. Thank you!

    P. Sophia: Your idea about stepping out of the way is very cogent and deeply appreciated.

    DivaCarla: You are most welcome.

  3. Len, thanks to you once again for helping clear the way for us to move through this BIG aspect in us.

    Such potential for change, but also intransigence lurks, and I don’t want to miss any opportunities, or the answers coming up. So I have been thinking and dreaming through the questions to stay open and aware…what do I want? what can I offer in/to my life? how can I truly be joyful and at peace? how is it my soul may best be of service here, in this lifetime, now?

    With Mercury’s positioning and part in this and all the elemental forces in play, my mind finally got it..step out of the way! This big change is not for me of conceive of, but instead is to be ‘open’ minded, to allow, and trust.

    Uranus-in Fire; trust, higher self, expression-Creativity

    Jupiter-in Water; expanding emotion, beyond-Fearlessness

    Mars Retrograde-in Air; patience accepting spirit/Passion-Faith

    Pluto-in Earth;Power; record of future in now-Transformation

    If it’s a dream I can dream…it’s not big enough. If I know anything, it is to be expanded upon. If I confess I believe something, it would be to put a label on it, or form. So it may then mean, if I want it with all my heart…I may need to go further and expand my heart.

    This transformation is being, purity of form. Being open to what flows through me. To be in awe, not understanding, is what will carry me through and beyond at this time.


    Purity, excellence and immediate availability of the strength and power of being. Refreshment. Self-sustainment.

  4. I, too, am looking forward to Mercury moving out of Aries. My thoughts & communications have had a little more fire to them lately than could be considered strictly healthy. Yikes. Taurus’ earthy energy is always so very welcome after the wild Aries ride, in my world.

  5. Len- the reality of our thoughts being grounded and stabilized by Mercury’s ingress into Taurus strikes me as a blessing from the Universe as the Grand Cross culminates. We are far less likely to flip out when our thoughts are on the Earth, the center of our lived experience. Thank you for this small and significant insight.

  6. Oui Len je vais diriger mes pensées sur des formules de pensées positives et il est vrai que j’avais commencé
    Je vous met mes expressions positives en relation avec le signe du taureau publiez dans mon dernier article sur la 2ème étapes des 12 travaux d’hercule

    Voilà quelques pistes pour vous donner un ordre d’idée
    Avant tout, il faut s’acquérir d’une forte volonté
    Quoi qu’il arrive il ne faut pas lâcher le but à atteindre
    Le succès est égal à l’investissement que vous aurez donné
    Les obstacles ne doivent pas être une entrave à la réussite
    La persévérance est la clé qui va ouvrir la porte vers l’opportunité
    Le cœur à l’ouvrage est le meilleur moyen d’y arriver
    La patience nourrit la quête d’une audacieuse entreprise
    Recevoir avec amour et bénédiction les cadeaux qui vous seront offerts
    La passion est animée par le feu intérieur qui ne s’éteint jamais

    Bon cycle de la Lune à tous

    Yes Len I’ll direct my thoughts on forms of positive thoughts, and it is true that I had begun
    I put my positive expressions in relation to the sign of the bull post in my last article on the 2nd stage of the 12 labours of Hercules

    This is a few tracks to give you an idea order
    Above all, he should acquire a strong will
    Whatever happens should not let the goal
    Success is equal to the investment you have given
    Barriers should not be a barrier to success
    Perseverance is the key that will open the door to opportunity
    The heart in the book is the best way to get there
    Patience nourishes the quest of a bold business
    Receive the gifts that you will be offered with love and blessings
    The passion is driven by the inner fire that never shuts

    Good cycle of the Moon at all 😀

  7. Len, thank you for the healing balm of your words. The world is merely a reflection of what’s going on in our heads. Perhaps this knowledge can help us to ground the intense energy of these times. It is a gift to have a forum for us all to share and explore. THANK YOU planet waves!

  8. I’ve been thinking Len, Mercury has been under the roof of Mars’ sign of Aries which has left my mind feeling embattled. I’m hoping that by moving into Venus’ sign, Mercury won’t feel so pressured to defend every little thought expressed and will be able to leisurely explore the QB1 threshold having also moved into Taurus.

    Neptune too has moved to a new degree just as the 5th of the seven Uranus square Pluto aspects finishes with gusto and a page of history is turned. Little Mercury can take a couple of weeks consolidating and prioritizing before heading into his own comfortable sign of Gemini in May. Let Neptune trumpet the new season’s themes in a more subtle way for a few days.

    Even so, Mercury will conjunct the Taurus Sun late on Friday night and the next morning when he sextiles Neptune in its new degree (symbolized by a girl blowing a bugle) they will have some bucolic words to put to the music of the spheres. A welcome change from the crescendo of the cardinal cross finale, don’t you think?

    Hope you are feeling better now Len.

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