Heart and Handle — Venus enters Leo

Venus crosses the zodiac’s heart today from Cancer (ruled by the Moon) to Leo (ruled by the Sun) giving you a handle on the astrology. To grasp how that works, visualize the zodiac as a circular fan. Imagine the handle at the cusp where Cancer and Leo adjoin, then consider the signs and their original planetary rulers as they fan out from there.

Astrology by Len Wallick

On either side of Cancer and Leo are Gemini and Virgo, both ruled by the innermost planet, Mercury.

Pretty cool how that works — not as coincidence, but as a pattern.

Fanning outward and around from Gemini and Virgo you find Taurus and Libra, ruled by Venus.

Then, you round the bends to Aries and Scorpio, where Mars reigns. Next, there are Pisces and Sagittarius, both realms of Jupiter. Finally, on the other side of the circle from Venus today are Capricorn and Aquarius, under the auspices of Saturn.

The luminaries, Sun and Moon, are indisputably the heart of astrology. Among all the things you can see in the sky, they are the brightest. Their aspects to each other, from conjunction (at a New Moon), to opposition (at a Full Moon) and in between, are the templates from which all other aspects are interpreted.

In addition, the Sun and Moon correspond to the cycle of consciousness you probably go through with every rotation of the Earth. During the hours of daylight provided by the Sun, you are most likely out among ’em, conscious and showing it, emulating the Sun. Conversely, the private consciousness corresponding to the Moon prevails while you sleep, no less alive than when you are awake, but going through phases, and concerned with different things.

Hence, where the luminary rulerships come together is the symbolic place you can get a handle on the whole zodiac circle and the cycles of your daily existence. That’s how any object crossing from Cancer to Leo can, through its nature, provide you with a grip on the heart of matters — and who could not use a better grip right now?

There is a lot going on, all over the zodiac, and all over the world right now. You are experiencing the plethora of ideas that fill your days. You are feeling the emotions you take with you to bed at night, and it’s a lot to get a hold of all at once. It’s a lot just to get a hold of yourself. 

Fortunately, Venus is as accessible as it is bright. It is the attraction you experience through solar consciousness and the values you feel through lunar consciousness. After 25 days traversing Cancer and on the cusp of just as long a tenure through Leo, Venus is your access to a better grip. All you have to do is notice Venus working in your life and work with it.

Venus is the wind at your back, and the heads-up penny. It is what arouses your attraction, and what is attracted to you. It is what you are receptive to, and what is receptive to you.

Venus is the moment when you realize what’s really important in life, and when your priorities become clear. It’s the root of what you know is right for you, and the right thing to do by others. For 25 days you have felt it inside; now is the time to make it evident on the outside.

That’s the handle. That’s the grip. Show your emotion, yes, but in a way you would be receptive to if you were being shown. Express your ideas, yes, but so that others will find them attractive. Disclose your heart, yes, so as to reveal values in common. Persuade rather than press, and provide rather than demand.

If you can do that sort of thing, you will be Venus and attract Venus in turn, living at the heart of being, with a handle on the whole of its manifestation. Bring it out, bring it on.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

21 thoughts on “Heart and Handle — Venus enters Leo”

  1. Please pay no attention to the mention of me least I be guilty of self-promotion! I wanted to toot the horn for Len.


  2. Out of sheer fun, I could not resist posting this clip of radio host Roxy Lopez and Exoconsciousness expert Rebecca Hardcastle Wright talking about our own Len Wallick during Rebecca’s recent interview on The Truth Denied. Begin listening on the one hour mark:


  3. All you have to do is notice Venus working in your life and work with it. ~Len

    What a valuable daily practice for the next 24 days! Thank you! Reading about Venus, I think of the principle of Appreciation. Appreciation is gratitude squared. It is an outward expressing emotion, and it grows outward, pays itself forward, extends, expands, and comes back multiplied, having done all kinds of good on the way.

    It will do me so much good to be with Venus in Leo this way while Sun romps through Cancer. I’ll start with appreciating each of you and the allness of US together here…

    and especially YOU Len. I so appreciate your drawing of the fan and the planets ruling. To imagine the circle of the zodiac as something I can hold in my hand! I feel like a giantess, or a goddess ;o)

    She’s with us in body, growing higher and brighter in the evening sky throughout this month! Appreciate!

  4. ‘There’s nothing about you that you have to change or get rid of’. Paradoxically, negative emotions transform when one stops resisting them or trying to change them. As always, it’s awareness that heals. Not an easy task…

  5. Thank you sp much, once again, dearest Len!

    Be – I’ve been wondering about Mystes too… “Have any other Sun-in-Cancer folks had that feeling too?” Glad you’re feeling so good dear be, must say that I felt wonderful for 2 mins, then all hell let loose again – maybe cos I also have Mercury in Cancer, so much Scorpio, working away at releasing stuff at the moment,
    In fact, Strawberry – I wanted to say, don’t resist or judge what’s coming up for you right now, if it’s anything like I’m going through, it’s a time of releasing a lot of old stuff. It’s horrible and uncomfortable, so one tries to ‘deal with it’, to make it more manageable. But I’ve found that the best way to make it more manageable is to stop resisting it and let it be, let go of all the thoughts you have about it, cos it’s all the crazy mental activity that makes us so wretched. As your friends suggested, physical activity is a wonderful idea. And remember that all this anger is basically energy – just that. There’s nothing about you that you have to change or get rid of. have fun with that pick-axe! (could do with one myself..).

  6. Chief Niwots Son: Thank you once again for your compassionate grace.

    Strawberry: You are pretty great yourself.

    Kelly: What a powerful journey – thank you for sharing it with us.

    Michele: Yes you did! Yes you can! Congratulations.

  7. “That’s the handle. That’s the grip. Show your emotion, yes, but in a way you would be receptive to if you were being shown. Express your ideas, yes, but so that others will find them attractive. Disclose your heart, yes, so as to reveal values in common. Persuade rather than press, and provide rather than demand.”

    In immediate retrospect… I just did this.


  8. Over the course of the last several months, I have fasted for the gods and the goddess.
    It began with the day of Jupiter, every Thursday and gradually, after a month was up, I moved to Wednesday, Mercury’s day. Now..I am up to every Friday, for Venus.

    My chart is ruled by Venus and I have a strong Jupiter, so I always feel they are both highly responsive to my needs

    The most noticeable and traceable change is with Mercury, particularly with the Geminis in my life. Their flow of good will and protection tells me the god is highly receptive.

    Indeed they all are..

  9. You people are the greatest. I can’t even. I’d be in a straitjacket by now if it weren’t for all of you. Funnily enough, I just got invited to (volunteer, natch!) on a trail-building crew this weekend. A little pickaxe-swinging is, as they say, just what the doctor ordered!

    Thank you, each of you. After losing five years to chronic Lyme Disease, I will not let this put me under. I will think of each of you with every swing :).

  10. Hiya Strawberry- Moving Mars conjuncting natal Saturn, patriarchy everywhere! Just the other day you articulated your deep anger at the patriarchal values in which your were raised and still live. So your anger perhaps comes forward, your may also be feeling how your have internalized the distorted masculine energy of the patriarchy, and as our friend Len suggests now is the time when you can use the raw power of Mars in service of your own healing.

    On a practical level any activity that gives you a chance to focus the inner energies and feelings into a strong physical act are good. Chopping wood is an example, holding an intent and focus that with each swing of the ax you are moving the energy and applying it as you desire. Whatever you choose to do the activity serves best if it resonates with large-scale, muscular, fiery activity- held within the safety of your focused intent (which includes hurting neither yourself or others).

    I hope this is helpful to you.

  11. Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for making an excellent point about “major/popular astrological traditions.” It is a conundrum to which Dane Rudhyar devoted considerable thought and masterful effort – just one of his great contributions. Just as with most things human, a tradition from the Southern Hemisphere would show we have far more in common with each other than differences. In the end, what does it serve to focus on the small number of differences when we can celebrate the vast number of factors that make all being one with each other?

    Bradley: Thank you for being so generous (probably too generous) in your praise. It is a comfort to know that my service has been useful to you.

    Strawberry” Thank you for your question. be and mia have given you excellent advice. Please allow me to offer a bit of service as well. First, Mars is a personal planet, its aparent motion is relatively fast (about two months per sign on average), therefore the proverb “this too shall pass” does apply – make good use of the time and it will pass more quickly than you want. Also, Robert Hand observes that Mars transiting your mid heaven (natal or progressed – works either way) is “favorable for…daring work that requires independent thought and action.” in other words if you want to make a break through, apply the energy of Mars now rather than be subject to it. Finally, please think of your progressions as a supplement that does not replace, but instead provides depth to your nativity.

    be: There is no better soul than you. You are, more often than not, the benefic soul that represents both Venus in your receptive kindness, and Jupiter in your expansive erudition and perceptive eloquence. Thank you so very much.

    Mia: Speaking of great souls, without yours and your exceptional consciousness (which ventures to contain the transcendent and exceed the mundane), as well as your cogent and perceptive advice, we would be much the poorer. Thank you and beyond.

    Michele: It is also for me to thank you time and time again for your supportive words and your inspiring example. It is a joy to know that you have found my service worthy.

  12. Len: Thank you so much for this. I needed the reminder.
    And, thanks, be, also. For the reminder of being in this for long run.

    Mercury and Uranus. Go team. (I’d insert an exclamation mark but it’s um… not happening… But I’m there. Here. Go team.)


  13. Strawberry,

    You, my dear, have a great deal of energy and could use a constructive outlet. Is there someplace you can volunteer or get involved in some way that focuses the energy outside as a balance to all the inside work you are doing? Just a suggestion but it works for me when I feel the pressure to focus so much on me.


    Those last two paragraphs are so very insightful. Thank you for a week full of wisdom and awe.


  14. That’s an interesting idea, be. Uranus is just outside of 2 degrees of its opposition to my natal Uranus, so there’s definitely potential there. If that’s the case, then I definitely need to know how to deal with this energy constructively.

  15. Strawberry, perhaps transiting Uranus is aspecting something in your natal or progressed chart. He now sits in the degree where he will be stationing retrograde next month so is getting pumped up for that event. Mars rules the sign he’s in, Aries.

  16. progressed midheaven. Is there generally a difference in how these energies feel, progressed vs. natal?

  17. Well, silly me Len, I was giving Jupiter in Cancer all the credit for this happy feeling today. Have any other Sun-in-Cancer folks had that feeling too? It was just such a noticeable mood and feeling change though, I thought what a nice gift for all us lunar types. But after reading your offering today I believe it must be a combination of the two newly ingressed benefics at the handle of the fan. And not a moment too soon.

    Speaking of Cancer Suns, where is mystes these days? I’ve not read anything from her in ages. Did she leave us for good (or better, or best) this time? Hopefully not.

    Thanks Len, I can always count on you to make me see things in a positive way. You are a good soul dear friend.

  18. um,…I wonder if someone could give me a little advice. Amid all the rest of this, Mars is currently transiting my midheaven (as it opposes Pholus & conjuncts my Saturn). I started feeling this last night & didn’t know what it was. It’s SO Mars. It feels like those, what do you call them, the early eruptions before a volcano blows…. I’m doing all my work today in the backyard, barefoot, lying in the grass, chanting my centering mantras. My neighbors are used to this. 😉

    Looking at my charts, I’ve had the suspicion that Jupiter moving onto 0 Cancer would bring things up from the depths for me, but it seems Mars is now holding the match.

    I’m so tired of exploding. How does one constructively work with this energy that feels so volatile?

  19. Len,

    Wanted to let you know, that you are an avatar of what you have written this week; illuminating the way, holding open the space, and drawing my awareness into that place where Cancer meets Leo. Thank you for (always) bringing me closer to, “…the moment when you realize…”.


  20. Len- I was struck when reading this piece how the major/popular astrological traditions arose North of the equator, where the Sun is at it’s strongest in Leo in the late Summer. A tradition from the Southern Hemisphere might look rather different.

    That said, I wish to thank you for the teaching about how to present our inner knowing, our inner wisdom, in a way that can be assimilated and integrated by others. Said crudely- there’s no point beating someone over the head with the truth. The real skill is in how we transmit and propagate what we have within, so that the light of the Self (Leo), can become the light which illuminates the collective (Aquarius).

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