Consolidation — Aries New Moon

The Aries New Moon at 2:45 pm EDT Sunday will favor consolidation. So, step back from the fray after Saturday. When the Sun and Moon pull together at the same degree of Aries, take the time to pull a few things together yourself. Beyond matters of time, there is also place.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Place is the best reason for consolidation on Sunday. Because astrology indicates you will, in some sense, be going places soon, and you will want to travel light.

You will be going places soon because of what this Aries New Moon will initiate. Sunday’s conjunction of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) will begin a lunar cycle containing two eclipses. There will be an eclipse of the Moon in the middle of the forthcoming lunar cycle (April 15), a solar eclipse at the end (April 29), and one way or another, eclipses always mean going places.

Lunar cycles (or “lunations”) last just over 4 weeks, and are considered to begin and end when the luminaries conjoin to consolidate their energies in the same degree of the same sign — the definition of a New Moon. At least twice a year, a New Moon is also a solar eclipse.

In the middle of every lunation there is always a Full Moon, an opposition of Sun and Moon from the viewpoint of Earth between them. At least twice a year the Full Moon will also be a lunar eclipse, either preceding or following a solar eclipse by two weeks.

All of which explains how, at least twice a year, you probably experience changes that leave you either literally or figuratively far from where you started a few weeks before. Because more often than not those changes take place when eclipses do. Because you, as a child of the universe, are synchronized with the cosmos.

Being one with the universe does not mean the cosmos determines your fate. You fate is mostly determined by you, and if you are determined that a set of eclipses will mean advancement rather than loss, that’s how it will more likely be.

That’s how you should consider the impending Aries New Moon as your two-week notice of advancement from above, and consolidate accordingly.

Consolidate what has happened in your life since March 1, during the lunation now coming to a close. Discard all the heavy baggage of aggravation you have taken and given, for such burdens will only hinder your advancement. Keep and organize that which keeps you light, nimble and strong.

In order to do all of the necessary consolidation for advancement, you will need to take the necessary time, and be in the necessary place mentally, emotionally and spiritually. There is no doubt that you can take enough time and be in the right place, or you would not have the privilege of being here. The only question is whether you will. It’s up to you.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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16 thoughts on “Consolidation — Aries New Moon”

  1. Beth, so glad you “opened up” and so sorry I’m just now finding (both) your comments. You have confirmed my feeling that even though Pluto and Uranus are the meat and potatoes of the present astrology, it is Neptune who provides the platter it is served up on. Said another way, Neptune is the pot that cooks it all until the flavors blend. Sorry, guess it’s that Ceres is so involved these days, what with her lengthy conjunction to the north node and all. No doubt she’s part of what’s cooking in your mind too, and as a child of the 60’s you and your generation are feeling and/or unconsciously sensing the challenges in the cardinal cross energies very personally. Can you see how trans. Chiron coming into opposition to your Pluto-Uranus conjunction are heralding a new awareness of how you have become who you are? Eventually trans. Neptune will finish washing away those ancestral characteristics you no longer need, just in time for a new societal cycle (Jupiter conjunct Saturn) starting at the end of 2020. I believe that’s when your natal-Saturn-in-Pisces-sextile-natal-Mercury-in-Capricorn will clearly define your purpose for being here at this time. Now is a crossroad opportunity (trans. Neptune conjunct your Juno square your natal nodes) and you must follow your heart.

    And yes, I believe you are right about Miss Kelly!

    I was so taken with a TV movie I saw this weekend about a real person which I wrote about in Jude’s column on Saturday. This man was the main cause for eliminating the slave trade business in Britain in the early 1800’s. He had in his natal chart a sextile between Jupiter at 13 Capricorn and Saturn at 13 Pisces which connects him to our present astrology’s sextile between Pluto at 13 Capricorn and Chiron (now at 15 Pisces) and to your chart as well.

    I don’t take synchronicities like this lightly because I take astrology seriously and believe it’s purpose is to guide us in our choices. If you haven’t seen the film already you might want to because it could further clarify what you are experiencing, and help harness and point your energy in the right direction. It is titled Amazing Grace and is about the life of William Wilberforce, born August 24, 1759. It makes clear that any one person can make a big difference in the world for the better but that it can take a very long time to achieve goals. That shouldn’t be too hard for a Capricorn!

  2. Len, thank you so much. This was freeing for me as you suggest. Your words helped shift something in me from the physical to the mental, and by not focusing on the physical security that is shifting, but to the intent in my mind to see into the gyre and find the wormhole through the heavy rains and wind, something opened. I wholeheartedly believe that this situation is about spiraling up, and I know that all will improve, which is why I mentioned the calm in the eye of the storm, but at the moment the opposite force is strong. I feel as if I am a rocket ready to launch and yet still rooted to the ground by gravity. Though the launch countdown has begun and the solid structure that had been holding the rocket in place is breaking apart and falling away. The earth is rumbling. But I do also understand the effects of the negative thought however unintentional. I suppose that is the key to this aspect of the awareness, carefully and calmly considering and constructing both thoughts and words even though I feel as if I am buzzing from the force, hovering above the ground via some strong vibrations that are here to help as long as I can harness the energy and point them in the right direction. I am a Capricorn so I am deeply familiar with the discipline, and most importantly extreme effort, that Saturn requires, and I am not one to shy away from this, I embrace it. I feel most alive when there is a project that calls for concentrated effort working towards constructing and creating. I am also not one of the Caps stuck in tradition, and while there are valuable nuggets in some aspects of tradition, I have typically gone against that particular grain.

    One thing that did happen once I posted my comments on Saturday, initially I was flooded with thoughts of my mother, and more distinctly, teasing apart more clearly than ever before what thoughts and behaviors are mine, and what are really hers. In the March 28th PW subscribers edition it says, “So the question is, to what extent are you bringing past negative expectations into your present situation?” It feels like it wasn’t my past negative expectations, but my mothers, or my ancestral negative expectations. On both sides of the family there were devastating impacts from the Great Depression, and in some way it seems these fears that are not my own are being triggered in this time that has some similar attributes to then. I think it was Mercury conjunct Chiron (and conjunct my natal Chiron and Saturn) that allowed me to see with even greater clarity the parts of me that are truly me and not conditioned by parenting. I was able to finally own the positive things I have done in this lifetime that were somehow lost in some closet in my mind until now. A particular type of self delusion that was not allowing me to own my own strength. I’m expecting that the grand cross will finally allow me to shake off the ancestral energy, while I have intellectually understood the situation for years, emotionally releasing the energy has been elusive.

    I must admit that I felt some insecurity immediately after posting my comments, feeling as if I was exposing myself too much. But as soon as the gate opened in my mind and the cascade of information poured in, I knew it was the right thing. Perhaps I needed to write, to ask for assistance, to reach out, and then I was rewarded with the fog clearing. The other thing that occurred was a plethora of ideas to write about, and writing is something that I have always wanted to do, though always felt stuck in the flushing out the ideas stage. In my natal chart Libra is in the third house, but in my sun sign chart Pisces is in my third house, so I suppose this is where the writing element comes into play. The mother ancestor things seemingly have to be both the moon involved in the eclipse, and Quaoar filling in the blank spot in my natal T-square, and Ceres, which is square my sun. Thanks again Len, I really appreciate you responding to my question. And for all the words and insights you share with us all.

  3. These three days before the new moon has been for me a revelation which gave much strength, but today the new moon was calm. It is said that one should always be wary of the water that sleeps 😀
    good cycle of the Moon Len and I wish you a nice week

  4. Sina: Thank you for sharing your personal “wish list” experience of the power eclipses can confer – may everybody have a similar experience of wishes fulfilled for this next eclipse cycle. For myself, a humble wish – to see a banyan tree like the one you described before i die.

    Paul: Thank you again for your provocatively eloquent and evocatively inspiring insights!

    be: There is nothing blurred about your perception of the planets. Thank you for the insights on the Christie case, and let’s mark our calendars for possible developments in July.

    P. Sophia: That’s the ticket! It is a joy to know my offering serve you well.

    beth: Hang in there! The Goddess is afoot and will not be denied. As regards to your question(s) Robert Hand says transiting Pluto conjunct natal Mercury “is a good time for deep intellectual probing of ideas and beliefs.” In other words, not ”quicksand”, but a quickening for you! Remember, Pluto’s manifestations can be counterintuitive, so please eschew negative perceptions. By the same token, transiting Pluto conjunct natal Mercury while also sextile natal Saturn helps with with your mental discipline, if disciplined you are willing to be. In other words, be careful how your own words (and the perceptions they imply) shape your reality, and your reality will respond. Try replacing “quicksand” with “quickening” and see how your own foot will be set free to be as whole as Chiron would have you be and as liberated as Uranus might wish. So, how does that work for you?

  5. Len – such a wonderful piece, as usual. I hope things get lighter and move forward, I feel the quicksand pulling me in. So close to losing it all and yet so much promise. Looking forward to the transformation and being on the other side of what is now.

    Be – your insight is beautiful. I felt my heart chakra pull together and congeal when reading your words, melding together the broken pieces from heartache due to so much pain in this world. And I love the Goddesses analogy and quote, I hope it is a sign that the Goddesses on this plane will reunite and elevate the feminine to an equal place in this society.

    And perhaps your Christie reference relates to the female former deputy chief of staff Bridget Anne Kelly that he tried to blame it on in his legal team’s report on their investigation into the scandal (that you mention). Here is a quote from The Washington Post, “It was during his marathon press conference to address charges that the bridge closings were politically motivated that Christie announced that he had fired Kelly, saying he had no idea someone who worked for him had been “so stupid and so deceitful.” (A little projection?) Perhaps she will be the one to come out with hard evidence against him in the future.

    You mention all the objects in Pisces for this new moon, wow. I am looking for insight from any of you who have a greater grasp of the astrology than I do, any thoughts would be appreciated. My natal Mercury in Capricorn (13-49) is exactly conjunct transiting Pluto, and these two are exactly sextile natal Saturn in Pisces (13-49), and natal Saturn is conjunct natal Chiron at 19 Pisces, and these and all of the other objects you mentioned are opposite my natal Pluto/Uranus conjunction at 17/18 Virgo, and this makes a T-square with natal Jupiter at 22 Gemini, with transiting Quaoar and Pholus opposite Jupiter. Maybe this refers to some sudden shift regards to the family story? Maybe healing an aspect of it? Pisces is in my eighth house, other people’s money is factoring into the equation in a big way. Oh yeah, and transiting Saturn is conjunct my natal Neptune (trine Chiron), and Juno is conjunct transiting Neptune square my nodes. So much is not only coming at me but also crumbling around me and all I want to do is tune out and tune in. My creativity is buzzing but my financial world is being hit hard, and yet I feel calm, like in the eye of a hurricane. I have been studying these aspects, but I fully feel the Neptune veil and fog preventing me from seeing the bigger picture.

    And Paul, brilliant, loved “pre-frag”. I hope the latest little scam of the Goddesses is a backlash to the US “war on women” and the attempts to further fragment the feminine.

  6. Thank you Len. Ok, the pieces are starting to fit together thanks to the astrology and your help. So Moon is now conjunct Sun, being so close is washed out in rays during day and is also reflected on Moon’s other side at this time. As it progresses along and away from Sun we will begin to see the sliver of reflected light on it as it grows a-new, revealing more to us each night to mid phase-full. After a full moon, it rises later and is why I have seen it still up in the early morning at that time on the other side as it wanes in the western sky?!

    Slowly we go…let me know if I am missing anything Len. Always appreciate your kindness, reply and gentle teaching! : )

  7. Hey, I’m still in the pool what with Mercury’s deep dive to sextile Pluto this morning and now he’s saddling up to Chiron, so forgive me if my goggles are blurred, but what an opportune choice of words paul gives us. “..Zeus, Hades, Uranus and Mars running round whispering about their latest little scam” might be a reference to the reaction toward Chris Christie’s Report on Bridgegate; the-million-dollar-paid-by-NJ-taxpayers novel about his innocence, followed by his over an hour long press conference today. I would only draw your attention to the present location of Neptune, 6+ Pisces, and the location of Christie’s natal Jupiter, 6+ Pisces, which trines his natal Mars (9+ Cancer) which trines his natal Neptune (11 Scorpio).

    As it happens, transiting asteroid Askalaphus is at 7+ Virgo retrograde, soon to be exactly opposite transiting Neptune and Christie’s natal Jupiter in Pisces. Askalaphus you will recall, was the guy who ratted out Persephone to Pluto because she ate a few pomegranate seeds which meant she could not return to earth’s surface full-time. Maybe I’ve been in the water too long but this looks to me like somebody will be ratting out Mr. Christie in the near future; probably getting paid handsomely for it too.

    I figure that could be around the July Full Moon when Askalaphus trines Pluto, Mercury and Hermes are conjunct in Gemini and asteroid Atlantis reaches 6+ Virgo to oppose Christie’s Jupiter. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

  8. The use of computer models in cognitive psychology only reinforces the idea that the de-frag tool in my systems package should surely now be joined by a new display function called pre-frag!!

    I love the vision of Ceres, Juno, Pallas and Vesta all joined as one Goddess Archetype with Zeus, Hades, Uranus and Mars running round whispering about their latest little scam.

    “Sorry boys” she texted back !


  9. Wow, this is great advice, Len!!
    Last night after spending the evening with some massive banyan trees, antenna of cosmic information for our country, I wanted to draw some cards to get any messages from the evening. Out fell my New Moon wish list from the Scorpio New Moon solar eclipse of the 4 Nov 2013. I couldn’t believe it when I read the list – all my wishes had come true (except world peace) not in ways I had hoped when I wished them but in bigger and better than I could ever have imagined it! Don’t under estimate the eclipses – will be making the most of the ” two-week notice of advancement from above, and consolidate accordingly”.

  10. Strawberry: Thank you. It is rewarding beyond words to know my service has been useful to your advancement.

    pam: Thank you for the vote of confidence. All of us here at Planet Waves shall strive to earn it.

    Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for breaking it down so eloquently. May your own consolidations further you as you have described.

    aword: Thank you. Knowing how well your personal is connected with the movements above, it is very gratifying to know my offering has resonated with you so well. As previously conveyed to Chief Niwots Son earlier this week: puns welcome here (you will not be pun-ished, or made to do pun-ance, – promise)

    be: Yes, thank you. Not only are you “getting there”, you are (as usual) way ahead of us all – which is why all of us her at Planet Waves absolutely cherish you. Thank you especially for pointing us to the aspects from Demeter (especially to that interesting Pisces stellium) and showing us another reason (through Ceres and her Sisters) to interpret the Goddess energy as that which serves to consolidate, especially now.

    P. Sophia: Thak you for your generous words and excellent inquiry. The Moon does not disappear after the Full Moon. It simply rises later. At this time of year, the Moon rises about a half hour later every night. When you take in the whole year and average it out, it’s about 50 minutes later every night. That’s how, after a Full Moon, you may not be awake to see its subsequent risings. The only time the Moon appears to disappear is just before, during, and just after New Moon, when its lit side (reflecting the Sun) is turned away from Earth and the Moon is washed out by proximity to the the Sun’s glare as it travels through the daytime sky with the Sun. Please, does that answer work for you? Please let me know if not.

  11. I just love hearing and knowing, I am a ‘child of the universe’. Because it takes ownership of, in connection to being a part of, here now.

    Thank you Len, for continuing to teach us the cycles of the moon. And for your patience. I’m still having a hard time grasping the big concept from watching the phases in the sky. Like why does it disappear for a while after a full Moon? (Please it a practice in nativity?) But with astrology and pulling inside (to center) I am on the cusp of understanding the alignments and the phase’s significance.

    A new placed in Aries (the start) in good timing to the eclipses, spells great potential. With your good advise then, I will best prepare to be open and free to all this new Moon’s commencement will bring.

  12. I’m still staying in contact with Mercury in Pisces like you told me to Len and he isn’t helping with any consolidation just yet. Rather he has me checking out every little puddle of water like a pup on a leash.

    Take this New Moon in Aries for instance. Mercury will be at 17+ Pisces after his conjunction with Chiron the morning before. Then I realized that degree would be square where asteroid Demeter would be in the lunar eclipse on April 15. The only reason I know that is because the Libra eclipsed Moon will conjunct Ceres, making Ceres’ symbolism pretty darn meaningful. Not that it isn’t anyway, but it takes on extra focus in April’s lunar eclipse (doubling the nurturing, Moon+Ceres) so I checked out where Demeter would be, 17+ Gemini.

    Turns out that Demeter will be conjunct Chaos in Gemini, square Pandora, Hebe, Borasisi, Arachne, Siwi and Astraea in Pisces (where Mercury will be in this Sunday’s New Moon), and Mercury (sextile Pluto) insisted I “look here” (Alice trine Saturn) to better understand the message of the eclipsed moon chart 16 days from Sunday. So I’m passing it on to you and your readers to make of it what you will. It looks to me like something hidden (eclipse) regarding nurturing (Moon conjunct Ceres [a Roman goddess] and Demeter, same as Ceres to the Greeks) but there’s something else.

    Many astrologers feel that the asteroid goddesses, Ceres (promoted to minor planet), Juno, Pallas, Vesta and others, represent the fragmented pieces of what was once a whole planet.
    “Because Jupiter is so large and its gravitational pull so strong, this planet was pulled into Jupiter’s mass and exploded. Some esoteric theorists (including the authors*) believe that this planet represented an archetypal system of feminine wholeness – or at least a significant portion of the feminine which – like the Goddess culture of old, was over-taken by masculine sky gods such as Jupiter. These floating pieces constitute the various fragments of the feminine which are seeking reunification.” (*A. Guttman & K. Johnson, authors of Mythic Astrology)

    Then it dawned on me; reunification is just another way of saying consolidation, except that whatever it was, was consolidated before it was fragmented. Am I getting there?

  13. Agreed; Len you are precisely on the mark.
    Preparing for move/ment – which is movement inandofitself – has been my frontrunner for some time. Time and Place still To Be Determined only because the steps needed may be smaller or larger based on what opportunity for movement arises. My energy is Light, the denser stuff doesn’t seem so much to matter (pun somewhere in there).
    Thank you, Len for your reassuring words (that the world is still sane and I am still here, whole, in one piece and progressing just hunky-dory).

  14. Len- William Tell could not have hit the mark as cleanly and precisely as you have in offering up the apple of Consolidation. “Con” = “with” or “together” + “solid” or “embodied” = bringing the elements of our lives together in a coherent form, embodying “that which keeps you light, nimble and strong.”

    Much respect and appreciation for this offering.

  15. Ahhh, Len. This perfectly answers a question that’s been building for me. I’ve been feeling that there’s so much ground to cover, and even as “everything-all-at-once” as things are right now, I couldn’t see how it was going to be possible to actually make the shifts needed to get where I’m going. Enter the eclipse cycle. Brilliant. This, I look forward to. Thank you, as always, for the heads-up, Len.

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