Bigger Shoes — Looking Ahead to Mercury In Libra

Mercury stepped into bigger shoes when it entered Libra this morning (at 1:38 am EDT, 5:38 UT). You might want to consider how to do something along the same lines yourself. Looking ahead to Mercury’s tour of Libra, the metaphor of bigger shoes appears to entail new patterns of reciprocation in relationship.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The idea of bigger shoes comes from how long Mercury will be in Libra this year. Instead of the usual two weeks in a sign, Mercury will be spending all but two weeks out of nearly ten traversing Libra’s airy cardinal field of reciprocity.

That’s because Mercury is slowing down on approach to station retrograde on Oct. 4. The apparent regression will begin during a foray into early Scorpio, but then returns Mercury to Libra on Oct. 10, where it will remain until Nov. 8.

The upshot is that Mercury will be behaving very much like a bigger planet. The combination of slower-than-usual apparent motion and a double-ingress to Scorpio indicates something of a more deliberate, thorough and thoughtful exploration of what both Libra and Scorpio represent.

Although Scorpio’s fundamental identification with fixed water would seem worlds apart from Libra’s correspondence to cardinal air, there is subject matter in common. The overlap has to do with the subject of relationship. Libra is concerned with the ideal values that make relating possible in the first place — like fairness, balance and the aforementioned practice of reciprocation.

Scorpio, on the other hand, is more substantial — concerned with the unavoidable material exchanges and implicitly shared resources that go with the territory of continuous and sustained interpersonal connection.

For a Mercury retrograde to integrate the distinguishing properties of Libra and Scorpio is significant unto itself. This year, however, the process (which essentially started as yesterday segued into today) will literally contain a great deal more.

About a week after Mercury enters the first echo (or ‘shadow’) phase immediately preceding its retrograde station by passing the degree where it will eventually station direct, the Sun will make its own inherently grand entrance into Libra.

As always, the solar ingress to Libra (as Sept. 22 segues into Sept. 23) will be an equinox, initiating a change of season. The beginning of a new season is probably the most fundamental and global form of reset for life on Earth, with a pan-cultural correspondence to the necessity of everybody changing patterns in unison to live in harmony with the natural world.

As if the initiation of a new season were not enough to convey the message of changing patterns, the period of Mercury’s motion back from retrograde station in Scorpio to direct station in Libra will contain even more.

Between the time Mercury’s apparent reversal begins on Oct. 4, and ends with a return to direct motion on Oct. 25, there will be two eclipses. The Full Moon of Oct. 8 will be a lunar eclipse, followed by a solar eclipse during the New Moon of Oct. 23.

Eclipses (which usually take place in pairs) are semi-annual events that usually coincide with opportune times to change your personal patterns in order to live in greater harmony with yourself. Sometimes that means letting go. More often, however, eclipses represent a chance to catch up with your own evolution and grow into what amounts to a bigger pair of shoes.

To think it all probably started while you were sleeping last night. That’s appropriate, really. Sleep is the time when children accomplish most of their physical growth, and when all of us digest our waking experiences so as to better achieve personal growth.

Because it is only the beginning of September, you have something of the same quality of time available to you now. Not to check out, but to check in and process your experiences of the season coming to a close through Mercury’s correlation with thought.

Because Mercury is slowing down by the day, you have time to think about your relationships, both in terms of what you are putting into and getting out of them. You also have time to consider what new, more responsible and more appropriate patterns of relationship might require of you.

So take your time, and think within the framework of what relationship means to your personal evolution and growth. If you can begin by doing just that for now, your chances of fulfilling your potential by filling bigger shoes in the future will be greater than ever before.

Offered In Service       

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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14 thoughts on “Bigger Shoes — Looking Ahead to Mercury In Libra”

  1. Greg: i have recently had but a taste of your situation. and believe me you have my informed empathy for what you are going through. May your personal resources and the support you do receive see you through this in a manner which allows you to retain your integrity.

    Jaimie: Thank you for the support and resource material you offered Greg (and for your kind appraisal of my service here as well).

    Kelly: glad you liked that.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you for your kind words, and for sharing how you are also in transition from one residence to another. i agree that Uranus and the lunar nodes in aspect to each other make for a powerful dynamic – perhaps a preparation for the eclipses next month.

  2. Thanks Len, for this reminder of retro mercury in October
    I need to seek my ephemeris in cartons, I moved to almost 1000 km in August. It is nothing in America 1000 km, but here in France is a lot. Since I have the bike, it was unimaginable a few weeks ago. Despite the Uranus transit in my 12th house, whoa, Uranus to the North node is really too strong to live exploits…
    Good full moon at all 🙂

  3. Hmmmm…bigger shoes huh? Losing my shelter at the end of the month. The world is still not on board with people living simply staying anywhere without enough money to pay rent. Time to move on again. Capricorn on the nadir tries to find a place to make roots, but landlords keep pulling up my saplings mistaking them for weeds. Wandering until Pluto leaves for Aquarius? A young squirrel crawled into my hand a couple of days ago: perhaps my new sense of squirrel qi will assist my heart in finding a place to shelter for the winter: squirrels don’t migrate. North Node in Sagittarius, but it’s in the 3rd house. I’m not a road dog.

    But then there’s these songs…the squirrel walked up to me as I was singing and playing guitar. Some part of me thinks I can hit the road and make it like a wandering minstrel. Heh, Frodo and Bilbo were older than me when they set out, but they’re hobbits. I don’t know where the path leads just yet.

  4. Kelly: Thank you for making that Libra-Scorpio connection! Just think. A “Simon and Garfunkel” Mercury retrograde. There’s a handle with which to grasp the astrology!

    Strawberry: Thank you for being so kind in your appraisal. Truly, you are the blessing.

  5. “You also have time to consider what new, more responsible and more appropriate patterns of relationship might require of you.”

    I love the way you set this up, with the power to change our relationships in our own hands, Len. A poignant and timely message for me, for sure. May the blessing that you are in our lives be apparent to all who surround you in yours.

  6. Bkoehler,

    I like your reference to Paul Simon.

    The duo, Simon and Garfunkel, has always represented, to me, the higher vibration of Scorpio (Garfunkel) and Libra (Simon). Perfect pairing

  7. be: Thank you for catching us up with Paul Simon (who is looking to have an auspicious birthday indeed this year). Your plugging us in with the political is likewise appreciated. Yes the election day astrology is really something, especially in synasty with Sibly (the knowledge of which we are always grateful to receive from you). Perhaps it is the voters who will grow into their shoes?

    Hugging Scorpio: That’s the ticket! Thank you for the reminder of how far the awareness and use of eclipses has the potential to take us. Often much further than one could normally advance in two weeks.

    Holly: Thank you for bringing your unique light among us again. With astrology it is not to worry. It is to be aware. As regards to your question about your sisters. First, if they are not interested in astrology, don’t push it. Rather let them know you have some awareness, and let them come to you. Next, please, when introducing anybody to astrology, please do not give them reason to fear or feel helpless. Astrology is not destiny. It is awareness of the system (of which we are a part) called solar. Please try to stay away from classifying anything as “bad”. Keep it simple – observation and correlation. Along that line please note that (as Eric pointed out in his blog today, and as P. Sophia reiterated in comments following yours here) Mercury is following in the footsteps of Mars (basically from December this year through July this year) and Saturn before that (basically 2010 and 2011). Observe and correlate. Where Saturn correlated with form to, and where Mars correlated with provocation, Mercury (and, to some extent the eclipses) correlate with mental processing, rapid advancement, and the chance to release what no longer serves their personal evolution and development.

    P. Sophia: Speaking of awareness, thank you for sharing yours again. If speaking only of their respective retrogrades, perhaps it would be better to say Mercury (retracing 2+ Scorpio to 16 Libra three times) will overlap the eventful Libra retrograde of Mars (back and forth over 9+ Libra to 27+ Libra three times from December to July). That dip into Scorpio and back really does distinguish where the impending Mercury retrograde will differ from what Mars did. What you say about a new consciousness is especially appreciated today. You are among the most gifted at picking up on our opportunity to follow in your steps and pick up just how profound your vision truly is. You are truly an asset here at Planet Waves. Thank you!

  8. Len, thank you! While reading your title of your article, I synchronistically I looked over to notice my fortune from Chinese last night, which reads:

    “Do not step on anyone on the way to the top.” Good advise here, always..

    I find it interesting that our personal planet Mercury (the mind, thinking) should follow Mars (action) retracing the same footsteps behind and retrograde back through Libra. This passage requires such emotional balance. And on first look I think in the ‘old’ consciousness the passage would be have been the reverse for most think (Mercury) before stepping (Mars). But everything is turning upside down now.

    In the new consciousness, at this season change with the energy of the cosmos leading by example, we are being handed the opportunity, as you explain for introspection, yet after action. Encouraging us to consider the actions that led us to this point builds strength of mind, greater firmness of purpose and inspires recognition of courage in the face of unknown and what we have been through.

    Just look to the earth, the the plant and nature energies. Lovingly we are being given the order of this lesson, offered for the greatest integration I am sure. This aspect sequence deepens our convictions acknowledging our inner guidance and will bring healing confidence in our direction and inner emotional state.

    Then when the Sun is at equinox it will influence appropriate action (conscious creation) of the lesson in clarity. Responding to wisdom of spirit through leadership in the experience at hand, I trust will bring about the highest good, response-ability, and welfare for all concerned. Being in-synch with all of our aspects, the journey inward creates a larger movement, illuminating the unfolding purpose in our lives.

  9. Correction: Hope’s birthday is on the 20th of October. Her sun is still a target from backwards Mercury.

  10. Phew, I was worried for a second because my first exam is on the 22nd. It will be interesting to watch my two younger sisters handle this transit. Hannah is turning 17 on October 27th and Hope is turning 15 on October 22nd. They are not really interested in astrology. Both girls have their mercury in Scorpio. Hannah’s is at 12 degrees, and conjuncting her ascendant (which is at 9* Scorpio). Hope’s Mercury is out of range at 22*, but her sun is in firing range. Any advise I could give them so there won’t be as much flub ups coming up? Big sis is on their case.

  11. Great info and insight Len, thank you! And more specifically, the eclipses will be a FM in Aries 15 degrees opposite the Libra Sun, and a NM in Scorpio 0 degrees. I am def not the same person as I was a year ago. I trust this will take me further and broader into areas I am desiring, even if I don’t have all the answers – it’s okay.

  12. “I got diamonds on the soles of my shoes”. . never totally grasped what Paul Simon’s words meant, other than an excess of wealth serves no further purpose than conspicuous waste, but I loved him and his song, all of his songs. If Mercury’s present walk from Libra to Scorpio and back is in bigger shoes with diamonds on their soles we might finally get a grasp on what sharing the wealth means to those who have money to burn. Let them eat cake?

    Paul Simon was born on October 13th, 1941, and this year on his birthday the Sun will conjunct his natal Sun AND the north node and trine the Moon, promising a pretty good year for him.

    Paul Simon’s birthday is the same day that Mitch McConnell debates Alison Lundergan Grimes in her challenge for his U.S. senate seat in November. That ole’ boy’s got diamonds in the soles of his shoes, and I bet this point will be noted by Ms. Grimes (or Alison in Wonderland) exposing it to all Kentuckians. Any diamonds she might possess in her soul would make an even greater impression on voters these days and as retrograde Mercury at 27+ Libra will trine the U.S. Sibly Moon at 27+ Aquarius that day, maybe not just Kentucky voters.
    p.s. Alice the asteroid will be at 25+ Taurus on election day, opposite Saturn in Scorpio which trines the U.S. Sibly Mercury (voting) in Cancer. Alison’s natal Alice at 16+ Leo will get a conjunction from transiting Jupiter the first 7 days of October. Sometimes I get a good feeling. . . . Thanks Len for these big ole shoes!

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