Another Way — Leo New Moon

Have you recently found yourself saying or thinking that there has got to be another way? The Leo New Moon at 5:51 pm EDT Tuesday will symbolically demonstrate there are other ways, and how they might be found. You start with awareness of what a New Moon is. Then you add awareness of key events leading up to Tuesday’s New Moon, its placement, and the company it keeps, to find alternatives and options not evident now.

Astrology by Len Wallick

A New Moon is the prototypical conjunction. It is the Sun and Moon sharing the same point on the zodiac, the same longitude in the sky.

All conjunctions represent the beginning of a new cycle for the two objects involved. Implicitly, that beginning entails the two together as one. What the Sun and Moon represent in conjunction also represents how you might begin to be aware of alternatives.

The Sun is the only source of daylight. Daylight correlates to consciousness in a conventional sense, awake and interactive. The Moon corresponds to a complementary, but more private, level of consciousness, associated with intuition and feeling. When those two levels of consciousness are acting together as one, options either overlooked, or where you have not looked, are easier to find.

Appropriately, Kuiper Belt object 1992 QB1 stations retrograde tomorrow to imply the possibility that there are other ways you may have overlooked. QB1 will begin going back over the Taurus ground where a lot of things were found since May 18, when it entered a new sign for the first time since its discovery on the first degree of Aries over two decades ago. Following 1992 QB1’s retrograde station, Mercury will cover the other base, corresponding to where you have not yet looked. 

Mercury concludes a Cancer retrograde cycle this weekend when it emerges from its second shadow (or “echo”) phase by passing the point where reverse motion initiated back on June 26. The planetary emblem of the mind and its means moves on to examine new places for the first time since it entered its first shadow/echo phase back on June 9, by passing the point where direct motion would eventually resume. Seven weeks is a long time for the fastest planet to oscillate over an arc of the zodiac it would normally cover in less than one week. The end of that sluggish cycling may just correspond to your mind finding another way outside its current arc of thinking, a possibility the New Moon’s Leo placement supports.

The Sun rules Leo. That makes the Sun’s annual Leo tenure a time supportive of illumination. A solar conjunction with the Moon hosted by Leo is thus a beginning more easily seen. Additionally, there is a potential for integration with the beginning more easily felt, represented by the Cancer New Moon back on July 8 — further uniting the two levels of consciousness represented by the Sun and Moon.

Furthering the theme of finding another way through integration and unification are a select group of asteroids closely conjunct or opposed the New Moon on Tuesday.

Sharing close quarters with the conjoined Sun and Moon will be asteroids Vesta and Ceres. Opposing that Leo stellium will be another in Aquarius consisting of Juno, Diana, Minerva and Aphrodite, all conjunct to within five degrees of each other.

What those six asteroids have in common is a nominal association with the divine feminine, which represents another way as much or more than anything else does. For a long, long time, the divine masculine has dominated spirituality to the extent of marginalizing (if not excluding) access to the divine feminine for most people in most parts of the world.

The long unbalanced dominance towards the divine masculine has served to close off at least half of the options and alternatives for practicing spirituality for as far back as most of the current cultures go. By association, that has resulted in the inhibition (if not the outright prohibition) of other ways that both individuals and humanity as a whole might see the world and exist within it.

Your own experience, as well as your own observations will almost certainly tell you that what the world and its inhabitants need now are more, not fewer, options and alternatives. There are too many beings being shoved into a corner or over an edge. In our current state, there appear to be more problems than solutions, but when you consider how many solutions the dominant divine masculine inhibits, prohibits, hides or buries, that is not true. Other ways are available.

Making those other ways available begins with you. It starts with being aware of both the solar and lunar levels of your consciousness, and engaging them together as one. You can practice by verifying your intuitions and feelings as facts before acting on them. You can balance those tests by reviewing what you have taken as fact and asking yourself how you feel about it, and paying attention to the answer.

You can follow up by revisiting or sifting through that with which you are familiar, looking for the previously unseen or unappreciated. Then, you can balance that by learning about what is alien, or even anathema to you, looking for yourself. That may sound like a lot, but consider how much of how you see the world and live in it was collected by the time you were five years old, and how little has been added since then.

Fact is, for as far back as far back goes, most people have spent most of their lives ignoring, denying, suppressing or outright fighting other ways they have no personal knowledge of, or experience with. Please consider the possibility that includes you. Please consider how neither you, nor the world can afford to be that way anymore. Please consider how you might break that cycle and start a new one in rhythm with the Sun and Moon.

Offered In Service                        

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

14 thoughts on “Another Way — Leo New Moon”

  1. I want to come back to this for a second & thank you, Len, for the clarity & groundedness you always offer. I’ve been looking at/avoiding this, “learning about what is alien, or even anathema to you, looking for yourself” for most of the last week, wishing it didn’t apply to me. But little things kept glancing by in my peripheral vision–not shouting, just saying “I’m here, if you’re interested.” My response continued to be something along the lines of “yeah, I’m interested, but do we have to look at THAT?”

    This morning, it hit, and with it a flood of tears, realizing how simple and enlightening it really can be to let go of long-held resentment. A wound that had seemed to come out of nowhere and blind me with its ferocity three years ago has found some true healing.

    In all that I am, I thank you for your efforts.

  2. About mercury retro squared of Uranus, the shifts they are dragged and caused a multitude of brightness of chain events that I had never experienced on such a long time and with the last quarter of the Moon we wisely take old habits…

    The new moon in the Trine of Uranus it promises unexpected

    Good Weekend to all 🙂

  3. Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for your excellent celestial observation (which i envy, it has been cloudy where i live). Please allow me to observe in turn (and with thanks) that of all the manifestations of grace upon Earth, you are among the most treasured in this space.

    be: Yes, the sense of an Aries initiative does emerge (like a spring at the base of a mountain) upon occasion lately. Eric has picked that up in his horoscopes. As regards to whether the Divine is manipulating us – that is not so much along the lines of what i have observed and felt – more like we are being asked in the nicest way possible to do what we came here to do. Please allow me to observe that you are among the messengers of that Divine message most treasured in this space.

  4. Thanks for noting the upcoming eclipse season Len, and that QB1 will return to 29+ Aries just as the Aries lunar eclipse (25+ degrees) takes place. There appears to be much emphasis on Aries (new starts) motivation, and even though Uranus will be retrograde at the time, I can see the quantum leap potential.

    To retreat to the past briefly for a review of the Aries Equinox of March 2013, Mars (ruler of Aries) was conjunct Uranus in Aries and then it was the Moon in Cancer that squared them and opposed Pluto in Capricorn. The Equinox chart also illuminated the all-important water Grand Trine as Moon was trine Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune-Mercury-Chiron in Pisces. At that time the Uranus-Mars cycle (2 years) was just beginning. As noted earlier, in the June Solstice chart this cycle had reached the sextile level between them and subtly (Mars and Uranus subtle?) pointed to the North Node as a not-so-perfectly aligned focal point for the yod they created. Most of that chart’s focus was on the by then fully activated grand trine, though Juno had stationed retrograde in Aquarius, firmly entrenched in her north-bending position between the nodes. She too was affording opportunity to move toward evolution (equality) via the North Node.

    Back in the Now, Mars in Cancer has transited to the square level in his cycle with Uranus and in a serendipitous Twist of Fate, he also is trine the North Node in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces. I say Len, do you suppose we are being manipulated by the gods of the universe?

    So back again to the Future, and the total solar eclipse-conjunct the North Node, Mercury rx, and Saturn (all in Scorpio), on November 3, 2013. It just so happens that Mars in Virgo will be sextile the Sun-Moon-North Node-Mercury and Saturn and they all quincunx Uranus in Aries to form, yep, a yod with Uranus as the focal point. Two days before that, on November 1st, Uranus will perfect the 4th square to Pluto in their series of 7.

    If that isn’t enough quantum leap potential, consider that November’s Chiron (opposite Mars) in Pisces will trine the eclipsed Sun-Moon-NN-Mercury rx-Saturn in Scorpio and, in Cancer, asteroid Lachesis, the Twister of Fate(s), who will also be conjunct the U.S. Sibly Sun. The water grand trine energy lives on in spite (or most likely, in conjunction with) the cardinal square energy. This time emphasis will be on change (Uranus) and (no longer so subtle) the North Node path to evolution. I marvel at the beauty of it all.

  5. Len- your words came to me this morning while viewing the waning moon dancing in the Eastern sky above Santa Fe with Jupiter. The moon traversing the morning sky with Jove brought me a feeling that Grace is operating in the current astrological portents, and it makes for a stunning visual. The potency of this time found in every nook and cranny of the sky above and the Earth below.

  6. be: Thank you for the valuable insights regarding Pluto and Saturn. Excellent observations regarding Uranus and Mercury as well. And all of these developments over the next couple months will be leading up to or part of an eclipse cycle (October 18 to November 3) that could very well be a quantum leap to surpass the triple eclipse cycle from April 25 to May 25 (especially when you consider that 1992 QB1 returns to Aries on October 21 to settle accounts before returning to Taurus next year – during the Mars retrograde of 2014 in Libra – for a long, long stay).

    aword: Thank you for sharing your uncanny transits once again to give us some perspective from your privileged perch.

    ronnie: You are welcome. Welcome to Planet Waves. As you will note in time, i’m not really wise, rather flawed and fallible. Nevertheless, your words are accepted with the same gratitude i feel knowing that my take on the New Moon served to support and reinforce your reading. Thank you so very much.

  7. Len, New perceptions of “reality” are occurring (for me) right and left (and up and down etc). I am thrilled to be part of the landscape you describe. The new world awaiting is right here and now, it is a matter of sight.
    Thank you for yours.

    (Sun seems to be on or about natal Uranus/AC today so give and take for the New Moon. That’s all trine to natal moon/transiting Uranus. Cycle-breaking indeed.)

  8. Thank you Len for once again making us aware of the ongoing process of evolution. For so long it seems that Saturn and Pluto have been alone in that part of the sky between Scorpio and Capricorn in their ongoing mutual reception. With the visible planets (except for occasional visits by the Moon) keeping their distance so to speak, we have been looking at governments, institutions, laws and traditions as entities apart from ourselves. Now we have those personal and conscious planets – Venus, and now Sun, moving closer to Saturn and soon it might occur to us that maybe we aren’t so apart after all. With Mercury soon to leave the water sign Cancer, our thoughts won’t be as personal or emotionally charged as they have been this summer.

    Saturn also turned direct about the same time as the July 8 Cancer New Moon and although he hasn’t covered that much ground, not even a degree yet, his presence is felt in the news tonight that middle east embassies are closing down this weekend due to threats. As the planets move forward not all the crab energy will be departing; Jupiter and Mars will continue to engage the emotions from a personal point of view, but the fact is, in a few months there will be new cycles starting when Sun, Venus and Mercury begin to conjunct Saturn and then Pluto. Integration of the two levels of consciousness has never been more important than now.

    We can’t miss the ever-increasing influence of the goddess energy can we? Every chart we look at these days has the asteroids strategically placed to either dilute the masculine influence with the feminine or to blend in with it or even challenge it. Other ways to deal with the same old problems is imperative. This Leo New Moon at 14+ Leo could provide a creative innovative solution as it is trine Uranus in Aries.

    Looking back at the Cancer Solstice in June, you can see that Mars at 14+ Gemini (and conjunct Pallas-Athene the Strategist) were sextile Uranus at 12+ Aries, the degree which he still occupies. They all joined in formation with the North node at 16+ Scorpio, the focal point of a yod, pointing the way to another way, a new path. Now the Sun and Moon not only trine Uranus, they square the nodes in Scorpio and Taurus, as do the accompanying asteroids you mentioned above. Another way is presented via the north node and next month, as Saturn conjuncts it (Venus too), and Pluto sextiles it, and Mars in Leo squares it, it will become much clearer to us.

    Meanwhile, Saturn is the guy who can verify your intuitions and feelings as facts before acting on them. My feeling is he will point you to that north node in Scorpio; why else would he be there himself?

  9. P. Sophia: It is for me to thank you, especially for the truly evocative gem will Willie Shakesusup (after so man centuries, he still shakes me up, at least. As audacious as Harold Bloom was to propose Shakespeare as the creator of humanity – he is difficult to argue with)

  10. Anna Star OwlHawk: Thank you for being so kind and gracious in accepting my service as resonant for you.

    Eris67: One of the best life coaches in the Universe is right here on Planet Waves nearly every Sunday – Elisa Novick – she is the real deal.
    You can reach her at:

    Thank you also for your kind words today.

  11. Thank you Len, yet again as we share in our new moon’s brilliance the ‘prototypical conjunction’. Just last night this fitting ‘divine’ quote came to me, where Helena successfully offered her rhetoric cure; in remedy to her King:

    “Oft expectation fails, and most oft there
    Where most it promises; and oft it hits
    Where hope is coldest, and despair most fits.”

    Shakespeare – All’s Well That Ends Well (II, i, 145-147)

  12. Not only recently I have been thinking that there has got to be another way (other ways), I have been feeling this and opening to this. And upon riding the waves of this energy, the way(s) have been opening-revealing. Maybe gateways? I have been feeling this energy for several weeks now and seems to be presently cresting.

    Len, all beautifully well-expressed and seeing in-depth. And in this: “You can follow up by revisiting or sifting through that with which you are familiar, looking for the previously unseen or unappreciated. Then, you can balance that by learning about what is alien, or even anathema to you, looking for yourself.”

    Yes. And I am revisiting and sifting… and truly finding previously unseen and unappreciated. Thank you! Blessings to you and Shine On!

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