A Weekend To Recall — Sun Conjunct Mercury

The Sun conjoins Mercury at 7+ Capricorn shortly after 1:27 am EST Sunday, indicating that this will be a weekend to recall in more than one sense of the word. It begins with how the timing of their conjunction will recall the previous merger of the Sun and Mercury at 9+ Scorpio on Nov. 1, 2013. For it was only two days later that the Moon took Mercury’s place, joining the Sun for a Scorpio New Moon and solar eclipse on Nov. 3 — the final eclipse of 2013.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Now, the Sun and Mercury are about to recall the first days of November with a conjunction that will again be followed by a New Moon (in Capricorn this time, with no eclipse) only two days later to begin 2014.

For astrologers, similar events create correlations with times past. Those correlations in turn can help you to plot your course into the future by noting both similarities and differences. It begins with practicing some recollection.

You would begin by taking some time this coming weekend to collect yourself and recall Nov. 1, along with the days that immediately followed. You would want to find some memories to both compare and contrast with your life now. Where there is comparison, you will be able to evaluate what has remained the same for you over the last two months or so. Where there is contrast, you should be able to gain insight on what has changed. Taken together, you should be able to gain insight on changes you may want to make in 2014.

When you consider how eclipses often correspond to both accelerated and precipitated change, it is likely that at least some parts of your life are very different now from how they were eight weeks ago. The difference may be in your health, your work, your home or your relationships. Where your recollection of times before Nov. 1 makes the subsequent changes look good by comparison, you will have a note of your progress and know what you want to continue doing.

If, on the other hand, the result of changes over the last few months represents an unfortunate contrast to your life in late October, some time for recollection this weekend will provide information you can use to turn things around next year.

That’s because the first day of the new year will feature a Capricorn New Moon that will not be an eclipse. Instead, it will be a very different and far less common intersection of the Sun and Moon — with both beginning their respective cycles anew on the same day. That does not happen very often, far less often than eclipses, and that makes it a big deal.

It’s a big deal to have a New Moon on New Year’s Day because, just as similar events correlate with times past for astrologers, uncommon events imply a potential to break with the past. For you, in a very real way, the new year and New Moon begin Sunday.

It will begin Sunday with an event that represents both similarities to the past and potential contrasts in the future, a Capricorn conjunction of the Sun and Mercury. It will be a weekend to recall similarities to the past for purposes of what you either wish to perpetuate or discontinue, but there will also be something more in the quality of the time.

That quality will be such that this will be a weekend to recall in two very different ways. In one sense it will be a couple days to collect yourself and look back on what was. In another sense, the remaining days of this year will be a period you can look back to, for many years to come, as when you took a cue from the cycles of astrology and picked an auspicious moment to bring those cycles down to Earth as part of your life.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

10 thoughts on “A Weekend To Recall — Sun Conjunct Mercury”

  1. suria, DivaCarla, be, Lyd, P. Sophia, lennie, and Hazel1: Thank you all for taking the time and effort during this busy season to being the benefit of your experience, recollections, insight, and unique proficiencies to bear on making the subject matter deeper and broader than my service could possibly have accomplished by itself. You are all such wonderful people!

  2. Thank you, Len, for this. The past 2 months have been very wonderful and busy and gave me an experience of a part of life that I haven’t had, ever. No, it’s not the same as it was, just this week it changed completely and I’m looking for and realizing what lessons were there for me from all of it. I did get a good idea of what’s possible, and that’s something. Thanks again, Len.

  3. Hi!
    I haven’t had a chance to go back and recall what was happening on November 1st, but for the last couple of months I’ve also been looking at (what feels like at times) huge amounts of unprocessed grief and emotion. Thank you Suria/nilou for your reflections about seeing and not being seen. I can relate. A lot of my process connects to this…and to the sense of loss that accompanies not being seen.

  4. Dear Len, goodness me.

    There has been something on my mind for a while, that I have been looking for the opportunity to express. I suppose I have been waiting for something to work through in poetry, but it is suddenly really clear – and it is prose. The dates you’ve mentioned come at such a significant time for me because as we all passed through the retrogrades and eclipses and mass-wateriness I had more and more access to feeling zones often avoided: aches and pains started appearing in different parts of my body, sudden colds, day-dreams, night dreams and so on. One of the things I found was for each area of life in which I wished there to be some movement, a moving on for me, it left a residue of grief, and so I went back perhaps over twenty plus years to look for and clear up pockets of unprocessed grief (with full alternative meds etc. on board, extra sleep and plenty of water). Now that mercury is in cap and with some of the other significant and imminent points you’ve mentioned I think there are issues that it will become easier for me to articulate. For example, there is something I need to say to a member of the PW community and I beg your indulgence as I feel this is the most comfortable space for me for this.

    Dear Daniel
    When you said goodbye to all of us at PW, I was very sad. I was sad for two reasons in the main: partly because of the process I have described above which I was pretty much in the middle of and dealing with new old griefs every day, and partly because for weeks I had been asking myself I wonder if he (you) can see me? So when you said goodbye to the community I kind of got my answer. And at this point the two issues collided into one, because I realised that everytime I had seen someone who could not see me (which is a lot of people over this particular lifetime, for a variety of reasons) I felt a loss that I did not grieve. So you kind of pushed me to clearing out a massive residue of stuffed stored and blocked emotion in me (a lot of grief I didn’t know I was carrying) and for that I am truly grateful, because it has already made such a tremendous difference in my life. Thank you, my friend. That’s what the old friends do – they turn up and give you what you need, not necessarily what you want. I wish you all the best.

    with love

  5. Around Nov 1, or just thereabouts I seem to recollect Mars was transiting Virgo 12, 13 degrees, I believe opposite Chiron in Pisces. I recall conversations concerning a reclaiming of creative power, transmutation of energies, and more personally to that of Mars conjunct my natal Pluto.

    Here below is the tarot that I drew leading up to the week of the Nov eclipse. I want to share it as I was struck by its very collective theme, my feelings at the time, and also echoes some of the sentiments of our keeping awareness to creativity, that Suria and DivaCarla bring up.

    1st Position (Here/Now) Two of Wands:
    a person that has the world in their hands but knows they still have something yet to do.

    4th Position (What you want) The Tower:
    disruption, divine intervention, destruction of old ways, change.

    8th Position (outcome at present course and speed) Temperance 14: reconciliation of opposites, cooperation.

    10th Position (outcome philosophical approach) The Devil 15:
    confrontation, with inner-fear, temptation, bondage, self awareness, death.

    11th Position (outcome -protective influence) Ace of Cups:
    portal, potential, intuitive knowing, unconditional love, blessedness, enlightenment, intimacy, individuality.

  6. Len, so appreciate this recall ‘button’. Nov 1st birthday, Mercury, Saturn, Sun, node, all sitting on my natal Sun, Moon and Chiron, in the 9th house. Took copious notes…your offering today presents an opportunity to really consider what those words reveal. As well, with Cap ascendant, I just might need to adjust my antenna!

    Thank you Len.

  7. Now that there is time to look back I am doing so and this correlation you spotted is a very important part of the total picture Len. With the Sun-Mercury position so close to the already-in-place T-square between transiting Mars, Pluto, Uranus, it looks to bring the power of the November 3 Scorpio solar eclipse down to eye level. At eclipse time the nodes were at 7 Scorpio-Taurus and they have only moved 2 degrees since then. Now they will be trine and sextile transiting Chiron, Neptune and Juno in Pisces. I’m taking that as supportive of the eclipse’s water energy since the Capricorn New Moon’s T-square on January 1st is so lacking that element.

    Back in November when transiting Mars in Virgo was sextile the eclipse Sun-Moon, Mercury, Saturn and North Node in Scorpio, they actually formed a yod with transiting Uranus in Aries. That agitated Uranus is surely behind what will be the full-throated cardinal T-square’s expression in January. Kathleen Sebelius testified regarding Obamacare’s on-line rollout in early November, near the solar eclipse. Phone records collected by Europeans in partnership with NSA were revealed around that time. I’m expecting that Mercury conjunct the Sun conjunct Pluto square Mars in Libra will throw more fuel to those embers.

    Earlier today I read about how transiting Pholus (22 Sagittarius) is going to be conjunct a fixed star called Ras Alhague and the effect of this combo is associated with harming or healing.
    As Pholus and Ras Alhague will be trine transiting Eris in Aries who is opposite transiting Ceres in Libra (who sextile’s Pholus and Ras Alhague) in January’s New Moon chart, there could be a continuation of problems such as those of people whose present insurance plans were “stolen” because of Obamacare, just as Ceres daughter was stolen by Pluto. Transiting Eris also continues to sextile the U.S. Sibly chart’s Mars in Gemini and now in this new moon chart her “conflicting” opposition to Ceres (who will trine U.S. Mars), will provide the full-throated effect mentioned earlier. Transiting Pholus and Rashague will oppose the U.S. Mars in Gemini at the January 1 New Moon. Lots and lots of angry Mars talk (Libra and Gemini) to look forward to but should temporarily ease by mid January because of Pholus’ retrograde.

    Speaking of the U.S. Mars, I heard a guest on the Bill Moyers show refer to the U.S. style of warfare as “fighting cleverly”. Doesn’t that sound like Mars in Gemini? Also the robot placed on the planet Mars was named Curiosity…another tip of the hat to Gemini. . was suggestive of “covert warfare” (U.S. progressed Mars also retrograde [NOT direct] in Libra)!

  8. Thank you for good wishes shared in Tuesday’s comments. Power was on at home when I stopped in midafternoon on Christmas to check things out. The day continued with warmth, dancing, fun cooking, scrabble. Generally memorable, and Mars and Uranus are helping me create something in my work world, a segue into Thursday’s reading from Len and the apt Oracles.

    November 1st, I was squeezed by Merc retro in Scorpio with the pressure of a black hole. The Solstice seemed to spit me out on the other side of the tightest longest portal I’ve passed through sense I was born this time! Feeling the energy of Light, and the relief of a deep breath for the first time in weeks. Lots of creativity came through the wormhole with me. I will be paying close attention to what I am creating with this New Moon/New Year, with the help of Mercury, the Sun, and lots of other awesome planets.

    Thank you Len for bringing forth such a pithy, unique approach to the astrology, the calendar, and the triteness of New Year’s resolutions. You know your people. We are each and collectively on a more conscious journey, and need strong medicine to work with.

    Happy New Moon/Year to YOU!

    PS Suria, your quote resounds with some of my lessons from the black hole. Thank you for the poetry of the words.

  9. Thank you, Len.

    Received with gratitude and appreciation. I would like to share some of the words I chose to carry with me through the twelve months from my last solar return.

    “We have to prepare for the future, and yet we do not know what it will bring. We have to find a standing ground so firm that nothing unexpected can disturb us, and so broad that it will carry any undertaking that we may have to base upon it, and so satisfying that it will take the place of all other satisfactions.”
    – Mother Janet Erskine Stuart

    Blessings to one and all as we prepare to greet the new year.

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