Stop and Think: Mercury square Saturn

The main aspect of this week’s astrology, Mercury square Saturn, calls to mind Sarah Taylor’s tarot reading for the week (a few posts below this one). Implied in Mercury-Saturn is a possible sense of feeling a little stuck by your own mind, or the sense of going back and forth between who you should listen to (‘others’ or yourself; or an authority figure or yourself) — until you finally stop, actually think for yourself, and make a decision.

Simplified chart section for the moment Mercury squares Saturn. Also shown are the Sun (far left) and Mars (far right) approaching their respective trines to Saturn and Mercury. See glyph key here.
Simplified chart section for the moment Mercury squares Saturn. Also shown are the Sun (far left) and Mars (far right) approaching their respective trines to Saturn and Mercury. See glyph key here.

Mercury-Saturn is exact Tuesday at 2:14 am EDT, with Mercury in Aquarius (which is ruled by Saturn) and Saturn in Scorpio. Mercury in a square implies there is a decision to be made; in Aquarius that decision is being influenced by a group. Saturn in Scorpio represents the “emotional juggernaut” (as Eric has described it) that forms other basis for making this decision.

If you’re trying to figure out who you should listen to, you might be feeling a little stuck — as though neither option you see is quite right. Sometimes a square in astrology implies not only tension to which we respond with action, but also the experience of leaning toward one side of the equation and then the other, back and forth, until a third option presents itself.

That third option might involve Mars in Libra, which is making an air trine to Mercury (exact Friday). Mercury-Mars brings in some practical, positive ways to use your energy and a little more alertness to your mind. Implied is some greater harmony between the aforementioned group influence and another relationship (though with Mars retrograde, that might be your inner relationship to yourself more than an externally expressed one).

Or that third option could open via the water trine between the Pisces Sun and Saturn (exact Thursday). Sun-Saturn is supportive of any work you undertake to achieve your goals, especially in the emotional and sexual realms given the signs involved. Saturn, like Mars, is retrograde, suggesting that this ease or emotional depth that you can call on is to be found within you rather than outside of you.

Finally, with Mercury involved we have to consider ‘communication’; and with Saturn involved, the idea of ‘authority’ is present. Since squares are internally felt aspects, the question arises: When you go to open your mouth and assert yourself, do you have the sense of some authority figure challenging you?

If you do, do you find yourself entering into that ‘back and forth’ described above, immediately defending yourself at one moment and then questioning yourself (possibly in the voice of another) the next moment? The idea is not to give in to self-sabotage and undermine your own self-confidence or agency or sense of authority over your life.

The idea is that this square is ultimately about incorporating other people’s challenges (or your own challenges from within), rather than just reacting to and defending against them. If you’re open to real growth, this is one way to get there — by being willing to see how your own thought processes and opinions are not keeping up with your experience, and then engaging in some “radical mental reconstruction” (as described by Robert Hand).

That reconstruction, ideally, leaves you in a position of even greater authority within yourself. But you might have to stop and think to get there.

2 thoughts on “Stop and Think: Mercury square Saturn”

  1. Though I didn’t consider that Mercury was squaring Saturn at the time, it’s influence showed up in something that I was writing this morning. I was dismayed that some points I was trying to make sounded more like they were coming from the person I was writing than myself. I did stop and think which led me to finding my own voice on the topic. That’s when my writing began to express what I wanted to communicate.

  2. Pretty freakin’ spot on. Am dealing w/having to speak w/my father about his will – under profoundly stressful circumstances, and am completely overwhelmed. My natal Merc. is 21 Aq; Father’s Sun 23 Taurus. I actually dreamed about Saturn the other night. Didn’t recall much, but knew I dreamed about Saturn, in an almost abstract way – and it’s all about the freaky side of my relationship with my father, hard core material limitations and fear. Been meditating on Steven Forrest’s image of Saturn the Trickster as a brick wall that one is up against, but doesn’t realize that it’s not as wide as one thinks, and can be walked around.
    Fantastic post.

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