We are heading into a boring week of astrology, compared to the shit storm we’ve endured for the past 30 or so weeks. That doesn’t mean that things will be ducky; everything may go just fine; less activity just gives me less to write about.

There’s neither a New Moon nor a Full Moon; there are no planetary conjunctions; Mercury is leaving everyone alone for a change; Venus and Mars aren’t doing anything special.
Nothing that happens once every 100-500 years will be taking place; in terms of overdone hype, incredible occasions for personal growth or unbearably stressful emotional ‘opportunities’, this week is pretty much a yawner.
However, I will stretch my imagination past its usual limits and come up with something. Currently the Moon is waxing toward a Full Moon that will take place in Pisces on Aug. 31. That’s a hint to gradually build momentum over the next week or two.
Looking ahead for the next five days or so, the big event is that the Sun makes its way through the last degrees of Leo and into Virgo. That’s Wednesday at 1:06 pm EDT. As the Sun crosses the imaginary line between Leo and Virgo, it will make a conjunction to an extremely slow-moving, imaginary (properly said, ‘hypothetical’) point called Transpluto. By imaginary I mean that it exists only in the minds of astrologers, and in astrology programs. It’s a hypothetical point that I started following only due to a software update that included it a few years back — and it’s proven to be interesting.
You can read a delineation of Transpluto (which has nothing whatsoever to do with Pluto) on Lynn Koiner’s website; it’s really quite excellent. In mundane astrology (what we’re doing here) I think of Transpluto as a narrow opening; a point of transition or passage. Before the Sun ingresses Virgo, it will make a conjunction to Transpluto in the very last degree of Leo.
I have a few suggestions here — focus on finishing a specific project, particularly in the early part of the week. If you do, you will feel better about yourself. Second, focus on finding out something specific about yourself, or about a situation in your life, that today you might feel like you don’t understand. When you make this discovery, you will feel better about yourself.
Why have I repeated that phrase twice? Well, in psychologically-oriented astrology Transpluto is associated with self-criticism (among other things). So when I translate the astrology, I look for the action point that will get you past any potentially negative consequences of an aspect, and help you move forward. Sun in Leo is about self-expression. Transpluto represents a narrow opening, which is why I suggest focus. Meanwhile, if you find yourself going through any of the negative psychological manifestations of Transpluto, pause and get some perspective. Our self-critical feelings can be intense and frustrating but rarely have a basis in reality.
After the Sun ingresses Virgo, it starts to do interesting things, the first one being that it makes an opposition to Neptune in Pisces. Neptune has a wide orb of influence — we’re under the effects of this one already. This is shorthand for keeping your dealings with others honest; Sun-Transpluto in the last degree of Leo (the one about “an unsealed letter”) suggests that this is a good time for self-disclosure. Get it off your chest, off your mind and off your conscience. Say what you have to say — for your benefit first, not necessarily that of anyone else.
I just came upon this article and found these thoughts fascinating. Thanks.
And thanks for having these archives and keeping them available.
“I have a few suggestions here — focus on finishing a specific project, particularly in the early part of the week. If you do, you will feel better about yourself. Second, focus on finding out something specific about yourself, or about a situation in your life, that today you might feel like you don’t understand. When you make this discovery, you will feel better about yourself.”
I was trying to finish up a project that has been overdue since April and I have been feeling very guilty. It’s close to the end now. It should be done by the full moon. As for finding out something specific about myself or a situation that I don’t understand, that’s on the cards too.
Thank you for holding up the mirror as always. x
Perfect article for me, a day late and a dollar short as I am lately, but still so helpful. Had an actual full blown, at least physically, anxiety attack about my new job, feeling very badly, not measuring up, on the verge of being persecuted for my shortcomings, blah, blah, blah…and then yesterday, Monday now, having a great day despite many challenges. It’s the old ‘new job syndrome,’ of anxiety that pushes me into the next level. I reached out, asked for help, started some small projects for my work, although I won’t be able to wrap them up for a few weeks, but yesterday was a real ‘shot in the arm,’ mostly because I was able to be of service to my fellow workers in a relatively effective manner. Things went better for my presence, so I do feel better about myself. It’s interesting how much more deeply astrology speaks to me when things are not going well or I don’t feel good about myself and I am in the struggle for re-quilibrium. Thank you PlanetWaves!!
thanks for the link!. lots of insights– my natal Transpluto in 1st conjunct Leo AC, square Nessus conjunct MC, and quincux Mercury. plus: sextile Chiron and 6 degree orb to Pluto.
I wanted to add – it’s not so much release from the tension (Uranus/Pluto for sure) but rather seems like the restraints have been taken off (Merc direct, Mars passage of Saturn etc?) and the energy from said tension is now available for take off. Yes, yes – boring is good, it means the mechanism is in good working order and just cranking away.
xo and thx, Eric.
Eric: Phew – Transpluto is a heavy read. Thank you for the web link you provided. Had a quick look, but barely have time to comprehend all the information just now. Yet, for future reference, can you tell me how one would interpret where TP is housed in one’s natal? Or, is it more relative to a progressed chart and/or current moving aspect?
P.S. Forgot to mention…Right on! I love the bumper sticker saying and photo you picked up.
I am grateful for all of Planetwaves. The services offered within the blog and subscriber editions are a consistent pulse of truth that offer grounding even when life seems to be up in the air.
This post/picture brought to mind this Hunter/Garcia creation:
“Nothing shaking on Shakedown Street
Used to be the heart of town
Don’t tell me this town ain’t got no heart
You just got to poke around”
Thank you
i’m looking forward to the bit of boring in my life, yippee! time to break out the paints!
Hmmmm……for me not so much boring as full steam ahead.
Yeay, boring I am so ready for that, bring it on. Still have to dig my way out of an avalance of obligation, but then do get the vacation-even if a family reunion. At least I know now that as the stars aren’t doing much, the relatives won’t be so catty and everyone will behave. Thanks for the heads up.
This past weekend, the sun trotted over my natal Uranus, Midheaven and North Node in Leo. I also ‘just happened’ to be listening to Eric’s amazing mid year report on career. It was as if he took my chin, turned my head and said, “Look – over there – bring THAT point into focus.” instantly, I knew that I was changing careers. No questions. When I brought the new point into focus in my lens, everything started making sense. So I am grateful for the advice to finish up a project this week, because I am transitioning to something that feels so good and makes me feel good about me and is definitely about self expression! Thanks Eric. You are always so precise, intuitive and I am ever so grateful for the way you point and guide.
“Remember the message, forget the mess.”
What a wild trip it’s been.
Boring vacation respite for the mind and heart … thank you !
Ok, too weird. A favorite local tarot practitioner’s Sunday post for my rising/sun signs completely mirroring nudge above to LISTEN and FINISH STUFF (she truncates poetically for twitter):
SCO KngAir Don’t miss the messages because U are talking too much. Pay attention please. This time it’s important. Engage prayers.
SAG KngEarth Don’t start what U won’t (not can’t) finish. Harvest time requires that U work hard. Play time later. Finish things.
Yours, on her timeline, down the page a bit by now:
Looking forward to a bit of boredom and, if lucky, bliss!
That headline was so damned funny I had to share it on my facebook wall with the intro “This just in:”. Soooooo ready for a “boring” week, to integrate everything that’s happened (roughly since Mars retro in January), that came to a remarkable climax during Friday’s new moon. Will spare us the gory details, but I am liberated, given a second chance to set out with less fear (preferably none) on a much more authentic path. Right where I should probably be as I approach 40th solar return and the culmination of 2012, both in December.
So the Transpluto message went straight to heart as I release the past this week and step into a brand new technicolor landscape. A little quiet in the cosmos should aid the inquiry you mention, reducing distraction so we can make the most of that narrow opening. Good luck, everyone, and thank you, Eric.
Well it seems a successful stretch of the imagination to me Eric. Always appreciate your kindly offering us your knowledgeable cosmology and suggestions of focus helping us to navigation, action point. Will look up Transpluto…new one to me. Thanks again, as always.
And a good, boring week to all! ps