Pinball Wizard: Mars opposite Borasisi on the eclipse threshold

...Or, you could just play the Duck Pond game, where every duck floating through the portal is a winner at Casco Days. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Today is Wednesday, December 7, 2011. Feeling at all tossed about, squeezed or pulled right now? We’re being prompted to clear away our psychic debris by the Sun and the Great Attractor in Sagittarius; Mercury is tunneling deep into our spiritual awareness; and we’re nearing the end of this particular eclipse wormhole. Yet amidst all the astrological imperatives to get our soul-act together and work our depths, some of us are working the more practical side of Mars in Virgo these days.

The spiritual stuff is important, but if you’re out of food stamps, out of gas or out of patience, basic survival is driving you hard right now. Just getting through the day may be a real struggle, and Mars in Virgo can have a sense of violence – though it may be all self-directed and more mental than physical. Not that that’s better. It just puts more factors under your own control. Today, one new aspect in the eclipse matrix is Mars opposite the minor planet Borasisi in Pisces.

Borasisi is a Kuiper Belt object — one of those minor planets out by Pluto orbiting our Sun. It was discovered in 1997 and has an orbit lasting 292.6 years, along with its binary companion, Pabu (the two orbit a point between them, and as a pair, travel around the Sun). Borasisi also happens to be a rare example of a planet named after a creator god in a work of modern fiction, rather than ancient myth, as detailed in the subscriber issue With Love From Borasisi from March of this year.

Borasisi comes with the sense of “If I believe it, it must be true” or “If I don’t believe it, it must not be true.” We see this dynamic running amok in politics and popular opinion all the time. The state of being uncertain, the idea of real mystery, tends to make people nervous. So we rush in and fill the void with belief out of fear, instead of trying on the flow of experience.

What do we get when this planetary representative of the belief/truth bind opposes the planet of action and drive? And what about when we encounter them on the Pisces-Virgo axis?

Given the surrounding astrology, there seems to be something here about whether we put faith in our beliefs or our actions as we move through this extended GA/node/eclipse portal. The image that comes to mind is of using the opposition between belief and action as leverage or to ping-pong ourselves through the portal opening before us. The trick is to continually review and reevaluate the results of each side of the equation, then make adjustments as we move to the other. That is, when you find yourself entertaining a belief this week – about your abilities, your ancestry, your worth, your reactions – find ways to check it against your actions. Do they match up?

For example, are you doing things you say are important to you? Are you treating those you say you love lovingly? If not, you can test the belief with some action. Actually prioritize that important thing and take one step toward it, however basic. Take those extra few moments before you speak or type to check whether love is part of where you’re coming from. Remember we’re all working with limits. Making a phone call to gather information is as valid an action as anything else.

When you’ve taken a step in some way, take a moment to feel it out. Can you assimilate this new information about what you can do and let it shape how you feel about yourself positively? What do you believe now that you’re on the other side of this action? It’s not easy in our demanding, fast-paced world to let the integration piece complete its process, but acting without reflection will not help us evolve. Neither will camping out in a belief. This is a dynamic occupation of Self we’re after.

One image of Mars-Borasisi that comes to mind is a cosmic pinball game, but hopefully gentler and with more awareness. The more we keep making the adjustments and taking steps the more likely we are to be in a radically different place with our awareness after the eclipse this weekend. In pinball you accumulate points the more posts the ball bumps before it falls off the table. We’re not after ‘points’ or trying to ‘win’, but we are trying to gain perspective, awareness, momentum, confidence, openness, direction, authenticity – name your goal. Having Borasisi in Pisces gives a Neptunian flavor to our beliefs — great if that means creatively vetting them, not so much if we veer toward denial. Mars in Virgo can lend a precision to the actions we take – but stay vigilant for perfectionism and debilitating self-criticism of what you’re doing.

Mars will move a couple degrees from this opposition to square the GA and North Node right in time for the eclipse, so it really is part of the threshold. Mars is urging us to take concrete steps, however small, using what we’re learning this week as a matter of fully engaging with this eclipse opportunity.

Today, as the Moon moves through Taurus, it makes near-simultaneous trines to Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Virgo. It’s a grand earth trine reflecting back to us how we feel about ourselves right now. Venus’ conjunction with Pluto last week set some upheaval of our desires in motion; for some it was lusty, but others felt to be under great pressure. Mars’ entrance into Virgo gave many of us zippy motivation to clean and organize, yet some of us are feeling challenged by self-criticism.

With the two of them trine each other and the Moon, we get a palpable sense of how all of this upheaval – plus the deep ancestral or spiritual material being brought up by the eclipses and Mercury retrograde – reflects how we feel about ourselves. Specifically, how does your sense of value – your self-worth – affect the action you feel able to take? And how does your sense of value affect what you allow yourself to receive? Getting a read on those two things can light up the whole game.

Looking for insights on how this week’s astrology affects your personal Sun and rising signs? Try out Planet Waves Light, our streamlined horoscope service. For deeper cultural context and astrological investigation, the premium Planet Waves subscription includes the same horoscopes, plus extensively-researched articles on Fridays.

20 thoughts on “Pinball Wizard: Mars opposite Borasisi on the eclipse threshold”

  1. Good morning, everyone. A quick note before I have to dig into work. I’ll read more and make with additional replies a little bit later.

    We took Oed to the vet last night, and it turns out the lip smacking and throat issue are due to him having ulcers all over his tongue and gums. This is most likely due to some sort of infection (theory bolstered by a fever), hopefully an upper respiratory issue. There is the possibility it could be feline herpes, or some sort of renal issue, but I’m hoping for the upper respiratory issue. We sent off samples for blood work and cultures last night. Blood work should give us a baseline for his kidney and liver values, and the cultures will tell us what kind of buggie we’re dealing with. We’ve got him on a small pharmacy’s worth of meds – antibiotics, lysine supplement, this stuff that coats his tongue/mouth/stomach (normally used for stomach ulcers), and some good pain meds. He got sub-cutaneous fluids while at the vet. He seems much cooler today and isn’t smacking his lips as much. I think the antibiotics hurt his mouth a bit, though. I’ll be picking up some kitty probiotics today after work.

    While all that isn’t great, it’s at least something we can work with. When Rex got sick, there just wasn’t much we could do.

    I’ll get with the reading of everyone’s kind responses after I get some tea into me and get a little farther on my (work) documentation.

  2. Hi Maeve, I am sort of thinking in holograms right now, so all of my questions drive to one outcome: how to get your home rebalanced and sealed from any further incursions. My perception is that we’re all in a big washcycle right now, with all kinds of curious (and mostly harmless) critterage being released from the fabric of the planet. Many are just a little careless and need to be encouraged to respect your boundaries.

    This is where having a clue about your antecedents comes in handy. You don’t need to know them by name even, but in the quiet corners of your mind go :: hey greatgreat auntie! here I am, your little niece Maeve, at the beginning of the 3rd millennium — and *man* this place is noisy! Can you help me escort a few of these on down the line?

    Just as your pastself/s (your DNA is a single, multigenerational being) can help lasso the little rascals, the futureself has another, more “drawing” capacity. Think of Her as your very own, personal galactic core, toward which everything gravi/levitates. That’s the You who knows how all of this turns out *8^}! I use the temporal distinctions cause we are all embedded in time, so past/futureself is little easier to conceptualize than ‘higher’ or ‘authentic’ or ‘spiritual’ self, which set up some unnecessary dualities.

    And speaking of dualities… Futureself is accessed through various practices, but they all have this in common: finding the sweetspot between this & that; now & then; systole & diastole; in & out. One simple place to look for that plumb line is in your breath. There’s an inbreath — there’s a space — then an outbreath — then another space. That space stays, flowing continuously behind the drawing in and the letting out. You’ll be wanting to focus on that continuity a few times a day – that’s where future(whole)self hangs out. Groundwater, I tell you. Tap it.


  3. Maeve,

    The ABE Homeopathy web page has good general info. Usually you can find a 30c or 6X potency of a remedy in the local health food store or order on line. I would start with 3-4 pellets three times a day for 1 or 2 days and see if there is any change in mental, emotional or physical symptoms or all three. Here is info on dosing: When you see a change in any mental, emotional or physical symptoms, stop taking the remedy. This book is very good on veterinary homeopathy:


  4. Thank you, PW – wonderful as always – and in this instance, thanks for the very specific “advice”:. “Specifically, how does your sense of value…affect the action you feel able to take? And …affect what you allow yourself to receive?”

    Always good to be working with these questions – I will especially be doing so Now. Let’s just say the hair triggers to natal chart are vast in number this eclipse.

    Mauve, I find generally same homeo-heal for kitties as for me, just lower the dose. I’m sure google can help, I look there all the time, t/f no specific site. Good luck!

  5. Jude Valentine – Thank you. While I am quite in to herbal healing, homeopathy is one I’ve never really gotten into. Can you provide any info about dosing cats as opposed to humans? Or direct me to a good website?

  6. Maeve,

    Your cat’s symptoms sound like a homeopathic remedy, Ignatia–especially useful in cases of grieving with one of the confirming symptoms a throat irritation. Here is a link: to the ABC Homeopathy on-line. You may find Ignatia at your local health food store.

    This may help. Sending all good wishes.



  7. Mystes – short’s okay. I grok.

    Property. Hmm. I’m interested to hear what you’ve got. Figured the human + drama might have… well, leeched into the ground, which is why I mentioned it.

    Futureself. I see what you mean. So then, how’s the futureself different from… well, whatever one is when not the futureself. What/where’s the distinction? You can point me at stuff to read, if that’s easeir. I’m thinking on this, though…

    And I don’t have as much of a practice as I want.

  8. Maeve, briefly cause I’m running out of here now… but

    1) the property that you are on needs some attention. It’s not about the humans and their dramas. It’s the space itself. We’ll talk.

    2) Futureself isn’t someone you “want” to be. It is who/what you are from beyond the temporal continuum. Um but don’t be fooled by the “outside/beyond” nomenclature – fs is *right smack* in the middle of everything. The aggregate of all of your powers/skills/intelligence resides in that Being. You tap into it like groundwater. You have a practice, eh? If not, look to art, cognitive practices (things that make you think creatively/critically) or spirituality to sharpen/deepen the connect.

    3) No. 2 is essential. Get it, gurl…

    Sorry about if I seem brusque, really gotta scoot. Will read the rest more completely later.


  9. Huffy – Thank you. I’ll check that website out when I get home today (or maybe with lunch). I did scan it, and I had the same issue with being accident prone, and when I looked into it, it was because I wasn’t listening to myself. I spent too much energy listening to someone else tell me how to do things that I didn’t listen to myself. Recovering from the accident has been a very. large. lesson. in taking care of myself and asking for help when I need it.

    Amanda – Thank you. I suppose just talking to someone about all of this (other than to my husband) does help. I often process by talking, and I don’t have a whole lot of talkees these days. I try to move with the movement, and something said to post here today. 🙂

    Marymack – Thank you. I’ll happily take your wishings.

    Carrie – Thanks. Cyber hugs still help. 🙂

    Gwind – Littermates are special, aren’t they? And Oed is more my cat than my husband’s (Rex was more his, which is why when I saw the bond he made with the new kitten, we got him), and Oed is the spitting image of the beloved feline I had before him. So to think of losing him is… devastating. Thank you for your kind words.

    Our new kitten Percival is a sick kitten, very congested. Because of that, we’ve limited contact between he and Oed. Plus, Oed’s been down enough that a little zippy, snotty kitten isn’t quite his speed. I’m sick with a stuffy nose and sore throat. My husband seems to have some sort of stomach bug.

    Today is full of ginger and cinnamon tea and the new Florence + The Machine CD.

    From looking at my replies above, apparently part of what I’m supposed to be grokking is gratitude…

  10. Oh goodness. You guys are so kind.

    Mystes – We moved to Phoenix in 2005, lived in apartment ’til August 2007 when we bought our house where we now live. I don’t know a lot about the land. We have a quarter-acre, which is a surprising amount of land for the city. It’s at the back of a cul-de-sac, and the whole street had been model homes. We’ve had problems with things regarding water at our house. About a month ago, we had a pipe underground “randomly” burst and flood the area around the pool filter. And the pool itself is a … pain in the ass. The previous owner didn’t take very good care of it, so the plaster is cracked and it’s hard to keep clean.

    *thinks* So, here’s something that’s probably more along what you’re lining on. The previous owners (who bought the house in ’80-’82, and it was built in ’77, so there may have been one previous owner, don’t know anything about them) had been married, and i think they had some sort of problems. The wife left. I don’t know if they divorced or any other details. The husband (George) stayed for a while and then one day, apparently he just got in his car and left. Everything still in the house. Let it foreclose. The cops had to bust the door down to get in, and they took everything, and the house went up for sale. We got it shortly after it went on the market. The roof (original wood shingles… in Phoenix) was trashed, we got it replaced as part of the sale. All the water fixtures are trashed, ostensibly due to the hard water here.

    Engaged in a practice that allows me to shift into my futureself. Well, damn. That’s loaded. I’m not entirely sure who that future self is, to be quite honest. I had started going back to school to become an acupuncturist two or three years ago, and that’s about when shit started to hit the fan. Was working and doing school full time (both). At that point, it was just prerequisites for the Oriental Medicine masters program. It was riddled with enough miscommunication jackassery that one would think the entire thing was taking a backwards ride with Mercury. Then I came down with the beginnings of kidney stones during a trip to LA for a holiday dinner. My parents didn’t end up making it, and it turns out that weekend, my mom went to the ER for stomach pain, and ended up getting her gallbladder out (so I had practice for my husband!). I had to go up and take care of my mom for two weeks, while working remotely, and going to school. I had to drop school. More stuff happened (husband developed eye problems culminating in eye surgery and short-term glaucoma, dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and got his prostate removed for which I also had to come up and help with, got laid off, all kinds of crap).

    Erm, so that was a paragraph about how I thought part of my futureself was linked to acupuncture, but now I’m not so sure. I don’t have a robust spiritual practice, partially because a lot of what I’m drawn to do involves discourse with other people. Since I don’t really have friends locally, I don’t have people to talk with, and the spiritual aspect languishes. I have my altar, I spend time there every day, I say hi to the moon when I see her, I say good morning to the morning when I leave for work, I notice when the huge ravens around work say hello. But a lot of that is me responding to stimulus, rather than my actions to inspire stimulus.

    I don’t really talk with any of my ancestors. I have only vague recollections of my grandparents and beyond as they all died fairly early in my childhood. Although, I did meet one of my more famous relatives in my dream the other night. No specific wisdom there, just saying hello. About a month ago, based on some dreams and other stuff, my acupuncturist told me to be on the lookout for ancestral visits. What I ended up getting was a dream with two female types and myself (who wasn’t me, but I know it was me) and they were telling me how important water was (I’m _very_ Earthy, with hardly any Water).

    For the eclipse, I’m quite happy to look beyond the size 6 shoe (which always look too small anyway), but to continue with the analogy, I have no idea where to find the clown shoes or what they looks like. I do want to make the best of this eclipse, which is why I’m trying to put myself in the right place for it, whatever it ends up being.

    And thank you. 🙂

  11. Maeve, Now that is one hell of a year! And I can say with some 🙂 certainty, the year 2011, is coming to an end. New slate. May you remember that you are never alone. I think we all breathed a big sigh reading your story. I hope the collective “out-breath” loosened up some of the pain you have been experiencing.

    We have kitty bros too, litter mates from rescue. They are extremely adored, pampered, and rule the house. They bring so much love into our lives. May your heart heal soon for they are forever with you.

    Cleaning day and I get to vacuum up all that lovely fur. What can I say, critters in our house know full well that humans are here to serve their every whim. How blessed we are that they tolerate us!

  12. {{{{Maeve}}}} <— that's a cyber hug. I don't know how to comfort you but I am thinking of you and sending helpful energy your way.

    I went through three years of desperation and upheaval so I can commiserate!

    Hang in there and know this is a place like no other because the people here are wonderfully accepting and caring.

  13. This is just the kind of exchange i was talking about! Beautiful stuff, all of you. And thank you all for sharing. If I may:

    MYSTES!! your words blew me away! I shall read and re-read for insights into shifting into futureself and communicating with ancestors. Whoa. I shall search back for further details.

    Dear Maeve, you are so right about this site. I bow to the spirit that directed me here and send you my deepest wish for you and your critters to find all the love and comfort you need during this funky stretch.

    ps: can’t quite believe the level of animosity I’m feeling … there is raging going on inside and needs vehicle. Arg. “how we feel about ourselves” … hmmmm.

  14. maeve — goodness. just reading about your year practically has me reeling.

    all i feel qualified to say at the moment is: welcome. we’re happy to offer our support to you, whether in the form of actual advice or questions or simply some good vibes aimed your way. i’m glad you found us and chose to speak up; even just doing so may help shift something a little.

  15. Maeve – thought my year was bad till I read your post! You might find some helpful stuff at this link: I know that kitty grief all too well – my sister’s cat became really sick and eventually died, a couple of Christmases ago – and it was just heart rending. Now she’s spending all her money on the sister, who’s not been too well since her brother died. Take good care of yourself. xx

  16. Maeve! Dear goddess, woman… what a year! I’ve (and most of us) have had those, but only once a decade or so. Hang in there!!

    But I also have a couple of questions: have you lived where you are very long? do you know the history of your homesite? are you engaged in a practice that allows you shift into your futureself? are you communicating well with your ancestors and descendants — either in the body or beyond? they are usually *very* willing to help.

    As for this Eclipse, I can see wanting to use it for personal liberation, but I would urge you to look beyond that. This one is too good to try to cram into a size 6 shoe. Break out the clown boots! “Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight, down tonight!” *8D

    Gotta run, I’ll be looking for your reply if you are inclined to share…


  17. The self-criticism is kicking my ever-loving toosh. Feels like every song I write sounds trite and too much the same, while at the same time a lot of self-inflicted pressure to make them. And what comes across (through my self critical filter) as pressure from the out world to live up to my freshman effort. Paralyzing. But at the same time, reaching out for support from fellow creators, and being thankful for a community, food to eat, a home I love and ample work. Weird juxtaposition. I will work on those songs again tonight, and just trust. Thanks for your continual support here.

  18. My fabulous acupuncturist turned me on to this site a few weeks ago and I have been reading avidly ever since. This has been a very long year of working through old, not-so-useful patterns and trying to be a better person who lives with intent. I see the camaraderie you all seem to have in the comments, and I’m moved to ask for some insight.

    About a month ago, one of our beloved kitty boys (Rex) fell ill out of nowhere, spent four days in the very-expensive-but-we-really-thought-it-would-help kitty hospital, and after they finally said there was nothing else they could do, we brought him home and after he spent a few days with us and his littermate brother, we made the decision to send him on to the Summerlands. He wasn’t eating, drinking, or using the litter box. Turns out he had developed a kidney infection that shut down his kidneys. He was seven years old.

    His brother Oedipuss has been understandably sad and confused. But over the last few weeks, he has very slowly declined. I had attributed it to sadness and reaction over his brother. Two weekends ago, we went to the kitty shelter and we found a little kitten who filled a spot in my husband’s heart, and we hoped it would help Oed not be so lonely. Well, the new kid caught a cold and is very kitten-ish and a little too frisky for Oed. So we’ve kept them apart.

    We’re taking Oed to the vet today. He’s not really eating or drinking anymore, and he’s started this lip smacking thing, with occasional ack-thhbts that make it seem like he’s got something caught in his throat.

    He is my fuzzy little heart. When we lost Rex, we had solace that at least we still had Oed. Now it’s looking like Oed may go join Rex. We don’t have the financial ability to keep him in the hospital like we did Rex, plus I don’t think Oed could handle it.

    I am near my breaking point and I am desperately trying to figure out what lesson I need to learn, or how I can read into the whirling goings-on of the planets in their crazypants active time right now.

    To put this year and the kitty thing into perspective… New Years Day 2011, I took my husband to the ER and he ended up getting his gallbladder out, brought him home, he got a _nasty_ upper respiratory infection. When we got home from the hospital, we found one of our favorite outside feral kitties (this one was an abandoned house cat) had passed away on our back porch. That was January. February, I managed to injure my back attempting to get back into exercising, and my father finally lost whatever marbles he had left and was taken in by the SWAT team to the local mental hospital. In March, I was in a bad car accident that left me nearly unable to walk. April was more recovery (and my birthday… I’m a _very_ cuspy Taurus). May, my chiropractor forced a neck adjustment and hurt me badly. June was recovery. July I was laid off. August and September were a combination of recovery, job hunting, and going through a series of interviews that ultimately led to nowhere. Finally landed a job in October. Took a trip to San Diego to see the in-laws, in my new car, and hit some poor animal on the way there and cracked my bumper which will need to be replaced once the March-accident thing is done with. November, Rex fell ill. Now it’s December, I’m sick, and I’m taking my Oed to the vet today.

    I know there is the eclipse in a few days, and I’m trying to think of what things I want to be, and trying to resolve how my poor boy feeling so wretched ties into things. When Rex passed, I was there with him the whole time, and it helped me heal a bit from when my previous cat passed, and I wasn’t able to be there with him. I don’t know if Oed just missed Rex too much, or what. All I can think of is that it’s all just too much.

    It seems like there is a big opportunity for … something in these coming days, I just can’t pin together what. I can’t seem to get objective enough to figure out how everything weaves together. Any advice, hints, or help any of you are able to offer, I’ll gladly listen. I’m sorry to be so verbose on my first post (hi!), but it seems like this might be a place that can offer some guidance. Thank you all for listening.

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