The Sun-Pholus conjunction is mentioned in the caption of today’s daily, though the aspect is not delineated. It’s the central aspect of the day, likely to be a lot less subtle than the sensation of being fogged over, or swimming upstream of the also-current Mercury-Neptune square. This is actually an exact conjunction of Sun, Ixion and Pholus — the Sun plus two potent slow-movers.

The Sun’s conjunction to a planet can bring out a diversity of its themes, but the themes are not everything; there is also the sensation. I think that if there is something ‘indescribably edgy’ in the air, that is Sun-Ixion-Pholus. A sensation frequently associated with Pholus is of an uncontrolled release of energy. Ixion calls on us to question our intent and our motives, including any tendency to act against intuition and do something that we know is likely to be wrong. If you have the feeling that was possible, that could account for feeling edgy.
Pholus also registers as the ‘small cause with a big effect’, a similar idea. There’s good reason today to take things gently, and to proceed with sufficient doubt to avoid being too certain about anything, while other aspects work out. Hesitation is a problem in the world; false certainty is just as much of a concern.
The Sun overall is in sensitive territory, as it’s making a series of conjunctions to other minor planets clustered right in the Sun’s current degree range, as you can see from the planet table. Many of the planets the Sun is now conjunct are associated with shadowy types of psychological material: the tendency to cruelty, how we act under the influence of an addictive (or powerfully alluring) substance, how we relate through our family legacy and the sensation of being starstruck.
While there is too much to delineate all at once, the chart is saying one thing to me, overall — do not be certain in what you think you know. This is accentuated by the square of Mercury and Neptune, which calls for clarity and taking one step at a time. I am not saying to hesitate blindly; I am suggesting suspending judgment and remembering that you may be doing some reassessment later in the week of what you thought was true today.
Saturn and Psyche were conjunct today, lending credence to your assessment of this chart.
Natal Venus is 19 Sagittarius (1st)
I took a chill pill in the early dawn..
(Actually, all the above list is on my asc).
(Well, this aspect is (almost) on my asc).
Honestly, there is so much going on – every day – that I feel it hard to keep up with everything, every aspect. So I breathe, trust, and check inside. Be cautious, and let go at the same time!