More Gemini News: New Moon and a Jupiter eclipse-y thing

Tuesday is the second consecutive New Moon in Gemini, at 11:02 am EDT. This means it’s been less than two weeks since the lunar eclipse and the transit of Venus; less than four weeks since the wormhole was opened by the solar eclipse on May 20. Remember that? Does it feel a universe away? If that second New Moon decided it wanted to be an eclipse, too, it might not surprise too many people. They do seem to be all the rage these days.

Simplified chart section for the Moon-Jupiter eclipse-y thing, or occultation. You can see Jupiter (orange '4') next to the Moon in Gemini, though the Moon will actually block Jupiter from our perspective as it heads toward its conjucntion with the Sun (yellow circle). Also shown are Neptune in Pisces (blue trident) square Moon-Jupiter, and Chiron (orange key), which is square retrograde Venus (blue 'female' symbol).

With as much discombobulation as we’ve experienced, how is your life settling down? Or is it? It may take you a few more days (or longer) to get into your new rhythm. Such a concentration of events may have knocked you off-center, though this was for the purpose of reorientation. Here’s a suggestion: rather than trying to get back into your old routine, adapt to the environment you find yourself in now.

Venus retrograde (the heart of the transit of Venus show) is still offering us meaningful astrology. As mentioned in this space yesterday, on Saturday she makes a square to Chiron in Pisces. That’s a hotly charged aspect, the kind of thing that keeps us going from one emotional high to the next.

Yet Venus is now retrograde, so it would be healthier to seek those peak experiences inwardly rather than from the involvement of other people. The retrograde is an internally directed factor, and its mission is about guiding the seemingly separate aspects of who you are into relationship with one another.

Jupiter’s ingress of Gemini earlier this week also has a similar message about resolving inner oppositions, conflicts and what many spiritual paths describe as dualism. Are the things you think of as being opposite one another really at odds? Or are they aspects of the same thing? Jupiter encourages you to see the common ground, and to recognize that parts are only parts because they are aspects of the whole.

Oh — and guess what? Even if the New Moon doesn’t decide to go all eclipse-y on us, Jupiter will actually do the honors. On Sunday at 3:59 am EDT, the Moon will occult Jupiter in early Gemini. That means the Moon will pass by the face of Jupiter precisely enough to ‘eclipse’ it.

Generally, Moon-Jupiter conjunctions are described in optimistic, positive terms. They tend to confer sympathy and generosity, good health and a concern with social welfare in natal charts. Jupiter is an expansive energy, and the Moon — though a bit more cerebral in Gemini — is an emotional influence. Note that in Gemini, there will be a flip side to this expansiveness, and it’s represented by the square to Neptune in Pisces that this occultation will be making.

We covered the potential exaggeration/deception effect of the Jupiter-Neptune square yesterday. That the Moon is occulting Jupiter in this aspect suggests there are two options to feel out, choose from or perhaps hold in the balance and reconcile this weekend — and there may be some lasting effects. Keep your eyes (and heart, mind and soul — we are talking about the Moon, Gemini, Neptune and Jupiter here) alert to the other side of whatever emotional coin you’re spending or collecting Sunday.

You’ll have one day between the Moon-Jupiter occultation and the Moon-Sun conjunciton (New Moon) on Tuesday to integrate the weekend, take a breath, and internally prepare to gently press the lunar ‘reset button’ for this coming month’s cycle. Granted, this New Moon is a bit ominous — in the next-to-last degree of Gemini, it aspects numerous horoscopes of major world events: Sept. 11, the 2004 Indonesian quake and tsunami, WikiLeaks, the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and even the Titanic. There is something about that degree that is a common thread between all of these events, and the New Moon happens right there, activating all of those charts.

This does not mean you need to hole up and batten down the hatches Tuesday. You will want to pay attention to how your emotional temperature is running in the background. If you go to, you can put in your birth data to find out if you have any planets (major or minor) at or near 28+ Gemini (or aspecting that degree) to get a sense of themes to watch for in your life for this New Moon. If you’re not sure what to make of what you find, you can comment here and some of our more astrologically-savvy readers are sure to help you sort it out.

Then: it’s onward to the Cancer solstice Wednesday and the next season of 2012 — starring the first exact contact of the Uranus-Puto square.

29 thoughts on “More Gemini News: New Moon and a Jupiter eclipse-y thing”

  1. This News is moon have my phase full moon, its square to Uranus is as dangerous in itself because he is the bridge in Natal, therefore nothing to fear from this Moon News. What I note is the return of retro Venus to the Chiron square that is formed for the first time 2 months ago
    an injury/Chiron from a woman or caused by a woman/Venus. In France we had the case of the companion of the President Valérie Trierweiler with his Tweet that made a loud noise with the two candidates in elections to the legislative second round . I had said in my reflection of the last quarter without name

    This is his card
    Note the passage of March opposite opposite Chiron March as he had been present in world days rather

    In a more personal we can face has this injury or of Act and it will last 3 weeks in view of the parking lot of Venus before its direct …

    Thank you Eric our your reflection

  2. Lula, I enjoyed reading your story (and your corresponding one, too, Huffy). I’ve been going through something vaguely similar for the last couple of years. You have courage and heart and a good inner compass, and it’s going to be amazing! Enjoy the ride.

  3. Thank you Brendan, this is a first for me. I have had many dogs, but this one connected to my heart the first second we laid eyes on each other… <3

  4. bkoehler- thank you for your time and effort. I am humbled. It explains so much, and gives a bit of ironic comfort, that the universe is unfolding as it should. I bow in your direction. Thank you, Thank you.

    Paola- Thank you for the kind words….(embrace)

    I am also instigating change of a 28 year rabid relationship as well.

    Bless you all <3

  5. Good evening everyone, bon soir, buona notte!

    I have only two natal aspects in Gemini: Mars at 0Gem36, and Vulcanus at 27Gem28. Looks like it might be rather quiet for me.

    I’ve been away from regular ‘net access for anything other than emails for the last two weeks – did I miss anything? 😉

    Re-orientation: I like that, and there have a been a few of those lately. No real trauma/drama, just a lot of self-realizations and leaving behind of old problems. Very comfortable shifts too, mostly because they make so much sense that “Duuuuhhhh” comes to mind, and that’s not hurtful…

    KathyC – I’m so sorry to hear of your grief, my thoughts are with you.

  6. Gemini is quiet in my natal chart, not even aspecting much. Vesta stands alone @19. Orcus and Vulcanus are @ 0 Cancer, trine Neptune and opposing the Galactic Center and the True Node. I’ve loved the portal to portal ride all year. Until solar eclipse, it was tough, heartbreaking even, but right now, I feel like a have space, as Len said yesterday to Step Off or Step Up, and shake the dust of the past from my feet. New patterns. I have claimed some for myself, and soon they will be routine. Oh my, breathing room, growing room. I’ve been repotted!

  7. Beautiful description of what feels to be unfolding in my consciousness. I have natal Sagittarius in Jupiter at 29+ in 2nd house, with Venus 21+ in Gemini in 7th, and Sun 23+ in Gemini in 7th. Life is getting really tasty…what might Tuesday hold with natal Jupiter so close to the hot spot?

  8. Kathy C,
    I send you light and love and to your dog too. I know what you are experiencing, I think, and I know that it can cross several phases. I had much support and guidance from friends when in a similar situation, and this really helped a lot.

    I had a dear friend who was an astrologer. He once told me: “We don’t die with Saturn. We die with Jupiter”. He meant that death is – also – a huge expansion into the light. And therefore ‘we die with Jupiter’. Maybe this can be an insight.

  9. lula — you can also check to see what in your natal chart may be making aspects to 28+ gemini. it’s all part of the conversation… and who knows, maybe this new moon won’t really be one that resonates strongly with you. not all of them do, after all. : )

  10. Kathy C,

    You have my sympathy as I know what you must be feeling. but as impossible as this may sound, the universe is moving you along a path you are intended to follow. I say that because your Moon (family, feelings) is conjunct your south node and the south node is a point of release; where things that are comfortable and habitual must give way to allow new experiences to happen. Since transiting Uranus has also been conjunct your Moon something sudden or unexpected recently happened, most likely your pet’s illness or accident.

    If you can accept that these sad events happen for a reason, it won’t make you any less depressed but it could help you look toward the future when your feelings will have had some time to heal. Let me show you how astrology is speaking through your chart.

    Your Leo Sun is forming a sextile aspect with transiting Jupiter at this time. Jupiter is always thought of as a “benefic” so it is something of a surprise and difficult to understand why he often shows up in charts relating to the death of someone. The sextile is a pleasant aspect to experience in that the energy exchange is cooperative and easy. Your natal Saturn in Capricorn in your 5th house makes a quincunx aspect to your Leo Sun and also one to transiting Jupiter in your 12th house. Quincunx aspects are not cooperative or easy and can represent energy that is struggling to find answers. Because your Saturn is getting two of these aspects from planets that are working together, your natal Sun and the newly arrived transiting Jupiter, you are experiencing a Yod, sometimes called the Finger of God, and this multi-planet aspect is challenging your natal Saturn to express in some way that will blend the energies of all three planets. So if Sun symbolizes your consciousness and strength, and transiting Jupiter represents an increase in understanding and they team up to push Saturn who can represent “endings” and “the real world” and “what holds us upright” among other things, then you can see how that is telling you become conscious of something new, broaden your understanding and above all, accept the difficulties of real life.

    Opposite your natal Saturn is a small body called “Hades” who is slowly transiting through the sign of Cancer, symbol of the home, family and needs. Hades will symbolize things we are afraid to look at, find repulsive in some ways, and will put off dealing with until forced to do so. Because Saturn is receiving the push to express the above mentioned energies, his target across the chart is transiting Hades. It is possible the “simple tasks” were unpleasant to deal with already but you weren’t focusing on them, but now you are and they aren’t any easier to look at.

    Near the end of June transiting Saturn will “station direct” and move forward again and soon conjunct the nadir (bottom) of your chart. This too is a symbol of endings. At this time the half-way point between transiting Saturn and transiting Pluto (who is also retrograde) called a mid-point, is at or near where transiting Jupiter is, early Gemini. This represents a lot of intense energy regard responsibilities, endings (Saturn), healing, transforming, death and rebirth (Pluto) as well as Jupiter (increased understanding, wisdom, faith). Your natal Pluto conjunct natal Mars is opposed to transiting Neptune and transiting Chiron, all of whom represent – among many things – pain in some way, and they form a T-square aspect (2 sets of oppositions forming 4 squares) with transiting Jupiter which also includes the above mentioned midpoint for Pluto and Saturn. This is a profound message to make changes in your values (2nd house Mars, Pluto and Venus) and shared resources (transiting Neptune ad Chiron) that will be brought about through wisdom gained from powerful experiences of transformation and maturity. Look to your friends (including PW’ers) and groups you are associated with for this wisdom.

    Your north node in Libra emphasizes this call to change direction and transiting Mars will conjunct it in July giving you the incentive to move forward. Later in July transiting Venus will trine transiting Saturn who will by then be conjunct your nadir bringing much needed relief to you and your family. I hope this thought will bring you some peace as your care for your loving pet through his transition. All our thoughts are with you now.


  11. Mystes, Huffy, others… Thank you for responding. It is a rough time at the moment, since Geminis are never really sure of what they want anyway…

    I’m about 4 hours away from that point where nothing will ever be the same again. Wish me luck :-/

  12. Alexander,
    Thank you for your comment.. 🙂
    I have a strong Sagittarius theme in my chart, despite being a sun Scorpio (+Merc, +Nep, +Moon).
    Jupiter rules my Ascendant: both Mars & Venus are in Sagittarius 1st house.
    Even though Jupiter rules the 1st house, he is not nearly as strong as Venus, & even with her proximity to Mars, she holds sway with essential and accidental dignity. Gemini is on the 7th house cusp.
    This would be all good, except that Venus & Mars in the 1st house are in a Tee -Square to Pluto/Uranus 9th and Saturn/Chiron 3rd. And Jupiter in my 7th house 1 deg Cancer, opposes Venus and Mars!!
    And, I have a natal South Node in Sagittarius Jupiter is in a trine to Sun and Saturn.

    Drops of Jupiter everywhere!!
    The Transit of Venus, 2 new moons and the Lunar is activating this entire axis from Asc – Desc.


  13. Repeat after me…intuition, not insanity. There is a line there and sometimes it seems kind of blurry. My message of the day regarding 28+ Gemini is…drumroll…”containers bursting”. What containers, where? No answer.

  14. Lula, I can’t top Mystes’ beautiful advice – but your situation made me think of a good friend of mine – who I spent most of the day with last Saturday, and who is also a Gemini. She has been living with her boyfriend for about 8 years now, the relationship had become flat and boring, the typical man with slippers and beer in front of the TV situation. Some months ago she met and fell in love with a fascinating woman, some 14 years yonger, and embarked on her first lesbian affair. What happened next is like the story of a film – her boyfriend ended up falling in love with this other woman too, and also had an affair with her (some lass, eh?). So they’ve had this kind of on and off triangle going on, but none of them are serene in this situation. My friend doesn’t see a future with this young woman because of the age difference, and really wants to try to hang onto her relationship with her man, and try to make it work. It seems to me that with all this Gemini activity going on, you Geminis are being really challenged at the moment. Think that Mystes’ words about dealing with the fear it brings up are so on the nail. Good luck with it all!

  15. Lula… I am getting ready for a looooooong day at work again, so can’t take the time answer as I would like, but know that you are *not* a gibbering anything, and well on your way to getting *exactly* what you want/need. Get to know your pet iguana (fear) and feed it little bits of banana from time to time. Really, it just wants to help. So let it. Be nice to your apprehensions and they will serve when and if you need them.

    I recently read the story of Sir Gawain’s Wedding, and I’ll recount it here soon. Just rememberr that the only thing a woman ‘represents’ for herself or anyone else, is sovereignty. We pass this precious gift to our children, but first we much have and demonstrate it (for) ourselves. Not selfish, *sovereign* – you are your own empire, and all love proceeds from and returns to that.

    Huge luck. I am dying to hear what others have to say…


  16. Thank you, Alexander and Huffy!

    Alexander – you know how abysmal I am at reading charts, so the only thing I could discern this morning is that I have Amor at 28 Gemini, and Hylonome very close by too.

    Didn’t look at the other aspects, but no doubt they will show something up too. But it fits with what I already know and which you helped me with last week.

  17. Ok, peeps – I’m sorry to blurt everything out and dump it all on you, but I’m in need of some perspective from people. Please feel free to respond with ‘radical honesty’!

    This astrology lately has kicked my ass, but in a good way. I’ve enjoyed the experience, which has been intense and physically very pleasurable, but I’m now in a blind state of panic about consequences. I’ll need to tell you the details, so you have some idea of context!

    I think I have just, or am on the verge of, coming out as polyamorous. For a long time, I have battled with this, thinking that I was selfish, feeling the urges for others, subverting them and then having affairs because it’s too strong to subvert, etc etc. I come from a long line of penitent Catholics, so you can imagine the self-flagellation that has gone with these feelings. I still alternate wildly between thinking that there is absolutely nothing wrong with polyamory, and indeed it’s actually much fairer on all involved (in an ideal world, where everyone is an adult about it, that is), and then vacillating to the flipside which is me thinking that I have absolutely NO RIGHT to think that the normal rules don’t apply to me – who am I to eat my cake and have it, too? But! These thoughts all exist in the realm of abstract, and where I am is in a very physical place indeed. Being a Gemini (Libra rising, Aries moon), the abstract is never an issue for me, but the feel often is.

    So the feel has been very sudden. I’ve been dealing with the demise of a relationship recently that I can’t seem to extricate myself from. The man in question is Cancer, with Scorpio moon and rising, so hugely explosive sexual potential, but that is where it remains currently as he does lots of generational legacy clearing work. This means that, however much I love him and am fascinated by him and want to drink him in, I can only get to a certain point before he cries, ‘enough!’ and slams the shutters down. Now, this is a brave man with lots of jealousy issues, and he works very hard to clear blockages, but it’s going to take some time. In the meantime, I’m getting older (36) and have half an eye on expanding my family (I’m a single parent currently, to a little boy of 5), and I don’t think he’s going to be ready for that kind of commitment any time soon. We are great friends, with great respect for each other, almost identical interests and similar backgrounds, and similar response patterns, so we don’t let each other get away with much. The fact that we somehow keep missing each other breaks my heart. I would love to have a full sexual relationship with this man, but it’s not currently possible.

    And yet! In the last week and a half, I have been hit between the eyes (and legs) with a want that is akin to craving need for a mutual friend of ours, who we’ve both known for a year. Up until this point, it has never occurred to me to think of this new man in this way, so I’m completely taken aback by the strength of it. It will not be denied, that’s for sure. So, knowing this, I spoke to both men and suggested a polyamorous experiment. New man was all for it, except that he was concerned about the mutual friendship (and working relationship) dynamic, and current man (knowing me as well as he does) was resigned but accepting. So, I have the green light. And now comes the fear.

    I am an absolute gibbering wreck. I’ve put myself out there, and my fears are about judgement and about consequences. The judgement aspect is that I worry men will look at me and think I am not the kind of person who wants to settle down, and I will therefore be discounted, when in fact I do want to settle down, I just need some extra excitement. The consequence aspect is that I am terrified that I will lose current man, who means so much more to me than new man and who is a much better fit for me long term (I think). All of the astrology lately has pointed to me taking this route, this ‘coming out’, so to speak, but then I read about this new moon at 28+ Gemini, and about consequences, and I can’t help but put a negative spin on it 🙁

    In terms of chart data, I have nothing at 28+ Gemini, but I do have Nessus on MC at 1 Cancer. I don’t know if that’s significant? I’m not sure what I’m asking, with this post, except I just need to communicate this maelstrom that’s going round my head/heart. A big thank you to Alex De Witte, as well – his tarot/rune forecast is a great comfort today!

    Eric – do you have any words of wisdom? Thanks all, for listening 🙂

  18. I have the Muse of astrology & astronomy, Urania, very near, just one degree in Cancer. [natal]

    I have been waiting to hear, and just received news, that I have been accepted into a “project” I applied for. Still haven’t decided totally to proceed as it is a very large commitment. For about a week now, I have had the urge, and the need, to clear my office and work space rooms preparing for change. I took everything down off my walls in my office yesterday. How different the room sounded, it actually echoed! I then sat down to the computer; my acceptance letter was waiting for me. Cleaning the slate. Eclipse on my birthday. Married on the Venus transit of the Sun. I am riding this wave for all I can.

  19. can someone look mine up please, I am caring for my dying dog and am in a state of mourning. simple tasks are extremely difficult. 7-25-59, 6:05am

  20. Kelly, Jupiter is transpersonal and so if you wish to look at it being activated natally, it is best to look at how Jupter natally aspects your personal planets. You would need to have a grasp, or develop one, of how Jupiter energy has functioned within both your natal set up and your life narrative. You can then start to perceive how the conjunction to the coming new moon will activate or challenge the historic outworking/theme and offer new potentials.

  21. Hi Sarah 🙂

    You raise the perennial question in response to the oft-perceived enormity of vacating the old patterns for want of clarity on the new ones. This is where the vast repertoire of astrological resources can be boiled down to something simple. Effectively a couple of aide-memoire tags should be gleaned, akin to the ‘big red button’ word-picture. The way to source these tags is to avail of advice to visit serennu or perhaps and check the aspects to your natal. What will enhance this is if you can find any correlations between the themes written in the sky/natal blueprint for these days and what themes you see lurking in any plans you have for those days. That lunation heads up a t-square in my natal set up which tells me pretty clearly that my moon/Uranus is getting a chance for microscope work. Specifically in my case how emotional and physical space and a sense of self-alienation and some of its less healthy projection potentials can be resolved – basically, mother stuff as related to comfort in one’s own skin and inhabiting one’s most intimate space. Good luck with any delineations you spot!

  22. Wake me up when it’s over! Thanks for the great blog. “Such a concentration of events may have knocked you off-center, though this was for the purpose of reorientation” – yes this is exactly what I feel is going on with me.
    Sarah – am in the same place right now, read this about the gemini new moon this morn:”Remind yourself it’s okay to ‘not know,’ and break through to new levels of awareness”.

  23. “Here’s a suggestion: rather than trying to get back into your old routine, adapt to the environment you find yourself in now.”

    Yikes! I know the old routine isn’t working, but just what the hell is the new one?! I guess I will have to ride the waves and see …

  24. Hi,
    Yes, I am curious…my natal moon is 28° in gemini…(conjunct my north node beg. of Cancer)…what I am supposed to do with that ?
    Excuse my english, I am french…and a fan of Planet waves ! 🙂

  25. I can’t keep up.

    Q) for the savvy… 🙂
    I have natal Jupiter at 1 deg Cancer. Can the new moon @ 28+ Gemini knock him of his exalted posi?
    Any response would be appreciated!!

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