Gemini Full Moon, Juno, Nessus, Galactic Center

Full Moons tend to be highly charged events for relationships as it is. Today’s Gemini Full Moon, exact at 4:28 am EST, is in aspect to several points and planets asking us to pay careful attention to where we use our energy consciously versus where we use it unconsciously, particularly when it comes to socially codified relationship expectations and the question of spiritual growth.

The setting sun reflects off a neighbor's window, viewed through frost and a tri-colored dracaena. Photo by Amanda Painter. View a full-sized chart of the Full Moon here.
The setting sun reflects off a neighbor’s window, viewed through frost and a tricolor dracaena. Photo by Amanda Painter. View a full-sized chart of the Full Moon here.

That is, what counts as spiritual growth when you’re in a relationship with someone?

For example, is ‘spiritual growth in relationship’ about learning the arts of compromise and apology, and making yourself vulnerable to being wrong?

Is it making yourself vulnerable to possibly being off-center and then learning how to regain it? (We only get the hang of things by practice, right?)

Is it ‘spiritual’ to focus solely on what you perceive as your path of inner growth, whether those you care about can keep up or not?

When does being in spiritual integrity with yourself indicate bending and flowing with another? When does it indicate maintaining protective boundaries? How can you be sure either way?

The primary minor planets contributing to this tension are the asteroid Juno and centaur planet Nessues, which are conjunct in Aquarius. In Aquarius, both Juno and Nessus speak of crystallized social expectations around relationships (especially regarding jealousy, marriage, sexuality and abusive behavior), which we’ve internalized from endless conditioning. In aspect to the Full Moon, they also speak to the potential to give crystallized patterns a push and update our files.

The Gemini Moon is trine these two objects, suggesting ease — and that you could just as easily stay set in those patterns and cling to those social expectations as not. It doesn’t sound like the most ‘spiritual’ path, but it is familiar — and not everyone in your life will necessarily embrace your decision to step onto an unorthodox path in your relationships with them.

While it is possible to take big steps while not supported by those closest to you, it takes some real courage and conviction. Fear and self-doubt can lead to self-sabotage, but this Full Moon holds the potential to use the mutable-sign energy of Gemini and Sagittarius to light a fire under social expectations. Melt them, evaporate them, shatter them, morph them — whatever works.

The Sagittarius Sun is in a helpful aspect to Juno and Nessus (a sextile). You have to make a conscious effort to use that energy, just like it takes conscious effort to try the unfamiliar. But the broader perspective, fiery spirit and bold calling offered by the Sagittarius Sun may help you find that your choices are not only truer to who you are, they make the world a little larger for you to explore.

The monthly opposition between the Sun and the Moon heightens emotions and reactions between us and our partners, coworkers and friends — thanks to the light of the Sun (consciousness) projecting onto and being reflected back by the Moon (the subconscious). In other words, we see something about ourselves reflected back at us by others, and that can be provocative in relationships. Noticed with awareness, that provocation can spur us to deeper understanding, and the desire to act on it.

Add the placement of the Moon in Gemini (let’s verbally process our feelings!) and the Sun in Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Center (what is spiritual and how do we do it?) and it’s possible your feisty, wordy, trigger-happy interactions could open your world up to healing and growth instead of just rehashing. For that to happen, however, will take some introspection — no mean feat when faced with the glare of a Full Moon and its insistence that we see in others what’s asking for our attention within.

10 thoughts on “Gemini Full Moon, Juno, Nessus, Galactic Center”

  1. “The integrity via personal growth vs relationship flow question is intense and high pressure, and hard for me to articulate gracefully. Communication feels pressured yet stuck…everything is coming out in emotional bursts despite the fact that I know it’s likely to disturb the peace.”

    i’m with you there, kazaa… this has been a tricky moon. i feel like it kind of sneaked up on me. i realized the sun was conjunct my natal moon, but somehow failed to notice that the moon was conjunct my natal nessus. so kind of a double nessus-whammy there.

    add in that mercury is moving into its conjunction with pholus, ixion, etc., and i guess it’s no wonder that was i thought was a small, small thing that got said sunday night has spun out of control into this whole other beast… i’m not sure how to get that genie back in the bottle… and i have a feeling that my idea of how to tame the beast/genie is very different from the other person’s idea…

    time will tell. right now, i’m just trying to stop before typing rashly, collect my thoughts, center myself, take a few deep breaths and go from there…

  2. Thank you for this post, Amanda. As a Sag sun/moon, Gemini asc, I knew this full moon was coming, and yet I was not at all prepared for how hard it would hit me today, how griefstricken and raw I’d feel and pulled in opposite directions. I am aching for a breakthrough in my relationship situation, where the impasse has reached dangerous proportions. The integrity via personal growth vs relationship flow question is intense and high pressure, and hard for me to articulate gracefully. Communication feels pressured yet stuck…everything is coming out in emotional bursts despite the fact that I know it’s likely to disturb the peace. It feels out of control but I hope I’m going with a flow that will take me to shore!

  3. Amanda, I am enjoying your gorgeous tropical, frosty, opalescent, mysterious photograph.

    Also noting Juno and Nessus coming together straddling my IC, when they opposed each other along my horizon, Juno conjunct AC, and Nessus sitting on DC. That means this full moon is square natal Pluto/midheaven too. I have been working with all this stuff for ages, very intensely the past quarter. I am in the midst of a breakthrough, no words for what’s happening yet. The planets and stars keep lining up in signficant aspect to my natal chart. And my family of origin legacies loosen their tentacles.

    Thank you.

  4. “Contrary to popular belief there is no venting of negative emotions. To allow them to grab the controls of human behavior is to strengthen them through practice.”

    thanks, yeti — i needed to read that. definitely a well-timed reminder.

  5. Practicing new emotional habits: yes! Contrary to popular belief there is no venting of negative emotions. To allow them to grab the controls of human behavior is to strengthen them through practice. I’m so much less angsty than I was even 2 years ago, but it’s such an old habit I still do it and it takes others to point it out, or me reading what I wrote later on when I’m cooler. Natal moon in Gemini, ruler of my Saturn and Midheaven: bubbles in the water, a hurricane, or tuning into Gemmy Luna’s ruler in Capricorn applying some of the knowledge collected in my wanderings and keep the wave of breath rolling. Yeah, Mr. Angst still gets up to bitch about stuff, but he doesn’t have the lasting power he once had. The breath keeps spinning and he falls apart in the wave.

  6. jere! Is that really you? If so, I’ve missed your sparky wit and glad you didn’t tire of the company here. That shooting star sounds promising. Peace brother!

  7. Hey all, I had the opportunity to hang out with the moon this morning, was beautiful. There was a halo about 50 degrees diameter that coursed straight through Jupiter. Just about near exact aspect, a shooting star went cruising across the south horizon, relatively slow, long tail, and it sputtered out at the end with a dying firework effect. I stared into it for several minutes with the intention of trying to catapult my perception through the full Moon, across the solstice threshold, and into the future. Can’t say it was comprehensibly productive, but I did have the distinct feeling of accepting my relationship failures without having to justify them on the back of reactionary behavior. Will have to keep my eyes peeled on the sky to flesh more out…

    If you’re so inclined, the Moon should give another great show Wednesday night 10pm west coast time (1am east), where it should get pretty darn close to running over Jupiter, being as they’re traversing an exceptionally similar path in the sky. Hope you get a chance to see it.

    Take care all,


  8. happy to hear this post resonated with you! i just noticed that i called it “tonight’s full moon,” when it was actually very early this morning.

    oops! correction made…

  9. Great article Amanda, this is one of those “little gems” that could be overlooked, especially in the hustle-bustle of the approaching holidays. I would consider flexibility/adaptability as a tool in making these decisions as to whether to focus on either personal spiritual growth or maintaining expectations of partners, which could also have the weight of “tradition” on it’s side. Where else but in Gemini could a full moon have an alternative or back-up plan at the ready when faced with a decision of this magnitude? I think I would choose “morph them” at this point in my life, as it seems less painful. Shattering them is just not advisable what with so much emotion already in the “air” these days, but of course, each case differs depending on who is experiencing them. Thanks for making me aware!

  10. Thank you, Amanda. There are a few Sagittarian days left to aim the arrow before pulling the trigger on the bow to do some introspective hunting for a different hash on the menu. I’ll use the light of this Full Moon to more clearly see the targets within and without.


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