Gemini Full Moon: Being spiritual, not just talking about it

Tomorrow (Tuesday), Dec. 17, is the Gemini Full Moon at 4:28 am EST. This is the Sagittarius Sun opposite the Moon in Gemini, asking, how do you go from just talking about being spiritual to actually doing it? And what exactly is ‘it’?

A section of ephemeris listing showing Quaoar conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon. The Galactic Core is at XX Sagittarius XX. View a full chart for the Full Moon here.
A section of ephemeris listing from showing Quaoar conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon. The Galactic Core is at 27+ Sagittarius. View a full chart for the Full Moon here.

A Gemini Full Moon, especially at Full phase, can translate into talking a lot without really saying much. Talking about what, though? That’s where the topic of spirituality comes in, through the Moon’s opposition to the Sun and the Galactic Core.

The GC represents the “spiritual homing signal,” in Eric’s words; a message or vibration related to the mystery of our origins and existence. The GC is too big, too far away and too obscured by the stuff of the galaxy to be observed directly by astronomers. As such, it makes the perfect metaphor for the deep, essential mysteries astrologers assign it.

Just because something is mysterious or ineffable doesn’t mean that it doesn’t matter, though. Entire philosophies, religions and schools of spiritual exploration have endeavored to figure out ‘what it all means’ — or at least offer practical tools for the search.

So does philosophical or religious study count as part of ‘being spiritual’? How about inner soul-searching and meditation? Doing kind deeds? Always striving to speak honestly and act with integrity? What about championing a cause and volunteering? Or traveling or studying with a guru? What about getting into therapy and healing one’s emotional and psychological wounds? Or helping others to heal theirs? Is it possible that at different times along a person’s spiritual path certain of these things might be crucial to engage with, and at other times not?

How exactly does one go from simply talking about being spiritual to living spiritually?

Conjunct the Sun in Sagittarius is a trans-Neptunian object (meaning that its orbit crosses that of Neptune) called Quaoar. Quaoar was named after a Native American creation deity who sings and dances the other gods and goddesses into existence. Eric wrote of Quaoar in Small World Stories (an annual edition from a few years ago) that,

“Quaoar’s placement in a natal chart gives an intimate portrait of the dance of the family’s emotional process and its impact on us. Quaoar speaks to the rhythms and choreography into which we were born, as these manifest within the family pattern going back generations.”

Eric has suggested that Quaoar conjunct the Sun and the GC for this Full Moon brings in the element of family, fellowship, the tribe of humanity and one’s personal creation myth. He asks, “Does your tribe connect you to source?” which is another way to describe being “really spiritual.” If you are connecting to and investing in people who are themselves connected to their sense of soul-purpose, and the understanding that we are all part of something much greater than ourselves, you will be supported in your own journey.

If these ideas resonate with you, but most of the people closest to you are not people with whom you can talk about ‘spiritual stuff’, just how supported do you feel? This Full Moon configuration is asking you to consider the ideas of ‘family of choice’ or ‘spiritual family’, as opposed to ‘family of origin’. Some people are lucky enough to be born into biological families that are on the spiritual wavelength and support their kids in their respective journeys. Even when that’s the case, at some point, most people do create some ‘intentional family’ of peers along the way. For many, it’s the only way we’ll ever get to experience a sense of belonging to our true tribe.

The Moon in Gemini, an image of a child or children, facing the Sun, the GC and Quaoar is saying: grow up and participate. Being spiritual isn’t passive, but you have to figure out for yourself what it means for you to live in connection to your Source.

With Eric Francis

7 thoughts on “Gemini Full Moon: Being spiritual, not just talking about it”

  1. Jasmine sounds like a good way to go when the time comes, Patty! Uranus/Pluto are surprising you in good ways!
    Happy Soap-ing. How wonderful that he found you!

  2. Aword, as if things weren’t already odd in my life, today an embalmer stopped by and purchased a large amount of soap from me. He had already used my soap and told me how much it was helping his skin – he spends a lot of time working in the cold and in chemicals, so today we got better acquainted. I have another point at 8 Libra so this fits in with my current life story. I just learned about the widow’s point a few days ago, then Amanda posts about Quaoar so I looked mine up. Now I wonder if I am aiding with the caretaking of the dead since he said he uses a bar of soap every 5 days. That is a fast usage rate. It’s rather humbling yet delightful and Gemini is my 8th house. He carefully selected about 20 different scents to try, asking about the properties of each. This is not the usual way anyone buys bath soap. I would be honored to have him take care of me when my time comes, but Lordy, tell him to please bathe me in Jasmine!

  3. Thank you Amanda and Eric for this beautiful collaboration, reflections very inspired on this conjunction of the Sun to the Galactic Center

    I take this opportunity to wish you happy holidays from Christmas to the team of Planet Waves as well as all readers 🙂

  4. Yes, I agree about not everything/everyone from a spiritual place. I was referring to myself when I converse with others; wasn’t clear. I’m delighted by the visual of the children dancing in their new pink Christmas boots!
    I actually thought I had typed “bless your sole” and came back to your Soul and the children’s new Soles, Patty! 🙂 Pink is a very good color for dancing.

  5. Well now it wasn’t something I did because I necessarily wanted to, but when spirit pushes, I have to pay attention. That was the point I was trying to make. Not everything comes from a spiritual place. Why are the banker’s children dressed from Goodwill and on food stamps? Why did he repaint the oldest child’s room for his girlfriend’s daughter? Why take their home from them if he really loves them? That comes from a very dark place. However, his children are a delight and will dance into Christmas with new pink boots, thanks to spirit!

  6. Thank you for buying those boots for those children, Patty. Bless your heart and soul.

    My natal Quaoar is 10 Libra, conjunct two asteroids, one that bears my given name and one with my artist pseudonym. That little stellium opposes natal Orius – a point discussed recently by Eric.

    This Full Moon is on natal Saturn. For me, spirituality exists everywhere as does sexuality. I’m not one for isolating the non-spiritual conversation from the spiritual ones because everything comes from a spiritual place.

    I do like the idea of Quaoar dancing new life, new creation into our new calendar year! For me I think that’s about creating a little more lively, dancing spiritual space within the structure needed for life to be lived well.

    Thank you, Amanda.

  7. Interesting. Quaoar for me is at 8 Libra, which I just recently read is considered the widow’s point. This year my gut instinct was that I needed to offer to purchase boots for the children of three young “widows” of my close family – three lost their fathers to drugs – death; 3 lost their father to money – yes money – He’s a banker and dead to them – he got the house that she put 100,000 in, and she walked away with 25,000 and bankruptcy – now he’s sued to get the 25,000 back too and he will win – talk about dead soul, he’s the poster child; 3 more children of a father who disappeared from the scene due to drugs and infidelity. There is more than one way to be unfaithful, but unfaithful to your children tops my list for worst dastardly father category. So this turns out to be the worst winter ever, and it isn’t winter yet. I’m glad I bought the boots. If your gut calls out at the Salvation Army kettle, put some money in.

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