Sun square Saturn and Eris

Are you feeling at all backed into a corner emotionally? You may not be. If you are, however, does it seem at all as though your abundant light might get hidden by a bushel if you turn to the right, but if you turn to the left, its shine might be all by itself? Welcome to the Cancer Sun in a cardinal T-square, exact over the weekend, with Saturn in Libra on one side and Eris on the other in Aries. The Sun is also conjunct the minor planet Varuna, which has been in a slow moving square to Eris for about four years.

Simplified chart section showing Sun (yellow circle) in Cancer square Saturn in Libra (gold squiggle), exact Sunday. The Sun is also square Eris (red circle with arrow pointing down) in Aries. Varuna, conjunct the Sun, is not shown. Also note Mars (red circle with arrow pointing up, diagonally) approaching its square to Pluto in Capricorn (red golf tee) and opposition to Uranus (blue 'H') in Aries.
Simplified chart section showing Sun (yellow circle) in Cancer square Saturn in Libra (gold squiggle), exact Sunday. The Sun is also square Eris (red circle with arrow pointing down) in Aries. Varuna, conjunct the Sun, is not shown. Also note Mars (red circle with arrow pointing up, diagonally) approaching its square to Pluto in Capricorn (red golf tee) and opposition to Uranus (blue ‘H’) in Aries.

The Cancer Sun is a more emotional Sun than many; the Moon, ruler of our moods and the tides of our collective oceans rules this sign. Cardinal signs need to be free to initiate (these signs begin seasons), and Cancer in particular needs to be free to initiate flow – and to feel. It does not like to feel backed into an emotional corner.

Saturn in Libra for the past couple-plus years has brought our relationship structures to the forefront of our consciousness. Are they working or not? Is a minor adjustment called for, or a full-scale re-conception or dismantling?

Saturn has made three relatively recent oppositions to Eris in Aries. Eris, the goddess of discord, representing alienation, identity fragmentation and identity reunification, has been asking a question with each of these oppositions: where do you actually fit into your relationships? Or rather, where do you locate your identity when you’re in a relationship? Most of us are still working on the answers to these questions, layer by layer, making adjustments as we go.

Now with the Cancer Sun squaring both Saturn and Eris, you may be feeling an imperative to take action. You may locate the impetus as ‘out there in this relationship’, but the tension is actually located within you. It could take a number of different shapes.

One could be the realization that you are, in fact, an independent being. With that might come a sense of, “This relationship as we’ve been living it really does not fit me. I need to risk alienation — real or perceived — in order to find a true, level relationship playing field.” Any realization that you are not quite where you belong will come with tension, but it’s a tension alleviated by identifying the feeling that you need movement, then making the decision to move, and then moving. And ‘moving’ could be as literal or as figurative as you need it to be: a psychological posture or sexual orientation; a new relationship agreement; a new partner(s); a new living situation.

This T-square could also take the shape of a defense mechanism – whether one active now or recalled from childhood. This is the one that sounds like, “I feel like I don’t belong – I have been sent away or excluded by those I love – and therefore I will be ‘independent’ so that my alienation does not hurt so much.” Of course, the need/desire to be in loving relationship with others may be pushed away and covered over, but the space it leaves is not a well from which to draw strength so much as a bottomless pit. At some point, it needs to be explored, excavated and filled — by you (and your connection to Source) and for you. Acknowledging and embracing it – bringing its darkness to light – levels the inner playing field enough to play with others with true intimacy.

This T-square might even feel like, “I am too independent; this relationship can’t handle it. If I try to do my own thing, I will end up all alone.” Possibly. Or, you might find yourself in a brand new position, where you can relate to other independent individuals in a spirit of true exchange, rather than codependence. In that scenario, not only is the playing field level, but everyone comes with their own bat and ball and understands the rules – no need for an umpire, thank you; we’re working on our mindfulness and self-awareness and empathy.

If you’ve noticed the phrase ‘level playing field’ keeps popping up, that is one theme of Varuna, which was named after a creation deity who danced the world into existence. The Eris-Varuna square is one we’ve been watching for a while as other aspects energize it. As noted in one subscriber issue of Planet Waves last year, “this square, which spans from 2008 to 2012, is one of the aspects that describes the theme of the war on women we’re seeing dramatized in national and some local politics. Varuna has a theme of ‘the equalizer’ and Eris includes the theme of ‘the castaway woman’, and cast-off womanhood in general.”

Those themes have been omnipresent since then. In the midst of such inflammatory politics, it could be easy to lose sight of true independence and truly balanced relationships, and instead get caught up in self-defeating reaction – politically and personally.

In fact, on both the personal and collective level there is an approaching aspect that could be a source of impatience: Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. This is an aspect we’ll feel before it’s exact July 17, and we may feel it as intense struggle or explosiveness. The keys to this one – especially while simultaneously sorting through your independence in any relationship – are empathy and compassion. This goes first for yourself, for any conflict you may experience as you sort through whatever action you need to take. Then, be sure to extend it to those you are in relationship to. They can’t know what is best for you until you know yourself, and they can’t make the necessary adjustments for you. Only you can do that. And level playing fields are great for fair play.

21 thoughts on “Sun square Saturn and Eris”

  1. i’m learning about boundaries and not having to earn ‘love’ –same issues, same issues – and am terribly underpaid, too. But this is the year of revolution, huh? xxx

  2. My thoughts and love go out to you, dear xtica. Sounds like you’re really shifting things, and that you have the courage, strength and humanity to really break those patterns. But remember to give yourself a lot of love and not too be hard on yourself. Would love to write more but the current astrology is keeping me very busy and stressed! (((()))
    And much love and hugs to you too, Ana.

  3. @ mystes thanks for the heads up….i’m still making baby steps reading my own chart, so its possible something is sitting on my 4th house , it seems like there’s too much stuff going on not to be, lol. and thanks for the reminder for strength in balance, i am the queen of underpaying myself which is why everyone is giving me the stink eye now that i’m learning about boundaries and not having to earn ‘love’ —
    and good luck with your son, i’ve been there too, mine is 31 and seventeen is an age i’d not wish on anyone again…although its better than fifteen…every year gets better so so slowly…hang in there, you won’t be a in the kid’s eyes forever!
    @huffy i’m with you –mars in virgo come back come back!
    cheers to all xti

  4. Ana & xtica… I’m wondering if you have anything bumping around in your 4th House? Uranus took aim and smacked into mine last year, then kept going through this one.

    Ana has the big house (and it is being eyeballed by your local gvt, right?); Ana, are you in Latin America? or Spain? Is this cardinal T sitting on hotspots for your home and hearth?

    Xtica with the teeny house — complete with Aspergers adult son, whew! Yeah, I *feel* that Virgo/Libra/Taurus in you. Strength in balance. Beautiful! My daughter had a similar set up, was extremely loving but easily lapsed to underpaying herself when there were external stressors. Raise your salary; I would wager you’ve ‘earned’ it.

  5. Hello to all, so grateful for this as i try to keep my heart from bursting out of my chest from the stress in my tiny, teeny house
    chills going up my spine as i read this article…i should have known this is bigger than all of us! my story is so complicated that i can’t really get into it here, but let’s just say the universe is forcing me to deal with how i deal with the men in my life, my father, a soon-to-be-ex-husband, and a difficult Asperger’s adult son who showed up unannounced on my doorstep and has decided to stay with me “for a while”. i am knee deep in trying to keep boundaries, set new boundaries, and ask for what i need from them, which they all find highly disturbing and upsetting….i am aware that i’ve learned from my family to be the quiet ‘good’ daughter who never asks anyone for anything, the one who gives and gives and gives until there’s nothing left, and the person who never complains…this astrology is opening space for me to change those patterns and slowly learn that i am deserving of things whether i work (deserve, earn) for them or not–
    hard stuff for a virgo sun/libra moon/taurus asc to learn…keep me in your hearts, its murder around here! 😉

  6. And ‘moving’ could be as literal or as figurative as you need it to be: a psychological posture or sexual orientation; a new relationship agreement; a new partner(s); a new living situation…
    I’m going trough the living situation, I’m living (25 years) in this beautiful 3bedroom townhouse, my children are adults living away with their own family, my daughter lives closed by, she has 4children, they all live in a 2 bedroom apt., my grandchildren stay with me a few days a week with overnight, because I rent to a city property they want me to be relocated on the basis that I’m overhoused… I feel cheated from my daughter and the city…I feel terrible sad, I feel that I don’t belong nowhere…I’m single, almost a senior citizen according to the law… in a way I want to stay here in my house, and in another who knows maybe it is for the better if I moved …for the moment I will let God and the beautiful universe do His, Her work.
    Much love to all. and many Thanks for the post..xolol…

  7. Hey thanks, Daniel, for the feedback. I think our situation is a bit different; from the time the boyo was about 13, he has been living primarily in his dad’s house. Not my desire, but legally and economically I wasn’t strong enough to challenge being shouldered out.

    I have parented him as well as I can given the Eine Kleine Comtempt-muzik that surrounds him. And though I am Cancerian, I am acutely aware of the need for independence. I’m fine with that, eager for it even. But while he *says* he doesn’t need anything, his de facto dependence is sort of startling. When I was his age I was running a daycare center, auditing classes at UT, serving as cupbearer for a household of Tantrikas and living in a cottage on five acres while caring for 2 horses. I was working on buying my second car. The kid has other capacities to be sure. But independent? Not hardly.

    So I am puzzled by the waves of passivity/resentment/dependency. Well, maybe not. I’ve been given clear explanations for their etiology, and have done my best to give him the tools to transcend them. Up and down. And up.

    I did go into the clinic, and asked to change to a doc who would be friendlier to integrative or holistic medicine. They set me up with a guy I think we can work with.
    The kid feels heard, as do I. So I think we’re on solid ground, for now. Bottom line: the doc doesn’t think this is a fungal infection, and I still do — but am willing to treat it as a viral infection. I’d love to be wrong.

    (Thank you, Eris.)


    (Huffy, et alia… I am going to prepare a webpage with that 5 root recipe on it sometime soon. Write and I’ll give you the link – mystes @ humandala dot org)

  8. Wow, right on target again. Thanks to Carasusanetta for turning me on to your readings. They have definitely confirmed/reassured me of what I have been going through as a Cancer sign.

  9. Amanda, thanks for an amazing article today. Paragraphs 7 and 8 really jumped out at me big time, esp ” “I feel like I don’t belong – I have been sent away or excluded by those I love – and therefore I will be ‘independent’ so that my alienation does not hurt so much.” ”

    Mystes, I’m sure you are a wonderful mom, I sense that. And I’m sure I won’t say anything new to you. Speaking primarily as a mirror reaction to your son’s story (and I hope he recovers super quick!), I only know what it’s like to be a young guy with every ounce of energy expressing itself as “I AM”. With the father’s voice on one side and the mother’s voice on the other, he’s probably going ballistic. And it becomes hard for him to allow others to help him. You could let him enjoy his own fruits if he truly is pushing you away, or you could give him some examples of how your approach works by getting him to read up on it. Easier said than done, right?! In my case, I was a little closer with my mom, I already thought my father was a dolt, and I had generally a good inclination about my environment and peers whom I liked or not liked to be with.

    One last little tidbit, and it may not apply, but I’ll throw it out there. When I became a Buddhist officially at 16, I unwittingly became significantly more pliable (and my Guru’s vajra-gaze helped I’m sure), esp over the next 4 years. What I mean is, I often superimposed my mom’s voice over mine. We were close, did I mention that? So, when I was interested in girls, I often said, “my mom’s gonna think I brought home a ditz!” Or “Surely I can do better, meet someone more compatible, more intelligent.” It was paralyzing on me and didn’t help me to foster my own voice or a peer relationships. I had this voice instilled in me that said I could have fun up to a point, but since I didn’t know what that point was, I understood it to be the moment I felt guilty for having fun. That was my check in point to stop and leave. When I look back now to release all that guilt, I understand what I was dealing with. This was the catch-22 relationship I had with my mom: Did I need that discipline more than freedom? Did I sublimate being ‘independent’ so that my alienation didn’t not hurt so much? And this article is all about that story for me: that it’s never too late to fill that empty well with love and abundance – it’s my work and I am charge of that now. Did this even remotely help Mystes?


  10. What is Eris’s relationship to ‘sisters’? There are a few comments below that reflect there maybe something. In mythology, Eris would sometimes accompany her brother on his endeavors, but she is not appreciated in the same ways. It reminds me of when a father really wants a son, but gets a daughter. There is a disappointment inside, for some reason. When a son is born, the daughter cannot quite be ‘enough’ in her father’s eyes, because she is not male. Does this resonate with Eris or not or maybe?

  11. Your 5-root decoction cure sounds amazing, Mystes! Good luck with doctor and son! This is a moment when people’s hackles are really up – think stepping back a bit from the fire and avoiding confrontation helps it to cool down a bit. And if it doesn’t cool down, it’s good to get distance (in fact my brother and sister-in law are fuming in the UK, I let ’em fume, have done more than my bit).

  12. Lots o family stirred into this pot.

    Here’s ours addition to the squaring energy: My son has a fungal infection — systemic — that he has had for months… the result of his all-night, X-driven dance parties. He has all the signs, as clear as can be for someone who is familiar with them. A couple of days before the Full Moon I gave him the ingredients to take care of it (salt and teatree oil), he snarled “you’re no doctor” and threw them aside.

    Now, 10 days later, he has a full-blown sickness from it. On his father’s demand, I am taking him to an MD – and dropping him off. I provided the prophylaxis – to no avail. I’ve offered the cure – the 5-root decoction (with which a friend just cured her pneumonia, salud!) but since I am a contemptible idiot (Eris, anyone), it, um, *never* cured his influenza or infections as a child. Even though it did – about 8 times – and for others it has cured typhus, abscessed teeth, kidney infections and now pneumonia.

    So the question is: do I go *into* the doc’s office and battle this out? Or do I just let the nearly-17 year old enjoy the fruits of his contempt.

    P. Sophia… thanks for the ‘strive/strife’ addition to Eris. There is a *feeling* of happy effort that I understand translates as competition for some bodies. It never amounts to that in my world, but I get the love of challenge in that vibe.

    Maybe She will grace me with *enjoyment* of the discussion-to-come with the kid’s very conventional doc. Maybe.

  13. Geez, Amanda, you’ve really got a magic mirror up there, don’t you? 🙂 Wonderful article, so perfectly where I am right now. Also thanks Huffy and P. Sophia for sharing how you’re navigating these currents. All good help! Baci a tutti.

  14. Am happy to say that the situation (mentioned earlier) has been resolved – thanks to being able to talk and clear the air with my dear friend. Has been a lesson in love, friendship and learning about oneself. Don’t feel this is off topic, because it’s all about relationships right now….

  15. “But breaking the chain in my life has been my journey and lesson. Accepted! Learned! Lots of guts…glory coming”. Thanks for your lovely words, sweetheart! Lots of luck with big sis – you’re right, in fact, I find the less I resist it, the more I let go and open up to it, the less it controls me, and the better I’m able to deal with it – though it’s tough to do, also because it feels counterintuitive. Am trying to look at the insecurities that are being brought up right now – the emotional stability and harmony I crave, which led me to sacrificing so much as a child – in true crab style. xx

  16. Huffy i was also the family mediator/harmonator in my parents codependant relationship and then I would get dumped on when they turned back to each other and left it hanging back on me.   Pretty difficult for a child to have to deal with emotionally.   My sister has the same pattern with her husband, but does not choose to see, and sadder may have passed onto her kids, unless they choose awareness and stand up to breaking the pattern in their lifves.  

    It’s a long hard road and filled with consequences to fill up this hole, as you know.   But breaking the chain in my life has been my journey and lesson.  Accepted! Learned!  Lots of guts…glory coming.   Hold onto this sweet Huffy, it’s true!

  17. Thanks Huffy, same — Happy Birthday to you!  

    Oh the patterns, yes I can relate, and coincidentially my “big” sister is heading in on a flight tonight to stay for a week.  She left the family at 15 really and state almost 30 years ago.   But when she comes around she ‘manages’ the family, in passive aggressive ‘sweet’ ways…controlling, if you know what I mean ( I think we all have one of these in ours).  So I will be constantly letting go and not get pulled in to there OCD…breath, just let him be.

  18. Happy Birthday, P.Sophia! Mines a few days later. Sounds like it’s really hot in your kitchen too!

  19. Thanks so much for this, especially the last paragraph. Am losing sleep right now over a situation I unwittingly find myself in the middle of – my brother and his wife have rented a holiday home to friends of mine, who have left the place early cos of health problems and don’t want to pay the whole whack – they’re all going nuts over it, and stamping their feet like toddlers. Think there’s the old pattern here of my playing mediator/harmonizer between my folks when I was a child. Am trying to work with awareness but am really being dragged under by it. Thanks for this: “The keys to this one…are empathy and compassion”. Everything is squaring my sun right now, bring back Mars in Virgo – all is forgiven, why did i ever complain about you!?

  20. My Birthday is July 16, with Libra Moon Rising, so if on both my natal and on the planet transpersonal levels does this mean I will be feeling this aspect intensified??  Movement in thinking and heart has been identified and has caused me to live through massive change and direction in my life over these last three years…

    Also, on my progressed natal chart Eris is in my 5th house. Regarding, taking the positive view, I choose to hold onto this, I researched online-

    Goddess of discord is just one way of looking at Eris. As we know, Mars is much more than just a god of war—although he is that, too. The same goes for Eris. According to Hesiod;
    “But the other [side of Eris] is the elder daughter of dark Night and the son of Cronus who sits above and dwells in the ether, set her in the roots of the earth: and she is far kinder to men. She stirs up even the shiftless to toil; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his neighbor, a rich man who hastens to plough and plant and put his house in good order; and neighbor vies with his neighbor as he hurries after wealth. This Strife is wholesome for men.”
    In other words, another form of the word strife is “striving.” Competition creates conditions where individuals (and, some would assert, nations) strive to improve their situations in life.

    PW…wisdom, correction, encouragement -thank you for sharing.

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