Chiron and Pluto: An Evolutionary Moment

Can you imagine astrology without Pluto or Chiron? It wasn’t long ago that many astrologers doubted the influence of these planets, and not much earlier that they were discovered (in 1930 and 1977, respectively). They are distinctly modern reminders of how we can think of a person: as having depth and an inner life; as being capable of growth and healing; as wanting more out of life than the superficial.

The Sun (in yellow, lower planet) aspects Chiron (orange key) and Pluto (red golf tee) for the next few days. Also shown is Neptune, the blue trident. This setup blends the qualities of these planets, with the Sun energizing and expressing the healing and growth-oriented energy of Chiron and Pluto. This is as gentle as a wake-up call gets.

For the next few days, the Sun aspects both Pluto and Chiron. While these two planets are often associated with enforced growth, they are now aligned with the Earth and Sun such that their influence is gentle, penetrating and effective. The Taurus Sun is moving into a trine with Pluto in Capricorn, opening up the flow of deep inspiration. And the Sun is sextile Chiron, a call to awakening that puts clarity and healing within reach.

Chiron and Pluto are now in a long sextile — a 60-degree aspect that will help them integrate their qualities. What happens to one basically happens to the other, since for the next year or so, any faster-moving body that aspects one of them will aspect the other. They are similar agents in the psyche but work differently.

Pluto often acts as an unconscious influence: as something working deep beneath the surface of awareness. Then all at once it manifests as a turning point. Chiron usually strives to get our attention all the time, using a series of measures that gradually grow more intense, until it finally reaches through the waking dream. Both almost always point out areas where we are striving to grow, or where we need to invest the most energy into growth. Sometimes they indicate where we are already making the most progress.

Both have a way of accelerating progress, when present in any situation or chart. We can be sure, at least, that something meaningful is going on when either of these critters is in the equation — and through the weekend, both will be in aspect to the Sun. This is an image of vitality with deep roots, with passion and intensity, striving to draw the vital force up from the core of our being, and to allow it to soak into any dry places.

Though the word is used a bit too much and could use clarification, you could call this an evolutionary moment.

The turning point is illustrated other ways. Mars in Virgo is gradually gaining speed after its long retrograde, and is about to form a square to the lunar nodes. The nodes (currently in early Gemini and Sagittarius) are like a spiritual current that moves through our human constellation like the air in the jet stream — with strong, solid determination.

Juno is in Sagittarius, conjunct the North Node, and it too is taking a square from Mars: This is a compelling invitation (or firm push) into getting clear about the role of relationship partners in our lives. It’s a challenge to be alert and awake to the pitfalls of the relationship structures that we take for granted — the rules, the expectations, the double standards and on some level the drive for balance.

Juno on the North Node describes a yearning and pull into marriage that exceeds a religious vow and takes on the sensation of something more appropriately described as a cult. Retrograde, though, there is a question as to the meaning and relevance of this desire. And Mars square both Juno and the nodes is asking: What do you really want, and how much of it can you get from a relationship as you think of it? What about your drive for independence and autonomy? What is the balancing point of these themes in your life?

33 thoughts on “Chiron and Pluto: An Evolutionary Moment”

  1. PW, thank you. Wonderful as always.
    Be, thanks for your additions, as always. I’m taking note of my personal natal Uranus at 8 Leo which is trine personal natal Moon/Eris at 8 Aries. That natal Uranus opposes natal Pholus at 9 AQ (among other things.)
    Fireworks on July 4th anyone?

  2. Lol Kelly! That’s exactly what I thought! Fabulous article! And it’s all happening as “predicted” – here, there and everywhere! Good to have the “heads up” so we can be extra-mindful. 😉

  3. That’s fantastic news, Brendan! Good for you – you really deserve it, you’re so dedicated to your work, so great with the kids you teach.

  4. I completely flake out for a few days, and then what happens? An explanation for all the shifting relationships in my life, that’s what!

    What prophetic words, both the posting and the comments. I’m suddenly seeing things change in an unexpected way in a very close personal relationship, my professional relationship is shifting for the better (a permanent, full time job! Yay!), and so it seems is everything else.

    I’ll just stand by while the waves just wash across me…

  5. The PW posts of the last few days have been so true to my life it’s almost funny. First, on the day of the Ceres/agriculture post, I visited a farm – a real working farm with a deep-green field of young wheat, a beautiful old house, dogs. At this farm I had an unexpected conversation with a near stranger about my life situation, which is that my lover and his girlfriend are coming from abroad to visit me at my home this weekend (Len’s post, and Weaving by the light from Thursday) to try to heal/evolve our three-way situation (this post). It is out in the open, has been going on for nearly two years, and has brought powerful passion and creative energy but also dug up deep fear and pain for each of us and uncertainty about how to structure things for the best of all concerned – how we can each be at home in each other’s hearts, and less divided. There’s no agenda except to be in the room together – a huge challenge we’re all willing to face. During that conversation at the farm, something cracked open and the tension and resistance I’d been holding since June 2011 came seeping out in hot waves. I’ve felt kind of amazing ever since. Stronger, clearer, more focused. Excited, even. It suddenly feels possible that we can start constructing something good. At the very least, I can tell a massive shift is underway. Thanks for helping me navigate by the stars.

  6. “Maybe it’s an option in your profile.”

    So far, I haven’t see that in my profile. Or on the dashboard. If Anatoly can “make it so” that would be fantastic! Thanks.

  7. In the solar return chart for the U.S. (Sibly) birthday later this year, Pluto and Chiron, still in sextile of course, formed another yod with Mercury, just like last year, at the focal point. Last birthday the same yod “point” was one degree short of being on the U.S. north node. This year it is at 8 Leo 38, or 2 degrees past the U.S. north node, but still considered conjunct. I wonder how often something like this happens, where you have a repeat of a complex aspect two years in a row. Not only that but it is reversed with Mercury sextile Venus at 8 Gemini 27 and they both are quincunx Pluto at 8 Cap 7 rx.

    In fact, there are a total of 4 planets in different signs at the 8+ degree in the U.S. Solar Return for 2012 (plus Chiron at 9+ Pisces); the 4th one being Uranus at 8 Aries 30. Uranus (rebelious) trines Mercury (thinking), sextiles Venus (values) as well as squaring Pluto (power). The personal planets support Uranus in his square to Pluto. Using Washington DC for the location, Mars is on the midheaven at 0+ Libra so conjunct the U.S. midheaven, and the Moon is void of course at 28 Cap 46 which is also conjunct the U.S. natal and progressed Pluto. Power to the People!

    Once again it is all about transformation in this country. Our reputation as a war-like country will be widespread (Mars on an Aries point on the MH), while the people (Moon VOC) might seem without direction, they will be exposed to the underbelly of the elite hidden powerful (conjunct U.S. natal Pluto, plus Moon rules 8th house of SR chart, plus Pluto rules 12th house in SR chart). Something like Britain’s Murdoch scandel is one possibility.

    In this solar return chart, Jupiter conjunct the south node (release) and also conjunct Venus, all 3 are in the 6th house and all are in Gemini. This might mean that information (Gemini) could be released regarding government spending (Venus rules the midheaven) for “services rendered” (6th house) and Jupiter (who rules the Sagittarius ascendant, which by the way, is at or very near the U.S. natal Sibly ascendant, approx. 13 degrees)could mean exorbitant charges paid out, or info revealing the big picture (or both).

    Remarkably, Venus is conjunct the U.S. natal Uranus at 8 Gemini 55 (in the same degree), meaning that the U.S. natal Uranus is also involved in the yod with Mercury sextile Venus (+ Jupiter + SN) and all quincunx Pluto as the focal point. It also means the U.S. natal Uranus is sextile the solar return Uranus to the degree. Any scenario you can imagine with this group of symbols will be shocking, revolutionary and probably involve the Digital World in all its ramifications.

    In the Solar Return chart the VOC Moon (conj. U.S. Pluto) rules the 8th house of shared resources, as well as representing the U.S. people (especially the women and mothers). Within that 8th house of shared resources is Mercury who, as only Mercury could do, is involved in two yods; one where he is the release point (think of the arrow pulled against the bow string) and the other where he teams up with Venus (+ Jupiter + SN) to energize Pluto (who takes his turn as the arrow). Mercury in Leo will once again be spotlighted in the news via social media and TV and the blogosphere. In his dual role, he will on the one hand, team up with Venus/Jupiter/SN to expose the seamy (steamy?) side of Government through Pluto, and on the other hand, Chiron and Pluto will utilize Leo Mercury’s dramatic exposure of 8th house wrongdoings in order to heal the country’s disfunctional systems of operation.

    Although it isn’t tight, the Cardinal Grand Square returns with the Sun at 13 Cancer opposite Pluto and square both Uranus in Aries and Saturn at 22+ Libra. It behooves us all to stay conscious, get clear on our values, both personal and political, and understand that, though it may be shocking, disgusting and cause great concern for our future, it is the most important part of the cure. We must know the truth of the disease before we can cure the disease. We’re all here for a reason folks, and we are all in it together.

  8. By the way, I would love it if there were a way to get notifications via e-mail when replies to these various comment threads happen. Most blogs have that feature and it would allow all of us to keep up on the replies to the posts that end up being on the second page (or third) from conversations that are still ongoing.

  9. “What do you really want, and how much of it can you get from a relationship as you think of it? What about your drive for independence and autonomy? What is the balancing point of these themes in your life?”

    To answer that, click on my name above and read the latest entry. Comments are open there as well; no signing in necessary and can be done anonymously if you prefer.

  10. Thank for this post….we all need relationships…we need to support each other and love with all our hearts..that is the message I got from this post…Blessing and Love to you all
    oxoxox Serenity

  11. March plays the yoyo with Juno who has an asset that does not March it is Rahu (North node). It is a false square between Mars and Juno will result in sextile June 19 and this time it’s Juno to be retro phase.
    The retrograde hase of Juno is the same movement that the axis of the Moon, while nodes that March is square to the Lunar nodes, and at the same time Venus will be in Gemini retro phase or is Kétu (the South node). Venus and Juno are connected with the partnership but not at the same level of the fireplace, Juno in a spiritual form and Venus in its material form. There is a failover of the pole of Venus to Juno of the material to the spiritual. March is an another figure linked the opposite fact Neptune and Chiron square nodes which poses the problem of the verticality …

  12. It would be cool if the picture avatars were clickable to a bigger size. It would be easier for me to see those who are pictured there.

  13. AJW – Amanda Jedi Warrior!! Cool pic.

    Not that you asked, but mine is the “Zero Gravity Mug” a coffee mug for that stays perfectly balanced at an angle when not being used and features a graph on the side showing the trajectory of love. Zero gravity is part of the portmanteu “Zerosity”, which is another story. Love the light saber.


  14. zerosity — no worries, i just wasn’t in a moment when i could try to source the info.

    as for my photo: i got tired of seeing the same one on FB and here. i change my photo on FB every so often, & figured i’d change this one too. it’s still me — i’m holding a friend’s light saber in a dark room. i was feeling the need to tap into some serious jedi warrior energy a couple weekends ago, and remembered this photo from a few months ago.

  15. Daily Mail may suck, but what it reported is pretty much verbatim from the Asian News Service, ANI – and that’s not necessarily an endorsement from me. Regardless of the accuracy of the reporting, it is still amazing to me that such bullshit is even being discussed/published/flashed ’round the net/whatever. I doubt that we get the whole story from multiple sources. As Carrie noted, it may just be spin to discredit. The difference in the US is that much of the spin now has truth in it, especially when it comes to the idiocy the government does.

    My reason for posting the link was not necessarily to avow for the accuracy of the article, but to point out how ludicrous things have gotten. Apparently, I didn’t make that clear, and I apologize if that was the impression.


    PS: Amanda, what happend to your picture avatar??? The avatars at this site fascinate me. It would be interesting to see a gallery of them in a larger size, and the meaning or significance to the commenter.

  16. What an eye you have, Amanda! The Daily Mail is a horrible, right-wing rag, posing as a respectable newspaper, and it’s always been really racist too. I know it well cos my father has always bought it. Claims it’s for the great sports coverage. My mother shudders in horror as my father pores over it at the breakfast table!

  17. Actually, I have known (and lived among) different types of Muslims and that law makes no sense according to their own beliefs. In the Kuran, the dead are not to be violated in any way so this is an aberration of the core teachings of Islam. The group promoting this law is therefore not following the actual tenets or laws of Islam. Sounds like the Religious Right in the US doesn’t it?

    The article mentions that this could be a rumor attempt to discredit the Islamist dominated parliment. Until the parliment speaks out (they have not according to the article) it seems a useful way to cause an outcry and polarize people. Sounds like oue own US media that regularly spouts drivel to keep us churned up, divided, and in fear.

  18. zerosity, i saw that headline but have not had time to fact-check. the Daily Mail, from what i understand, is pretty notorious for its sensationalism and spin. which is not to say there is no truth there, but i’m willing to bet the whole story is not represented.

    and i loved the article on the man and his island — but i can’t stand the poorly photoshopped top photo. check out his hand and foot, the edge of the “rock” he’s sitting on, and the way his shadow stops short. he is so obviously not actually sitting on that beach; it really gives me pause when a “news” outlet so blatantly doctors a photo. i’m not doubting the guy’s story — there is documentary coverage of it. but you have to stop and think about what it says about the publication’s integrity in other ways.

  19. “Juno is in Sagittarius, conjunct the North Node, and it too is taking a square from Mars: This is a compelling invitation (or firm push) into getting clear about the role of relationship partners in our lives. It’s a challenge to be alert and awake to the pitfalls of the relationship structures that we take for granted — the rules, the expectations, the double standards and on some level the drive for balance.

    Juno on the North Node describes a yearning and pull into marriage that exceeds a religious vow and takes on the sensation of something more appropriately described as a cult. Retrograde, though, there is a question as to the meaning and relevance of this desire. And Mars square both Juno and the nodes is asking: What do you really want, and how much of it can you get from a relationship as you think of it? What about your drive for independence and autonomy? What is the balancing point of these themes in your life?”

    The drive for independence and autonomy is healthy but too often it is experienced at the extreme ends; too much independence leaves one lonely, too little leaves one smothered. As my transpersonal counselor once told me, the healthy place to be is “interdependence” which allows some dependence on the other person with some independence. That balance is what I think these aspects are about.

    I see people who subsume themselves for their relationships; totally losing who they are. I see other people so afraid of “giving up” their freedom that they fear relationships and will not allow themselves to interdepend at all. The middle ground is where either type could find peace; extremes always cause unhappiness. The Hopi are right, life is out of balance but bringing it back into balance can make things much better.

    Thanks for the interpretation; it just reinforces what I have been living and saying for a long time.

  20. If he had to choose between Pluto and Chiron I would choose Chiron by this ability to heal from his countless injuries, this is a great therapist with invaluable resources for healing that Pluto does not have in this order because Pluto requires destruction by creating internal distress which requires a find a way in the urgency to get out….

  21. Zerosity: Makes sense for them, now they think they can rape the woman’s spirit. Maybe someone discovered they won’t really be gifted with 70 virgins and decided this is the closest they will get.

  22. “Juno on the North Node describes a yearning and pull into marriage that exceeds a religious vow and takes on the sensation of something more appropriately described as a cult.”

    I went to the link about the Seychelles posted by Pam. Great article, but also posted at that site was an article about a proposed Egyptian law: “Egyptian husbands will soon be legally allowed to have sex with their dead wives for up to six hours after their death, local media reports. The controversial new law is claimed to be part of a raft of measures being introduced by the Islamist-dominated parliament.”

    Read more:

    Jeesh. Just when you think you have seen/heard it all, that nothing could surprise you… At least if one is aware of the current astrology, the surprise can be minimized. I hope.


  23. “This is an image of vitality with deep roots, with passion and intensity, striving to draw the vital force up from the core of our being, and to allow it to soak into any dry places.”

    I love it!

    My new unicycle arrives today. It is something that I tried out nearly twenty years ago; I had the memory triggered during merc retro so I pondered, waited, and decided this week to get my own. It takes a lot of practice and dedication to learn. I see it as a way to ground myself, yet there is the need to constantly trust and “fall” in order to move forward. That is what makes the unicycle go, after finding your center, you fall a little forward while trusting and pedaling. The metaphor fits where I am, so here I go!

    I cannot think of one person I know right now that is not in the midst of life-altering change. How beautiful to witness!

  24. Yes, thank you so much! This wonderful blog is a guide to what I’m going through right now. I can really work with this. Love ya all! xxx

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