Be still, breathe deep: approaching the Capricorn solstice

At the Mill Pond, Casco, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Today is Monday, December 19, 2011. The Moon is in Libra, the sign of balance, but in terms of the Sun’s movement, we’re at one of its two extremes during the year. In the northern hemisphere, this is the time of shortest days and longest nights, with the shortest day of all happening later this week: winter solstice (though it is summer solstice south of the equator). This turning point is heralded by the Sun’s ingress of Capricorn at 12:30 am EST Dec. 22.

Actually, there are a whole series of turning points this week. Points of greatest expansion lead to contraction; moments of constriction give way to release. It’s a bit like breathing in its cyclical rhythm but it is happening on multiple scales all at once. Moon, personal planet, minor planet, Sun and season: each crosses a threshold that may be less disorienting than the recent eclipses, but the shifts entailed are still palpable shifts in vital life force.

In the case of the Capricorn solstice, this shift in vital force – in a sense, the Earth’s deepest in-breath before beginning to exhale – has been something to set calendars and myths to. Called Midwinter and Yule (among other names), the winter solstice is one of the quarter days of the year in the Pagan calendar (the others being the summer solstice and spring and autumn equinoxes). Many contemporary Pagan groups also observe ‘cross quarter days’, which occur roughly at the midpoints between the quarter days.

The combination is a mix of early Germanic festivals (the quarter days) and early Gaelic fire festivals (the cross quarter days of Beltane, Lammas, Samhain and Imbolc,). Taken together, they form a wheel whose compass points mark the beginning of each cardinal sign in the zodiac (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) with the quarter days, and the midpoints of each fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) with the cross quarters. These are the major turning points of the year on which all of astrology is based; and these ancient feast days have been overlaid with our modern holidays.

The palpable link to natural cycles and turning points may be what really draws so many of us to astrology. Yes, we want to understand our psyches, but when we enter that curious hall of mirrors that our thoughts and behaviors can seem to be, a point of grounding is crucial. That’s the part that lets us know we’re safe, we’re home, we can depend on this art to show us truth — because it links us to Earth’s in-breath and out-breath. In our world of digital and atomic clocks our bodies still recognize the turning of the seasons as meaningful. From there, it’s not far to feeling and recognizing the other rhythms of the solar system – and beyond.

Today is the Sun’s conjunction with the Galactic Center in late Sagittarius. It may seem almost a paradox that the Sun’s meeting with the most expansive, soul-signaling point in astrology would come a mere two or three days before its ingress of Capricorn – a sign ruled by Saturn, planet of limits and structure – and the shortest day of the year. How is it that these two extremes could be so close together? What happened to the rhythmic in-breath and out-breath? The gradual pendulum swing?

Remember that expansion, strangely enough, need not always be externally located. In fact, the most meaningful kind is not. Rather, it’s an inner space that we need to cultivate – space for our original selves within our own lives. This time of year – with its long, dark nights urging us to hunker down and still ourselves – sets the stage for us to hear the call from the GC to the Sun, from Source to soul. That message doesn’t come via radio or Internet or even in conversation at the most Christmas-y Christmas party ever. It comes through us, from within us, because it is us. It’s just that since our senses are highly attuned to our surroundings, we need this seasonal muffling so we can turn inward, breathe deeply, and have something to exhale after the solstice when the days begin to get longer again.

This can take some effort in a culture that is pushing the holiday hype this time of year. And this week, we have Venus and Vesta changing signs tomorrow and then both Jupiter stationing direct and the Capricorn New Moon on Christmas Day – those other turning points mentioned at the beginning. This will all be covered in greater depth this week. Just remember that in the midst of these movements, as you feel yourself reacting to subtle transits and not-so-subtle television ads, there is something deeper and broader you can drop into and make contact with – just with a breath.

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7 thoughts on “Be still, breathe deep: approaching the Capricorn solstice”

  1. How refreshing it is to be in synch with the world, the Universe and one’s own species. How often we strive for our individual niche, as if it were an anathema to be like everyone else; part of the masses, yuch. How “cool” it is to be a tiny tick on the big nourishing earth-body these days, hear her breathing in and out while nestled in her fur/fir-like surface for warmth. After breakfast and critter feeding and 5 minutes of “news” to be once-again reassured that the President and his family had not met with disaster, I leaped back into bed and dug my way to the safety of center. There I could hear no evil, see no evil and think my own thoughts if I wanted to. My hands didn’t have to be doing 2 or 3 things at a time; there were no distractions or demands of my body or mind there in the cozy darkness and I could hear my own breathing. Or is it the earth’s breathing and are these breaths one in the same? Am I really just like everyone else? Well, then so be it. My heart beats to the same rhythm as yours, but I can only hear it in the stillness. Thank you for this Daily Astrology observation and for being in synch with all that is.

    Your photo today is achingly beautiful Amanda, I would hang it on my living room wall if I could!

  2. “Rather it’s an inner space we need to cultivate – space for our original selves within our own lives.”

    Too many times in the last several years I have observed that for almost three decades it is as if I have not been present in my own life. A longtime friend has a family holiday tradition of crafting and selecting a phrase to carry through the New Year. At least ten years ago, we chose “Reclaim your life.” And, in many ways that it what I have slowly been moving toward – reclaiming a life and purpose that I was steered away from at the Uranus – Pluto conjunction decades ago.

    I actually enjoy Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere in Michigan. The cold and darkness are welcome as a respite from the frenzied activities of the rest of the year. It is a time to sleep more (with more dreams), to rest and refresh. It is also a time of silence, sounds muffled by snow at times.

    For the last several years, I have appreciated the silence much more. A few years ago, I was privileged enough to spend time in the Sonoran Desert in Cortaro, Arizona during the winter, attending the Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction at the Redemptorist Retreat Center (the only Roman Catholic place I know that has a Buddhist zendo). One particular bit of learning from my time there was something said by Director of the Center. He advised while in the desert to take advantage of and appreciate the silence. What a great gift from a man named Father Tom Santa. So, at this Winter Solstice time, I say thank you to Fr. Santa, from one Michigander to another.

    In the desert, you can find “silence” year round (though the desert, like all life, is never truly silent). In the Northern Hemisphere, winter and snow provide that muffling to be able to “hear” the silence. (And, occasionally, there are those hot, lazy August afternoons – the Leo cross quarter day perhaps – where one can literally feel the stillness marking the subtle change toward the shift of the Autumnal Equinox.)

    “The palpable link to natural cycles and turning points may be what really draws so many of us to astrology.” indeed and amen to that. It’s all connected, isn’t it?

    It is in silence of this Solstice season, conjunct the Galactic Center, that I can clear the space within for who I really am and am meant to be. Bring it on, 2012! The phrase for 2012: Be still to find new life. Be active to change and live that new life.

    Thanks, PW, for the grounding and the reminder to breathe in the silence.


  3. Lovely photo Amanda. We do live on an amazing planet with amazing capabilities. Seeing into your world of snow; while here, Solstice will have a high of 80. Palm breezes and snow crispness that tickles your nose! Taking it all in….

  4. Love the picture, Amanda. Reminds me of the Full Moon shadows I recenrtly had the privilege of witnessing.

    And am very grateful for the cogent explanation of why I find this quarter day so significant to my experience yearly of a drawing inward into a strong reaiization of the Silence, to the Call of the depth of Quietness, a deep quiet that my soul looks forward to as these days approach that I have been very aware of for for the past several years. The Winter solstice especialy calls to me yearly and I was wondering this year why such a strong call during the winter, stronger than the summer solstice experience, or just, perhaps, different. But i look forward to the winter solstice Quiet and Stillness with a different inward longing. .

    And then you have answered that silent quest of mne. The Source calls. We listen.The depth of each of us is iistening, I am sure. But with so much potential competition for our attention, it can be missed.

    And I also particularly appreciate your discussion of the cross-quarter days today. They have become days of significant events for me, which has drawn my attention to them, and stimulated my practice of observing them with solemnity and beauty.

    I am so gtateful today for the grounding, which Huffy and Len refer to, and the clarity that come from PW writers to help me focus myself day by day, season by season

    Thank you, deeply and with great respect.

  5. Thank you for the really cool observation of two solar milestones in short order and the paradox of their temporal proximity – very nutritious food for thought. Thank you also for refreshing the basis of tropical astrology at just the right time. Just like Huffy said, a grounding influence eloquently expressed.

  6. These words and Amanda’s wonderful photo are a beautiful meditation. And you’ve put into words exactly why astrology means so much to me – helps to keep me grounded and present. Thank you. xxx

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