Attract or repel? Gemini Moon, Mars and Venus

Part of the set for "Cymbeline Underground," performed in Battery Steele, Peaks Island, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Today is Wednesday, June 29, 2011. The Moon is in Gemini all day. Gemini is a mutable sign, which means that rather than initiating anything new, or solidifying that which has been initiated, follow any urges to apply, adapt and distribute that which has already been made solid.

Earth & water - photo by Eric.

Through each of the signs, the Moon collects and distributes the light of the Sun. It has recently left a conjunction with Mars in Gemini and is moving toward a conjunction with Venus in Gemini (the occultation Len wrote about Monday). Imagine the Moon passing like a strong electro-magnet from Mars to Venus today, and you get an image to describe any strong attraction or repulsion you may be feeling.

Venus and Mars are closest to Earth, and fuel some of our most intimate, immediate and personal responses to life. Within our psyches, when Venus finds something attractive or valuable, then Mars will spontaneously seek to meet or conquer the object of desire. Conversely, when Venus finds something repulsive, Mars will fight or draw a boundary against it. When operating on a healthy level, there is a synergistic energy flow and exchange between these two planets.

Don’t freak out if you feel a strong Venus-Mars aspect as something less than healthy, fun or sexy. These two are very strong opposites; the alchemical reaction from combining Venus and Mars can feel like pressure or an inner storm brewing. And while you don’t want to batten down your hatches too tightly and bottle up all that energy, neither do you want to let it fly loose at innocent bystanders. Alternately, you may experience this reaction externally, through an intense person or experience that whirls in and out of your life, leaving your head spinning.

In both scenarios, the lessons we can learn have to do with desire. It seems simple, but we’re told so often what we should and should not want, that many people can’t even say what their own genuine desires are. Do you have secret longings you ‘can’t’ pursue or have not given yourself permission to want fully? Innately we want to resolve our inner conflicts, rather than continue to feel torn, and the tension of Venus-Mars aspects can throw these struggles into stark contrast — ‘consummate or conquer’ – when often simply allowing desires the space to be is enough.

Pay attention to your desires today. Any strong attraction or repulsion is telling you as much or more about yourself as the other person. Gemini is likely to bring an adaptive response to desires, meaning that old longings could take on an interesting twist. Keep a window open; if you can let desires that catch you by surprise feel special and welcome, they become a breath of fresh air letting you know you’re still alive.

Gary Caton with Amanda Painter

11 thoughts on “Attract or repel? Gemini Moon, Mars and Venus”

  1. So what’s funny about this is that a relatively new acquaintance, a fellow and hilarious poet, decided he wanted to let me know that chubby female porn stars turn him on. And he happens to have an adorable chubby girlfriend. I felt a little uncomfortable, being old enough to be his mother for one, and a little scared he might be hitting on me, for another!! I mean I am gorgeous, but almost 55!! And he’s a funny short chubby guy who is a comic genius on the side. Well. As Stephen Hawking can testify, genius is very sexy…

  2. i agree dreamastro – it is the cumulative aspect of many moments from which we draw balance. Thank you, Amanda. Your giving moment is received with love and gratitude.

  3. it’s totally going on internally Amanda

    last nite i had a dream where i saw this animal which was a monstrous fox like beast with deer horns coming out of its head at weird angles, and it had black scar like tissue bumps all over its head…instead of being repelled, i felt compassion for it and petted it and gave it some food…

    the next thing i know it turns into a gorgeous woman who was very friendly if you know what i mean…

    i guess the ugly beast is a stand in for some part of myself i find gross, repulsive or whatever, and like yesterday’s post suggested, is coming to the surface to be seen and accepted

    its a classic theme. you have to kiss the old hag (or the frog) in order to access the wisdom. campbell calls it “the meeting with the goddess” and its like a test or something before initiation

    anyway, my point is you are working very hard and doing a great job filling in while eric is away. sometimes we are givers. sometimes we receive. its hard to do both. thats okay. have compassion for yourself and the feeling like you may not be taking your own advice or doing something right. kiss the haggy or froggy part of yourself and allow it to be enough to be doing a great job for PW and the community

  4. yeah…. the funny thing for me in working on these posts? i feel like i don’t have the time or space this week & last to take my (and gary’s) own advice. oy.


    hopefully i’m managing to get some of it right nonetheless. i just seem to be in a pattern of working *very* late right now (like, 11:00 pm or midnight) & not having the brain energy left to do things like pay bills. this is not the pattern i want to to be setting right now! help!


    but i will say, i think there are moves being made more internally that are probably a good thing….

  5. Lovely, thank you Amanda and Gary for keeping the reading light on.

    Mars/Venus/Moon action happening opposite Saturn in natal 5th. I’m holding space for feeling and resolving tension – which I have yet to experience during these transits.

    Saturn fer sure speaks to me to keep nose to grindstone (while enjoying it of course!) – perhaps this is a piece of my personal resolution to the yin and yang in the air.

    Thanks again – really appreciate these daily sky summaries.

  6. Thank you, Gary and Amanda, for this clear discussion of the Moon in Gemini (my Sun sign) and the actions/energies of Venus and Mars being triggered by their intersections with this Moon today.

    I have Venus at 12 Taurus with Mars at 7 Taurus and Nessus snuggled between at 9, near my MC in my 9th house. This energy you so fitly described today (especially using the words consummate or conquer, inner storm brewing, intense person coming and going keeping one’s head spinning) could be a synopsis of one level of my entire life, actions, reactions and situations.

    As I head into a week end that is a mine-field of old situations needing to be finished off when it comes to healing and then let go of so that the future may continue to dawn for all of us, your help in understanding myself is much appreciated.

    (I have over the course of my life learned the VERY HARD lesson for me to wait for things to unfold, but awareness in this way helps me accept it more easily as I still myself into The Stillness). //////HUG\\\\\\

  7. Amanda,
    Once again, the photograph deserves separate and special mention. A challenging subject combined with an evocative approach.

  8. Gary and Amanda,
    Thank you for a refreshing take on the lunar travels from yang to yin, adroitly incorporating unspoken ambient energies in the bargain. Well done both explicitly and implicitly.

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