Scorpio Moon Threshold

225+web-new-saturnWhat a passionate Full Moon this is, with its rays piercing across the Taurus-Scorpio dimension of the cosmos, Venus in the clutches of herself, accompanied by Pluto, Mars in its last moments of exploring its polarity to the deepest recesses of what is most different from it…this Full Moon with all its contradictions, its urgency of holding on and letting go, its depth craved and terror of going deeper…the subtle alignment of life and of death, of freedom and possession, of having and giving, of self-clinging and control and the necessity, the inevitability of releasing oneself to all of existence. Your choice to experience yourself sets free your fear, opens the space of release for those around you, scatters the ghosts that may haunt you and allows you to touch the space of eternal change. Read yesterday’s post.

14 thoughts on “Scorpio Moon Threshold”

  1. beautiful, poetic post … the language and tone capture the essence of the moment with its drama and poignancy ….

    “its urgency of holding on and letting go” speaks directly to my heart as I find that decision and action … “opens the space of release” … and, “….scatters the ghosts that may haunt you and allows you to touch the space of eternal change.”

    a painful, and beautiful moment of life, death, and growth.

  2. Thanks Eric, guess I wasn’t yet ready to retain that info for Sauer when you first wrote about its connection with engineering and the 911 event. That article “Not Just A River In Belgium” reminded me of transiting Pluto’s degree symbol of An Ancient Bas-Relief Carved In Granite Remains A Witness To A Long-Forgotten Culture”. There Dane Rudhyar uses the term “HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE” referring to the symbol, which your “River” article also delivers in spades. I believe that is what’s required when looking at all these events surrounding the Uranus-Pluto series of squares.

    For example in the 3 events mentioned earlier, where over 200 people either die or are put in peril (each happening about a month apart), all have Pluto in that granite bas-relief symbol at the time of the events. They were (and are) all acts that symbolize something important about the meaning of these historic squares.

    Today’s full Scorpio Moon is in the degree where Saturn (who resembles impenetrable granite himself) stationed retrograde last March and in that chart Mars, at 27+ Libra (conjunct the north node, Vesta and Ceres), was square Venus at 27+ Capricorn (and the U.S. Sibly Pluto by the way). Today Mars and Venus are just past their opposition, so between Saturn’s station retrograde (where the Scorpio full moon is today) and today, these 3 events took place. Each event appears to be linked to the amount of value (Venus) we place on something (plane safety, young girls safety, coal miners safety) and how much action (Mars) we are willing to put toward maintaining (Saturn) it.

    Each event was also encompassed by retrograde Mars, so the retro Mars challenging aspects to Venus have happened within the Saturn retrograde period, which has happened during – and within the orb of – the T-square between Jupiter and the 5th Uranus-Pluto square which led to the Cardinal Cross last month which is still sensitive now.

    Today’s full moon (and Saturn’s station retrograde) degree carries an image of a crowd leaving after hearing an inspiring sermon, to which Rudhyar adds “This is the great CHALLENGE TO TRANSFORMATION.” These seemingly unconnected incidents (lost plane, lost girls, lost miners) and others that are experienced on a more personal level are agents for change or transformation: what do we value and how much effort are we willing to put into maintaining it and keeping it safe? Lessons learned by all we hope.

  3. Eric,

    Are you feeling the stream line from the great beyond?
    I am honoring my beginnings, and thankful for our design .
    Wonderfully and fearfully made! Scprpio full moon( alot in my chart)
    Has me rising to the occassion! Len, its almost time for my
    First swim of the year! Ill check my forecast!

    Peace and love!


  4. Propulsion in flight is the surface level of Sauer and of Dr. Sauer. He was not just a flight engineer but also designed trajectories to the minor planets. For example, that NASA could send a probe to Vesta was likely to be possible only because Dr. Sauer told them how to do it, long before it was considered possible. I have read that he did this for numerous minor planets known at the time he was alive.

    However, we are still on the surface. (9248) Sauer was rising in the chart for Sept. 11, 2001, exactly conjunct the ascendant and Mercury. I puzzled over this for years, and finally researched Dr. Sauer and the origins of his name. NASA plays the bios of its back-room people close to the vest and would say little about him when I talked to their publicity office. However, I did a detailed reading of that placement in this article, called Not Just a River in Belgium. My key phrase for Sauer is “by design.”

    Those flights did not hit WTC by “terrorism,” they hit it by engineering.

  5. Before you decide that I’m way off topic read me out. I believe there might be a usable key word or phrase for asteroid 9248 Sauer. Have read that it was named after Carl Sauer, a flight mechanics engineer who was instrumental in designing propulsion systems for advanced spacecraft (see link below).

    Early Friday, as the Moon opposes Mercury she will also oppose Sauer, both at 15+ Gemini. 15 Gemini is where Venus was occult the Sun in June, 2012. Venus was opposite the Great Attractor at 14+ Sagittarius at that time and the Moon was occult Pluto. Just before the Moon opposes Mercury this Friday she will conjunct the Great Attractor, known to be a powerfully magnetic source drawing us all toward it. I decided to try out the phrase “propulsion through space” whenever Sauer shows up in charts contacting important planets or points. Then I looked up the chart for the missing plane from Malaysia.

    At that time (March 8th) Sauer was at 17-18 Taurus and sextile the Sun at 17+ Pisces and square Mercury at 20+ Aquarius. Today’s full moon in Scorpio is conjunct Saturn at 19+ Scorpio retrograde who is opposite where Sauer was at the time the missing plane took off. In addition, this full moon chart’s Chiron at 17+ Pisces is conjunct the degree of the Sun at the time the missing plane took off and today’s Jupiter at 17+ Cancer trines the Sun in the missing plane’s chart. This grand trine between Saturn, Chiron and Jupiter might be pointing to a big clue regarding what happened to that plane. If so, it’s provided by early Friday’s Moon (and GA) opposite Mercury and Sauer (conjunct the 2012 Venus-Sun occultation). It’s all about propulsion in flight, bending light (GA), the power of love, belief in astrology and a Scorpio Moon’s passion for going deeper.

  6. carecare7, thanks for noting that about the Pluto in Cancer generation; who better to keep it All In The Family than the Pluto in Cancer generation? In fact, Pluto in Capricorn would prompt similar traditions (compulsions) to hang on; investing in family wealth I would imagine.

    Having transiting Saturn (the Grim Reaper) in Scorpio (death) WOULD contribute to a sense (awareness) of many people dying at this time, although there is channeled information asserting that many of us are “choosing to leave earth” at this time (rather than slogging it out during the ascension process). I’ve seen much of it myself.

    Speaking of death and thresholds, we might be reaching a new one regarding the number of people involved in tragedies that will get our attention and keep it for a sustained period; 200+ aboard Malaysia’s lost plane, 200+ Nigerian school girls abducted and now, 200+ Turkish coal miners trapped and died.

  7. Oh Eric, your words are enchanting…
    (A full moon conjunct my 12th house Scorpio Moon, to the degree!)

  8. I have to mention it; during the book-end eclipses and Grand Cross and Mars in Libra Rx, many, many of my friends have lost loved ones. My local friend lost an uncle, my online Hag friend lost her husband of 31 years (she has a 14 year old daughter to still support and raise), my other online Hag friend lost a cousin and an aunt, several other people I know lost friends and relatives. So much so that the funerals coming out of all these have been ongoing these past weeks and one (the husband of my Hag friend) is set for tomorrow (and incidentally, tomorrow would have been their 32nd anniversary).

    Lots of people passing on; at least in the circle of friends I know.

  9. be, you wrote, “Too much to talk about here but think about the Frenchman Thomas Piketty’s popular new book “Capital in the 21st Century” where he shows how the disparity in society’s wealth is largely due to inheritance; holding on.”

    I recently read a generations astrology website that mentioned this very thing and cited the Pluto in Cancer generation as the ones “holding on” to the inheritance. I can’t say if that article is correct (about which generation is holding it) but it is a synchronicity that in a month’s time, I read it at that site, read another post elsewhere quoting Piketty about inheritance and now you quote him as well.

    :::::Twilight Zone music rising::::::

    The astrology is amazing right now.

  10. Eric, Such clarity you offer to this aspect and emotion. Which is so deep, so vast. And, yet on the other hand for me, (Scorpio 2nd and Taurus of 8th) this moment, opposition and space has been filled from such a perspective of objectivity. And again I understand, the need to feel other, or more is completely missing the moment, the point and the gift.

    “… the inevitability of releasing oneself to all of existence.”

    Beautiful. Thank you for this, for you!

  11. Call it the Sedna connection, but I believe a big part of this Scorpio Full Moon has to do with understanding inheritance; what we inherit from our fathers especially. Jupiter has been trying to point us in this direction with his opposition to Pluto. Too much to talk about here but think about the Frenchman Thomas Piketty’s popular new book “Capital in the 21st Century” where he shows how the disparity in society’s wealth is largely due to inheritance; holding on. It is another manifestation of polarity lopsidedness. Now that Venus is bringing the Cardinal Cross into our consciousness in a personal way with her conjunction to Uranus, etc., and the Moon in Scorpio is emphasizing shared wealth/property, there is a need to think about the value of diversity and the importance of balance.

  12. “Your choice to experience yourself sets free your fear, opens the space of release for those around you, scatters the ghosts that may haunt you and allows you to touch the space of eternal change.” Amazing words . A lot of stuff came up at work yesterday that was really challenging – old demons on the prowl again. But these words will be my key to opening up to this stuff and setting myself free. Thank you Eric.

  13. Eric: Something tells me Alice Bailey would have liked this piece – a lot. Perhaps you were even channeling her today?

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