The Venus Effect — and the Scorpio Full Moon

225+web-new-saturnIn recent weeks and months we’ve experienced Mars moving through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto configuration. This has been challenging, as Mars has called forth many things that you may not have noticed before but suddenly have had to act on. This has been a kind of initiation for everyone’s inner Mars: a re-thinking of desire and an emerging new concept of maleness. This week, Venus is doing something similar. Sunday, as described last week, Venus in Aries made an opposition to Mars in Libra. Over the next few days, Venus moves into a square with Pluto, followed by a conjunction to Uranus and a square to Jupiter. Venus square Pluto is deep and introspective, but this is timed almost to the hour with the Scorpio Full Moon (exact May 14 at 3:16 pm EDT). Venus square Pluto is an inward kind of draw; Scorpio Moon opposite Sun is craving expression. The two seemingly opposing forces are actually working together, and represent the drive to connect and a rapidly building impulse to speak from your deepest feelings. I think that everyone intuitively knows that revealing your heart and soul has the power to change nearly any personal situation. Silence is the great preserver of the status quo, of isolation and of misery. Therefore, the act of speaking is really a challenge to alienation. That seems like common sense, but it’s often overlooked amidst all the other avoidance patterns that make up so much of social interaction. However, this week presents special opportunities, ones that may seem to seize you and sweep you into their psychic and emotional current. Note also that Mercury will be square Chiron, a reminder not to worry about your thoughts being too half-formed or imperfect to be worth speaking. More on that tomorrow. Read yesterday’s post.

We live in a time of profound change and instability, which is keeping many people up at night with anxiety. Where do you go for help? Who understands what you’re going through? Whether your fears are personal or involve your concerns about the state of the planet (or both), my readings will help you. They are affordable and available immediately. They work on all forms of audio players and computers. I suggest you try the brand new 2014 Spring Reading (audio only) or if you want something written and audio, try my 2014 annual reading, The Mars Effect.

13 thoughts on “The Venus Effect — and the Scorpio Full Moon”

  1. “I continued to say β€œyes”. ” Will make this my mantra too, dear Daniel! Your journey is so inspriring – such a joy to read your words.

  2. Therefore, the act of speaking is really a challenge to alienation.

    Reminds me of a conversation I shared with my husband and 23 year old son around the dinner table on Sunday after a wonderful meal and a bottle of wine. Our son was discussing his concerns about how difficult it is to get to know people because they are so connected to technology. Lol is not the same as hearing someone laugh, XOXO does not feel like a hug, F bombs play out so much better in person. Emotions are messy, but so is really great sex! Yes we “speak” online and have a “voice”, but perhaps getting real with this week’s astrology means stepping away from our devices and feeling it all ripple through our bodies.

    Cosmicjaguar, being in a forest would truly make me smile – I can smell it!

  3. “I think words spoken to loved ones need to be chosen carefully, because every single one of them must be profoundly and completely true.”

    indeed. and especially with a full moon coming, i can see (or feel) how it can be a balancing act to bring that full truth, even if we’re not sure how fully formed our thoughts are, to light and speak from a place of reflection rather than reaction. truth can certainly be spoken in a moment of emotional reaction — but when it bursts forth with that extra force, we risk undermining a moment of connection and understanding by causing more pain as we act from a place of pain/fear/anger.

    i’m thinking specifically of a moment with my mother saturday. it’s been fascinating to process, with some expert help.

  4. A re-thinking of desire indeed…contemplating the chart for the full moon, I keep thinking about the power of erotic energy ~ which is such a delicious mix of the Mars/Venus energies. My emotional body has been undergoing such major re-structuring in the past few days (Jupiter and Chiron are both trining my moon in Scorpio with Saturn just about conjunct), and that inward pull of Venus squaring Pluto seems reflective of the need for powerful transformation of what I desire and value based on my emotional responses to life. And it seems in many ways that having containers for erotic energy could be very powerful not just at the personal level but at the collective.

    Unpacking that a bit, I’m understanding erotic energy here to be not just sexual energy, but the energy that comes from a true understanding and experience of EROS. Eros is the energy that comes from companionship and tribe, from feeling seen, validated and held. So it encompasses everything from friendship to sexual intimacy and beyond. ( I was just compelled to look at where Eros is in my natal chart – it’s at 12 Aries. Which is a happy coincidence, since that’s where Venus is at the moment.)

    With Jupiter being such a focus point right now – being part of the grand cross as well as a water trine – it seems like there is a huge opportunity to take what we’re learning about our desire natures through Mars’ retrograde period,as well as the ways that we value ourselves and take initiative to get our needs met (Venus) and allow our beliefs to expand and change. And so then expressing what we’re learning ~ refraining from silence ~ can contribute to that erotic energy that comes from sharing, being seen, and expressing those vital, creative parts. It’s community building energy.!

    Thanks for including the bit about not worrying about thoughts being too incomplete to share, by the way. Because I’m feeling that dilemma pretty acutely right now, and it was nice to have encouragement to bypass the doubts ~ and what feels like an inability to articulate. πŸ™‚

  5. This Mars transit will forever be a marker for me. It has been a gift, a manifested dream or wish or intention, and above all an invitation to experience my desire in raw and sometimes chaotic ways. Even when it was uncomfortable, and even when my psyche was stretched, as if massaging an unseen muscle releasing it’s toxins an old stories and old beliefs, I continued to say “yes”. “Yes” has been my constant companion. Even when I had to say “no” occasionally to regroup and process with time alone in meditation and self cultivation, I was still saying “yes”. Even when I wanted to say “no”, I chose to say YES.

    It’s hard to put into words what I am learning. Many things are so familiar yet so brand new. I also feel very aware of my own process and make a conscious intention to keep my work my own, being careful not to project any material onto my partner, so that the space we share is open and honest, and mutually supportive. I’m learning to experience my desire in healthy assertive ways and am not afraid of the power I feel. I would characterize it as a type of domination that is welcomed – but then balanced out as energy is released and held in that supportive embrace. Male sexual confidence – what is that about exactly? Because without it, there is no erection, no drive, no thrust. What part of our animal nature have we dislocated from our body and mind? There is plenty in our marketing world that screws men and women up equally. I personally found it a big part of my path to understand many double standards and to hold true to my desire nature as a beautiful and powerful side of myself. In a sense, this inward cultivation balanced my need for approval and allowed people to respond to me in ways that were also honest. What I was and am learning as well, is the art of allowing, and not to sway from my desire nature should it not be reciprocated by another. To understand a deeper level of attraction and feel it as an easy process between two people. And to walk away easily if that dynamic is not there. This seems like a rudimentary statement, but I assure you it’s not. I learned from direct experience that there is rampant confusion in men and women about their sexual roles and how we think about expressing and receiving desire.

    I am always learning and growing, and every experience leads to a greater expanded version of all that I desire. It hasn’t all been easy; sometimes chaotic and messy and embarrassing. I am trying to keep going…because, even when I don’t know what to do, when I don’t have any answers, and I am suspended in my own voidness…. – I want to say YES.

  6. Eric: Thank you for catching the moment (during a year dominated by Mars) when Venus would come to the fore and provide a moment of reflection.

  7. I keep thinking about the role desire plays in this approaching Full Moon. Venus in Aries aspecting the other three cardinal cross points (Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto) is assertive about going after what she wants, and the Scorpio Moon brings desire to the surface. I like what Eric said about the act of speaking challenging alienation. I think there’s something powerful about that right now, particularly being honest with yourself. There’s sort of an unabashed quality to be real.

  8. This configuration seems to speak somewhat of the Orcus side of Pluto (not sure where TNO Orcus actually features here, if at all); there is practically a compulsion here to be honest. I think words spoken to loved ones need to be chosen carefully, because every single one of them must be profoundly and completely true. The Libran mask of complaisance is basically annihilated. Only the raw skin remains.

  9. Today, May 12, is 4 Deer, a day for compassion, four-legged creatures, four directions. Deer is at one with nature. Being a Taurus, I am having compassion on myself and getting an acupuncture treatment today!

    It would be a great day to wander aimlessly through a forest.

  10. Yeah, I’ve noticed that introspective stuff
    but didn’t (consciously) connect it with Venus’ movements. duh. Well, of course, now that I think about it, it all makes sense doesn’t it? Thanks so much for putting her contacts into a pattern I can follow. Sometimes we (or is it just me?) get so hypnotized by the BIG picture that we lose sight of the intricate details which make up the picture. It being Monday doesn’t help either! But now that I recognize the color of Venus’ thread, she won’t get away from me so easily. Eternally grateful for your sharing this. I believe that it is Venus doing some of the heavy lifting that would otherwise be done by a less constrained Mars, hence the (out of nowhere) unexpected (but brief) bursts of tears (attributable to absolutely nothing) that result in a return to normal breathing. . in . . and . . out. . .

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