By Len Wallick
Funny thing about astrology. The geometric relationships between luminaries and planets, major and minor, trump the differences in their distance from us and each other. It’s all how their positions appear from our perspective here on Earth. Rarely is distance made moot more than today when the Libra Sun conjoins with an object that crosses the orbit of Neptune and the Sagittarius Moon relates in element to an object on the outer edges of the solar system.
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First, however, let us remember that Venus is in review, preparing to cross the face of the Sun and re-appear on the other side of the sky with a new identity. Preceding that planet in transformation are four others. All four named after Greco-Roman goddesses just as Venus is. Three of them asteroids. One of them already acquainted with the concept of a new identity through the auspices of astronomy. Today we will take a look at that one and return to the luminaries to wrap up.
Of all the goddess planets that changed signs on the days leading up to and including the Libra New Moon and Venus’ retrograde station, the first with substantial appointment is Ceres. Late last April this body, formerly classified the largest of asteroids, came very close to catching up with Pluto before starting a retrograde of its own which took it a third of the way back into Sagittarius, about where the Moon is today.
Now Ceres is back in Capricorn and will not be denied its conjunction with Pluto in less than a week. It will be an interesting reunion. In mythology, the two were the proverbial in-laws who did not get along. The bone of contention being Ceres’ daughter, Persephone, abducted by Pluto into the underworld. Their negotiated settlement is the mythological explanation of how the seasons came to be.
How Persephone felt about all this is not recorded. One gets the impression that Pluto’s company was not entirely disagreeable. Recently the asteroid named after her has been kickin’ it in Taurus with another one named Industria. No kidding. Perhaps that is how she rolls, not with a whim, but a banker.
In the meantime, Pluto and Ceres have more than old scores on their plate. Things have changed. In 2006 the International Astronomical Union, as part of a larger action, made the two of them equivalent, designating both to the new category of ‘dwarf planet’. That is to say, bodies which orbit the Sun and have sufficient gravity to form a sphere but which have not cleared their orbits enough to hang with the good old boys. In addition, recent photographs from the Hubble telescopes have documented a change in the appearance of Pluto — its complexion, as it were.
Even with all those recent developments, the mythology is a strong influence on our consciousness of both Ceres and Pluto and hence on the astrology. In addition to being diametrical as regards to Persephone, they are likewise positioned as to their respective jurisdictions. To put it simply, Ceres is concerned with the surface of the Earth and Pluto’s realm is below.
It is thus quite interesting that their conjunction is applying even as the province of Ceres has been connected with the domain of Pluto in Chile. Ever since August 5, shortly before Ceres stationed direct in Sagittarius, 33 miners have been trapped a half mile underground. This last weekend the drilling of an escape shaft was completed and by the time these two dwarf planets conjoin we will know whether the literal connection between worlds will have served its purpose. Meantime, as an experiment, you may want to hold that phrase, “escape shaft”, in your mind and see what happens between your own surface and depths.
In the meantime the Sun has formed a conjunction of its own this morning, with a minor planet that crosses the orbit of Neptune. It is named after a royal son of Jupiter whose mortal integrity earned him a place of immortal judgment, Rhadamanthus. Symbolically this conjoining in Libra connects the center of our solar system with its outer reaches. The context is the process of review that Venus has begun. During the process of its transformation we are participating by defining the process in our thoughts. That is taking shape as Mercury approaches its own conjunction with the Sun. Today those thoughts are forming in our judgment, reflecting our integrity and contributing to the outcome.
And part of that outcome is whether we will choose to to be in synchrony with Venus, Ceres, Vesta, Juno and Pallas. Will we ourselves be open to a change in our own identity, context or domicile during this period of transition? As if to lead the way with our feelings the Sagittarius Moon, already passing through a gauntlet, exacts a flowing trine of fire with Eris in Aries. This is warming things up for Thursday when the Sun will oppose Eris and Friday when Mercury will follow suit. That’s where will take up the day after tomorrow.
Offered In Service
Thanks bkoeler for your kind words. I have thought for a while that the hurt, dysfunctional parts of myself are love-starved and just in need of a good hug and some appreciation. I remember seeing a sign once in a treatment center that said “Hug your demons to your chest or they’ll bite you in the ass!” I love that saying. Much better to have my little demons up front in my arms, loving them, and thanking them for past services, and laying them to rest in my heart in complete love and acceptance. Because aren’t they there because I needed them at one time? Didn’t they serve me? They acted out my pain and fear in the world and now I don’t need them to do that anymore. They made me human and brought me the pain I needed to ask for help and make me want to be better.
You speak of your feelings beautifully and I applaud your decision. One of the astrology greats that I regularly read spoke of bringing together the inner and the outer sense of self and not to dismiss but to own the self that you are dissatisfied with and accept your (our) wholeness. Sounds like you are well on your way to wholeness and I’m so happy you have mended the fence between yourself and your godmother.
The Pluto-Ceres observation is very wise I think. It could be applied to so many things we don’t want to let go of. Thanks for sharing.
“Will we ourselves be open to a change in our own identity, context or domicile during this period of transition?” “Go past thinking, and invoke cosmic passion — and let it seize your life, your heart, your soul.”
I have a Pluto self and a Ceres self who have been in conflict ‘lo, these many years,’ but have they really. The image coming up for me lately is two selves, one who rides life superficially, avoiding commitment, self-discipline, self-giving, and a new being ready to dive into the middle of all of it, passionately yearning to be grasped by the divine hand and be used for the divine purpose. I left the former self in the center of a labyrinth I walked last Saturday, and brought out a sterling silver hand with a spiral stamped in the middle of the palm that I wear now around my neck to remind me of my passionate desire. The next day I was grasped by the divine hand and was able to make amends to my Godmother for allowing imagined hurts to separate us all these years.
As for the Pluto/Ceres story, it reminds me of any mother’s or father’s reluctance to surrender a daughter or a son to an adult partner and release the child into the world and life.
Wow. . . what a night. So far they have rescued the 8th miner from the San Jose mine in Chile. I wanted to apologize earlier that I incorrectly said Vesta was retrograde but I crashed after the 3rd miner made it to safety. As for the August 5 chart, when the mine shaft collapsed, it seems remarkably correct as to the time. For example:
The Moon was a few degrees before reaching the 7th house cusp at 13 Gemini 58 and in the 6th. The Sabian symbol is “BRIDGING PHYSICAL SPACE AND SOCIAL DISTINCTIONS, TWO MEN COMMUNICATE TELEPATHICALLY.” Keynote: the capacity to transcend the limitations of bodily existence. Dane Rudhyar says “It is a TECHNIQUE OF TRANDSCENDENCE.” I think this is an apt visual for what the networks in our country (CNN, MSNBC) have done with the Chilean underground video of the rescue effort as well as their own live feed of the above-ground activity at the mine site. Therefore it is both the 6th house of “service” and the 7th house of “the other”. (Being Gemini it can do both!)
The north node at 11 Capricorn 35 symbol is “AN ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON NATURAL SCIENCE REVEALS LITTLE-KNOWN ASPECTS OF LIFE”. The Keynote is: The ability to explore unfamiliar realms and discover the laws underlying the complex processes of nature. Rudhyar: “It features EXPLORATION preeminently at all levels.”
This north node is quinqunx the Moon in Gemini, which is sextile the Sun at 13 Leo 12 in the 9th house, and the many countries who have reporters and cameras at the mine in Copiapo, Chile would bear out the 9th house meaning of foreign countries. It also forms a yod with the Moon-Sun sextile if you allow for it not being a physical body.
Taking into account the the ruler of the chart, Jupiter, is part of the Cardinal T-square and exactly square Pluto with only 3 minutes of separation, there is also one other aspect that bears out the time for this chart. That would be that Neptune at 27+ Aquarius and Chiron at 29+ Aquarius are only 2-3 degrees from the nadir at 1+ Pisces. The bottom of the bottom. Neptune speaks of isolation, fear and unreality and Chiron speaks of abandonment, awareness and pain. Both symbols cover the experience of both the miners themselves and their loved ones I believe. This coupled with the goddesses Ceres, Venus and Vesta describe the events over the last 2+ months clearly enough for me to feel confident that this is the accurate time of the event. I’m anxious to compare it with Eric’s Rescue Chart for an even greater understanding of this remarkable story.
I knew Ceres moving into Capricorn and approaching Pluto again would start or top a big event. Thing is, I had totally forgotten about the Chilean miners, because it was not really in the headlines anymore, and (blushing) Im not a news hound. I figured they were out by now! Gawd!~ When the I saw news headlines this week on the issue emerge, and then how so very tightly fit the astrology as described on your blog, I was wowed. Nice synchronicity, my friend, as always.
Yesterday’s we recalled that Venus was passed the torch and since I don’t remember seeing it here, I thought I’d mention that in the chart for the Chilean mine collapse, Venus was exactly conjunct Vesta in the 10th house at 28 Virgo 32 and 28 Virgo 19. They were approaching and within orb of conjuncting Saturn at 1+ Libra and Mars at 4+ Libra when the T-square was tight with Pluto at 3+ Cap and Uranus at 0+Aries and Jupiter (the chart ruler) at 3+ Aries. All planets were direct except Vesta.
Oh, and Ceres was on the ascendant and retrograde but not aspecting any major planets.
Thank you Len, (and yesterday and Lisa on sunday.
And Susan Miller). looking forward a bit to neptune moving into pisces, might this be the great hope for deep heart/spirit health for all. Looking at the serennu synastries for Neptune 0 pisces (and also conjunct my natal sun). if I understood well enough with the little astrology I have they look deeply supportive/liberating in the nicest possible ways. Could this deep breath of rooting and reoxygenation be true across the board? (I’m hoping so)
Wow. Thanks again, Len….. and this which I just received might also connect with Ceres joining Pluto in Capricorn. Seems resonant to me anyway. I myself did not know the connection between what is being sprayed upon us in the guise of “our own good” and the development of the GMO seeds and “food” sources. For the daily dose of sinister info and some inspiration of how Human Angels are standing forth about it, have a look…..
And indeed, thank you in particular for the attention to those men in our mutual Underworld in Chile, may they be liberated!
The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup
Produced by G. Edward Griffin,
Michael Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger
By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing this and WHY. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called Geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water – all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 – and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it.
What in the World Are They Spraying!
Saturday, Oct. 23, Atlanta, Georgia
‘morning Len,
I’m so glad you have found the link between the mythology of Ceres and Pluto and the trapped miners in Chile. Like other contributers to your writings, I’m numb with fatigue over most of what is reported as news lately. However, these miners (aren’t they mining for “gold”?) have the element of realness in a way that demands one’s attention. The riviting pictures and reports evince what few of us have the desire – or courage – to imagine. The wealth of feelings they have already inspired can only be topped by what the world will experience when they finally return . . or not.
Ceres as the goddess of the sacred rites taught the Eleusinians that death was the path to rebirth, just like the seed of the plant, and she is the perfect symbol for these men who will return to life. How many of them return; how many days they were underground and what their individual experiences will reveal are fodder for Hollywood and astrologers alike. How their values have been transformed by this experience will be much needed lessons for the rest of us to learn. If they went in for gold, what is it they bring back?
As for Ceres meeting Pluto finally, it is fitting in these times of re-alignment, that they represent a balancing of yin and yang through their agreement to share Persophene. How fitting that they are at the crux of the cardinal t square; between the freedom that Uranus demands and the stability and protection that Saturn provides. In Capricorn the conjunction of the two immortals express their wisdom in a real, material, enduring and hard fought story. Will the world profit from the traumatic experiences of these miners? My God, I hope so.