Sagittarius Full Moon update for Thursday, May 27

Good morning — we ran Len’s Thursday blog Wednesday by synchronicity or mistake; today I’ve got my contribution in audio for you. You can find that here — and yesterday’s weekly update is at this link (along with the free audio archives).

Photo by Eric Francis.
Photo by Eric Francis.

This is a tense day, a day on the edge, on many edges. Take it slow; make one move at a time, and consider your options. We’re in that moment where doing nothing may be the best choice, and then see where you come out on the other side of this Full Moon tomorrow. This is definitely not a time to push any issues, because they could well blow up on you. If you take it gently, deadlocks will have a tendency to resolve themselves.

At one point in my audio update today, I reference Sept. 11 and the two wars that came out of it — stating the financial pricetag and the consequences: basically, the destruction of our economy. But I neglect to mention the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghanis, and tens of thousands of US casualties, associated with these fraudulent wars. Yet the financial pricetag is in fact a human cost, because that money is human energy, and it could be used to help people who are in need right in our own neighborhoods.

Nobody is saying this, but when Pres. Obama deploys the National Guard to the Gulf Coast on Friday, he’s going to have slim pickins’ because so many of these trained and ready people have been sent abroad, and recruitment levels are so low. Of course there is little that anyone can do about the Gulf Coast, and this is going to take some time to get used to.

Meanwhile, today is the day that we begin to draw a close to the Uranus in Pisces era. As I describe in both today’s audio and yesterday’s, we are in a tense, transitional moment — right in the midst of it, going inward toward the core of the spiral. So once again, take it slow, notice what’s coming into your awareness, and drink water.

Comments and reflections on today’s audio welcome, and if you have the capacity to post audio to your own blog or website, you can post the link to an audio reply here.

Eric Francis

37 thoughts on “Sagittarius Full Moon update for Thursday, May 27”

  1. Greenguizer,

    I’m checking in late, but that dream sent me into shivers and shakes. I’ve been sitting here thinking, ‘kill the ocean, and we are all dead.’ Phytoplankton start the food chain. No plankton, no nothing.

    Your dream is saying it will take real courage for us to overcome what is about to take place. No hate of any man or company will change anything. Pure love could change it all. I’m trying to imagine what the oil workers are feeling right now, and I can’t – but I love them for the life they have given me – a good life rich with travel and pleasures my parents never dreamed of. Am I ashamed? I guess not – who knew?

    Now our lives must change, or we will not survive. We should all – each and every one of us – volunteer to clean up the ocean. Donate hair. Time to put our money where our mouths are. Put up or shut up.

    Eris67- and Liminali – I see you – love can move the mountain to the sea.

    Time for us to visualize the concrete bearing down on the gash in the ocean floor – and surround the oil workers with light and love.

    Winter could be deadly this year.

  2. My first thought upon waking this morning was “The Other is the Beloved”

    I sat up, instantly alert, YES, the Other IS the Beloved!

    Fear of the Other is the way we distance ourselves from our Beloved. Fear of the Other is what gives rise to xenophobia, racism, nihilism and anything that moves us away from the Source.

    One love,

  3. I attended a dance a few months back with a few of the developmentally disabled adults that I take care of at a local Elks club. I was a little taken back by the lack of upkeep of the hall. I wandered from room to room looking at various elk forms and group pictures carelessly strewn about. I came upon a room cluttered up with folded chairs and odd items, when I noticed that amongst the clutter was a table with an elk head and what appeared to be a bible underneath, it took me a second to realize it was an alter. I was saddened to think something truly sacred to me was left in such a state of disaray. I stepped outside into whipping wind and rain, I watched in amazement as the energy from the storm infiltrated my being. I was overcome with emotion. The following morning memories from my dream surfaced, I was standing in front of the Elks lodge looking at a wounded elk without antlers, he was lying down and drawing a crowd of onlookers. I wanted to protect him from a crowd that was there more out of curiosity that concern. I wanted to heal him however I was overcome with doubt….it was a somber morning.

  4. SuzyC fictionizes:

    “. . .in your rush to be the first of my children to consciously choose the hour of your own departure. ”

    Precisely. Which is why now –when the “Me and Only Me” reigns supreme– we must learn that if you crave that kind of autonomy, you had better figure out how to manage it. Better learn where the tiny neural trigger between systole and diastole is located, and how to squeeze it *just* so.

    The great joke is that only immense, torrential and selfless love can take you to that spot on the Me Map. But one way or another, we’re all going there.

  5. From my writing group meeting Monday, May 24, 2010:

    He splashed her singing in the sunshine as she planted her flowers, weaving some of the blossoms into a headdress where they wiggled as she moved in the breeze, mesmerizing, fascinating. He was water; she was earth multiplying and rooting seeds within her rocky, but friendly breast. She was a beautiful planet, a world unto herself, gliding through her paces in her place in the starlit universe, draped in blue, white, green and brown, innocent and unbroken. If only she could have stayed that way, listening to the music of the spheres praising from the heart of her a never ending song.

    “Enumerate my children,” she cried. “So many you have never seen shaped to infinite size both large and small, all, all of you my children. Each giving way to the next in the dance of creation. And now you, my human children have wounded me in my side, poisoning my lover water and killing my sea children and bird children and soon, soon even yourselves in your rush to be the first of my children to consciously choose the hour of your own departure. You will leave me riven and macerated; what will be left of me when you are gone? I, I who have given you all I had in the miracle of my own creation and placement in this amazing universe.”

  6. I would like to point out that the House passed authorization of repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell just a few minutes after the Uranus ingress into Aries.

    I would also like to point out that that last time Uranus entered Aries in the late 1920’s, TV was invented.

  7. Paola: The top kill procedure is not anything new. What’s new is that it’s the first time it is being used under water.

    “A “top kill” consists of pumping huge amounts of mud and cement into the leak in hopes of stopping it. The mud and cement will be pumped at high pressure from barges down 5,000 feet. BP has stockpiled 50,000 barrels of the manufactured mud, AP reported.
    The challenge will be to pump the mud at sufficient downward pressure to counteract the upward pressure of the gushing oil. The tactic has been used in above-ground oil leaks, but never underwater.”


    And other sources if you google around some.

    Let’s pray it works, and maybe worry less about potential word games that don’t seem to apply here.

    Sorry, I feel a rant coming on, as this is one of the reasons I find myself coming and going from Planet Waves. For all of the many positive vibes it promotes, aids and achieves, these little deviations bug me because it seems that it goes against what Planet Waves represents, something along the lines of making a positive impact in the world and doing so in a state of awareness and honesty. The best way I know of to get the attention of others is a well thought out and stated whisper. Shouting negativity, no matter how true, tends to cause others to shut their ears and has the opposite affect desired.

    Deep breath and big sigh. I’ve been a little edgy today. Another deep breath, thank you.

    The quote in Eric’s audio was: “Keeping your heart open in hell” and he was quoting Melanie Reinhart on the subject of Sedna, if I remember correctly. This is good advice, and often hell is self-imposed and self-constructed so keeping one’s heart open would be a challenge, but worthy of the effort. It might just be the key to transforming one’s hell… but oh, the vulnerability of an open heart!! Hard enough to do sometimes even in sanity but in hell it might be darn near impossible. I see folks wearing coats of armor held tightly closed in front, hunched over while slightly bent at the waist, and I pray for those afflicted.

    One other thing caught my ear, regarding the document that Eric’s friend and colleague Tracy summed up something like: we deceive ourselves when we feel bad, when we’re in pain, and we’re most honest when we feel good.

    This makes too much sense to me. How to explain? It’s simple but yet very complex. I’ll try this. The deception is a mask worn to hide the what is true at one’s innermost workings, so we put on airs to not only fool others, but to fool ourselves, so that we don’t have to take a good long hard look at the hideous unworthy creature lurking within ourselves (no matter what the origin of that identity). This too is a construct of the mind, which makes it doubly difficult. Not only is one working with a false sense of self (ego), but one is working with that self’s attempts to hide itself due to shame, guilt, fear, etc, so a person is not even aware of either deception because he/she is swimming in both. It’s a multi-layered pool. And until one hits proverbial land, there is no knowing anything else, and then it becomes a matter of will he/she drown or come ashore. It’s a tough thing to do, to take a fish out of water, or someone out of his/her what-has-become-natural habitat. It takes a strong pull or a gigantic push to step through the veil. It’s not for the faint of heart, and keeping an open heart in hell — or in this case, through — is a difficult thing to do. Go Sedna Go.

    “Melanie Reinhart, in her article “The Goddess of the Frozen Waters,” writes of Sedna, “The encounter with what has been lost, drowned out, or frozen long ago is her theme, which can be taken most fruitfully on the inner levels. In other words, our own ‘Ice Age’ is being highlighted here: the wounds in the soul caused by the impatience, condemnation, dismissal or anger of the father; the living hell of unresolved outrage; the violence of hardship where we cut off from what is desperate and vulnerable in ourselves or others in order to survive. And how this harshness is internalized.””


    Hmmmm, sounds like plenty of reasons to not feel good.

    And it seems to me to repeat the theme of the missing mother who might nurse those wounds and heal them before they fester.

    So that’s sort of how I see it. Thanks for the room to contemplate.

    I too enjoyed the dream first posted. Very rich and amazing to me you remembered it so well and in such detail. Very cool.

    Happy full moon and almost uranus in aries —

    Patricia MoonRose

  8. Blessing to you Eric and thank You, Len, Judith and PW for keeping us on track with the crazy astrology. (BTW, I love the audios– its probably somewhat like listening to the radio was back on the 40’s. There is a comfort and connection in the vocal delivery that is unmatched by the writing. Interesting too, at 2:30 am I was thinking about how to create an audio response!! I love synchronicity!)

    On a personal note, I find it a both disconcerting and electrifying to have wandered into love with astrology during this time. I am so grateful for the guidance of so many talented and sensitive astrologers who share their visions, pains, memories, theories and knowledge with us.

    Thanks to 1greenguizer for sharing that beautiful, inspirational dream, and all your stories of keeping the heart open in hell…


  9. paola:

    Good observation. The military and the oil industry are based on similar, maybe even parallel cultures. Both are very macho, risk-oriented, and aggressive.

    These are people who draw the blood from within the earth and on it. So the name “Top Kill” has that same jingoistic ring to it for me as well.

  10. wow. what an amazing bunch of conversation.

    clarification: walk with an open heart in hell was quoting eric quoting someone else. perfect words but not mine.

    i LOVED Smilla’s Sense of Snow. never saw the movie but the book got me good. besides the snow there was one scene that made me cry hard.

    and over and up here, as the full moon has already hit, lots of sirens. unusual. started with a fire on the uppermost floor of one of the tallest buildings in yellowknife two nights ago. (uh huh 14 storeys.) it’s on youtube. a helicopter with a big bucket scooping up water and dropping it on the roof. (and there goes the earstwhile wedding night “penthouse suite” bed – up in flames. tres bizarre.)

    people are hungry for smiles. which, i, oddly, have tons and tons of. (for civil servants, dene elders, people i haven’t seen in ages…) i like patchouli again for the first time in two years. sandalwood, the temporary replacement, feels weak. i probably stink of patchouli at the moment.) i gave my admin assistant the afternoon off and told her it was in honour of the full moon. she’s mine this week because the real boss is away. all round good stuff… he’s out in ontario “managing his forest.” (i have good thoughts out that he won’t chop himself to bits with the chainsaw.)

    so i asked her: m, what would you say if i told you that i want to give you the rest of the afternoon off in honour of the full moon?

    she said: i love full moons. (i really really don’t know that young woman very well… very private in the way of the dene.)

    so off she went.

    changes surround. upheaval. swinging. and as isolated as i have always felt up here, today the strength of my connection to people and events everywhere is the most strong it’s ever been.

    so that’s the full moon report, may 27, 2010… from the arctic. (oh and i don’t live in tuk. i live in the crazy big metropolis of 17,000 people that is yellowknife. a plane’s throw away from all the rest.)

    hope everyone is doing well. we’re moving so i better get on it.


  11. “BP should go the way of the gulf.”

    I’m kind of tired… and I was thinking… how literal can reality be?

    Bp should go the way of the Gulf

    The Gulf war – wasn’t it about oil too??

    ‘Gulf’ gas stations… I remember them. Here it was pronounced ‘gulf’ as ‘goolf’.

    There seems to be a connection between oil and gulfs.

    (And ‘Top kill’ as the capping operation – even if I looked on a synonim dictionary, and they give ‘kill’ also as ‘stop’… and ‘top’ can be also the top of the well… but it’s a word game with many possible interpretations. As it goes all around the world, I am pretty sure that outside US ‘top kill’ resonates with ‘top gun’ and nothing else).

  12. Awesome stuff Eric!! Happy Uranus in Aries day everyone! Here’s to hoping that the change we get leads to progress. Right now so many heads are in the sand and so many people are apathetic it’s scary.

    I realized today that Uranus in Pisces in some ways represents my 20s. Uranus entered Pisces (my first house) when I was 20 and it’s leaving when I’m 27. 27 feels more like a transition into my 30s and my next phase of life rather than being in my 20s. Interestingly, Uranus entered Pisces in 2003 on my birthday. It’ll be interesting to see if the movement of Uranus to Aries, will almost sling shoot me into my 30s, or more accurately, that phase in life even though I’m still technically in my late 20s.

    Very interesting discussion about Sedna! I know there is the Next World Stories Sedna delineation which is very good. Anyone know what I can find an interpretation of Sedna in the different signs and houses (specifically looking for Sedna in Taurus, third house)?

  13. Eric,

    I am laughing so very hard! I got up from just posting here and went to kitchen to eat plate of LETTUCE, yes, Lettuce – it makes a great breakfast BTW….anyway, a beautiful “woman” in white came to me and said something and I was afraid for a moment and then I thought “it’s true then” (about experiencing consciously what I must be doing at night) but the moment had passed in the instant I was afraid and all I had was a mouth full of lettuce and these words ringing in my head, “it’s in the lettuce”.*

    Thanks for your lettuce story too!!
    *She said it was “in” something else – something she said, but the only word I had left was “lettuce”!

  14. All I can do is smille. I have a BIG SMILE for everyone – here especially. I have slept so deep and so “dreamless” that is, not remembering my dreams for the past three nights…..I think I have been truly gone elsewhere – a place that for now perhaps I am nor ready to be consciously aware of. Oh, I have seen when I chose this human life and I have spoken with death. This is Other – and I suspect soon I will remember what/where and be in awe.

    Such beautiful dreams and thoughts. Thank you all.

  15. Something is rising, indeed:

    From Daily Kos

    Chaos at Chevron Shareholder Meeting
    by bob zimway

    Thu May 27, 2010 at 01:10:11 PM PDT

    Stripes, as the boys down at the crime lab like to call Chevron Inc, is the fifth largest corporation in the world.

    The Stripes legal team is in the jungle these days, rotting with duplicity, as the gigantic Ecuadorian oil spill court case toils on. You assume that money is being discussed. What will it take to buy them off, the cancer victims. What is the value of permanently fouled jungle pits and ruined water in one of humanity’s biological treasure houses, in a place where to them it was just a bunch of trees in the way, where they dozered and drilled and pumped and dumped 16 billion gallons of oily water way beyond even Texas’ standards, yeehaw into the formerly pristine Amazon Jungle.

    Activists at the True Costs of Chevron Network, who organized the protest through Global Exchange are rallying today at Chevron’s shareholder meeting, trying to bring the message of this environmental crime to the stakeholders.

    Houston, TX (May 27, 2010) – Chevron’s annual shareholder meeting erupted in chaos today after CEO John Watson received a stern rebuke from shareholders for its Ecuador environmental disaster and a 71-year-old Ecuadorian woman said the company was responsible for an environmental atrocity in the rainforest that cost her two children and was devastating the lives of thousands of people.

    Chevron’s management also seemed to panic during the meeting when they summoned the Houston police to arrest noted author and Chevron critic Antonia Juhasz when she confronted Watson over Chevron’s environmental record. Four other individuals – all well-known critics of the company – also were also arrested when they were refused entry despite having proxies from shareholders.

    “Chevron’s [CEO] Watson lost control of the meeting and it degenerated into chaos and ended abruptly,” said Maria Ramos, an organizer with the Rainforest Action Network, a San Francisco-based group that has been campaigning against the company. “It was obvious that Watson has very thin skin when it comes to Chevron’s critics.”
    In all, only seven of the 27 persons with proxies that were brought by the environmental groups were allowed to enter the meeting – possibly an “illegal act” that violates SEC regulations, said Ramos. Chevron selectively enforced various proxy rules to keep critics out of the meeting, Ramos said.

    “Chevron was smarting for a confrontation today and then lost its head when it happened,” said Ramos.

    Others arrested were Mitch Anderson, the lead campaign coordinator against Chevron for Amazon Watch; Han Shan, also a leading Chevron critic who works with Amazon Watch; the Rev. Kenneth David from Richmond, California, the site of a Chevron refinery that local residents say causes pollution; and Juan Parras, a Houston-based organizer who has confronted Chevron over pollution at its refineries in Texas.

    Chevron’s management team also suffered a humiliating rebuke when shareholders supported a resolution stemming from the Ecuador problem with a whopping 26% of the vote representing approximately $38 billion in shareholder value. (Generally, any shareholder resolution that receives 10% support is considered a success given the opposition of management.)

  16. astrodem: affirmative on your revised time for the Uranus ingress, just finished double checking myself. Gotta remember when to “spring ahead”.

  17. Michelle,
    thank you so much for sharing with me info on Tuk- I looked it up on Wikipedia- It’s way up north- I have only been as far North as Bristol Bay. I was working on the NOAA ship Fairweather in my late teens and early 20s- was there durring the Valdez spill -we were the first team sent in to do the damage ass-estment. It sickened me…on so many levels then and now to see greed cause what is happening now- I was blessed with that dream and want to share it… Thank you

  18. Thank you both. Looks like i was an hour off on my Full Moon time. So that puts the Uranus ingress at 9:43pm.

    I’m celebrating the Uranus cycle tonight, so I wanted to know the exact time.

  19. astrodem:
    If you are on the East Coast the time for the Full Moon is 7:07 pm (as per my blog yesterday, please see “below”) assuming where you live is on daylight savings time. `kay?
    Thank you for asking!

  20. hey astrodem:

    the Full Moon is at 7:07 pm Eastern Daylight Time. i don’t have uranus’s ingress time in front of me, but hopefully the moon time will help you figure out how/if you need to adjust your calculations.

    — amanda

  21. Hei, the things that are being written here today are amazing. So beautiful. Thanks to all. Maybe we should be here at the exact time of Uranus entering in Aries… even if here it will be 4am.

    Michele – thank you. I looked on google maps where it is. There are also some photos. I can’t believe I’m here (Italy) stirring my soup and communicating with somebody up there. Since when I read and saw “Smilla’s sense for snow” I have been quite fascinated and interested by those white places and for their history, even if that takes place elsewhere (maybe you think it’s a stupid commercial movie, I don’t know). Thank you. I am honored to be ‘talking’ with you from there. Deep north.

  22. As baffling as the mismanagement of the world is right now, highlighted by American events, there is a chance to understand the right way to proceed. We are being slapped in the face so often, it has to wake more of us up than usual. The abuse, for me, has led to numbness and disassociation. Disassociation to the point where I realize I can choose a different way of looking at things. A different path. So the escape route has led me inward. From there I will tend the most precious of ecosystems, the most precious of populations. From that point there will be a growth of righteousness. Righteousness may be a strong word but it is apt. To protect and grow love is my mandate. If each of us can start again and grow strong from the inside, inevitably the outside must change.

  23. Quick follow up. I have 8:43pm tonight for Uranus and 6:07pm for the Full Moon. Is that right?

  24. Greenguizer: I can’t stop reading your dream.

    Paola: Tuk is a wee Inuvialuit (Inuit of the Western Canadian Arctic) hamlet melting into the Arctic Ocean. It’s a permanent settlement (dramatically losing its permafrost) that was imposed by the Canadian government back in the days when it when it wanted to patriate the Inuit as Canadian people. So they numbered them and stopped their nomadic ways by sticking them in little boxes. It’s not as simple as that, of course. There was a huge famine prior to that, animals not available, so there was also a “saving” aspect to the whole thing. Stay put so we can feed you. (Renaming Aboriginal people in the North is a study in itself. Sometimes when I meet new people or see their names in the phonebook I can easily picture a priest gazing out a little window, eating a piece of chocolate, and voila, thus is born the Chocolate family. Am not shitting you.) And the Anglicans and Catholic missionaries and French brothers were moving about, loving the North and doing their own saving. Blech. Ran off in my head there… So that’s Tuk. Hometown of several amazing carvers.

  25. To everyone:

    Only on Planet Waves! Sigh…. How I love hanging out here, even if I don’t make it on a regular basis 🙂 xxxx

  26. Eric,

    I live on the East Coast. Do you have the exact times for the Sagittarius Full Moon and Uranus’ entry into Aries?


  27. Eric and all,
    You are always helpful but never as much as right now. Have been awake most of the nights lately trying to tease out the pieces of a crisis; trying to understand a relationship; working to develop a strategy as the situation gets tougher and tougher. I had pretty much settled on what to do-involving a confrontation this afternoon that would certainly have been a deal breaker and that makes me more sad than I can tell you. I’m very glad to have happened to check in here as I was pausing, trying to calm my nerves. I think I will take one more day; spend today taking a breath. I’ll go for a walk. I’ll try to rest. Maybe tomorrow will look different?

    And there is something about just knowing that others in this community are in a very different place-actually sleeping so they can have dreams, and then having the generosity to share them! So interesting how we carry each other even when we have no idea we are doing it. Will try to, “keep your heart open in hell. Walk down the street and smile, for-real-smile, at the people whose path you cross.” Thanks!

  28. I completely agree. Especially with “doesn’t matter how beaten up and broken or torn your shell is- you are pure love…”.

    The ‘capping’ operation has been called “Top kill”. Doesn’t this sound totally insane? It makes like a weird connection to USA war operations. They are trying to stop an oil spill, and save thousands of animals, and they call it “Top kill”??? Who do they think to be killing, the well they digged? The oil? The mistakes?

  29. Dear Greenguizer, thank you for that wonderful dream. I believe and feel that exact level opened in your dream is precisely and only where our “salvation” or any kind of genuine “going-forwardness” lives, in that deep I Am The Source Of My Love place…….. no matter what, you know?

    thank you.

  30. Greenguizer – your dream is incredible. You have been very lucky to have a dream like that…

    Michele – where do you live? I’d like to know where Tuktoyaktuk is.

    Sedna is a very interesting character…

    On my part, I had a strange feeling of time dilatation today. It started during the night, I woke up several times and the morning never seemed to come. Then I got up, dressed etc. and went out and when I looked at my watch I saw that only half an hour had passed… it felt like two hours. And on like this all day, especially morning and early afternoon.

    One “last” thing: the news here say that Thad Allen announced the oil well to have been capped. Bp is still cautious and says it will take 24 hours or so to be sure, but if it is it’s an incredible last-degree-of-Uranus-in-Pisces gift…

  31. Sedna, as the story has been told to me by carvers, who are hunters, whose fathers, and fathers’ fathers were hunters, is a goddess who was done wrong. Her father (and I’m not going to go into a long tale) chopped off her fingers as she tried to climb back into his boat – this after he threw her into the sea. Her fingers became walrus and seal etc. She is ruler of the sea animals and as such, can create famine for the Inuit if they displease her, taking the sea animals down to the deep where the hunters cannot reach them. She is strong-willed, loving and full of rage all at once. Bill and Eli Nasogaluak, from Tuktoyaktuk, both carved the most exquisite pieces I’ve seen depicting Sedna. Bill, for sure, carved his Sednas in the image of women he loved. (One of them is my friend and neighbour, tee hee.)

    So, yeah, keep your heart open in hell. Walk down the street and smile, for-real-smile, at the people whose path you cross. Appease the goddess with care. I know it’s not all that simple out there but I collected and set free dozens of smiles on my walk to work this morning. It feels good.

  32. Thank you Eric you are so honest and real…
    I had a dream I wanted to share.
    I am sitting on your bed with an amazing group of healers and activists from all over the world – we form a group called Hearts Accross the Earth and go through a series personal and group trust excercises to strengthen our bonds. There are 3 woman from the Arctic -older grandmothers and they take a look at a necklace that an older woman from Africa is wearing – a small whale carving -The Inuit woman says “that was carved by our people-we are family” then I ask to hold it. Holding the carved whale,
    I journey back in time to see the first human ancestors “see we are all family”.
    They were amazed I could show them this. Then I transported to the Bering Strait and I soared above the sea to see melting Ice flows, animals, people, and then dove down deep under the sea. It was as beautiful as any Ocean I had ever dived in and very cold, the magnificent creatures surrounded me -shrimp, corals, sea feathers,sea sponges, and a huge red Grouper they all spoke at once and said “keep the sea free, Keep the sea free, free of waste, free of polution, free of greed”.

    Then the goddess Sedna appeared very sad. I brushed her long hair and fed her medicine herbs. From the dark depths below I saw the whales of every kind -Orca, Blue, Grey, Beluga, and a Norwhal whale all swimming near one another- they were singing a prayer song for all the seas-praying for the health and wellbeing of all sea creatures and to open the hearts of man- then the sea turtles came by the thousands and all kinds of them followed by a huge ancient Leatherback grandmother- No human had ever seen her except in dreams-she was battered and bruised and had torn skin with many old rusty fish hooks hanging from her- then she said-“I come to give you hope-all is not lost-you must do what you love and be the love -“remember you are pure love as we are- doesn’t matter how beaten up and broken or torn your shell is- you are pure love… she then swam away singing I love , I love I love I am Love” and then I woke up.

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