2 thoughts on “Queen – Under Pressure, for Kaila Ann Watson”

  1. PlanetWaveens,

    Spring has struck like a lightning moon; I’ve been tearing up my little cottage all weekend. There’s a new altar in my living room, and I’ll be consecrating it at sunset here with a Bardo practice for Kaula. . .

    Funny, I wrote Kaila, but it kept coming out ‘kaula’ which means ‘Shiva-lover’ in Skt. And let me tell you, the kids I have known who have died of heroin OD were *all* there, in the Blackest, most Nataraja (death-dancer), thrown-down, unfettered space. (G, you were looking for Dionysius? here He be).

    I’ve known a few.

    The soundtrack is perfect. Perfect. I’ll be looking for Diamond Kaila (the result of being ‘under pressure’).

    “Listen, Kaila Ann Watson, the pure radiance of reality
    has dawned and is now present for you. Recognize it!

    The present aspect of your awareness is pure and unformed –
    this unformed purity devoid of substance is reality,
    the All-Good Mother.

    Your awareness is also free from all limitations, it is sparking, radiant and vibrant.
    This is the primordial Mind, the All-Good Father. . .”

    etc… See you at Sundown…

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