Dear Friend and Reader:
The Moon is in late Virgo this morning and enters Libra today at 5:30 pm EDT, as the Sun works its way through the last degrees of Capricorn. Libra Moon plus Capricorn Sun means we’re beginning the last quarter phase of the Moon, which concludes in a solar eclipse on Jan. 26.
The Mercury retrograde is now fully underway, as Mercury heads for its a conjunction to Jupiter, then an interior conjunction to the Sun on Inauguration Day next Tuesday. Meanwhile, you have someone to blame for everything wrong with your fax machine, the late check or losing your car keys. The aspect for today is a trine between the Sun and a new planet called Makemake.

As we have been discussing for the past week or so, communication is one of the many themes infusing our current time on this planet. What we say, how we say it, how we hear things and how others hear us is the motif running beneath most of our time spent trying to get a handle on the mysteries life presents to us.
New communication devices come out practically every hour. We also live in an age of planetary discovery, when more new things appear than we know what to do with.
Makemake (pronounced mahkay-mahkay) is a dwarf planet (a kind of planet beyond Neptune) that astronomers Mike Brown, David Rabinowitz and Chad Trujillo discovered in March of 2005. It’s getting considerable energy in the minor planet cults, though we have not covered it in this section of Planet Waves before. It’s one of the largest known objects in something called the Kuiper Belt — a field of comet-like objects that is scattered in the region of Pluto. This body was initially known as 2005 FY9 (and later given the minor planet number 136472).
Makemake is from the same discovery team that brought us Quaoar, Sedna and Eris — some of the great discoveries of our time; and it was one of three discoveries made at about the same time as Eris (the other is Haumea, which is football shaped). The three were discovered on the same day. They are depicted in this illustration, which shows their approximate sizes visually. All of these are planets orbiting our own Sun. Makemake takes just under 310 years to orbit (compare with Pluto at 248 years). Because it’s out of Pluto’s resonance, it is classified as a cubewano and gets named after a god/goddess of creation or resurrection. The planets in range of 250 years (i.e., within Pluto’s resonance) are classified as plutinos, and are named for underworld gods and goddesses.
It is named after the primordial creation god of Rapa Nui. The word also refers to the current inhabitants of Easter Island, the place where those enormous, strange rock sculptures which nobody is really sure how they got there are found. Makemake is depicted as a man with the head of a bird. Sea birds are his representatives on Earth. He is in a cycle of mythical figures depicted as men with the heads of birds, one of whom is the Egyptian god Horus.
Not much is known yet about Makemake’s place in a chart, though some envisioning is being worked out by minor planet specialist Philip Sedgwick. He places fast-paced communication and the sharing of information with no thought about the consequence in the domain of Makemake. He attributes it to the collection of data for a specific goal, much like the bird will fly to and fro collecting bits of cloth and plant matter to build its nest.
A trine to the Sun opens up a gateway of communication; you need to make sure that communication has a goal and a purpose. This is called intention.
In some respects, the aspect for today is about learning to become comfortable with expressing yourself. As the Sun is in a trine with this ancient bird-god, today is a day to meet the perils of keeping your true self hidden head on. You are a direct participant in the creation of your world, and while it may take time, you can visualize the way a bird weaves its nest, and collect the things and ideas that you need to make it your way. A bird never read any books on the subject; it just knows what it’s got to do.
Merry Met,
Genevieve Salerno w/Eric Francis
Captain Sullenberger’s chart has a Mercury, Uranus opposition. Both Jupiter and Vesta make positive aspects to them. Star IQ’s article today notes that “safety and security” are attributed to Vesta. Transiting Vesta was at 2+ Taurus, and was conjunct transiting Asbolus at 2+ Taurus. What were we saying about Asbolus recently? Sorry, I’m on (emotional) overload due to all the inauguration hoopla.
As Eric noted, that day (1/15) transiting Isis was conjunct the GC, and the Captain’s Chiron is close at 28+ Sagg.
I’m a yod freak so could not help but notice the sextile between Pluto and Neptune in Sulley’s chart, and that they both quincunx his NN at 19+ Pisces, which just happens to be where transiting Uranus is these days. duh.
Okay, back to the hoopla.
Be (As Victoria would say),
Thank you for the reference!
mystes, Gardener;
“All birds in symbolism suggest spiritual faculties or forces. What is evoked is the possibility of learning from higher Intelligences.” Dane Rudhyar said this in “An Astrological Mandala”, in the section on Scorpio 19 degrees. Don’t know if this would include Horus.
makemake is in the 25th degree of virgo, putting it pretty close to the moon as well as being trine the sun! very exciting. see above for the article eric just posted about that plane crash. hot off the press!
What sign is Makemake in? What time was it exact? I only ask because a plane from New York crashed into the Hudson Rv. at about 3:03 (or 3:02)PM, due to birds shutting down engines. All on board survived.
Gotta be Makemake.
First, I’m sorry about the loss of so many people in your circles. I’m unfamiliar with Bardo practice, but do have 2 notes (thoughts) re: Horus. He was an Egyptian god, so if the loss of people you mentioned are in the middle east, perhaps that country (Egypt) holds a clue or message.
Secondly, you asked if anybody had seen low-flying falcons with a map of the midbrain on their facefeathers. There was a falcon-like bird outside my (2nd floor) window within the last week. I got a good picture of him even. Unfortunately it is mostly of his back, but his hawk-like profile is quite evident. What struck me was his front side though. He was beautiful, mostly light/white chest feathers with the faint light brown stripes. About 2 feet long from feet to head. Didn’t notice any kind of map though.
I read this about falcons: Unlike other hawks, they do not build nests of their own, but utilize other bird’s nests. . . .” I also read that “many of them pursue birds on the wing”, which means he was probably after one of my sparrows, chicadees or doves, etc. that I feed. Unlikely he was the one who got all the worms.
Oh my gosh – and so many dead young people around here too. I’ve been wiped out since the full moon healing session. Something has awakened? haven’t ‘seen’ any falcons but I have been obsessed with the birds this week. I keep thinking about the stunt pilot from here who’s got himself into such hot water too. It was so unnecessary – talk about the peril of keeping true self hidden!
Hmmm… Gen and All… about this: “Makemake is depicted as a man with the head of a bird.. . . in a cycle of mythical figures depicted as men with the heads of birds, one of whom is the Egyptian god Horus.”
I got people dropping offa the planet right and left in my circles. Three *more* in the last week. So I am spending quite a bit of time doing Bardo practice — particularly for the suddenly-traveling-ones. Curiously, though I am using a Tibetan template (fattened up by Anya Foos-Graber’s work), Horus keeps showing up for the New Dead. I thought it was some odd psychic floater, but there He is again. And again.
The Makemake connection could be relevant. Anybody else seeing low-flying falcons with a map of the midbrain seared into their facefeathers?
:). That’s a nice chart, Ms. Genevieve. Thanks!
Yeah, when I read that in the newsletter it was the first time I had ever heard of such a thing. It seems to make sense though.
re above:
Should have said that when MERCURY, the Sun and Earth align . . .it’s okay to sign documents. He also said if it was an emergency or you are forced to sign something, so I guess it would still be wise to avoid it if possible.
Thanks for telling us how to pronounce Makemake. I know it’s to soon to know much about how to interpret this symbol, but it’s good to know how it sounds anyway.
Speaking of Mercury retrograde and Philip Sedgwick, he said recently (email newsletter) that when the Sun and Earth align (during the rx) that it’s okay to sign documents. I’d never heard that before. He said this time it is Jan. 20th, which is a good thing for Barack for sure. If it’s true.