Why is this such an important time in history?

Dear Friend and Reader:

Through my coverage of the Democratic and Republican conventions, I’ve had a sense of urgency, and in good moments of the potential, of this time in history. I can see it in the astrology, I can feel it in the news, I can feel it in myself and I could really feel it after writing last week’s edition about the Fundamentalists and the Pluralists.

Jet Contrails
Jet contrails tracing lines, high above the heads of pedestrians. Photo by Danielle Voirin.

I want to take the question to you, and I do so knowing it’s something you’ve been thinking about: why is this an important time in history? Think of history as you like: national, global, human on a cosmic scale, or personal… remember your own growth, and remember the ice caps and let’s see if we can connect with the sense of human potential that we know can drive us forward. Or, in fact, which has actually been doing so.

Please enter your replies below, or if you would rather email them and have us post what you have to say, send it to editorial – at – planetwaves.net (type that with an @ symbol please). Take a few minutes even if you’ve just arrived at work or you’re on your way. Our readers are eager to hear what you have to say

Eric Francis

9 thoughts on “Why is this such an important time in history?”

  1. Easy ask with access to Human Design Transits:

    Firstly, Sun and Saturn are in the Crown Chakra in the gate of Confusion Before Completion. This is the last of 64 gates and equals the last hexagram of the I Ching. Specifically it’s about taking the time to tease out anything of value from the past cycle of experience so that we can take it with us into the new cycle.

    Second, Saturn (remember, Crown Chakra) is dissolving old structures of thought and bringing in new more inspired, lighter ideas. What we were able to access in the collective consciousness as true – the rules for what keeps us safe and how we order our lives – is simply no longer there. When we search our minds we find the old heavy thoughts and, if we dwell there for a moment longer, we can also discover delightful new ones. A completely new way to think about our lives, who we are, and especially how we relate to others.

    Thirdly, Eris is in the Gate of Completion. This represents an end of the cycle of disorder. We can choose the new lighter consciousness and spiral upwards or we can choose the old heavy consciousness and go around again. A very clear splitting of the worlds (and hey, Eris is sooo good at that one!)

    Fourthly, Mars, Venus and Mercury have been and continue to bring down this new consciousness into our physical body (it’s called the Spleen Centre in Human Design). This is a cellular renewal, also the spirit descending into the body. They’ve also been passing through the zone of correction of old family patterns that keep us blind to reality.

    Fifthly (okay, last one!), both Uranus and Neptune have been sitting in the Emotional Centre ping ponging us between ‘oh my god I can’t live without you’ – Neptune – and ‘feck off I’m busy doing my own thing and you’re cramping my style man’ – Uranus. Till we’re half crazy not knowing what we want in our relationships.

    Sixthly (couldn’t resist), BOTH NODES and Chiron are in the G Centre, which represents the highest octave of the Heart Chakra, bringing us a heightened awareness of our own inner goodness, creativity, life direction, soul purpose,etc. And bringing us to the truth of connecting to others from that place.

    So glad you asked. It’s a very, very clear energy of completing a long cycle of human experience, through an integration of mind/body/spirit and how that reflects in our relationships.

    love from me,
    Kim Gould

  2. Dears………

    I would like to declare for me (since I was a kid in the 50s)
    it’s been an important time in history ever since I understood we had to live with:

    Our Self
    Each Other
    the Atomic Bomb

    What’s different now?

    More people are noticing how important each moment (and each action) is.

  3. And I agree with NmusicH’s agreement with marymack…

    And I hold that Sacred under the aegis of Pan as well. My hypothalamus took a big shock in 1998, shrinking it by about 35%. As it was regenerating, I decided to install a ‘fifth F’ – feeding, fleeing, fighting, fucking . . . and the fifth I call ‘frolic.’ Or fun. It’s the expansive little gracenote that tweaks the system into a different range.

    This Fifthness alters the pathways and function of the other four, so that what we call ‘sexual experience’ becomes restored to its original function: communication at a level only parodied by its institutionalization.

    It has been VERY cool to see this unfolding culturally over the last decade.

    “Survival,” my doves, is starting to depend on something very, very different from aggression. So the sweetmeat of the midbrain has to adjust accordingly.

  4. I agree with marymack! The NOW is always important. More experience brings more awareness. Letting go of the “war within” as marymack said, is why this is such an important time. The election is an outward manifestation of what we are all going through individually.

  5. The Sacred Feminine. This most unique aspect yearns to be awakened organically in all of us and felt in the way we operate on a personal and global level. Respect and civilized compassionate communication and cooperation is the only way. War is not only NOT the answer it is the end to our planet. This election highlights the survival of our species as we let go of the war within and make peace our greatest priority.


  6. From 2008 Annual Planetwaves (Small World Stories) Pisces horoscope: “But Chiron does much more, teaching us how to heal; cracking open the sky and allowing the great rays of creation to shine brighter than the Sun. You might doubt these; but please, acknowledge them when you see them.” I know we are in an a significant time in history because I have witnessed the kind of moments described above. For good and bad, I’m a pretty self-absorbed individual who measures the pulse of the world in part based upon my own shifts. The shifts I’ve noticed recently are paradigm shifts; not just tweaking the status quo; not even just progress; rather, our very ways of seeing and being are changing– the processes, not just the content. I wrote recently about a fantasy I had inspired by PW. The fantasy was about rigid boundaries melting away and a sense of merging– from a solid center– taking over; a cellular change for me. The fantasy takes place at the opening of the Book of Blue exhibit in Soho. I saw my own photo, the caption underneath which read:

    A time of more peace;
    we acknowledge the absurdity of war.
    When oil is needed less
    Because the juices of cunt are more;
    Wars we fight now are against a culture of oppression
    Claiming freedoms that for too long have been deeply hidden in our depression.

    I know the world is changing because I imagine can a scene like this, in large part thanks to the PW community, writers, staff, and readers alike.

  7. We are indeed at an inflection point in history of mankind on this planet. For the first time ever there is a means of communication in hands of every second person on the planet (or almost). By early 2009 there will be 3 billion mobile phone owners/users across the world.

    Communications technology that is simultaneously linking those of us in broadband nations – where we have the internet to reach out and ‘touch someone’ just like I am doing now on this comment box to all of Eric’s readers around the world – is creating its own hyperlinked internetworked web of humanity.

    In one sense, this is a collaborative intelligence gathered here on a planetary scale.

    At the other end of the spectrum you have the basic mobile phone that for the first time in history is empowering those at the bottom of the social and economic pyramid in developing nations around the world. The stories are myriad – from the now famous fishermen in Kerala whose use of the mobile to find the port with the best price for their perishable product resulted in a rationalization of pricing across the coast (and was studied and written up in The Economist) to a humble woman in a Ghanaian village with a 5th grade education who figured out how to top up the prepaid airtime minutes for all the ladies and thus became the local “go to” person and a local ‘hero’ in her community.

    Together, as corporations such as Google, Microsoft, Nokia and many many others too small for any of you to have heard of, are working towards the eventual “next web” the one that can be accessed by anyone anywhere with any device.

    Giving voice to the voiceless, providing access to information, opening a window to the world beyond the “official” news – this in itself is the almost unseen shift taking place on a global scale. One that has never before existed in our history. We don’t have to beleive what we’re told anymore, we can google it to come to our own answers or evaluation.

    What will be the true impact of this shift over the next 5 to 10 years? What happens to the ‘powers that be’ that for millenia considered information to be power? Today access is empowering.

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