And she can shoot: Sarah Palin joins the Poopie Party

Speaking of the Beatles

Dear Friend and Reader…

(comments on this article are accumulating below)

Are they serious? She’s been governor of Alaska less than two years and they’re putting her on the presidential ticket with a 69-year-old guy with cancer? Alaska? I mean, it’s a great state. It’s just that you preside over more bears than you do people. So much for the theory that Barack Obama is under-experienced. At least he represents Chicago.

Planet Waves

Who? Me? Sarah Palin.

For those concerned about gun-toting vice presidents, at least she’s in the NRA. For those concerned with the ratings, the results are in: most guys would do her. For those pondering over astrology, here is your report. Note, we don’t have her birth time, so I’m using a noon chart. (In the absence of birth time, most astrologers use a chart set for sunrise for a non-famous individual, and a noon chart for someone who is in the public spotlight.)

Palin is an Aquarius, which would make her either super duper groovy or someone who wants to sign up for the FBI Academy.

She arrived in the United States four days after the Beatles did (they came to New York City, she came to Iowa) during that eventful Aquarius season of 1964 — the year of the Green Dragon. We now have our first politician on the national scene who was born with the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo, going at full throttle. I know these people; I am one of them. We make fabulous revolutionaries and perfectly good Nazis. We believe in “service” but that is a matter of who you serve. No matter who they are, there is a touch of revolutionary in their hearts.

Palin has the perfect chart for a conservative, with Mars and the Sun conjunct Saturn. Why is this perfect? Well, because she’s driving with the emergency brake on. Saturn makes the perfect air-tight container for the vital force implied by Mars and the Sun. She really, really, really wants to be free. But it’s like she’s trying to do ballet in a snow suit, in August.

We don’t know her Moon, because it’s so early in Aquarius that were she born before 8 am, it would be in Capricorn. I would need to leaf through her sketch book and inspect her liquor closet and/or her stash box to determine what sign her Moon is in. Anyway, she has enough Aquarius to be serious, smart and hard boiled. I would not be surprised if she’s still a virgin, but then she is born the year of the Dragon. Oh, and she has five kids. So it’s somewhat unlikely.

Wait a sec. If her Moon is in Cap (it would be late in the sign) that aligns her with many of the greats, such as Lincoln and Hitler and Washington and I Love Lucy, who all had this Moon. Mark Lerner writes in and mentions that McCain himself has a Cap Moon in the neighborhood, and the USA Pluto is hanging around the last degrees of Capricorn as well. This is a little reminder to mention that the United States is now entering its Pluto return.

The lady’s Venus is in Aries, in a little cluster with Eris and Jupiter. Venus in Aries people are special. Or at least they think so. Jupiter in Aries people are lucky and this helps her feel extra-special.

She has the Sun and Mars square Neptune. Not only is she very likely one who may lie casually, she is the kind of risk taker whose finger you would not want to have anywhere near the Button.

You know, the nuclear button.

I have nothing more to say, except that I miss Geraldine Ferraro. No wait, now she’s a Fox News commentator. Well, we all gotta eat.

Catch you later with Saturday’s Oracle.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

28 thoughts on “And she can shoot: Sarah Palin joins the Poopie Party”

  1. to robert c., et al
    I am just another bozo on the bus, who stumbled onto and found this site and it is refreshing, meaning, rare. If and when I find others, I can alert the media. As for the objectivity vs. subjectivity argument on political views or whatever, it is as illusive as looking for “fair and balanced” reporting on FOX news. :-D)))) I am a Pisces near the cusp of Aquarius person myself, with Sag rising. Neptune and Jupiter rule the whole chart in some way — I always “out there” seeking — so finding other great sites is entirely possible. On the original topic of Palin and her appearance on the scene and her appearance, it is creepy. The creepiness belongs to those and the guy who pulled this sexist stunt. It is a sexist decision because it is done seemingly to me on the assumption that with voters, especially women voters, women are interechangable in top US elective offices, just as they are interchangeable as trophy wives. There, I said it. Am I objective? No. This life time I am a woman, and I look at this through a woman’s eyes, who can see how attractive she is, and how John McCain looks at her, and as an astrologer, I can see there are multiple delusionary and romantic affair attraction connections for the placements in Sara Palin’s chart when they are placed into John McCain’s chart. Seems there are stronger connections to McCain’s chart than the chart of the US. It’s a soap opera. Enjoy.

  2. Catching up with articles given that my head is rather stuck in Second Life these days …;)

    Given that I am aware and awake but kinda tired of fighting against the on rushing rapids of control (try living in the UK these days).To the record -if you immerse your self in SL -its not the hayride and un thinking life most people believe… Comeand findout with me sometime…

    Mandy Hx

    BTw following the news avidly …

  3. The Republicans’ conservative “base” has had pretty bad heartburn about McCain being the nominee… putting someone like Palin on the ticket shows me that Republicans are VERY worried about “the base” not showing up at the polls in November.

  4. Opinion is one thing. Deus Ex Machina is quite another and that’s why AFAN needs to impose guidelines. astrology does not belong to one particular viewpoint.

  5. Thank you Steff for the comments about Rachel Asher.

    In 1969, I can tell you that there were no women supervisors or managers when I started working at a large company . I still remember our first female supervisor – she looked and dressed like a man to fit in, but you can bet we younger women (I was 18) were watching the older women and taking cues from them. By the late 80s the women settled down and started dressing and looking like women again. Basically, women said screw this, we are women and we are going to look and act like women.

    In school during the 50s and 60s, there were no students with handicaps and come to think of it, no black students either. There were few girl team sports. Women who got pregnant during military service (administrative, no combat) were given a dishonorable discharge, ditto for gay men who were caught. Bill Clinton put a stop to it and you have the nerve to ridicule him.

    It was women like Hillary and Geraldine who helped make it possible for the younger women like Palin to begin school with the expectation that they could be what they wanted to be. It wasn’t the people who were born in the 60s that made it possible, it was the women born in the 40s who did this. They are my heroines, yet Barrack made it impossible for Hillary to become vice-president. Now everyone will try to destroy Palin, and women will still be right where they started, with very low expectations. At least Palin has some fighting spirit – something that’s been missing from all the boring campaigns.

    I wonder about some of the people who have written in on this blog – have you not ever hugged a down syndrome child? Some of you sound like little Hitlers.


    Just a little disclaimer here, my astrology is not neutral; not ever. It’s my opinion; always. I will, however, adhere to certain ancient rules of interpretation (which I will state when used) but there ain’t nothin’ neutral about that. Astrology is ALWAYS an interpretation, and it is NEVER neutral; so you’re not anyplace special.

    Also we will purge any comments any time we like. I am one of those Aquarius-leaning, free-spirited Uranus-Pluto groovy-type control freaks I was talking about above, and anything or anyone that appears here does so with the blessings of me or another Planet Waves editor. All comments are moderated, sooner or later.

  7. Enjoyed the read! Very amusing diatribe, “…most guys would do her”. So true.
    This whole sham of a candidacy is sickeningly transparent. These cats ARE desperate. They’re scared they might actually lose power (I’m doin’ all I can to help facilitate that!). If the voting folk are numb to fear, then hey, maybe we can entice them with a little primal sexuality. The less than pensive might actually bite. It’s crafted beautifully in old school paradigm.
    As far as “objectivity” is concerned, that one takes my brain for a loop not so unlike the concepts of infinity, god/goddess, time…. Any one thing in and of itself, outside/apart from anything else, I can amost comprehend as having “objectivity”. Just add another “thing” and wahlah, “subjectivity”! Astrology IS a subjective ART! “Objectively”, perhaps planetary alignments express universal truth or law, but then they’re SUBJECTED to our all so personally human interpretation. The only “universal law” I can pseudo-fathom is Love, and honestly I’m not the authority on that one! Just a field tripper on the bus.

    Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law

    Love is the law. Love under will.

    peace all, jlo

  8. Chicago is blue, of course…but downstate and the suburbs have traditionally gone republican. Peoria voted for Bush in the past. But things are changing – thanks to Bush.

  9. Excellent reference article by Meira, Robert C. I love a blog like this . . . one can read AND think.

  10. Dear Eric,

    Your analysis on Peoria’s vote for Barack Obama is misleading. It’s no surprise Peoria voted 60+% for Obama. Illinois is a die-hard Democratic ‘blue’ state, and the Daley Democrats have had multi-generational control over Chicago and Cook County. (If Cook County were a state, it would be the 18th largest in the country).

    So, of course, Obama got the majority vote in Peoria! If Donald Duck had been running as Democratic Senate nominee of Illinois, I guarantee that he’d have gotten the majority vote, too.

    Also, I found the last sentence in Rachel Asher’s blog about Sarah Palin staggering in its crassness. She wrings her hands over wildlife and the environment, and then has the nerve to be oh-so appalled that Palin dare have a baby with Down’s Syndrome.

    Yes, of course, the environment is important, I know that, but what I don’t understand is this militant view of feminism. It’s as if a woman has to get a partial-birth abortion to join in the sisterhood. It’s appalling and horrifying, and it sounds like some ‘feminists’ need to learn a little tolerance themselves.

    Steff C

  11. Ah Eric. I do not challenge your opinion, your right to have one, or anyone else’s right to free speech. Actually free speech surprisingly is the issue on many of the astro-political blogs of late. They shall remain nameless but several of those pseudo astro sites have purged dissenters from the very same comment sections you believe are the recourse to what has become pure propaganda rather than pure astrology. Shockingly most of it, I have noticed, is from the far left of one ilk muzzling the far left supporters of another candidate. All the while astrology being used to not only justify the righteousness of a political opinion, but used to stifle the very free speech of the commenter who not only may disagree, but also may find a very different set of interpretations equally as valid in a chart.

    Additionally, I rather respect the viewpoint of an astrologer such as Meira Epstein NCGR-C.A. Her comment on the current astro political landscape is spot on. “Astrologers often discuss politics, coming from their own personal views, which, in my opinion, color and even distort their astrological judgment. It often sounds more like political activism rather than impartial astrological analysis. This becomes apparent at times of presidential elections, when discussions heat up and astrologers are asked to predict the outcome and pick a winner. In order to properly explore the astrological signification of politics, we must strive for professional objectivity, “leave our personal likes and dislikes at the door” and learn to separate our own views from what the chart says.”

    Salient indeed and right to the crux of the matter. I actually don’t begrudge an astrologer from expressing a personal preference or a political opinion. But you know as well as I that any one interpretation of a natal chart is not absolute. A handful of astrologers could very well analyze one particular chart and agree on obvious themes, but just as likely find divergent indicators for any number of possible variations in their analysis. My objections are to sites that cocoon their real world political bias with a ‘invisibility cloak’ of astro-Sufism. Yes, express your personal opinion based on your investigative background. State your political preferences if you must. I simply suggest to keep the astrology neutral, and hopefully your comment section unpurged.


    Ah Eric. I do not challenge your opinion, your right to have one, or anyone’s right to free speech. Actually free speech surprisingly is the issue on many of the astro-political blogs of late. They shall remain nameless but several of those psuedo astro sites have purged desenters from the very same comment sections you believe are the recourse to what has become pure propaganda rather than pure astrology. Shockingly most of it, I have noticed, is from the far left of one ilk muzzling the far left supporters of another candidate. All the while astrology being used to not only justify the righteousness of a political opinion, but used to stifle the very free speech of the commenter who not only may disagree, but also may find a very different set of interpretations equally as valid in a chart.

    Additionally I rather respect an astrologer such as Meira Epstein NCGR-C.A. Her comment on the current astro political landscape is spot on. “Astrologers often discuss politics, coming from their own personal views, which, in my opinion, color and even distort their astrological judgment. It often sounds more like political activism rather than impartial astrological analysis. This becomes apparent at times of presidential elections, when discussions heat up and astrologers are asked to predict the outcome and pick a winner. In order to properly explore the astrological signification of politics, we must strive for professional objectivity, “leave our personal likes and dislikes at the door” and learn to separate our own views from what the chart says.”

    Salient indeed and right to the crux of the matter. I don’t begrudge an astrologer from expressing a personal preference or a political opinion. But you know as well as I that any one interpretation of a natal chart is not absolute. A handful of astrologers could very well analyze one particular chart and agree on obvious themes, but just as likely find divergent indicators for any number of possible variations in their analysis. My objections are to sites that cocoon their real world political bias with a ‘invisibility cloak’ of astro-sufism. Yes, express your personal opinion based on your investigative background. State your political preferences if you must. I simply suggest to keep the astrology neutral, and hopefully your comment section unpurged.

  12. This debate is not about politics, but point of view, and that IS astrological all the way. And it can get highly political. As a Piscean astrologer myself, I am gratified to see one that exhibits the qualities everyone, but everyone misses about Pisces — they do not commit to a point of view until they have checked out the possible points of view — that seems to be what you have done, Eric, with your life, as shown in your fine article about America and the election. I had an opportunity to speak on this at a conference in Michigan and they gave me the keynote slot, to start off the gathering. I too believe that the Pluto change of sign is the key, and that it is about Pluto — the power to change and transform in the face of irrefutable revelations that don’t necessarily match what we would like the truth to be — in Capricorn — the management of resources. Pluto did a dance of exposure of hidden truths and dysfunction in its journey through Sagittarius by dredging and blasting up the nastiest stuff from every religion and belief system. Now it is about society’s power structures, beit governments or corporations. I did not catch, however, your take on the culmination of the Saturn/Uranus opposition on election day. It has be intense and intensifying all along this year (which astrologers often fail to note that the conjunction is the apex of building energy — seldom a one time “hit”) and I wondered if that was too obvious or already covered to be of interest — I’m interested in what you think.

  13. P.S I did read your election article, it is well written and I appreciate everything you wrote. There is you. Your view on how astrology works in the context of the world. in that article you are on target and I commend you for it. I look forward to how it all works out and will monitor my role in my world accordingly. thanks for a heads up.

  14. Eric, you were not discussing astrology in terms of reality, you were presenting your idea of a conspiracy calculated to get a woman on as president. Is that context? you have no magic wand that tells you McCain will die in office or that Palin will fail as vice-president. for that matter, that Obama will do what he promises or that Biden will do well as vice-president. that’s all up for grabs too. what you have said does not raise the discussion to reality. you refer to astrology being used as an aid to navigate the world -so please continue to help us to do so.

    >> Reply to this: Not to get a woman as president, but to use a woman to advance the ticket and then to get this particular woman “selected” president. Not a conspiracy, but a project. None of these decisions are made willy-nilly, and none have a single goal or purpose.

  15. Smilema, what good is astrology if not for apprehending some sense of reality? How can it be an abstraction from so-called politics? Can you find me one other article on the election chart? Here is mine. One of the things I am working for with Planet Waves is to raise the discussion of astrology to context. In other words, astrology is almost always about itself. It is very rarely about the world, and used as a perceptual aid to navigate the world in which we live.

  16. I changed my mind. I’ll stick to or or look up Moore and
    the political media if I want political comments. Back to finding somewhere else to get astro preceptions. sorry can read you any more.

  17. Ms. Palin is a joke. Ms. Palin may be an Aquarian (note recent Aquarius/Leo axis eclipses that continue into 2009), but she is no “maverick”. Anyone who would carry to full term an embryo proven to have Down’s Syndrome is ….well? What? And to boot, she now with a 6 month old infant child-with-birth-defect to her name is accepting a nomination as VP? What happens to that poor child? She’s going to give birth and then abandon the child? Talk about ethics!

    She also has no higher education – check the records – here’s a dude (McCain) who is a gunner who is a fighting jock who gets caught. He comes home and thinks his wife looks bad, dumps her and marries a beer fortune trophy wife. He takes on his ticket an intellectually-challenged back woods beauty queen with only a BA in Journalism. Do your homework. I cannot wait for the Biden-Palin debates. The vocabulary differentials between the two alone will be telling.

    I think it also riveting that folks dismiss McCain’s bouts with Melanoma saying they were just small skin cancers. Melanoma is not a ‘curable skin cancer’…it is DEADLY and grows in moles. His days are numbered and now we have a female moose as a President? Think fifteen times about voting for this mess.

  18. Robert C, if I read you correctly, you seem to take umbrage with free speech. Why do we need astrological organizations trolling the blogs for moral violations when we have the comment section? You are an astrologer; I’ve posted the chart I’ve used and I’ve left my margin notes in the article I wrote. Why don’t you challenge my opinion rather than my right to have one?

    Also, though to say so is a logical fallacy if I am trying to support the basis of my opinion, my experience as an investigative reporter more than qualifies me to have the right to a professional viewpoint in the public sphere, particularly where politics are concerned.

  19. I am not sure what you mean by hostility. I know I am supposed to be Mr Sweet Groovy Pisces who always has something nice to say, but I think my assessment of Mrs Palin is fair and balanced. In fact I think that we need to be honest with ourselves that she was put on the ballot specifically because she is a woman and would presumably compete with those who might otherwise support Hillary specifically because she is female. Meanwhile, I see in her chart the figure of someone who has a popularist bent, but it would appear to be a ruse.

    She could very well be a setup for an appointed presidency. Remember that the chart for the election speaks of some kind of scam. Mrs Palin’s resume suggests that she is new to the executive branch of anything. McCain was considered too old to serve old in previous political go-rounds, and our somewhat more qualified previous 69 year old candidate was disabled with Alzheimer’s disease before half of his eight years were up. Vice President George H. W. Bush ran the country for most of Reagan’s term, and what we got in that deal was a covert war and arms for hostages trade called the Iran-Contra scandal. Even if Mr Reagan was aware of what happened, his shoddy memory and general lack of attention to matters of state were used prolifically to make the excuse that he did not know what was going on and thus was not actually responsible for what happened on his watch.

    New blood is one thing, but I think she is so green as to be considered a special kind of setup for the presidency, should Mr McCain resign for “health reasons” or die in office. In other words, she reminds me of a Gerald R. Ford-type setup for something akin to an unelected presidency. Since the chart for the election resounds with the feeling of another chart for an unelected presidency, it is fair to note the problem.

  20. I like the idea of a woman on McCain’s ticket. we need new blood in washington whether it be a republican or democrat. this is the first time i have heard so much negative comments from you. i read you often and am waiting for money to rejoin your site because i think you serve a purpose. however, spare me the hostility, just the facts or your opin please.

  21. First of all your title contains a misspelling. It is ‘joins’. Secondly, as a practicing astrologer, I am troubled by the recent tendency for those moderately practiced American astrologers who have a left leaning bent, to craft web sites in order to use astrology to espouse their particular political viewpoints. Often contradictory aspects are ignored, interpretations are stretched, hostile intent is transparent all with the all too evident purpose of justifying the candidacy of one person or party. This is not only out of order with universal law, this is damaging the practice and affecting the acknowledgement of the practice as a neutral and effective source for guidance and truth for all. To manipulate the cycles of the planets into personalized propaganda is simply wrong, abjectly wrong. In cascading through the mindless babble posted by readers on some of these sites, one can see the detrimental results of such misuse where the gullible latch onto the barest whisper of an astrological truth to use to bludgeon those who dare to disagree, even another astrologer. Today one such ignorant even belittled Merriman’s latest article in order to support the author of this site in yet another political jab. Aside from the negative karma involved here, such sites inherently endanger the practice and livelihood of those other astrologers who are simply practicing their art for the benefit of all. The NCGR and AFAN really need to involve themselves in establishing guidelines, rules and restrictions on the misuse of astrology in this regard.

  22. Well, I think — more importantly — and this seems to be the crux of the matter — the woman has a vagina. And, hey, that’s the closer. McCain thinks the V will trump the b for black in Obama. I love Aquarius — my chart is heavily infused with the water bearer energy but I also know that Aquarians are happy sociopaths. Of all the signs, they seem the most adept at believing their own bs. It’s almost a trance that comes over them and it’s sad, mostly. But it would be tragic, truly, to have Sarah in her NRA/Eco-destructo/Pro-Iraq/Pro-taking away a woman’s right to choose — you get what I”m saying.

    I am a woman (this life time, anyway) and I wasn’t a Hilary ra-rah-er. I’m a spiritual, ethical social democrat laced with serious anti-establishment tendencies — so NONE of the candidates were (or are) exciting. Well, I thought (and still think) that John Edwards was a cutie pie — he was a little bit of fun in all the noise. But oh, the puritans came after him with the burning sticks because he managed to stray from a bed that — for better or worse — wasn’t warming his cockles.

    Sorry for bad puns. Back to this. I do not like this woman. I am a woman. Why would they think that women are so insane they would blindly vote in someone based on her genitals? I am anti NRA, anti Iraq (and all war for that matter), anti-the back to the metal hanger abortions and anti Sarah.

    If I had my druthers, Ted Kennedy would be my man. But with all his health issues plus oh — dare we say it — a little accident (everybody has a bad day) years and years ago — we don’t get to vote him in. I’d be a Tedd-ite all the way.

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