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“The body is everywhere assaulted by all of our new media, a state which has resulted in deep disorientation of intellect and destabilization of culture throughout the world. In the age of disembodied communication, the meaning and significance and experience of the body is utterly transformed and distorted.”
— Dr. Eric M. McLuhan
Dear Friend and Reader:
With the astrology now moving in the direction of Sagittarius and Aquarius, the floor is open for larger questions, the kind that influence collective reality. As far as I can tell, the question of our moment is, what kind of world do we want to live in?
What kind of society? What kind of culture, and what kind of community? More than any other factor, how would it feel, to be in the place you want to be?
All of us who have been involved with spiritual paths have encountered the notion that love and fear are the two choices that we have. Inherent in this idea is the deeper reality that you make that choice. No external factor makes a person “feel safe.” That is a personal choice.
People can feel safe in the midst of actual, life-threatening danger, and can feel threatened in an environment where there are no threats whatsoever. Most of us have experienced both of these conditions, where based on the actual circumstances, we should have felt one way but instead felt another.
We have also witnessed all kinds of people taking advantage of people’s fear, whether it’s insurance salesmen or some version of Prof. Harold Hill saying that a pool table will corrupt all of the youth (therefore, hire him to fulfill the “desperate need” for a boy’s band).
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The Practical Difference Between Love and Fear
During a presumed health crisis, a loving response, designed to solve the problem, would be to help people stay calm and take care of themselves, their families and one another. A loving response would be helping make sure that people have enough of what they need during a difficult time.
Remember how much fear and anxiety there is in so many people on our planet. You could fry an egg on the usual background level of mild panic, and this year you could roast a turkey. Anxiety is used to sell and promote just about everything, from safer cars to insurance to drugs to firearms to alarm systems to, well, you name it.
For the sake of discussion, let’s assume there is a virus going around. There are several other sides to the story, all of them grounded in science, but let’s go with the official narrative for now.
During a presumed health crisis, a loving response, designed to solve the problem, would be helping people stay calm and take care of themselves, their families and one another. A loving response would be to help make sure that people have enough of what they need during a difficult time.

That would include information, food and supplies. When the president of the United States was in Walter Reed being treated by the high command of U.S. Army doctors, he was given vitamins C and D, plus zinc and melatonin. This is not widely known. I was following closely, and heard his doctors say that.
It’s also a kind of open secret that these things can and do help. By that, I mean (for example) that a feature piece on the importance of zinc in relationship to preventing coronaviruses was run just once on CNN, that I saw — it disappeared after that.
We all know the problem here. It’s not that these things are not effective. It’s that if there are effective nutritionally-based preventives, the whole vaccine push is obviated. For those who do not think that the publicity around the virus is a campaign for a vaccine, we might consider the lack of useful information about how to handle the situation we are told is real.
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Instead of Kisses, We Get Kicked
Instead, what we get are terror, distancing, masks and a new variety of rolling martial law, and the ongoing threat of a mandatory vaccine. This is fed by wall to wall propagation of fear on every cable channel, every newspaper, and many websites.
We get all the world’s multinational corporations and the rest of the 1% making billions on our struggles. Much of this involves the vaccine cartel and the rest of Big Pharma — the patent medicine business.
I have readers who favor vaccinations and who may look down on “anti-vaxxers.” I trust you will accept when I say to you that the most horrible thing that could happen to someone who opposes vaccines — for solid scientific reasons — is their children or themselves being injected with foreign substances and random viruses.
Note the lack of an actual discussion of this issue (for example, in the “news”). Instead, what we get is a constant and I do mean constant litany of claims that those who are “vaccine hesitant” are ignorant, stupid, anti-science, flat-earthers, religious zealots, dirty hippies who have read too much of Mothering magazine, or are just crazy.
Said another way, those who make vaccines are indemnified from being held liable for the damage they cause, just like the nuclear power industry.

I assure you that anyone who takes the vaccine issue seriously has done more research than any journalist or “fact checker” who is claiming they’re nuts — sometimes 10 or 20 years of reading books and scientific papers.
Sometimes they have vaccine-injured children and siblings. There are those who think there is no such thing as vaccine injury, but the Department of Health and Human Services (H.H.S.) has a special federal court of claims that pays out billions, and rejects nearly all cases. This is a “court” that does not allow discovery — that is, it does not compel the defendant, the vaccine manufacturer, to produce its documents. It does not allow juries.
A federal agency — H.H.S. — takes the heat (meaning the liability) for damage done by vaccine manufacturers, and pays out damages from the taxpayers, not corporate profits of the vaccine manufacturers. Said another way, those who make vaccines are indemnified from being held liable for the damage they cause, just like the nuclear power industry.
The reason the nuclear power industry is indemnified is that if a power plant destroys Detroit, obviously, an electric company cannot pay for it. Is the damage that serious from vaccines? These are the only two industries that are indemnified. Both are creatures of the federal government. (The virus and vaccine industry was federalized in the process of the polio vaccine and its aftermath. Indemnification happened in 1986.)
Planet Waves is supported by our Core Community. Please partake!
In short, the difference between love and fear is that between responding and reacting. It is the difference between listening and shouting.

The Difference Between Reacting and Responding
The objections, even the religious ones, are based on medical or scientific grounds. The loving response is to listen to what these individuals are saying, to do your own research, or to move on — not to kill the messenger. The reactionary response is to treat them like heretics. Putting the matter in purely self-centered terms, they may have information that will be useful and potentially life-saving to you and your family.
In short, the difference between love and fear is that between responding and reacting. It is the difference between listening and shouting. It is that between taking a loving approach to our neighbors or not. It is the difference between helping our neighbors, or being fed with (and accepting) the primal fear that they are potentially deadly even though they seem fine.
Sanity would propose that we treat this crisis like
something that has an end.
A loving society acknowledges that healthy people are healthy, and then if someone is sick, provides the care that is needed. A sane and loving society does not shame, ostracize and outcast people for wanting to talk about the supposedly scientific claims made by the government.
A sane and loving society provides companionship to its old people in care homes, rather than locking them away, banning visitors, and hastening their illness and death. A sane and loving family treats children kindly rather than as disease vectors, regardless of what CNN is saying.
Sanity would propose that we treat this crisis like something that has an end.
During this time, we have seen the rise of the corporate state, to the point where it is now seeking total power and control over every facet of existence.

Pluto in Capricorn: The Supremacy of the Corporate State
We are close to the end of Pluto in Capricorn, which began in January 2008. During this time, we have seen the rise of the corporate state, to the point where it is now seeking total power and control over every facet of existence. This is now coming to a frenzied peak with the U.S. Pluto return.
Consider this news, from Wednesday:
“Massachusetts [school] district is asking families to sign a form to attest that they will abide by the state’s safety guidelines during the holiday break.
“School authorities in Littleton, Mass., are requesting that families pledge that they will avoid traveling to locations other than low-risk states and avoid social gatherings of more than 10 people — the state’s limit.
“If parents or guardians choose not to sign the form, children will not be allowed to attend in-person classes until tested for the coronavirus.”
In one “request,” the school district is infringing upon approximately half of the Bill of Rights. This is based on the notion that perfectly healthy people are biosecurity risks. In order to see this, you just have to take it a few degrees further in its logical progression — not just to the potential end result.
Here, we are moving toward digitally pure uberman, and impure, unwashed underman.

The Local School District, Reigning From Sea to Shining Sea
The school district’s policy is so loosey-goosey, so broad and sweeping, extending from Sea to Shining Sea, and such a bald overreach of its authority (and ending with a physical intrusion), that it should make everyone nervous. Well, it will if you think about it for a second.
It is a part of a growing dragnet that will, if left unchecked, sooner or later snag everyone. Who is taking care of curriculum, supplies, and textbooks while a Massachusetts school district is enforcing what students do while on vacation? Who is actually taking care of students?
The authority of a school district ends at the edge of the school yard. This district is now claiming power over who can attend Thanksgiving — a holiday we dearly need this year. Family gatherings are being cast as potential “super spreader” events, a concept that so far as I know, exists only in computer models and is supported by the wholly fraudulent use of the PCR.
Despite a nationwide epidemic of Lyme disease, a potentially life-threatening illness, the forests are still open. Hiking is still legal. Heck, it’s legal to keep a tick farm in your house if you want.
In England, authorities are planning to place QR codes on phones as proof of vaccination, necessary to attend sporting events. In the States, Ticketmaster is proposing requiring proof of a Covid test to get into concerts. Here, we are moving toward digitally pure, free to travel uberman, and impure, unwashed underman who must stay home or only go to Walmart.
Since childhood, I have personally known many people with cancer. I know from scientific and legal sources that Roundup, an herbicide made by Monsanto, is carcinogenic. The Roundup marketing campaign marches on. It is sprayed almost everywhere, including directly into the food supply. As a journalist whose primary field is the chemical industry, I wonder why so few people care about this and dangers of the other countless thousands of chemicals approved for human contact or consumption often by fraudulent studies.
Meanwhile, almost everyone I know locally, has had or claims to have Lyme disease, which (along with its various 100 or so common co-infections) I consider a far more serious illness than what we are hearing about today. Talk about long-haulers. The forests are still open. Hiking is still legal. Heck, it’s legal to keep a tick farm in your house if you want.
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Speaking of the Bill of Rights: Of Tyrants Great and Petty
There is a reason that in the United States, we have written guarantees of our rights: a social contract with the government that we can litigate if necessary, and that largely functions as a matter of agreed-upon custom.
The reason we need this, known from long experience, is the tendency of leaders and monarchs to become tyrants. Most of us have encountered this in our personal lives at some stage: petty tyrants who try to take control of you, your finances, your children, you vicariously through your children, your home, your business, your website or your life generally.
Guarantees of freedom of religion, the press, assembly, the security of your home, your right to cross-examine an accuser, to a speedy, public trial by jury, to not house soldiers in your home, and many others, were put into the Constitution because the framers understood the tendencies of tyrants, which have not changed throughout the long course of history.
What are mistakenly called “personal liberties” are about our whole society. They are not really personal.

What are mistakenly called “personal liberties” are about our whole society. We are not free as individuals; every society has its special privileged characters. That’s not special; even under totalitarian regimes, there are some who live free. The point of a free society is that we all get to share in that. We all get to speak, to choose our religion, to make our health choices, and to relate to others as mutually desired.
Under Pluto in Capricorn, we have seen the repeated attempt to demolish these sacred contracts. Nearly every president has done damage to them, from the venerated FDR ordering Japanese-American citizens of the United States into prison camps during World War II (along with conscientious objectors to the war), to the despised Richard Nixon allowing National Guardsmen to fire on unarmed students in Ohio with impunity.
We have had “free speech” cages at political conventions (the media corps, confined into a fenced-in area), to the NSA capturing every email, text message and phone call of every citizen, in the name of national security.
I ask you: have you or anyone you have ever known been a threat to national security? You know, like Osama bin Laden?
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Internet Culture Gone Wild: Aquarius is Coming
What we have going on is the most afraid people are being led by the most manipulative actors, which is driving all of society. We are having to pander to those who are artificially terrified by over-immersion in cable news and nothing else.
I have quoted Eric McLuhan many times in this series of articles. Here you go: “The body is everywhere assaulted by all of our new media, a state which has resulted in deep disorientation of intellect and destabilization of culture throughout the world. In the age of disembodied communication, the meaning and significance and experience of the body is utterly transformed and distorted.”
What do these words really mean? The meaning and significance and experience of the body is utterly transformed and distorted.
Utterly transformed and distorted?

Hmmm, maybe it has something to do with locking bodies into their homes, rather than giving them food, nutritional supplements or good information. Maybe it has something to do with treating the body as a disease vector rather than as the vehicle of life as we know it to be. Maybe it’s the distorted idea that the whole purpose of life is preventing death, rather than living. (Now we are talking pure Atlantis.)
Internet and digital technology have taken over existence by exponential leaps over the past 20 years, and we are now paying the price for that. We have become so accustomed to having our privacy and financial security breached that we don’t care anymore. In fact, it seems natural. What was left of privacy has been violated so many times, we are convinced it cannot and does not exist. You may as well paint your Social Security number on the side of your car, like the guy on the LifeLock commercial.
Facebook has used your “likes,” your private messages, your clicks, and your activity on other websites against you and for its own profit. By that I mean selling it to organizations whose job is to sway elections, sell you stuff, and God knows who and what else. Take what I just said and multiply it by a few thousand for the full effect. Yes, all the robots know you’re interested in buying a new chair.
The way you know it’s propaganda is you are told there’s just one side to the story.

The Fear of Sickness, or the Fear of Life?
Most people do not have the tools or the curiosity to see the ways in which all of consciousness, culture, politics, social life, and everything else, are dominated by total immersion in digital technology. (You can get them if you want — here is a good place to start reading.)
This is facilitating the direct-injection propaganda campaigns that we are seeing now. The way you know it’s propaganda is that all you get are fear, anxiety, agita, stress, shame and separation. You get no actual information. This is ripping the social fabric apart. The way you know it’s propaganda is you are told there’s just one side to the story.
It would seem humans have long had a hard time with addressing the fear of life masquerading as the fear of sickness and death.
As Jupiter and Saturn enter Aquarius starting in December, we will get a test of the condition of our society. By that I mean of our social health and how well we function as adult peers. Through the decades of our lives, society has moved in increasingly authoritarian ways.
It would seem humans have long had a hard time with addressing the fear of life masquerading as the fear of sickness and death. Under Jupiter, Saturn and then Pluto in Capricorn, we either choose full-lockdown and digital prison, or we remember that we are living creatures making our lives on the surface of a living planet.
That’s true no matter what. We are still here. We get to live our lives, or play dead. That is the essential difference between love and fear.
Yours & truly,

Planet Waves is supported by our Core Community. Please partake!

Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Monday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor & Publisher: Eric F. Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. News Editor: Spencer Stevens. Assistant Editors: Anna K. Ball, Joshua Halinen. Client Services: Amy Elliott and Victoria Emory. Illustrator: Lanvi Nguyen. Senior Finance Minister, First Cavalry of the Local Economy: Andrew Slater. Archivist: Morgan Francis. Video Editor: Cate Ryzhenko. Technical Consultants: Forest Hitchcock, Joseph Villari. Media Consultant: Andrew McLuhan. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Music: Zeljko. Bodyman, Canine Handler: Kortni Binns. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Rachel Chaput, Loreen Costa, Robin Dann, Yuko Katori, Kirsti Melto, Cindy Tice Ragusa, Abby Rohrer, and Carol van Strum.
All Of Us Here – Astrology for Our Moment
In honor of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, the 2021 Planet Waves annual readings are called ALL OF US HERE. These are audio readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs.

For the next few days, we will be offering all 12 signs of ALL OF US HERE for $88.These extended audio readings will synchronize you with the astrology of the forthcoming year.
They include a video introduction wherein I describe the charts — done by Dec. 21, the day of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.
There is also a separate written reading called AN AQUARIAN ERA for $88, which covers Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Aquarius from 2021-2024 – this is available for pre-order for all 12 signs. It is your best introduction to Pluto in Aquarius (2023-2044).

Now Playing on Planet Waves FM: Full-Day Workshop with Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andy Kaufman
Listen on Planet Waves FM
Chiron Return, our nonprofit arm, publishes Covid19 News every day, in fact several times a day. We have updated about 1,000 times since we began daily publishing on March 3. This old-style news weblog takes a panoramic view of the virus situation. We offer news and viewpoints from a wide diversity of sources, science news, international reporting, videos and other resources to help you see the wide diversity of information not making it onto television or major websites. We are tracking the vaccine and testing issues carefully.
Each Friday night, Chiron Return publishes Planet Waves FM. Running since 2010, with roots into Radio Woodstock in the 1990s, Planet Waves FM covers current events, current astrology, science history, personal growth and other themes. Includes music by Vision Quest, the in-house Planet Waves orchestra.
Planet Waves publishes daily astrology and birthdays through the week. This feature includes a daily extended birthday reading and ongoing commentaries on developing astrology as it happens. Check in whenever you want — no password required.
Every week or so, I do a new edition of Planet Waves TV. Usually these focus an astrological topic or chart in detail. After initially being resistant to video, I now love doing these. The more people click on them the more I will do — and I am interested in your suggestions. The link to PlanetWaves.TV redirects to our YouTube channel for easy access. We also post to Facebook, to our front page, and include one with the weekly newsletter.
Going back to February, I’ve developed a portfolio of essays, investigative articles, videos and audio presentations on the Covid situation. These include articles about the astrology of the situation, hand sanitizer, holistic care, social critique and a wide diversity of other topics. We’ve recently added a selection of my satires, such as CDC guidance on blowing kisses. This is a truly comprehensive look at the issues, written from a worldly, nonpolitical standpoint. Here is the link.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscope for November was published on Thursday, Oct. 29. We published your extended monthly horoscope for October on Thursday, Oct. 1. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Monday Evening Horoscope #253 for November 16, 2020
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Mars is beginning to pick up speed, after a long retrograde in your sign. Both Aries and Mars prefer to leap rather than to look. Mars often acts as a speed demon. At this stage, you need a different approach. For the next three months — specifically, between now and Jan. 20 — Mars is going to form conjunctions or squares to a long list of planets. The conjunctions are personal reorientations. The squares represent challenges that you will need to face. These will seem to be environmental factors, though in the tradition of the deepest spiritual training, the labyrinth is within you, even as you walk through it. Therefore, make your pace thoughtful and meticulous. You might consider this astrological maneuver: Let Mars do its thing, while you focus on Chiron. When activated, the first thing Chiron does is flip on the lights of your inner vision. You will be presented with a healing agenda, which is a gift, though it will ask plenty of you. Mars is about activity. Chiron is about existence. So you know the old joke: are you a human doing, or a human being?
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There’s no need to push: others, or events, or the river. Let it flow. Things are going pretty well for you, which means you have the capacity to manage your time and your energy. Much that you need will be offered to you this week, so one of the first things that will help is to be open to receiving. If someone offers help, consider accepting it. Two elements are most likely to get in the way: personal insecurity, and untrue beliefs. In our time, the sense of personal inadequacy is rising to the level of a religion. It’s so predominant that those who do not feel it might experience being left out. This includes attempting to guide your life by fear, which is a form of lacking faith in yourself. Then there is untrue belief, which is taken as proven fact. Assumptions are considered the word of the lord, and often mistaken for proof. You can afford to ask deeper questions, and to demand more of yourself in one area specifically: what you accept into your mind as valid or validated, or false. Remember: the bull has two horns. Embrace the dilemma lovingly.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You are starting to see the benefits from what may have seemed like traveling an endless trail of complexity and complication. These benefits may come in an inconvenient form, or with the discovery of having reached a tolerance limit on certain matters pertaining to the intersection of sex, money and power. How you feel now is a good indication of how you actually feel, on a deeper level than you may not ordinarily acknowledge. It’s time. If you have persisted on this journey hoping for a positive outcome, I suggest you assess what has actually happened and acknowledge what you learned from yourself. You are about to embark on a whole new reality. At a certain point, the past must be the past — and you are at that point now. Going forward requires you to make peace with the past, collect what you’ve learned, and most of all, accept the truth of who certain other people actually are. This will call upon you to trust your perceptions and importantly, to trust what you’ve learned from experience.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Though others may seem to hold significant power over you, this is not true. I’m not saying they don’t want to, or that they’re not trying to. I’m talking about what is actually happening in reality. People are paying an emotional cost for their attempts to control or limit you. Given that, it’s time to wake up to your own strength, and make the decisions that you need to make. Your star is rising, and you have accomplished more than you think, even amidst various setbacks and delays. The point is, you have persisted. Give yourself credit for this much, and much more. You have stuck to your goals, and turned difficult, irritating situations into something productive. You may not have got the perfect outcome, however, that is always a work in progress. Long after Mars has moved on from your house of professional goals and your reputation, Chiron will be standing guard there. So that means that you can put all inconvenient, unusual situations to work for you. That is your mantle of leadership. The world could use more of it.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You will turn a corner this week. Therefore, do not go too fast. In fact, slow down and actually feel the road you’re on and the vehicle you’re in. That means your body, your emotions, your state of wellbeing. There may be some intense moments, and you will just need to ride them out. One important factor to work with is your relationship to time. For most people, this amounts to little more than their schedule. However, that is an externally imposed structure, even if you do the imposing. What you will benefit from is internally experiencing time as a thing you occupy and work with in a conscious way — remembering that the goal of time is not to fill it all up. Leave yourself buffers. Leave yourself unscheduled and unstructured stretches, and whole days where you don’t have to deliver something (if this is possible; even part of a day will help). Learn to use time as your ally and you will feel better about yourself and the world you live in. This year has been especially challenging for Leo. Keep on going; a new day is dawning.
Tailored for Virgo Sun and rising, this new audio reading by Eric Francis introduces you to your astrology through the autumn of 2021. We will take maximum advantage of the power you are drawing from the Earth signs at the time of your solar return: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as Uranus in Taurus. This is a grand earth trine, and the thing to do is gather momentum in the direction you want to go, and then point yourself there. Eric describes the influence of Jupiter and Saturn ingressing Aquarius later this year. The reading looks closely at Chiron in Aries, accompanied by Mars retrograde in Aries — your most important relationship house. Now with full transcript. Order now for instant access. This reading is included with the Backstage Pass.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You gain something for everything you give up. Part of what you gain is a little more freedom from certain details, and part of what you gain is an unexpected gift. This is the virtue of simplifying your life in seemingly small ways. One of the easiest techniques for that is to work with an organizing principle. This is something around which you define both your space and your priorities. Those two need to be fully integrated. For example, make space in your home, office or studio for what is important to you. This will help you focus on those particular activities. This is another way of saying make room for yourself and what you want. You do that by physically doing it. Most people try to clear time for their projects. I’m suggesting you do something physical, and clear space. This will lead to many good things, including an assessment of your priorities and removing psychic clutter as well as physical. In a nutshell, the message of your astrology is this. You cannot do too much cleaning, clearing and removing from your space what you do not need.
Notes to Myself is Ready | Astrology Studio for Libra
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Venus is in rare form this week, clearing the last degrees of Libra. Along the way, it’s making aspects to various planets in Capricorn that have proven to be the source of much travail and travesty this year. Therefore, you currently have an unusual view of what has happened to the world, and the damage that must be repaired if we are to go forward. Before you concern yourself with the Big We of the world, look after yourself and your immediate loved ones and partners. You may find yourself having some moments of insecurity this week. Do not let them bother you. When you are in any negotiation process, stand up for yourself. Do not be willing to compromise or take a loss so fast. Hold others to their commitments, firmly, politely and most definitively. The less energy you devote to your anguish and anxieties, the more you will have for all that is creative and productive.
The Scorpio File: Astrology Studio 2020
What’s in the Scorpio file? Does anyone really know? This year for your solar return, Mercury is retrograde in your sign. Adding to the mystery, Mars, your classical ruling planet, is retrograde in Aries, about to station direct. Then Jupiter forms a conjunction with Pluto, which takes the story to the level of your soul’s mission on Earth. In this 76-minute astrology reading, Eric Francis unravels the secrets of your sign, and helps you guide yourself through this strange new time we are living in. Price is $44. Original music by Vision Quest. Get instant access here!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There is such a thing as good enough. Emphasize the positive, and remember what you need — especially from people. There is an old expression, “Waste not, want not.” It is based on an earlier expression, “Waste makes woeful want.” Consider everything precious right now, including desire. Imagine that desire is something you use with precision, rather than generally. Wanting is a tool, a power, that will always get some result. Therefore, use it wisely, and with premeditation. Remember that any form of focused thought is a form of desire, and you have plenty of that going on. This is the moment to be cautious and conscious about what you allow into your mind. It’s also a time to monitor your speech, and keep your words and images positive. This is a habit of thought that can be cultivated. It’s true there is plenty to be negative about right now, which is all the more reason to emphasize what is good, what is true, what is beautiful and most of all, what is truly necessary.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may be feeling antsy these days, with the Sun making its way toward your birth sign. We live in restless times, and I suggest you go with that, and not take anything for granted. And while you’re there, do not assume that anyone has rights over you, your body, your money, or your plans. It is not easy to stick to one’s priorities even on a good day, and right now there is plenty of extra interference. Yet you simply must persist, and have faith that the rewards will be worth it. They may not be the ones you were expecting. To some extent, doing the right thing will be its own benefit — something I suggest you be grateful for every time you experience it. There is one thing you can do to help yourself: take leadership in your life and your affairs, particularly in your place of work. Be the person who does not need to be told what to do. Be the person who minds your relationships with others, and builds productive, trusting collaborations. This is leadership that is very close to you and your tight circle — the most important kind right now.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Over the next five weeks or so, considerable pressure is about to come off of your life. You may feel like you’re being cut out of a body cast, or shedding a thick skin. You will start to feel a little less squeezed, pressed or stretched, and possibly a bit more optimistic. This is not the time to make a mad dash for freedom. These are precious days between now and the Dec. 21 solstice, and the momentous conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in your neighboring sign Aquarius. Take this time and position yourself. Orient yourself. Think through what will turn out to be an important question: the matter of what kind of life you want, and what kind of society you want to be part of. Society now means community, in the most tangible sense of the idea: those with whom you spend time, and eat, and work, and build the world. You need only one basis for alignment with others: common values, including and especially work ethic. Much is about to change rapidly, and you will be in a leadership position that will mainly involve being a kind of weaver of the social and economic world that you are creating.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your chart looks like your emotional body is passing a kidney stone. You are working out something deep, which is moving through a labyrinthine psychic structure, where there are many obstacles. You may feel like you’re driven by forces you don’t understand, or are not fully aware of. If you don’t feel that way, you might tune in and inquire of yourself. Do this especially if you feel pushed, or like your environment is being overly demanding. The quality of this week is to draw you inward, to focus on your personal priorities. Whatever these relate to, take it as easy as you can — with everything. Give yourself some Zen time and space to simply do nothing, and reflect. The beauty of consciousness is that when you let it, it can get a lot done without toil or labor. A single idea can save you five steps toward a goal. A bit of reflection can guide you to erase half of your priorities from your mental blackboard, and you will feel better immediately when you do so. More than anything, remember, you don’t need to be afraid of yourself.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — All things considered, the flow of your life is going pretty well, maybe even very well if you grade on a curve. There have been stabilizing forces at work all year, mostly in the areas the most vital to you, as a Pisces — spiritual and creative. More than that, you’ve experienced some significant breakthroughs, particularly in your social reality. It’s essential now that you occupy the space you have expanded into. Move into it fully. Recognize that you have crossed an evolutionary threshold, and have entered a new phase of your life. This is an era that will be defined by cooperation and coordination, with you serving in both an organizing role and a visionary role. It’s true that in the past you’ve largely been driven by necessity, as your ruling planet Jupiter has been in Capricorn through much of 2020. Jupiter has been accompanied by Saturn, which has seemed to set some limits or at least impose structure. For this you can be grateful: as a Pisces, you only gain from working with the lessons and teachings that help you structure your life and your environment. Keep that going. Make the most of this final month of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn.