Go to the January Horoscope and Article

Dear Friend and Reader:
This month we’ll experience a real-time test of Aquarius astrology. This begins with an unusual Full Moon in Leo, followed by retrograde Mercury in Aquarius through Feb. 20. Mercury will be retrograde close to Jupiter, Saturn and the important asteroid Pallas (related to politics and law). Mercury is going to backtrack into this territory, which can serve like a review. (Mercury retrograde is the time to finish things rather than start them.)

It presents an opportunity to see things from another direction, view them internally, and to expose what may have been previously overlooked. Mercury retrograde in Aquarius represents an individual expressing dissenting views from those of the tribe.
The forthcoming Mercury retrograde is the one corresponding to the one in late winter 2020, when the entire world changed in just three weeks. At the beginning we were in the Before Times.
Then suddenly we were in the After Times: the new normal, where without any proof, every living person is considered a biosecurity hazard, and treated like one. Perfectly healthy people are now presumed to be sick with a deadly disease. You don’t need the imagination of a science fiction writer to see where this can go.
Though popularly thought of as the sign of peace and love (true for some in the individual sense, Carole King as case in point), in the collective sense Aquarius is the sign of pattern formation. The Age of Aquarius could be about an era of enlightenment, though not if we choose judgment, exclusion and ignorance. The phrase, “enlighten me” means make me aware of what can be seen in the light. Keeping oneself cloaked in darkness is the opposite of that. Fear is not peace and love. The result of fear is usually some form of war.
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Late-breaking Planet Waves TV!

Dear Friend and Reader:
Astrology Studio for Aquarius 2021 is ready. My annual reading — All of Us Here — left much unsaid, especially for Aquarius, where all of the most interesting astrology of 2021 and beyond is centered.

Your central quest is nothing less than the deepest message of your sign, which is about being the distinctly different human that you are: in the face of much pressure to give that up.
Yet as someone getting your astrology from me, not on my watch.
Aquarius is a human sign, and it is your destiny to emerge from the current crisis unscathed, in possession of your soul’s mission and purpose.
The combination of Jupiter and Saturn in your sign is a rare opportunity. It has not happened since you were much younger — way back in 1405.
Astrology Studio readings are 75 minutes, with original music, and access to last year’s recording for review. Your reading is available at the preorder price or $33 until it publishes, which will most likely be Thursday or Friday, when the price goes up to $44.
This reading will help you make sense of astrology that is widely commented upon, but that few truly understand. You may preorder here.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,

Listen to a sample of the Aquarius reading on the player below.
Get instant access to the full reading here.
PS — This reading is included with the Backstage Pass. When it is ready, it will appear on your BSP Readings feed in your personal account on the new website. If you have not established a personal account on the new site, please contact us immediately so you get your materials. Write to cs@planetwaves.net.
For those interested in the Backstage Pass, which includes all Astrology Studio and the Spring and Midyear readings, you may learn more here, or call (845) 481-5616. I answer when possible and if not, someone will get right back to you.
All of Us Here annual readings now available for instant access
“My study of astrology has in many ways been a study of history. One thing I’ve observed is that when things seem the most bleak, many of the most unusual possibilities are available.” — Eric Francis
Get instant access to your 2021 Annual Reading by Eric Francis today. Visit this link for more information.
Chiron Return, our nonprofit arm, publishes Covid19 News every day, in fact several times a day. We have updated about 1,000 times since we began daily publishing on March 3. This old-style news weblog takes a panoramic view of the virus situation. We offer news and viewpoints from a wide diversity of sources, science news, international reporting, videos and other resources to help you see the wide diversity of information not making it onto television or major websites. We are tracking the vaccine and testing issues carefully.
Each Friday night, Chiron Return publishes Planet Waves FM. Running since 2010, with roots into Radio Woodstock in the 1990s, Planet Waves FM covers current events, current astrology, science history, personal growth and other themes. Includes music by Vision Quest, the in-house Planet Waves orchestra.
Planet Waves publishes daily astrology and birthdays through the week. This feature includes a daily extended birthday reading and ongoing commentaries on developing astrology as it happens. Check in whenever you want — no password required.
Every week or so, I do a new edition of Planet Waves TV. Usually these focus an astrological topic or chart in detail. After initially being resistant to video, I now love doing these. The more people click on them the more I will do — and I am interested in your suggestions. The link to PlanetWaves.TV redirects to our YouTube channel for easy access. We also post to Facebook, to our front page, and include one with the weekly newsletter.
Going back to February, I’ve developed a portfolio of essays, investigative articles, videos and audio presentations on the Covid situation. These include articles about the astrology of the situation, hand sanitizer, holistic care, social critique and a wide diversity of other topics. We’ve recently added a selection of my satires, such as CDC guidance on blowing kisses. This is a truly comprehensive look at the issues, written from a worldly, nonpolitical standpoint. Here is the link.
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Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscope for January was published on Tuesday, Dec. 22. We published your extended monthly horoscope for December on Monday, Nov. 30. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2021 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
Introduction. This month’s readings are based on the chart for the Leo Full Moon, and on Mercury retrograde in the sign Aquarius (from Jan. 29 through Feb.20). You may read my weekly horoscope and articles by becoming a Core Community Member of Planet Waves. If you want access to my extended audio and video readings through the year, become a Backstage Pass member. For more information, call us at (845) 481-5616.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You are in one of the most financially ambitious phases of your life, though money is likely to take care of itself if you remain true to yourself. That’s not easy in a world that routinely expects people to violate their core values just to make a little money. By this I mean actually encouraging what is genuinely wrong. This works fine for people with no ethics, who do not suffer the psychological consequences. Happily, you do not qualify, so that means you face the quest of what it means to do the right thing, for your peace of mind. This does not just happen in the workplace. The new burst of Aquarius energy is leading people to think they can get others to conform with their every whim. The challenge you face is about standing out. Borrowing from the astrology to illustrate: all that Aquarius in your 11th house (groups, organizations, your immediate society) is blaring with the message that we all must do the same thing. However, Chiron in your birth sign, among other factors, is saying that you must stand up, stand out and be yourself. Listen to how terrifying people describe this as being — and it’s all a head trip. Or better said, it’s not fear of others but rather fear of oneself. Chiron will push you to never have that be something that controls your life, and this month you have much help from Mercury retrograde in Aquarius. Nothing says ‘independence of thought and action’ like Mercury — a vitally important planet to your sign Aries. Be the person you actually are, in the face of any and all pressure to deny yourself. This may seem to take courage. Really, it bestows courage.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The world is in a crisis of what psychologists are now calling ‘executive function’. This is about people not being able to show up on time, follow instructions of more than two steps, cooperate with others, set and keep basic goals, make decisions, or take responsibility for their choices. Your chart, however, has the executive function angle lit up by the most exciting astrology in a generation. However, you could be inclined to take this in theory rather than in practice. Here are a few keys to making it work for you. The first one is that you’re likely to have your own way of wanting to get things done. If you are surrounded by other people, you must use leadership, charm and confidence-building to get your way. Those are crucial elements of working with others, if you have the concept that you know needs to be implemented. To do this, you must work closely with higher-ups, as well as colleagues and those who are in a service role. To do that, you need to be a master of communication. As a Taurus, you’re not one to over-share, though I suggest you do. What to you feels like saying too much will probably be just right for everyone else. Make sure you ask people their positions on important issues, so you know where they stand, and so they know you care. One last thing: a combination of factors is suggesting that you allow your curiosity to lead you. Remember that in life as in journalism, we need to know who, what, where, when and why. Only people who ask those questions can truly be in a position of leadership. Use what you know.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Lately it seems like what we think of as existence is on a daily basis being corralled onto the internet. Whether we’re talking about school (from kindergarten to post-graduate), social life, associating with colleagues, or any form of art, this is all rapidly being reduced to computer code. People think this gives them more freedom and opens up their potential, making all kinds of new things available. That is true to a point, though not everything can be reduced to data. In effect, the internet, by which I mean the digital sphere, is a hallucination. Marshall McLuhan said way back in the 1960s that computers were LSD for the businessman. And now we are all caught in the matrix or the digital dream. I suggest you figure out where you are, and then find your way back to Earth. Do whatever you can do in the physical world. Get among others and remind yourself what eye contact and facial expressions are about. Notice how you feel when you’re in your body. To what extent is your physical existence an object of fear, and to what extent is your body a means of self-expression? How do you feel when you’re around other people? Are you afraid of them, or do you tend to trust them? Mercury retrograde in Aquarius for the next few weeks will be urging you to take part in the world of people, even if not so many are interested. Yet there’s something more relevant: what is your long-term plan? Are you signed up to go along with the new normal, or are you interested in creating the social and creative life that you want? Many obstacles are now out of the way. You have ideas. You have much more freedom than you may imagine.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There’s an old expression that it’s lonely at the top. It’s also lonely many other places these days, particularly as the world becomes more competitive and many strive to be what they think of as number one. You face a different situation, which is about using your power in ethical and honest ways. This requires growth and self-awareness that are not popular items. Most people are not willing to subject themselves to honest self-scrutiny, which comes with the necessity to change as you discover those things in you that need changing. It’s a lot of work. There are few examples of people who are willing to do this, which contributes to the illusion of isolation. Yet you are getting instructions from a deep place within yourself, if you would only listen. You’re also in the situation of being the person that people are looking to as an example, even though you may consider yourself imperfect and not necessarily ready for the role. Yet that is the nature of the human experiment. Perfection is not a value. Yet the willingness to learn, to love and to grow most certainly is a value, and it’s one that you possess on a deep level. None of this matters on a good day, when things are going according to plan. It matters when the chips are down, when there is a risk, when there is moral confusion, and when people are in pain. Trust that you’re doing better than nearly everyone, and that you have your priorities in order. Also bear in mind that many people tend to overplay their hand and exaggerate their knowledge and abilities, while others shrink from any challenge. Your true friends will tend to do neither.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Full Moon takes place in your birth sign this month, and describes you in the position of the outlier. While much of the world has been swallowed and is being digested in the belly of the beast, you remain outside of most of what you see and hear. You are on your own journey, which requires you to face the world with better tools than fear, being judgmental or resisting anything seemingly different from yourself. Fortunately, those resources exist. And fortunately, not everyone thinks the same way or believes the same thing. Yet the way to get close to people is to foster intimacy with yourself. That means recognizing you are on a distinct journey that others may not understand, which you must embrace. A journey means traveling from day to day. You do not need a planned itinerary. Rather, wake up each day and plot your destination. Account for what you must do, for what you want to do, and for what has some flexibility. If you need assistance from someone, choose someone who is cooperative and who likes being helpful. There are likely to be a lot of new people in your environment, and they are not all cut of the same cloth. You must pay attention to what they say, and what you deduce that they actually know. In all ways, strive to make your life simpler and easier. The past few years have not exactly delivered proof that this is possible, though we are now in a new day and a new phase of human history. Yet not everyone knows this. You can afford to do what so few dare to do: live for the day, each and every day.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You are blessed to have a purpose. I suggest you gather wood and tend the fire of your purpose all the time, day and night, in whatever weather. You may be starting small, as all natural things do. What matters is your quality of attention. What matters more is cultivating your experience of devotion. This includes your commitment to learning, and putting what you learn to good use. You may feel like The Hermit, holding a light on top of the mountain, though remember that the light is within you. The path that you are on comes with many questions, many of which surround whether what you do is really useful, or whether it will serve you or others in the long run. There is only one way to answer those questions, which is through a process of experience and observation. You cannot assume you know the ultimate outcome, for that is to deny yourself the beauty of discovery. In that context, it would be wise to focus less on ultimate goals and more on the process of how you get wherever you’re going, or doing whatever you’re doing. Keep notes, remember the recipes that work, and write down the dates of discoveries and new formulations. Think of yourself as a young herbalist who is suddenly placed in a community of people who need your services; at the same time, you have not yet mastered your work. This is the perfect place to be, as long as you balance caution and courage, which is the same as balancing your knowledge with the need to experiment. You will make mistakes; what matters is that you learn from them. That’s the best definition of success that I know of.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Amidst much other notable astrology, let’s start with Chiron in your opposite sign Aries. This is providing you with a focal point, in a world where everything seems to be going out of control. In the simplest terms, that focal point is that there is such a thing as meaning. This comes through two sources: people who serve your interests, primarily as teachers or mentors; and then from your ability to recognize patterns in your environment. That is all this elusive thing called meaning really comes down to — when set in the context of personal relevance. Chiron is focusing your attention on healing. This is happening in a time when the chaos of the world is being driven by the fear of sickness and death. Anyone could be driven to madness or illness by soaking in this environment, and I have no doubt that much of what is happening is based on over-immersion in fear, chaos and meaninglessness. Take the opportunity to learn from those who have ideas, and who set a wholesome example. At this time in your life, one or two such relationships will keep you grounded in your purpose and in your sanity. You will also be able to learn how to serve others. The quality that you’re looking for is fearlessness when it comes to approaching the challenges of life. This is exceedingly rare, so it should stand out from all the glare and noise. And of course, you would need to understand that the lack of fear, and the refusal to be ruled by it, is not about being a fool. It’s about having a holistic understanding of life, which above all else you need to embrace. The whole is far greater than the sum of the parts, and the particles.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Who you choose to relate to has never been more important. Emphasize those who are genuinely helpful. Sidestep those who serve to disrupt your peace of mind. This includes aggressive people, as well as those whose primary orientation is their anger. This can take many forms, from the types of depression that are merely a mask placed over suppressed rage, to what is wrongly called passive aggression. (That calls for an example: those who screw you up on a regular basis but make it seem like it was merely circumstances outside their control.) Reject any approach that begins with some form of ‘you suck’, remembering how often people fall for these; negging works because people expect it and take it as a compliment. It is not. The question to ask yourself is this: how do you feel after you’ve spent time with someone? How do you feel the next day? Are you more or less productive? Speaking of — matters related to health, and work, and where the two intersect must remain at the top of your priorities. Conduct a health and safety audit on all matters related to your workplace, your workspace and your daily workflow. How is the air? How are the vibes? Do you get enough light? Are you bored, or interested? Are you sitting in the right kind of chair? Most significantly, do you have any way of expressing yourself through the work that you do? Your true profession must be a balance of service and the ability to do something that is genuinely your own. These are not absolutes and perfection is usually an unattainable value. Yet there is a range of what is acceptable, which is the first thing to strive for.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You will not want to rush into any decisions, as you’re involved in a long process of thinking, review, and rethinking. You may not be a patient person by nature, though this would be a good time to practice. This is not the patience of waiting for something, but rather the type called for during a process of experimenting and analysis. Slow down your process of coming to conclusions, and practice holding your mind open and suspending judgment. The easiest way to do this is to engage in a process of conscious observation, particularly of people, and also of how you relate to them. Have as many conversations in person as possible, as close to your home as possible. You probably don’t live in Mayberry where you’re on a first-name basis with the postal clerk, but do as much of that as you can; this will feed your thought process. You will learn things on your feet that you won’t learn in your seat. You of all people cannot withstand the dehumanization process that humanity is currently being put through. And you hold some of the keys to undoing its worst effects. Yet to be effective you need to be informed and involved in your community, in the most direct senses of those ideas. Mercury retrograde through Aquarius the next few weeks will encourage you to step out of abstract mode and into what is measurable, physical and tangible. You seem to struggle with trust more than most people, and more than you need to; what humanity is going through right now would be different were we more open and willing to accept one another as who we are. So pay attention and suspend judgment. Only then is learning possible.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are fast approaching the time to make some important financial moves, but not with Mercury retrograde in Aquarius. Now is the time for due diligence. That means conducting research, checking references and knowing more than anyone around you. However, there are two things more important: knowing when you don’t know, and disproving your theories. Be bold about being wrong. Use this approach especially when you assess your priorities. You need to know what is true for you on the most elemental level, so that you understand the basis for all of your decisions. This getting to the bottom of things has been a theme of Pluto in your sign for the past 13 years, and it is not quite over. You are starting to get ahead of your insecurities, though you’re not fully there yet. If you notice a fear response to a nonthreatening situation, it’s important to notice your state of mind rather than to suppress it. You are still way too influenced by what you think that others think, and what you believe others believe. Certain events in your family history have injured your self-confidence, and those are bubbling to the surface. These issues do not heal by magic. For most people, it does not heal, ever, and you cannot allow yourself to be one of them. Confidence is what stands between you and the life that you want. That means learning how to think for yourself, which is rarely ever encouraged even in times when individuality and self-actualization exist as options in public consciousness. People will almost always default to the ‘safe’ option, without considering whether it actually bestows any protection — and at what cost.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Fire your public relations team and speak for yourself. Forget your identity and be yourself. The turning point moment of your life is an experiment for which you must be flexible and spontaneous, though you’re also in line to learn the art of follow-through. You may start many things now that you don’t ultimately complete, so be careful that you develop your best ideas. The great virtue of Aquarius is its ability to have a new concept. The pitfall of Aquarius is a struggle with being adaptable, willing to learn, and willing to be wrong. Think of intelligence as being more about curiosity and less about certainty. With Mercury retrograde in your sign, that translates to curiosity about yourself. You may be investing time and energy into learning different systems of self-knowledge, which can be beneficial. Yet the thing you want to understand above all else is what motivates you. Notice what pushes you to make choices, take action, and to prefer certain people and things over others. Notice your habits. This is an excellent time to be shifting the ways you are habituated, and rather than form new fixed patterns, form new flexible ones. Place your life into manual mode rather than automatic. This is not going to be as easy as it seems, as we are being conditioned to think and conduct ourselves like the robots who dominate our lives. Far from being a conscious process, this has soaked us from the bottom, with phrases like “rewired,” “hard wired,” “reprogramming,” “rebooting,” and even “system upgrade” being used to refer to humans. Natural biological beings have no wires or operating systems, and that includes you. Invest in your humanity and nothing else.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The time is long overdue for you to pull in and get to know yourself again. The events of recent years have felt like being hung out to dry. There was a time not long ago when only a select few real estate agents had their photo on the little ads in shopping carts. Now all of social life has been thrown inside out. Privacy is now a concept so far-gone that nobody understands it and few remember what it was like to be in the space of your own thoughts and feelings without the whole world invited to spectate. The alignment of planets newly in Aquarius is calling you within yourself in a way you have not experienced in years — perhaps many of them. Respond to this invitation in tangible ways: principally, less time online, more time alone, and more time in one-to-one company. Sleep more. Go places where there are not so many people, or where you can be alone outside of your house. And I suggest you stop taking on new tasks, projects or assignments, and focus instead on advancing or completing one or two long-term goals. Part of being interior means honoring what is true for you, and giving yourself what you need. These things are unlikely to have much in the way of outer manifestations, at least for now, and that is part of their virtue. Interior space means honoring what is meaningful primarily to you. The past year has run all of us ragged to some greater or lesser degree. We are being subjected to a new propaganda campaign every day. Treatment from society and many individuals qualifies as brutally abusive. Step back and take care of your spiritual needs. You are, after all, a Pisces.