Dear Friend and Reader:
There is something missing from the world right now, which is good therapy. Well, not entirely missing, but rare to find. Since the 1980s, therapy traditions have degraded and mostly been replaced by drugs — yet the modality of therapy remains an urgent need.
And I think it’s necessary now more than ever, with so many people thrown into a crisis over how to handle the changes in society, and figuring out what to do with their lives.

Both social and economic situations are stressful — and many people need encouragement and guidance.
More than anything, I see a need for spiritual grounding in all that we do.
Much astrology is about prediction and speculation. My astrology readings are based on a guided self-therapy model, and my newest is called All Of Us Here.
Astrology with a Therapy Ethos
Serving all of the Sun and rising signs, these are 90-minute readings that offer experienced astrological guidance, as well as an ethos rooted in some of the best methods developed in the 20th century: Hakomi, Gestalt and Holistic therapies, and A Course in Miracles.
Good therapy never tells you what to do. Rather, it presents you with options, and an opportunity for self-reflection.
Then these methods are enhanced by the visionary power of astrology, as I use it, through the healing lens of Chiron.
Right now state of mind means more than ever. You will generally see your mental and emotional condition reflected in the world around you.
In a changing world, your perspective is the difference between open doors and closed; between seeing possibilities and there seeming to be none. Your self-perception is the difference between thinking you are worthy of a better life, and better relationships, or not.
Work Is Very Important Right Now
I am guiding people to use the total shakeup/shakedown of the economy as an opportunity to find their right livelihood. While the Great Reset is demolishing some things, it is also creating opportunities for those who would take them.
As someone who has excelled in being myself in my work, I am here to share all of what I have learned about that — and how to use astrology for maximum advantage in the process.
A few minutes ago as I began writing this, I received the following letter from a customer named Alison:
I’m writing to express my gratitude for All Of Us Here, the Leo edition. To say the last three years have been challenging for me is an understatement and this reading brought me tremendous peace of mind. Not only that, it feels like you handed me a little toolbox I can use to put the pieces of my life back together. Thank you so much for the work you do. On more than one occasion, simply knowing you’re committed to us — your fellow humans and clients — and the fact you show up for us every day, helped me do the same in my life. What a gift!
One great thing about All Of Us Here is that you get 12 sessions for about half the price of the average therapy session. These are annual readings that will serve you all year and for years to come. They are available as single signs, and as all 12 signs. You will find both options at this link.
Thank you for taking advantage of my work, and any other way we at Planet Waves may be of service.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,