Planet Waves

INTELLIGENCE: Your 2019-2020 Annual by Eric Francis
How can we tap into our ability to find creative solutions to problems? How can we envision, design and create a better future than the one we seem to be heading for? How can we handle our personal growth in a way that is sensitive and efficient? The answer is intelligence.
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Cancer This Month (June 21-July 22) -- Move forward with your plans no matter what is going on in the world, or in your life; no matter what people say, or what you believe is possible. Many factors are conspiring to enhance your potency and influence, as well as to drive your sense of mission. You know what you want to do, and simply that you must. That is a good place to be, since hesitancy is such a waste of time. Yet as much as you bring determination and creativity, you're a source of inspiration. This is based on the way in which you have a tap into another level of reality. It's true that everyone has access to the same things you do. The difference is that you strongly identify with this thing some call the "higher self." You don't have, or need, a division between who you are every day, and who you are in truth. And as such, you teach, demonstrate and propagate the idea that these seeming level-differences are fictional. You can, therefore, live your truth every day. That means the things you do and create, the choices you make, and the connections you form, are all sourced and nourished by your divine source, which you know is the essence of who you are. Therefore, let no obstacle stand in your way. Let no person intimidate you. Let nothing deter you from your chosen course in life.

Get your full Cancer INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.

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