Planet Waves

INTELLIGENCE: Your 2019-2020 Annual by Eric Francis
How can we tap into our ability to find creative solutions to problems? How can we envision, design and create a better future than the one we seem to be heading for? How can we handle our personal growth in a way that is sensitive and efficient? The answer is intelligence.
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Taurus This Month (April 19-May 20) -- Usually you are someone who values your privacy and is not interested in too much public exposure. Lately though, you seem to be thriving on being known for who you are, and the reward is a new kind of self-confidence that will be helpful and informative. Concealing your reality consumes energy; revealing your inner truth will have a way of refreshing your soul. In many respects, this is an experiment. The more you open up, the more you discover who you are, and who you are not. That's the thing about being truthful: you get to peel back one layer at a time, and make observations about yourself that may be uncomfortable. At times, you may feel like a phony, or awkward, or like your deepest vulnerabilities are being exposed. This is not like a walk down the red carpet, though. What you're doing is transcending image rather than indulging in it. The things being peeled off, and the sense of awkwardness, are all about what is not real or true, and seeking contact with your deeper layers. Image: that's a serious problem our world faces, as is people believing their own press releases, and acting as their own publicity agents. You can happily forget all that now. All that counts is who you are inside, and that being the only thing you're interested in anyone else knowing about. Therefore, you can push your limits. You can be brash. You can say ouch. You can let your love out.

Get your full Taurus INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.

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