Planet Waves

INTELLIGENCE: Your 2019-2020 Annual by Eric Francis
How can we tap into our ability to find creative solutions to problems? How can we envision, design and create a better future than the one we seem to be heading for? How can we handle our personal growth in a way that is sensitive and efficient? The answer is intelligence.
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Aries This Month (March 20-April 19) -- You may be figuring out that your relationships follow different patterns from the ones you or the world think are normal. Of course there is no such thing, though something unusual about you and your nature has been dawning on you. Society makes a big drama about accepting that one is different, though in reality everyone is different. At the moment and for the foreseeable future, certain qualities of your nature are emerging in high contrast to some past expectation that you had. You are awakening in ways you have long aspired to, but could never seem to focus and do something with. Your current astrology describes you as a channel of service to others, particularly in the realm of intimate relationships. This is likely to include a close partner, though anyone could be involved. Every contact, every discussion, every observation you make, is designed to teach you something about the nature of your relationships. Our society is in crisis on a deeply personal level, being ascribed to "gender identity." This layer is a scrim that's veiling the deeper issue, which involves trust and the fear of intimacy. The kind of contact you want transcends obligation and expectation. The role you play in the lives of certain people close to you is to be attentive to their needs and desires, while seeking an understanding of yourself. These are elements of the same equation: the submissive element is, at this time, essential to cultivating your self-understanding.

Get your full Aries INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.

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