Planet Waves

INTELLIGENCE: Your 2019-2020 Annual by Eric Francis
How can we tap into our ability to find creative solutions to problems? How can we envision, design and create a better future than the one we seem to be heading for? How can we handle our personal growth in a way that is sensitive and efficient? The answer is intelligence.
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Scorpio This Month (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- This is the springtime of your life. No matter what your chronological age, you have tapped into a wellspring of youth, of vital force, of creative potency. This, you can express any way you want -- that is the whole point. Your creativity is yours to explore, to feel, and to grow. Without being too simplistic here, fully taking possession of this fact is the purpose of all psychology, spirituality, empowerment or whatever you want to call it. Your life is yours, to create what you want. You are the dreamer of the dream of your incarnation. You are also the one who gets the benefits or any other results of your dreams. Therefore, it's vital to think of your life as a creative process at this juncture, rather than as a matter of fate, destiny or random chance. But here is the caveat, now and for the foreseeable future. When you open up your creative and erotic potential, you encounter old issues that may frighten you or seem to warn you off. Addressing those concerns is what you might think of as the price of admission. Some of the material will be very old. Some will involve your ancestors. Other elements will seem to be mingled with society and its current obsessions. The point of art is almost always to assist the artist in becoming a more fully integrated individual, who is aware of and embracing their humanity. We could very simply say: you are not the victim of your own creative power.

Get your full Scorpio INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.

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